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2024 2024 Journal Articles
Hetzel, A., Wituschek, S., Römisch, D., Sippel, F., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Investigation on the load-bearing capacity and joint formation of hybrid functional components joined by orbital forming . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering .
März, R., Hetz, P., Bartels, D., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Characterization of an additively manufactured coating using an upsetting test with miniaturized cylindrical specimen . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications .
Römisch, D. (2024). Join sheet Metal with cold-Extruded Pins . Assembly , 67 (7).
Rigas, N., & Merklein, M. (2024). Development of a novel forming tool for the production of high-strength aluminum components with tailored properties . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1307 , 012020.
Wituschek, S., Römisch, D., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Investigation on the limp properties of formed foils for hydrogen applications . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1307 .
Wituschek, S., Elbel, L., & Lechner, M. (2024). Influence of the process time on a self-piercing riveting process with tumbling kinematic . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering , 0 (0).
Prakash, V., Digavalli, R.K., Lenzen, M., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2024). Numerical simulation of sheet metal forming of an Al-Mg alloy incorporating plane strain properties in the yield criterion . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 238 (3), 373-384.
Rigas, N., Lypchanskyi, O., Prahl, U., & Merklein, M. (2024). Ultrasound-assisted material characterization: An innovative method for the non-destructive in-situ detection of microstructural changes of high-strength aluminum alloys . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 325 , 1-12.
Vogel-Heuser, B., Vicaria, A., Ji, F., Höfgen, J., Jäckisch, M., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). A lightweight sensor ontology for supporting sensor selection, deployment, and data processing in forming processes . Production Engineering .
Gao, R.X., Krüger, J., Merklein, M., Möhring, H.C., & Váncza, J. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing: State of the art, perspectives, and future directions . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology .
Cao, J., Bambach, M., Merklein, M., Mozaffar, M., & Xue, T. (2024). Artificial intelligence in metal forming . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology .
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2024). Corrosion behaviour of self-piercing riveted joints with uncoated rivets in high nitrogen steel . Production Engineering .
Kuball, C.-M., Uhe, B., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2024). Cross-process chain influence of process variations in self-piercing riveting with regard to semi-finished product dimensions . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes , 9 , 1 - 13.
Leicht, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Influence of material in sheet-bulk metal forming from coil . Production Engineering .
Popp, J., & Drummer, D. (2024). Influence of the Textile Reinforcement on the Joint Formation of Pin-Joined Composite/Metal Parts . Applied Composite Materials .
Leicht, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Numerical and experimental investigation of extrusion processes from coil . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture .
Hetz, P., & Merklein, M. (2024). Numerical springback prediction for high-strength aluminum alloys based on the sheet metal upsetting test . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture .
Orgeldinger, C., Reck, M., Seynstahl, A., Rosnitschek, T., Merklein, M., & Tremmel, S. (2024). Process-Integrated Component Microtexturing for Tribologically Optimized Contacts Using the Example of
the Cam Tappet—Numerical Design, Manufacturing, DLC-Coating and Experimental Analysis . Lubricants , 12 (8). Conference Contributions
Naumann, D., & Merklein, M. (2024). Impact of optical strain rate controlling on the determination of mechanical sheet metal properties . In Proceedings of the 6th MATFEM Conference . Hohenkammer, DE.
Risse, J.H., & Merklein, M. (2024). Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties During Hot Stamping of a Complex Phase Steel Carburized at Elevated Temperatures . In Jens Hardell, Daniel Casellas (Eds.), Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 1-7). Nashville, Tenn., USA: AIST.
Naumann, D., & Merklein, M. (2024). Influence of an optical strain rate controlled tensile testing method on mechanical properties of sheet metals . In Material Forming The 27th International ESAFORM Conference -On Material Forming . Toulouse, FR: MRF.
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Analysis of Multiaxial Tensile Stresses in Cold Forging Tools . In Jan Kusiak, Łukasz Rauch, Krzysztof Regulski (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 1-9). Kraków, POL: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Neumann, J., Kappis, L., Lontsi, S.T.-N., Ludwig, J.-P., Ramaiya, U.B., Scharr, C.,... Merklein, M. (2024). An approach for a metamodel-based consideration of a process chain when mechanically joining sheet metal components . In Proceedings of the 15th Forming Technology Forum . Ohlstadt, DE.
Latif, A., Ingarao, G., Fratini, L., Hetz, P., & Merklein, M. (2024). Assessing single and multi-step friction stir consolidated recycled billets through uniaxial upsetting test . In Anna Carla Araujo, Arthur Cantarel, France Chabert, Adrian Korycki, Philippe Olivier, Fabrice Schmidt (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 2829-2838). Toulouse, FRA: Association of American Publishers.
Reblitz, J., Zettl, B., Seynstahl, A., Orgeldinger, C., Tremmel, S., & Merklein, M. (2024). Evaluation of the friction and wear behavior of a-C:H coatings for lubricant-reduced sheet metal forming . In Danuta Szeliga, Krzysztof Muszka (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 663-673). Krakow, POL: Association of American Publishers.
Reck, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Forming of lightweight helical gears by means of sheet-bulk metal forming . In Materials Research Forum LLC (Eds.), (pp. 113-122).
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Influence of Materials and Its Conditions on Pin-Extrusion from Sheet Metal . In Katia Mocellin, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Régis Bigot, Tudor Balan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 389-397). Mandelieu-La Napoule, FR: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Leicht, M., Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2024). Investigation of Measures for Material Flow Control for a Backward Extrusion of Geared Components from Coil . In Katia Mocellin, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Régis Bigot, Tudor Balan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 32-42). Mandelieu-La Napoule, FRA: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
He, F., & Merklein, M. (2024). Investigation of the Tribological Impact of the Tool Radius on a Strip Drawing Test Rig With Redirection . In Daniel Casellas, Jens Hardell (Eds.), 9th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel, CHS2 2024 - Proceedings (pp. 270-275). Nashville, TN, US: Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH.
Schirdewahn, S., Carstensen, N., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2024). Laser implantation of titanium-based particles into hot stamping tools for improving the tribological performance during hot sheet metal forming . In Katia Mocellin, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Régis Bigot, Tudor Balan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (pp. 301-309). Mandelieu-La Napoule, FR: Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Reihani, A., Badroosian, D., Heibel, S., Schweiker, T., & Merklein, M. (2024). Simulation-Based Investigation of the Heat Exchange Within a Partial Hot Stamping Process . In Katia Mocellin, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Régis Bigot, Tudor Balan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 116-123). Mandelieu-La Napoule, FRA: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Hetzel, A., Biburger, M., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2024). Tailored Heat Treatment Strategy for the Orbital Forming of Functional Components from EN AW-7075 . In Katia Mocellin, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Régis Bigot, Tudor Balan (Eds.), (pp. 702-712). Cham: Springer.
Biallas, A., & Merklein, M. (2024). Evaluation of Crack Propagation During Cyclic Bending of Wire Strip . In Katia Mocellin, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Régis Bigot, Tudor Balan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (pp. 183-192). Mandelieu - La Napoule, FR: Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. Thesis
Jobst, A. (2024). Eigenspannungen beim Voll-Vorwärts-Fließpressen – Entstehung, Einstellung und Stabilität (Dissertation).
Rohrmoser, A. (2024). Erarbeitung eines grundlegenden Verständnisses zum Fließpressen betriebsangepasster Verzahnungen für den Einsatz in der Materialpaarung Metall-Kunststoff (Dissertation).
