Conception of an adaptive process chain for mechanical joining - Mechanical Joining 4.0
Funding period:
Start: 1. November 2018
Ende: 30. April 2021
Within the project it is investigated how data from the manufacturing process of sheet metal assemblies can be used to detect batch and process fluctuations and to adapt subsequent processes in order to reduce the influence of deviations resulting from the manufacturing process. For this purpose, the process data are correlated with the semi-finished product and component properties in order to identify cross-correlations. The focus at the LFT is on the forming of sheet metal components. The subsequent clamping and joining processes are investigated at the Fraunhofer IGP in Rostock and the LWF in Paderborn, respectively. The networking of the individual process steps is based on a comprehensive exchange of data and the definition of suitable data formats
Funding period:
Research groups
Consideration of the manufacturing history of sheet metal components for the adaptation of a clinching process
In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications (2022), p. 146442072210775
ISSN: 1464-4207
DOI: 10.1177/14644207221077560 , , , , , , , :
Determination of the properties of semi-finished parts in blanking processes
International Deep-Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2020) (Busan, 26. October 2020 - 30. October 2020)
In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/967/1/012009
, , , :
Vernetzte Fertigung - Berücksichtigung der Herstellungshistorie von Blechbauteilen beim Fügen durch Umformen
In: wt Werkstattstechnik - Online 110 (2020), p. 677-683
ISSN: 1436-4980
DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2020-10 , , , , , , :