Technical Equipment

Besides the human being the technical equipment is a most important factor for scientific copacity of a institute. Excellent research in different fields of interest always demands for an equipment at the current state of the art. Therefor the Institute of Manufacturing Technology has continously enriched its spatial and apparative equipment from a rather scarce start. Most of the necessary investments were financed through third-party funding. Today about 2000m2 of office, lab and workshop space is available including broad and modern equipment. In order to efficiently use the available machine tools construction and tool manufacturing are essentialparts of the insititute's routine.
Forming Machine Tools
- Multi-acting hydraulic presses
Nominal force 1000kN - 6300kN - Electro-mechanical testing machines
Nomial force 10kN - 400kN - Stamping press BSTA50-95B2
(Loan by Bruderer AG) - Servohydraulic testing machine
Gleeble 3500 - High pressure unit
pmax 2000 bar, temperatures up to 250°C - Toggle press MKN 1-63/6
Punching force 63t - Biaxial testing machine for determination of yield locus diagrams
- Testing machine for determination of forming limit diagrams at room and elevated temperatures
- Bending machine
- Rotary bending machine
- Industrial robots
Kuka IR365 and Kuka KR 30/L15 - Flexible rolling system, Fa. Schnupp
- Extensive self-constructed systems and tools
Additive Manufacturing
- Additive Manufacturing Lasertec 30 SLM, 600 W laser system, DMG Mori
- Fully automated manufacturing cell to link additive manufacturing and forming
- 3D-Drucker Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle
Heat Treatment
- Hot-Wall Retort Furnace NR 40/11, Fa. Nabertherm
- Convection Chamber Furnace N120, Fa. Nabertherm
- Chamber Furnace TL1200, Fa. Thermal Technology
- Chamber Furnaces in in several sizes and configurations
- Laserline Diode laser LDM 3000-100 with optical zoom and homogenization optics, Laserline
- Laserline Diode laser LDL 160-1500 1,5 kW
Fa. Laserline - Optotools Diode laser OTF210 210 W
Fa. Optotools
Production / Tool Manufacturing
- 4KW CO2 Laser TruLaser Cell 7020
- 5-Axis Milling Machine
- CNC-lathe
- CNC precision milling and drilling machine
- Electrodischarger
- Micro Electrical Discharge Machine
- Plane Profile Grinder
- Marking laser TruMark Station 5000, Fa. Trumpf
Identification / Materials Testing / Metrology
- Optical 3D-deformation measurement systems ARAMIS und ARGUS, GOM mbH
- Servohydraulic testing machine for fatigue tests
- Strip drawing test rig, temperable
- Infrared camera system FLIR SC7600
- Optical deformation measurement system Me-Go
- Extensive equipment for temperature-, force-, displacement- and torque measuring
Metrology Lab
- Topography measurement machines
optical and tactile - Dimensional accuracy & surface finish measurement
InfiniteFocusG5 plus - 3D-Scanning systems ATOS and TRITOP
- Coordinate Measurement Machine
Leitz PMM 654 - Universal and micro hardness testing machines
Metallographic Lab
- Scanning electron microscope Merlin Gemini 2 VP Compact 6143
- DSC analysis machine
- Microscopes
- Grinding machines and polishers
- Machines for cutting and preparation
Information Technology
- Windows PC network
- Suse Linux network
- CAD-, Expert-, Software-Engineering-Systems
- FE-Simulation-Software
- LS-Dyna
- Autoform
- Forge
- PamStamp
- Simufact