Kraus, M. (2024). Grundlagenwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Kaltfließpressen kleinster metallischer Pin-Strukturen aus der Blechebene (Dissertation).
Kuball, C.-M. (2024). Fundamental investigations on the forming of semi-tubular self-piercing rivets made of high strain hardening materials (Dissertation).
Göddeke, B. (2024). Methode zur Auswahl eines alternativen Blechwerkstoffes für flexibel gewalzte und direkt warmumgeformte Karosseriestrukturbauteile (Dissertation).
Hafenecker, J. (2024). Systematic Investigation on the Sheet Metal Forming of Hybrid Components (Dissertation).
Wiesenmayer, S. (2024). Untersuchungen zur Stoffflusssteuerung beim Fügen durch Umformen von hochfesten Aluminiumlegierungen mittels lokaler Kurzzeitwärmebehandlung (Dissertation).
Schirdewahn, S. (2024). Verbesserung des tribologischen Einsatzverhaltens im Presshärteprozess durch Verwendung maßgeschneiderter laserimplantierter Werkzeugoberflächen (Dissertation).
Killmann, M. (2024). Vorspannung und Ermüdung von Kaltmassivumformwerkzeugen für unrunde Bauteilgeometrien (Dissertation). 2023 2023 Authored Books
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., Duflou, J., Fratini, L., Evangelista Martins Prado, G.M., Meschut, G., & Micari, F. (2023). Sheet Metal 2023 . Material Research Forum. Journal Articles
Fröck, H., Graser, M., Reich, M., Lechner, M., Merklein, M., & Kessler, O. (2023). Numerical modelling of the process chain for aluminium Tailored Heat-Treated Profiles . Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences , 10 (1).
Bernard, A., Kruth, J.P., Cao, J., Lanza, G., Bruschi, S., Merklein, M.,... da Silva, E.J. (2023). Vision on metal additive manufacturing: Developments, challenges and future trends . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology , 47 , 18-58.
Thamm, A., Thamm, F., Sawodny, A., Zeitler, S., Merklein, M., & Maier, A. (2023). Unsupervised Deep Learning for Advanced Forming Limit Analysis in Sheet Metal: A Tensile Test-Based Approach . Materials , 16 (21), 7001.
Hafenecker, J., Bartels, D., Kuball, C.-M., Kreß, M., Rothfelder, R., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Hybrid process chains combining metal additive manufacturing and forming – A review . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology , 1 , 98-115.
Reck, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Comparison of forming processes for micro textured cups . Manufacturing Letters , 35 , 258-268.
Jobst, A., & Merklein, M. (2023). Stability of forming induced residual stresses in stainless steel components under mechanical load . Manufacturing Letters , 35 , 49-54.
Setter, R., Hafenecker, J., Rothfelder, R., Kopp, S.-P., Roth, S., Schmidt, M.,... Wudy, K. (2023). Innovative Process Strategies in Powder-Based Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 , 133.
Risse, J.H., Sippel, F., & Merklein, M. (2023). Carburization behavior at elevated temperatures and mechanical properties of a hot stamped complex phase steel . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1284 (1), 012003.
Hafenecker, J., Rigas, N., & Merklein, M. (2023). Laser-based ultrasonic measurement of the influence of PBF-LB/M-typical thermal cycles on sheet metal components of hybrid parts . Production Engineering , 63 (2).
Papke, T., Hafenecker, J., Römisch, D., März, R., Hentschel, O., Bartels, D.,... Merklein, M. (2023). Alternating Additive Manufacturing and Forming - An Innovative Manufacturing Approach . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 (3), 1-21.
Hart-Rawung, T., Buhl, J., Horn, A., Bambach, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). A unified model for isothermal and non-isothermal phase transformation in hot stamping of 22MnB5 steel . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 313 .
Zettl, B., Schmid, H., Pulvermacher, S., Dyck, A., Böhlke, T., Gibmeier, J., & Merklein, M. (2023). Improvement of process control in sheet metal forming by considering the gradual properties of the initial sheet metal . SAGE Open .
Lypchanskyi, O., Rigas, N., Korpala, G., Merklein, M., & Prahl, U. (2023). Ex-situ and in-situ investigations of the microstructural evolution of AA6082 aluminum alloy during heat treatment . Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing , 870 .
Rigas, N., & Merklein, M. (2023). Characterization of the Tribological Behavior of Different Tool Coatings and Dry Lubricant for High-Strength Aluminum Alloys at Elevated Temperatures . Advanced Engineering Materials , 1-12.
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Herzog, C., Wolf, M., Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of production process-induced surface topologies at varying roughness depths on the tribological properties of polyamide steel contact . Journal of Polymer Engineering , 43 (2), 187-197.
Biallas, A., Ohmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2023). Fundamental Investigations to Evaluate the Influence of Notching Processes on a Subsequent Cyclic Bending Process for the Production of Wire Cores . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 (1), 24.
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Use of elastomers as pressure media for fatigue testing of cold forging tools . Procedia Structural Integrity , 42 (C), 66-71.
Rigas, N., Garcin, T., Kuball, C.-M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Development of a novel in-situ measurement method for thermo-mechanically coupled material characterization of high-strength aluminum alloys . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1 , 012042.
Vallaster, E., Wiesenmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2023). Effect of a strain rate dependent material modeling of a steel on the prediction accuracy of a numerical deep drawing process . Production Engineering .
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Fatigue testing of cold forging tools using elastomer compression . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 72 (1), 241-244.
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2023). Increased Sustainability in Fastener Production with the Example of Self-Piercing Rivets . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 (6), 1 - 11.
Merklein, M., Jäckisch, M., Kuball, C.-M., Römisch, D., Wiesenmayer, S., & Wituschek, S. (2023). Mechanical joining of high-strength multi-material systems - trends and innovations . Mechanics & Industry , 24 (16), 1-20.
Merklein, M. (2023). Nachhaltige Umformtechnik . VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion , 165 (3), 3-.
Wiesenmayer, S., März, R., & Merklein, M. (2023). Numerical study on local short-term heat treatments for joining by forming of high-strength 7xxx aluminum . Production Engineering .
Fiedler, L., Ma, T.C., Fritsch, B., Risse, J.H., Lechner, M., Dworschak, D.,... Hutzler, A. (2023). Stability of Bipolar Plate Materials for Proton-Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers: Dissolution of Titanium and Stainless Steel in DI Water and Highly Diluted Acid . ChemElectroChem . Book Contributions
Reblitz, J., Wiesenmayer, S., Trân, R., & Merklein, M. (2023). Investigation of Geometrical and Microstructural Influences on the Mechanical Properties of an Extruded AA7020 Tube . In Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. (pp. 439-450).
Reblitz, J., Wiesenmayer, S., Trân, R., & Merklein, M. (2023). Investigation of Geometrical and Microstructural Influences on the Mechanical Properties of an Extruded AA7020 Tube . In Mathias Liewald; Alexander Verl; Thomas Bauernhansl; Hans-Christian Möhring (Eds.), Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. (pp. 439-450).
