Nock, Marco
Dr. Marco Nock
No projects found.
Determination of contact stresses in the boundary area considering elastomere-pad bending as example
In: Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP 2005 , , , :
Diesseits und jenseits der Umformtechnik
In: Lange währt die Umformtechnik, 2004, p. 23-37
, , :
Elastomere-Pad Bending of Tubes for Reaching High Residual Formability
ESAFORM 2004 (Trondheim)
In: Stören, S. (ed.): ESAFORM 2004, Proceedings of the 7th ESAFORM Conference, Trondheim, Norway 2004
, :
Manufacturing Science Ensures Competence and Future
In: COMA 2004, Proceedings of the International Conference on Competetive Manufacturing, Stellenbisch, South Africa 2004
, :
Simulative Optimization of the Rubber Pad Bending
In: Ghosh, S.; Castro, J.M.; Lee, J.K. (ed.): NUMIFORM 2004, Materials Processing and Design. Proceedings of the NUMIFORM 2004
Modelling of a Flexbile Tube Bending Technology Using an Elastomere Tool
COMA 2004 (Stellenbisch)
In: Dimitrov, D. (ed.): COMA 2004, Proceedings of the International Conference on Competetive Manufacturing, Stellenbisch, South Africa 2004 , :
Flexible spatial forming of a tube using an elastomere tool
In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): ICAFT 2003, 10. Sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik SFU, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology 2003 , :
Flexible Kinematic 3D-bending of Tubes and Profiles
In: Kiuchi, M. (ed.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity 2002 , :