Berücksichtigung funktionsrelevanter Gestaltabweichungen bei der Auslegung von Umformprozessen zur Herstellung von Stirnrädern mit Sonderverzahnung durch Fließpressen
Funding period:
Start: 1. April 2016
Ende: 31. March 2023
The subproject TP4 is part of the DFG research group 2271 - process-oriented tolerance management with virtual validation methods.
In order to achieve an integrated tolerance management, it is necessary to consider not just the process-related causes of geometric component deviations but also the deviations resulting from operation. The aim of the subproject is to identify variables influencing the operational behavior of extruded gears in the material pairing metal-plastic and to derive functional relationships between the process-related component properties and the resulting wear behavior of the pairing. Based on these findings, an operation-optimized design of the extrusion process for the production of ready-to-use gears is to be carried out and compliance with the function-relevant tolerances over the service life is to be ensured. Within the framework of the research group's overall objectives, an important contribution is made to accomplish a holistic approach within process-orientated tolerance management.
The project is based on the findings of the first funding period. During this period, the focus was on the identification of influencing variables and process-related fluctuations and its effects on the geometric accuracy and mechanical properties of steel gears produced by full forward extrusion. For this purpose, the impact extrusion process was mapped using the finite element method and a reference process was designed. The FEM model has been validated by forming experiments. The validated model was then used to identify influencing variables on the component and process side. The effects of process-related fluctuations on the resulting geometric and mechanical component properties were investigated by further forming tests. From the results, a process window was derived to ensure compliance with the functionally relevant tolerances.
In the second funding period, the effects of the process-related geometric, mechanical and tribological properties of extruded gears on geometric deviations as a result of the characteristic wear behavior of the metal-plastic material pairing during operation will be investigated. The resulting decrease in tooth width limits the adherence to the tolerances as well as the lifetime of the pairing due to tooth wear. The investigations regarding the wear behavior of the material pairing metal-plastic of the first funding period show that the properties of the metallic partner have a significant influence on the wear of both gears. Against this background, the choice of the gear material and the specific adaptation of the application-relevant component properties of the gearing within the extrusion process offer potential. Within the framework of the sub-project, the essential wear mechanisms within the material pairing are identified and the application-relevant component properties of the metallic gearing are determined on a transmission test bench. Finally, recommendations regarding the operationally optimized design of extrusion processes are derived and verified.

Funding period:
Research groups
Teilprojekt 4: Berücksichtigung funktionsrelevanter Gestaltabweichungen bei der Auslegung von Umformprozessen zur Herstellung von Stirnrädern mit Sonderverzahnung durch Fließpressen
In: Sandro Wartzack (ed.): Abschlussbericht DFG-Forschungsgruppe FOR 2271, 2. Phase.Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden, Erlangen: FAU University Press, 2023, p. 85-112
ISBN: 978-3-96147-660-2
DOI: 10.25593/978-3-96147-660-2
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In: Applied Sciences 12 (2022), Article No.: 270
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Influence of Metal Flank Hardness of Machined and Cold Forged Gears on Wear within a Metal-Polyamide Gear Pair and Targeted Process Adaptation
In: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2022)
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In: Sandro Wartzack (ed.): Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020, Erlangen: 2020
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In: Sandro Wartzack (ed.): Beiträge zur 4. Summer School 2020 , , , , :
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