Kappe, F., Wituschek, S., de Pascalis, V., Bobbert, M., Lechner, M., & Meschut, G. (2023). Numerical Investigation of the Influence of a Movable Die Base on Joint Formation in Semi-tubular Self-piercing Riveting . In Materials Design and Applications IV. (pp. 137-149). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2023). Teilprojekt 4: Berücksichtigung funktionsrelevanter Gestaltabweichungen bei der Auslegung von Umformprozessen zur Herstellung von Stirnrädern mit Sonderverzahnung durch Fließpressen . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Abschlussbericht DFG-Forschungsgruppe FOR 2271, 2. Phase.Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden. (S. 85-112). Erlangen: FAU University Press. Conference Contributions
Wild, T., & Merklein, M. (2023). Investigation of the Influence of Slightly Increased Process Temperatures on the Extrusion of Functional Aluminum Components in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Thomas Bauernhansl, Alexander Verl, Mathias Liewald, Hans-Christian Möhring (Eds.), Production at the Leading Edge of Technology (pp. 670-679). Freudenstadt, DE: Cham: Springer.
Risse, J.H., & Merklein, M. (2023). Erweiterung des Prozessfensters für das lokale Aufkohlen bei erhöhten Temperaturen eines pressgehärteten Komplexphasenstahls . In M. Merklein (Hrg.), Warmumformung von höchstfesten Vergütungsstählen: Tagungsband zum 18. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (S. 165 - 176). Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH, 90762 Fürth: Erlangen.
Jobst, A., & Merklein, M. (2023). Stability of forming induced residual stresses in stainless steel parts at elevated temperature . In Proceedings of the ICRS11 - 11th International Conference on Residual Stresses . Nancy, FR.
Hafenecker, J., Rothfelder, R., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2023). Additive und umformtechnische Fertigung hybrider Bauteile mit lokal angepassten Eigenschaften . In Tagungsband Abschlusskolloquium des SFB 814 . Fürth, DE.
Schirdewahn, S., Carstensen, N., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2023). Laser implantation of ceramic particles into hot working tool surfaces for improving the tribological performance within hot stamping . In Proceedings of the 6th European Steel Technology and Application Days . Düsseldorf, DE.
März, R., Hafenecker, J., Bartels, D., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Numerical investigation on the deep drawing of sheet metals with an additively applied coating . In Lukasz Madej, Mateusz Sitko, Konrad Perzynsk (Eds.), Material Forming (pp. 919-928). Kraków, PL.
Leicht, M., Kraus, M., Rohrmoser, A., & Merklein, M. (2023). Experimental study of the potential for extending the process limits in multi-stage forming of micro gears from sheet metal by a local short-term laser heat treatment . In Materials Research Proceedings 2023 (pp. 307 - 314). Nürnberg.
Leicht, M., Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2023). Numerical and experimental investigation of a backward extrusion process for forming geared components from coil . In Materials Research Proceeding (pp. 929 - 936). Kraków, PL.
Wituschek, S., Elbel, L., & Lechner, M. (2023). Versatile self-piercing riveting with a tumbling superimposed punch . In Proceedings of the 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (pp. 1111-1118). Kraków, PL.
Zettl, B., & Merklein, M. (2023). Analysis of the influence of a cold leveling process on the properties of multi-layered aluminum sheets . In Tagungsband XLI. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium . Altenmarkt, AT.
Lechner, M., Kappe, F., Römisch, D., Rostek, T., & Wituschek, S. (2023). Innovative mechanical joining processes in versatile process chains - potentials, applications and selection procedures . In Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 101-108). Nürnberg, DE.
Römisch, D., & Merklein, M. (2023). Investigation on pin caulking as a versatile joining process . In Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 109-116). Nürnberg, DE.
Hetzel, A., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Investigation on the shear cutting of functional components manufactured in an orbital forming process . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut, Fabrizio Micari (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 61-68). Nuremberg, DE: Millersville PA, USA: Materials Research Forum LLC.
Reblitz, J., Trân, R., Kräusel, V., & Merklein, M. (2023). Evaluation of the properties of AA7020 tubes generated by a heat treatment based hydroforming process . In Proceedings of the SheMet2023 .
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Simulation der Werkzeuglebensdauer bei Ermüdungsversagen . In Proceedings of the 36. Jahrestreffen der Kaltmassivumformer 2023 . Düsseldorf.
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2023). Approach for a sustainable process chain in manufacturing of fasteners for mechanical joining . In Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 397 - 404). Nürnberg, DE: Millersville, PA, USA: Materials Research Forum LLC.
Latif, A., Ingarao, G., Fratini, L., Hetz, P., & Merklein, M. (2023). Characterization of friction stir consolidated recycled billet by uniaxial compression tests with miniaturized cylindrical specimen . In Lukasz Madej, Mateusz Sitko, Konrad Perzynsk (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 1997-2004). Kraków, PL: Association of American Publishers.
Wituschek, S., Kappe, F., Meschut, G., & Lechner, M. (2023). Combination of versatile self-piercing riveting processes . In Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 125-132). Nuremberg, DE.
Reck, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Comparison of forming processes for micro textured cups . In Proceedings of the 51st SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference .
Hetz, P., Rentz, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Contact pressure-dependent friction compensation in upsetting tests with miniaturized specimens . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 205-212). Erlangen, DEU: Association of American Publishers.
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2023). Controlled Rivet Deformation During Self-piercing Riveting Through a Tailored Strength Distribution Within the Rivet Material . In Mocellin, K., Bouchard, PO., Bigot, R., Balan, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity. ICTP 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. (pp. 64 - 71). Cannes, FR: Cham: Springer.
Schmid, D., & Merklein, M. (2023). Definition and validation of a customized classification system for sheet metal bending parts . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 323-328). Erlangen, DEU: Association of American Publishers.
Reihani, A., Heibel, S., Schweiker, T., & Merklein, M. (2023). Examination of controlled thermal radiation exchange for the production of tailored properties on press-hardened components . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 455-462). Erlangen, DEU: Association of American Publishers.
Wituschek, S., Elbel, L., & Lechner, M. (2023). Influence of the process time on a self-piercing riveting process with tumbling kinematic . In 3rd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes 2023 (pp. 31). Braga, PT.
He, F., & Merklein, M. (2023). Investigation of the influence of workpiece-side parameters on the layer formation of zinc-coated boron-manganese steel . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 431-438). Erlangen, DEU: Association of American Publishers.
Reck, M., & Merklein, M. (2023). Wear Analysis of Micro Textured Coining Tools . In Proceedings of the XLI. Colloquium on Metal Forming (pp. 104-109). Thesis 2022 2022 Authored Books Journal Articles
Wituschek, S., & Lechner, M. (2022). Mechanical and geometrical characterisation of tumbling self-piercing riveting joints in multi-material-systems . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1270 , 012124.
Rigas, N., Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Effect of elevated tool temperatures on the properties of high-strength aluminum alloys during tailor quench forming (TQF) . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , Volume 0 , 1-10.
Wiesenmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Shear-clinching of the high-strength aluminum alloy AA7075 with laser-assisted retrogression . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture .
Hafenecker, J., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigations on sheet metal forming of hybrid parts in different stress states . Production Engineering .
Hafenecker, J., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigations on sheet metal forming of hybrid parts in different stress states . Production Engineering .
Gröger, B., Römisch, D., Kraus, M., Troschitz, J., Füßel, R., Merklein, M., & Gude, M. (2022). Warmforming Flow Pressing Characteristics of Continuous Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites . Polymers , 14 (22).
Wituschek, S., Kappe, F., Meschut, G., & Lechner, M. (2022). Geometric and mechanical joint characterization of conventionally and tumbled self-piercing riveting joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications , 146442072211354.
Trân, R., Reblitz, J., Haase, R., Psyk, V., Kräusel, V., & Merklein, M. (2022). Hydroforming of High-Strength Aluminum Tubes with Thermo-Mechanical Manufacturing Processes . Engineering Proceedings , 26 (1).
