Machines and Tooling in Forming Technology
Within the scope of the lecture, the forming machines and tools required for the processes covered in the "Forming Technology" lecture - limited to the so-called second manufacturing stage, i.e. the production of discrete parts - are discussed in more detail. In the area of forming machines, the focus is on energy-controlled, load-controlled and stroke-controlled presses as well as current developments in servo presses. Regarding the topic of forming tools, aspects such as tool design, tool materials and tool manufacturing are addressed in this lecture. In particular, issues of service life of tools, tool load and strength as well as the possibilities for wear reduction and improvement of fatigue strength are also covered. Besides the fundamental knowledge, current developments, e.g. in the areas of tool reinforcement, materials and coating systems, will also be presented.
If you have questions regarding the lecture please contact Jonas Neumann (M. Sc.).