Römisch, D., Hetzel, A., Wituschek, S., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Pin Extrusion for Mechanical Joining from Orbital Formed Tailored Blanks with Local Material Pre-Distribution . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 6 , 127.
Römisch, D., Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Robustness Analysis of Pin Joining . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 6 (5).
Rohrmoser, A., Kraus, M., Leicht, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Experimental Evaluation of the Feasibility and Reproducibility of a Novel Multi-step Forming Process for Cu-OFE Micro Gear Manufacturing Compared to Macro-scale Forming . Manufacturing Letters , 50th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 50,2022) (33, Supplement), 183-189.
Biallas, A., & Merklein, M. (2022). Interaction analysis of a notching and cyclic bending process . Manufacturing Letters , 50th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NMRC 50,2022) (33, Beilage), 167-173.
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Analysis of the evolution of the Lankford coefficient in uniaxial tensile tests and validation with grain structure analysis . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture .
Düsenberg, B., Tischer, F., Seidel, A.M., Kopp, S.-P., Schmidt, J., Roth, S.,... Bück, A. (2022). Production and analysis of electrically conductive polymer – Carbon-black composites for powder based Additive Manufacturing . Procedia CIRP , 111 , 18-22.
Hauser, A., Neubert, M., Feldner, A., Horn, A., Grimm, F., & Karl, J. (2022). Design and Implementation of an Additively Manufactured Reactor Concept for the Catalytic Methanation . Applied Sciences , 12 (18).
Rohrmoser, A., & Merklein, M. (2022). Influence of Metal Flank Hardness of Machined and Cold Forged Gears on Wear within a Metal-Polyamide Gear Pair and Targeted Process Adaptation . Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance .
Kappes, F., Wituschek, S., Bobbert, M., Lechner, M., & Meschut, G. (2022). Joining of multi-material structures using a versatile self-piercing riveting process . Production Engineering .
Amon, S., Jobst, A., Merklein, M., & Hanenkamp, N. (2022). Influence of dry ice blasting process properties on surface roughness and residual stresses of machined and additive manufactured workpieces . Procedia CIRP , 108 , 601-606.
Zettl, B., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the tensile response and the microstructural evolution during hot drawing of multi-layered, ultrafine-grained AA6014 sheets by thermomechanical analyzes . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 1238 .
Popp, J., Römisch, D., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Joining of CFRT/Steel Hybrid Parts via Direct Pressing of Cold Formed Non-Rotational Symmetric Pin Structures . Applied Sciences , 12 .
Kupfer, R., Köhler, D., Römisch, D., Wituschek, S., Ewenz, L., Kalich, J.,... Troschitz, J. (2022). Clinching of Aluminum Materials – Methods for the Continuous Characterization of Process, Microstructure and Properties . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes .
Strebl, M., Bruns, M., & Virtanen, S. (2022). Coupling Respirometric HER and ORR Monitoring with Electrochemical Measurements . Electrochimica Acta , 412 .
Meschut, G., Merklein, M., Brosius, A., Drummer, D., Fratini, L., Füssel, U.,... Wolf, M. (2022). Review on mechanical joining by plastic deformation . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes .
Oks, S.J., Jalowski, M., Lechner, M., Mirschberger, S., Merklein, M., Vogel-Heuser, B., & Möslein, K. (2022). Cyber-Physical Systems in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Review, Categorization and Outlook . Information Systems Frontiers .
Meschut, G., Merkein, M., Brosius, A., & Bobbert, M. (2022). Mechanical joining in versatile process chains . Production Engineering .
Buffa, G., Fratini, L., La Commare, U., Römisch, D., Wiesenmayer, S., Wituschek, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Joining by forming technologies: current solutions and future trends . International Journal of Material Forming , 15 (3).
Römisch, D., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the influence of formed, non-rotationally symmetrical pin geometries and their effect on the joint quality of steel and aluminium sheets by direct pin pressing . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications .
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2022). Tribological and thermal behavior of laser implanted tool surfaces for hot stamping AlSi coated 22MnB5 sheets . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 414 , 69-74.
Rigas, N., Junker, F., Berendt, E., & Merklein, M. (2022). Tribological Behavior of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys in Combination with Dry Lubricants at High Forming Temperatures . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 414 , 125-130.
Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). A novel ultrasonic-assisted staking process for mechanical fasteners . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications .
Wituschek, S., & Lechner, M. (2022). Investigation of the influence of the tumbling angle on a tumbling self-piercing riveting process . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications , 146442072210800.
Heyser, P., Wiesenmayer, S., Frey, P., Nehls, T., Scharr, C., Flügge, W.,... Meschut, G. (2022). Consideration of the manufacturing history of sheet metal components for the adaptation of a clinching process . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications , 146442072210775.
Kappe, F., Wituschek, S., Bobbert, M., & Meschut, G. (2022). Determining the properties of multi-range semi-tubular self-piercing riveted joints . Production Engineering .
Kuball, C.-M., Uhe, B., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2022). Process-adapted temperature application within a two-stage rivet forming process for high nitrogen steel . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications , 236 (6), 1285 - 1301.
Clare, A.T., Mishra, R.S., Merklein, M., Tan, H., Todd, I., Chechik, L.,... Bambach, M. (2022). Alloy design and adaptation for additive manufacture . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 299 .
Hetz, P., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Characterization of sheet metal components by using an upsetting test with miniaturized cylindrical specimen . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 71 (1), 233-236.
Rohrmoser, A., Bode, C., Schleich, B., Hagenah, H., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Influence of metal gear tooth geometry on load and wear within metal-polymer gear pairs . Applied Sciences , 12 (1).
Zettl, B., Wiesenmayer, S., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the joinability of single- and multi-layered AA6014 sheets produced by accumulative roll bonding in the shear-clinching process . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications .
Reck, M., Orgeldinger, C., Tremmel, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation on micro textured tappets from design and production to the application properties . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications .
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Local prestressing of cold forging tools by reinforcements with adapted interference . Procedia Structural Integrity , 38 , 212 - 219. Book Contributions Conference Contributions
Leicht, M., Rohrmoser, A., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the influence of material and sheet thickness on a three-stage process chain for cold forming of micro gears with a module of 0.1 mm . In Proceedings of the The 19th International Conference on Metal Forming (MF 2022) . Taiyuan, Shanxi, CN: IOP Publishing.
He, F., Merklein, M., & Dechant, S. (2022). Entwicklung von Ansätzen zur Erweiterung der Prozessgrenzen in industrienahen Laborversuchen anhand einer Streifenzuganlage . In Marion Merklein (Hrg.), Warmumformung von höchstfesten Vergütungsstählen: Tagungsband zum 17. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (S. 159-172). Fürth, DE: Erlangen: Lehrstuhl für Fertigungstechnologie.
Zettl, B., Kraus, M., Böhm, W., Zippert, P., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the direct recyclability of chip waste by cold cup extrusion and identification of its potential in continuous processes . In Proceedings of the Forming Technology Forum 2022 . Universität Twente, Enschede, NL.
Kohl, D., & Merklein, M. (2022). Determination of Forming Limit Curves - Strain Path and Failure Analysis . In Key Engineering Materials . Braga, Portugal: Switzerland: Published by Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Henneberg, J., Schulte, R.K., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of tailored tool surfaces for improving the component quality of sheet-bulk metal forming parts produced by a combined deep-drawing and upsetting process . In SCT Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-6). Mailand, IT.
He, F., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the impact of process parameters on the layer formation of AlSi coated boron-manganese steel . In Proceedings of the International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference (IDDRG 2022) . Lorient, FR.
Hetzel, A., Lechner, M., Aman, A., Büdicker, K., & Merklein, M. (2022). Potential of Orbital Formed Tailored Blanks for Industrial Application . In Proceedings of the Steel in Cars and Trucks (SCT) (pp. 1-8). Milano, IT.
Schirdewahn, S., Carstensen, N., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2022). Discontinuous laser dispersing of titanium nitride based hard ceramic particles for improving the tribological behavior of hot stamping tools . In Oldenburg M, Hardell J, Casellas D (Eds.), Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 187-194). Barcelona, ES: Wissenschaftliche Skripten.
He, F., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the impact of the layer formation of AlSi coated boron-manganese steel in regard to friction and wear . In Oldenburg M, Hardell J, Casellas D (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steel (pp. 179-186). Barcelona, ES.
Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Residual effects of ultrasonic assistance in metal forming . In Lucas F M da Silva (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Manufacture 2022 (EM 2022) (pp. 31). Porto, PT.
Römisch, D., & Merklein, M. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Cold Formed Multi Pin Structures Using a Multi-Acting Tool Design . In Proceedings of the 12th Tooling Conference and Exhibition Tooling 2022 (pp. 507 - 514). Örebro, SE.
Hetzel, A., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation on a quasi-incremental tool concept to manufacture functional components with sheet thickness gradient . In Proceedings of the 12th Tooling 2022 Conference and Exhibition (pp. 461 - 468). Örebro, SE.
Hetzel, A., Sawodny, A., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Optical forming analysis of functional components manufactured in an orbital forming process . In Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Martin Stockinger (Eds.), Proceedings of the XL. Colloquium on Metal Forming (pp. 25-30). Zauchensee, Austria, AT.
Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Ultrasonic-assisted forming - Influence of unavoidably induced tool oscillations . In Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Martin Stockinger (Eds.), Proceedings of the XL. Conference on Metal Forming (pp. 110-115). Zauchensee, AT.
Kohl, B., Krueger, M., Dietl, T., Lechner, M., Trunzer, E., Merklein, M.,... Vogel-Heuser, B. (2022). Analysis of Distributed-Ledger-Technology for the Exchange of Design, Production and Simulation Data in Roll Forming . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2022) . Lorient, FR: BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Analysis of the Part Quality and Process Stability when Producing Metallic Micro Parts by Multi-Stage Bulk Forming from Sheet Metal . In Gabriela Vincze, Frédéric Barlat (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 724-731). Braga, PT: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Lenzen, M., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Characterization and Modelling of Sheet Material with Graded Strength for More Accurate Finite Element Analysis . In Gabriela Vincze, Frédéric Barlat (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 1923-1930). Braga, PRT: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Knieps, F., Köhl, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Drawing Capability of High Formable Packaging Steel: Comparison of Limiting Drawing Ratio and Forming Limit Curve . In Gabriela Vincze, Frédéric Barlat (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 933-938). Braga, PRT: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Evaluation of testing methods for the characterization of material properties under plane strain . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2022) . Lorient, FR: BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Wild, T., & Merklein, M. (2022). Influence of Tailored Surfaces on the Surface Properties of Sheet-Bulk Metal Formed Parts . In Proceedings of the Steel in Cars and Trucks (SCT) (pp. 1-8). Milano, IT.
Durmaz, U., Heibel, S., Schweiker, T., Prabhakar, A., & Merklein, M. (2022). Influence of the forming process on springback . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2022) . Lorient, FR: BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation and modeling of austenite grain growth of conventional hot stamping steel and its influence on microhardness . In Mats Oldenburg, Jens Hardell, Daniel Casellas (Eds.), Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 69-76). Barcelona.
Hetz, P., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation of the Influence by Size Effects on the Material Characterization of the Uniaxial Compression Stress State . In Gabriela Vincze, Frédéric Barlat (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 955-962). Braga, PT: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Schirdewahn, S., Carstensen, N., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation on the thermo-mechanical properties of hot stamped parts by using laser-implanted tool surfaces . In IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1270 012114 . Taiyuan, CN.
Reck, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Investigation on tool properties for the production of components with micro textured surfaces . In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 1-6). Lorient, France.
Popp, J., & Drummer, D. (2022). Joining of steel/CFRT-hybrid parts via non-rotational symmetric cold formed pin structures . In Proceedings of the Hybrid 2022 . Leoben.
Kreß, M., Bartels, D., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Material Characterization of Hybrid Components Manufactured by Laser-Based Directed Energy Deposition on Sheet Metal Substrates . In Proceedings of the The 25th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2022) . Braga, PT.
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Prestressing of cold forging tools for parts with functional elements . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Martin Stockinger (Eds.), XL. Colloquium on Metal Forming (pp. 39 - 44). Zauchensee, IT.
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2022). Prestressing of cold forging tools for parts with functional elements . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Martin Stockinger (Eds.), XL. Colloquium on Metal Forming (pp. 39 - 44). Zauchensee, AT.
Wituschek, S., & Lechner, M. (2022). Versatile tool design for a tumbling self-piercing riveting process . In Proceedings of the The 12th Tooling Conference & Exhibition, Tooling 2022 (pp. 499-506). Örebro. Thesis 2021 2021 Authored Books
Merklein, M., Duflou, J., Fratini, L., Hagenah, H., Martins, P.A., Meschut, G., & Micari, F. (2021). Sheet Metal 2021 . Trans Tech Publications.
Lafarge, R., Ahmed, U., Brosius, A., Lenzen, M., Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Relevanzanalyse zur Berücksichtigung der kinematischen Verfestigung in Tiefziehprozessen mit geschlossenem Profil . Hannover: Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e.V.. Journal Articles
Wituschek, S., Kappe, F., & Lechner, M. (2021). Investigation of the influence of varying tumbling strategies on a tumbling self-piercing riveting process . Production Engineering .
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Analysis of stress pins for the local prestressing of cold forging tools . Production Engineering , 15 , 119-131.
Römisch, D., Popp, J., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2021). Joining of CFRT-steel hybrid parts via hole-forming and subsequent pin caulking . Production Engineering .
Wiesenmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation of the joinability of the high-strength aluminum alloy AA7075 in shear-clinching processes . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications .
Hetzel, A., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Joining of hybrid semi-finished products from sheet metal by orbital forming . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications , 1-9.
Lechner, M., Frey, P., Kreß, M., Christ, T., Charlet, C., & Merklein, M. (2021). Distributed Ledgers für den Materialdatenaustausch . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 111 (11/12), 857 - 862.
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation of Size Effects in Multi-Stage Cold Forming of Metallic Micro Parts from Sheet Metal . Micromachines , 12 (12).
Wild, T., Platt, T., Biermann, D., & Merklein, M. (2021). Analysis of the Influence of Surface Modifications on the Fatigue Behavior of Hot Work Tool Steel Components . Materials , 14 , 7324.
Rohrmoser, A., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Forming of Components with Microgearings from Coil Material—Numerical Modeling of the Process Chain and Experimental Validation . Micromachines , 12 , 1456.
Matta, R., Riegger, K., Trägler, H., Adler, W., Eitner, S., Wichmann, M., & Motel, C. (2021). Establishment of a new biomechanical measurement method for surface deformation of bone by force application via dental implants—a pilot study . Applied Sciences , 11 (16).
Papke, T., Bartels, D., Hofmann, H., Mys, R., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Additive Fertigung eines hybriden Planetenträgers . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 116 (7-8), 478-482.
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Erratum: “Potential of joining dissimilar materials by cold formed pin-structures” (Journal of Materials Processing Tech. (2020) 283, (S0924013620301114), (10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116697)) . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 294 .
Jobst, A., Floros, D., Steinmann, P., & Merklein, M. (2021). Component residual stress control in forward rod extrusion by material flow and tribology—experiments and modeling . Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research .
Hetzel, A., Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2021). Influence of a local short-term heat treatment on the formability of orbital formed functional components . Procedia Manufacturing , 53 , 72-79.
Huber, F., Papke, T., Kauffmann, C., Rothfelder, R., Krakhmalev, P., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2021). Systematic exploration of the L-PBF processing behavior and resulting properties of β-stabilized Ti-alloys prepared by in-situ alloy formation . Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing , 818 .
Hetzel, A., Schulte, R.K., Vogel, M., Lechner, M., Besserer, H.-B., Maier, H.J.,... Merklein, M. (2021). Functional Analysis of Components Manufactured by a Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Process . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 5 (2), 1-18.
Wituschek, S., & Lechner, M. (2021). Friction Characterisation for a Tumbling Self-Piercing Riveting Process . Key Engineering Materials , 883 , 27-34.
Hafenecker, J., Papke, T., & Merklein, M. (2021). Influence of Stress States on Forming Hybrid Parts with Sheet Metal and Additively Manufactured Element . Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance .
Hinz, L., Metzner, S., Müller, P., Schulte, R.K., Besserer, H.-B., Wackenrohr, S.,... Reithmeier, E. (2021). Fringe projection profilometry in production metrology: A multi-scale comparison in sheet-bulk metal forming . Sensors , 21 (7).
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation of the Microstructural Evolution during Hot Stamping of a Carburized Complex Phase Steel by Laser-Ultrasonics . Materials , 14 (8).
Römisch, D., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Experimental Study on Joining by Forming of HCT590X+Z and EN-AW 6014 Sheets Using Cold Extruded Pin Structures . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 5 (1).
Bambach, M., Sizova, I., Szyndler, J., Bennett, J., Hyatt, G., Cao, J.,... Merklein, M. (2021). On the hot deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V made by additive manufacturing . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 288 .
Wiesenmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2021). Potential of shear-clinching technology for joining of three sheets . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes , 3 , 100043.
Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2021). Adapted tool design for the cold forging of gears from non-ferrous and light metals . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .
Lechner, M., Frey, P., Kreß, M., Christ, T., Charlet, C., & Merklein, M. (2021). Blockchain-Systeme für den manipulationssicheren Datenaustausch in der industriellen Fertigung: Distributed Ledgers für den Materialdatenaustausch . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 111 (11-12), 857-862.
Kraus, M., Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Contact pressure-dependent friction characterization by using a single sheet metal compression test . Wear .
Popp, J., Kleffel, T., Römisch, D., Papke, T., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2021). Fiber Orientation Mechanism of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Hybrid Parts Joined with Metallic Pins . Applied Composite Materials .
Bruschi, S., Cao, J., Merklein, M., & Yanagimoto, J. (2021). Forming of metal-based composite parts . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology .
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2021). Influence of the rivet coating on the friction during self-piercing riveting . Key Engineering Materials , 883 , 11-18.
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation of the thermal and tribological performance of localized laser dispersed tool surfaces under hot stamping conditions . Wear .
Hansen, B., Wagner, P., Purr, S., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigations of batch fluctuation regarding tribological conditions in series production of car body parts . International Journal of Material Forming .
Wendler, M., Stenger, A., Ripper, J., Priewich, E., Belli, R., & Lohbauer, U. (2021). Mechanical degradation of contemporary CAD/CAM resin composite materials after water ageing . Dental Materials .
Rigas, N., & Merklein, M. (2021). Numerical and experimental investigations for distortion-reduced laser heat treatment of aluminum . Production Engineering .
Franceschi, A., Stahl, J., Kock, C., Selbmann, R., Ortmann-Ishkina, S., Jobst, A.,... Groche, P. (2021). Strategies for residual stress adjustment in bulk metal forming . Archive of Applied Mechanics .
Floros, D., Jobst, A., Kergaßner, A., Merklein, M., & Steinmann, P. (2021). Towards an holistic account on residual stresses in full-forward extruded rods: Experiment, modeling and simulation of forming and operation phases . Archive of Applied Mechanics . Book Contributions
Henneberg, J., Beyer, F., Löffler, M., Willner, K., & Merklein, M. (2021). Constitutive Friction Law for the Description and Optimization of Tailored Surfaces . In Merklein, M.
Tekkaya, A. E.
Behrens, B.-A. (Eds.), Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. (pp. 307 - 333). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Reck, M., Rohrmoser, A., Jobst, A., Pilz, F., & Merklein, M. (2021). Forming of complex functional elements on sheet metal . In M. Merklein, A.E. Tekkaya, B.-A. Behrens (Eds.), Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Hetzel, A., & Lechner, M. (2021). Orbital Forming of Tailored Blanks for Industrial Application . In Merklein M, Tekkaya A. E, Behrens B-A (Eds.), Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. (pp. 458-476). Cham: Springer Nature. Conference Contributions
Kraus, M., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2021, October). Investigation of the Potential for the Fabrication and Forming of Adaptronic Semi-finished Parts Joined by Cold Formed Pin Structures . Paper presentation at 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED JOINING PROCESSES (AJP 2021), Sintra, PT.
He, F., & Merklein, M. (2021). Untersuchung des Einflusses von werkstückseitigen Parametern auf die Schichtausbildung von zinkbeschichtetem Bor-Manganstahl . In Marion Merklein (Hrg.), Warmumformung von höchstfesten Vergütungsstählen: Tagungsband zum 16. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (S. 187-197). Fürth: Erlangen: Lehrstuhl für Fertigungstechnologie.
Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2021, October). Investigation of a novel ultrasonic-assisted staking process for mechanical fasteners . Paper presentation at 2nd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2021, Sintra, PT.
Römisch, D., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021, October). Investigation of the Influence of Formed, Non-rotationally Symmetrical Pin Geometries and their Effect on the Joint Quality of Steel and Aluminum Sheets by Direct Pin Pressing . Paper presentation at AJP 2021, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED JOINING PROCESSES, Sintra, PT.
Kuball, C.-M., Uhe, B., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2021, October). Selective application of different forming temperatures for individual process stages in a rivet manufacturing process with high nitrogen steel . Paper presentation at 2nd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes, Sintra, PT.
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Bulk Microforming from Sheet Metal—A Promising Approach for the Mass Production of Cold-Formed Metallic Micro Parts . In Glenn Daehn, Jian Cao, Prof. Dr. Brad Kinsey, Prof. Dr. Erman Tekkaya, Anupam Vivek, Dr. Yoshinori Yoshida (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (pp. 151-165). Virtual Event, US: Springer International Publishing.
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2021). Self-piercing riveting using rivets made of stainless steel with high strain hardening . In Daehn G, Cao J, Kinsey B, Tekkaya E, Vivek A, Yoshida Y (Eds.), Forming the Future - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. (pp. 1495 - 1506). Cham: Springer.
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2021). Analysis of the thermomechanical flow behavior of carburized sheet metal in hot stamping . In Daehn G, Cao J, Kinsey B, Tekkaya E, Vivek A, Yoshida Y (Eds.), Forming the Future - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (pp. 789-800). Columbus, OH, USA, US: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2021). Analysis of Work Hardening and Tribological Changes After a Gap Controlled Drawbead Passage . In The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham. . Columbus, Ohio, USA, US: Springer Cham.
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2021). Bending behavior of a hot stamped complex phase steel with tailored properties by local carburization . In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 . Stuttgart, DE.
Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2021). Influence of the forming induced hardening on the wear behavior of aluminum gears within a metal-plastic material pairing and targeted adaption . In Livan Fratini, Ihab Ragai (Eds.), Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 189-196). Cincinnati, OH, US: Elsevier B.V..
Römisch, D., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation of Different Joining by Forming Strategies when Connecting Different Metals without Auxiliary Elements . In Trans Tech Publications Ltd (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sheet Metal 2021 (pp. 19-26). Online, DE: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Biallas, A., & Merklein, M. (2021). Material Model for the Production of Steel Fibers by Notch Rolling and Fulling . In Merklein, M.; Duflou, J.; Fratini, L.; Hagenah, H.; Martins, P.; Meschut, G.; Micari, F. (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 277-284). Erlangen, DE: Zurich, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications LTD.
Hafenecker, J., Rothfelder, R., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Stretch Forming of Ti-6Al-4V Hybrid Parts at Elevated Temperatures . In Merklein, M.; Duflou, J.; Fratini, L.; Hagenah, H.; Martins, P.; Meschut, G.; Micari, F. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2021 (pp. 135-142). Erlangen: Zürich: Trans Tech Publications.
Hafenecker, J., Kuball, C.-M., Rothfelder, R., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Surface modification of additively manufactured parts by forming . In Proceedings of the ESAFORM 2021 . Liège, BE.
Biallas, A., & Merklein, M. (2021). Evaluation of Material Behavior for Wire Strip under Cyclic Bending Load and Preparation of an Experimental Test Method . In Paper presented at ESAFORM 2021 . Liège, Belgium.
Reck, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation on tailored blanks in a full forward extrusion process of sheet-bulk metal forming . In ESAFORM 2021 (pp. (n°)3673). Liege, BE.
Kohl, D., & Merklein, M. (2021). Alternative characterization method for the failure behavior of sheet metals derived from Nakajima test . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) . BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Durmaz, U., Heibel, S., Schweiker, T., & Merklein, M. (2021). Assessment of springback behaviour of 800-1200 mpa dual-phase steel grades . In Key Engineering Materials (pp. 151-158). Virtual, Online: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Bulk Microforming from Sheet Metal—A Promising Approach for the Mass Production of Cold-Formed Metallic Micro Parts . In Glenn Daehn, Jian Cao, Brad Kinsey, Erman Tekkaya, Anupam Vivek, Yoshinori Yoshida (Eds.), Minerals, Metals and Materials Series (pp. 151-165). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Rigas, N., Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2021). Comparison of different forming methods on deep drawing and springback behavior of high-strength aluminum alloys . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) . ELECTR NETWORK: BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Römisch, D., Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2021). Data-driven analysis of cold-formed pin structure characteristics in the context of versatile joining processes . In IOP Publishing Ltd (Eds.), IOP Conference Series . Stuttgart, Germany: IOP Publishing Ltd.
Hetz, P., Lenzen, M., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Determination of the biaxial anisotropy coefficient using a single layer sheet metal compression test . In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SheMet 2021 (pp. 303-308). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Durmaz, U., Heibel, S., Schweiker, T., Merklein, M., Berahmani, S., Hol, J., & Naegele, P. (2021). Enhancement of springback prediction of AHSS parts by advanced friction modelling . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) . BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Meinhardt, M., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Experimental analysis of the influence of the embossing and upsetting process on joint strength in resistance element welding with upset auxiliary joining elements . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) . , ELECTR NETWORK: BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Jobst, A., & Merklein, M. (2021). Influence of Material Delivery Condition on Residual Stresses and Part Properties During Forward Rod Extrusion . In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (pp. 2277-2288). Grignano, IT: Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Knieps, F., Köhl, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Influence of specimen geometry and strain rate on elongation in tensile testing of packaging steel . In ESAFORM 2021 - 24th International Conference on Material Forming . Virtual, Online, BEL: PoPuPS (University of LiFge Library).
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Influence of the strain dependent material behaviour under plane strain on the yield locus modelling . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) (pp. 012062). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Influence of Ultrasonic Assistance on the Forming Limits of Steel . In Glenn Daehn, Jian Cao, Brad Kinsey, Erman Tekkaya, Anupam Vivek, Yoshinori Yoshida (Eds.), Minerals, Metals and Materials Series (pp. 1281-1290). Virtual, Online: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Friedlein, J., Wituschek, S., Lechner, M., Mergheim, J., & Steinmann, P. (2021). Inverse parameter identification of an anisotropic plasticity model for sheet metal . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) . , ELECTR NETWORK: BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
He, F., & Merklein, M. (2021). Investigation of the impact of heat treatment on the layer formation of AlSi-coated boron-manganese steel . In INTERNATIONAL DEEP-DRAWING RESEARCH GROUP CONFERENCE (IDDRG 2021) . BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
Wituschek, S., & Lechner, M. (2021). Investigation of the Influence of the Tumbling Angle on a Tumbling Self-Piercing Riveting Process . In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2021 .
Wiesenmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2021). Joinability of the High-strength Aluminium Alloy AA7075 in Shear-clinching Processes . Paper presentation at 2nd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2021, Sintra, PT.
Knieps, F., Köhl, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Local strain measurement in tensile test for an optimized characterization of packaging steel for finite element analysis . In Key Engineering Materials (pp. 309-316). Virtual, Online: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Vogel, M., Schulte, R.K., Kaya, O., & Merklein, M. (2021). Manufacturing of Tailored Blanks with Pre-shaped Involute Gearings by Using a Flexible Rolling Process and Its Application in a Sheet–Bulk Metal Forming Process . In Daehn G, Cao J, Kinsey B, Tekkaya E, Vivek A, Yoshida Y (Eds.), Forming the Future - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (pp. 563-576). Virtual, Online: Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Wituschek, S., & Lechner, M. (2021). Material characterisation methods for a tumbling self-piercing riveting process . In ESAFORM 2021 - 24th International Conference on Material Forming . PoPuPS (University of LiFge Library).
Vogel, M., Schulte, R.K., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2021). Process Combination for the Manufacturing of Toothed, Thin-Walled Functional Elements by Using Process Adapted Semi-finished Products . In Merklein M, Tekkaya AE, Behrens B (Eds.), (pp. 1-29-29). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Zettl, B., & Merklein, M. (2021). Robot-assisted surface treatment strategies of AA6014 sheet metal for accumulative roll bonding . In ESAFORM 2021 - 24th International Conference on Material Forming . Virtual, BE: PoPuPS (University of LiFge Library).
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2021). Strength of self-piercing riveted joints with conventional rivets and rivets made of high nitrogen steel . In Proceedings of the ESAFORM 2021 - 24th International Conference on Material Forming . Liège, BE. Thesis Miscellaneous 2020 2020 Journal Articles
Merklein, M., Schulte, R.K., & Papke, T. (2020). An Innovative Process Combination of Additive Manufacturing and Sheet Bulk Metal Forming for Manufacturing a Functional Hybrid Part . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 117032.
Lechner, M., Christ, T., Frey, P., Wituschek, S., Arzhanov, A., Petrov, F., & Merklein, M. (2020). Blockchain in sheet metal processing. wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 110 (10), 704-708.
Wiesenmayer, S., Heyser, P., Nehls, T., Frey, P., Flügge, W., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2020). Vernetzte Fertigung - Berücksichtigung der Herstellungshistorie von Blechbauteilen beim Fügen durch Umformen . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 110 (10), 677-683.
Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2020). Measures for controlling the material flow when extruding sheet-bulk metal forming parts from coil . Manufacturing Review , 7 .
Killmann, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Analysis of the stress state in non-axially symmetrical cold forging dies . Procedia Manufacturing , 50 , 307-313.
Schulte, R.K., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Fundamental analysis For the application of hybrid semi-finished products in sheet-bulk metal forming . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 283 .
Wiesenmayer, S., Graser, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Influence of the properties of the joining partners on the load-bearing capacity of shear-clinched joints . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 283 .
Jäckisch, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Investigation of thermal effects during ultrasonic-assisted upsetting . Procedia Manufacturing , 50 , 220-225.
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2020). Localized Laser Dispersing of Titanium-Based Particles for Improving the Tribological Performance of Hot Stamping Tools . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 4 (3).
Sharma, N.K., Sharma, S., Rathi, A., Kumar, A., Saini, K.V., Sarker, M.D.,... Chen, X. (2020). Micromechanisms of Cortical Bone Failure under Different Loading Conditions . Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme , 142 (9).
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Potential of Joining Dissimilar Materials by Cold Formed Pin-Structures . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 283 .
Papke, T., Bartels, D., Schmidt, M., Merklein, M., Gerhard, D., Baumann, J., & Pitz, I. (2020). Additive Fertigung für industrielle Anwendungen - Entwicklung einer Auswahlsystematik für Bauteile zur Generierung funktionalen Mehrwerts mittels additiver Fertigung . Industrie 4.0 Management : Gegenwart und Zukunft industrieller Geschäftsprozesse , 2020 , 50-54.
Heinl, M., Greiner, S., Wudy, K., Pobel, C., Rasch, M., Huber, F.,... Hausotte, T. (2020). Measuring procedures for surface evaluation of additively manufactured powder bed based polymer and metal parts . Measurement Science and Technology , 31 (9), 1-14.
Streit, F.-J., Wituschek, S., Pschyklenk, M., Becher, A., Lechner, M., Wildermann, S.,... Teich, J. (2020). Data acquisition and control at the edge: a hardware/software-reconfigurable approach . Production Engineering , 14 (3), 365-371.
Henneberg, J., Rothammer, B., Zhao, R., Vorndran, M., Tenner, J., Krachenfels, K.,... Merklein, M. (2020). Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 6 , 228-261.
Jaremenko, C., Affronti, E., Merklein, M., & Maier, A. (2020). Temporal and spatial detection of the onset of local necking and assessment of its growth behavior . Materials , 13 (11).
Spranger, F., Schirdewahn, S., Kromm, A., Merklein, M., & Hilgenberg, K. (2020). On the influence of TiB2, TiC, and TiN hard particles on the microstructure of localized laser dispersed AISI D2 tool steel surfaces . Journal of Laser Applications , 32 (2).
Schwingenschlögl, P., & Merklein, M. (2020). Characterization of tribological conditions within direct hot stamping . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 278 .
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2020). Functional optimization of hot-stamped components by local carburization . International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture , 3 (1), 43-54.
Kuball, C.-M., Jung, R., Uhe, B., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2020). Influence of the process temperature on the forming behaviour and the friction during bulk forming of high nitrogen steel . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes , 1 , 100023.
Strebl, M., Bruns, M., & Virtanen, S. (2020). Editors' Choice-Respirometric in Situ Methods for Real-Time Monitoring of Corrosion Rates: Part I. Atmospheric Corrosion . Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 167 (2).
Wild, T., Bestenlehrer, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Analysis of the modification of tool surfaces by abrasive blasting and laser polishing . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 404 DDF , 124-131.
Lenzen, M., Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Analytical friction force compensation of flow curves out of layer compression tests with the pin extrusion test . International Journal of Material Forming .
Jobst, A., & Merklein, M. (2020). Applicability of Solid Lubricant Coatings in Cold Rod Extrusion of Stainless Steels . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 404 , 95-100.
Hetzel, A., Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2020). Enhancement of the Forming Limits for Orbital Formed Tailored Blanks by Local Short-term Heat Treatment . Procedia Manufacturing , 47 , 1197-1202.
Zerbst, D., Affronti, E., Gereke, T., Buchelt, B., Clauß, S., Merklein, M., & Cherif, C. (2020). Experimental analysis of the forming behavior of ash wood veneer with nonwoven backings . European Journal of Wood and Wood Products .
Pilz, F., Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2020). Extension of the forming limits of extrusion processes in sheet-bulk metal forming for production of minute functional elements . Manufacturing Review , 7 .
Uhe, B., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2020). Improvement of a rivet geometry for the self-piercing riveting of high-strength steel and multi-material joints . Production Engineering .
Wiesenmayer, S., & Merklein, M. (2020). Influence of tool wear on the load-bearing capacity of shear-clinched joints . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 404 DDF , 3-10.
Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2020). Investigation on extrusion processes in sheet-bulk metal forming from coil . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology .
Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2020). Investigation on the wear behavior of coatings for lubricant-free deep drawing processes with a novel application-oriented test rig . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 404 DDF , 11-18.
Prakash, V., Kumar, D.R., Horn, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2020). Modeling material behavior of AA5083 aluminum alloy sheet using biaxial tensile tests and its application in numerical simulation of deep drawing . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 106 , 1133-1148.
Kuball, C.-M., Uhe, B., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2020). Process design for the forming of semi-tubular self-piercing rivets made of high nitrogen steel. Procedia Manufacturing , 50 , 280-285.
Wituschek, S., Kuball, C.-M., Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2020). Test method for friction characterization of rivets . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 404 DDF , 132-137. Book Contributions Conference Contributions
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2020). Laser implantation of niobium and titanium-based particles on hot working tool surfaces for improving the tribological performance within hot stamping . In Defect and Diffusion Forum (pp. 117-123). Lehrstuhl für Fertigungstechnologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE.
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2020). Verbesserung des tribologischen Einsatzverhaltens von Presshärtewerkzeugen durch Laserimplantation titanbasierter Hartstoffpartikel . In Marion Merklein (Hrg.), 15. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (S. 165-176). Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH, 90762 Fürth, Deutschland, DE.
Hafenecker, J., Papke, T., Huber, F., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Modelling of Hybrid Parts Made of Ti-6Al-4V Sheets and Additive Manufactured Structures . In Behrens, Bernd-Arno; Brosius, Alexander; Hintze, Wolfgang; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Wulfsberg, Jens Peter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) (pp. 13-22). Dresden (digital), DE: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Horn, A., Hart-Rawung, T., Buhl, J., Bambach, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Investigation of the Phase Transformation in Hot Stamping Processes with Regard to the Testing Facility . In Proceedings of the Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology WGP 2021 (pp. 76-85). Dresden, DE: Springer Link.
Rohrmoser, A., Heling, B., Schleich, B., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2020). Ausgewählte Einflussgrößen auf die erzielbaren Verzahnungstoleranzen beim Kaltfließpressen. In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020 (pp. 107-116). Erlangen: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Schulte, R.K., Papke, T., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Additive Manufacturing of Tailored Blank for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes .
Wild, T., & Merklein, M. (2020). Analyse des tribologischen Einsatzverhaltens von modifizierten Werkzeugoberflächen . In Bernd-Arno Behrens (Hrg.), Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik (S. 35 - 42). Hannover.
Lenzen, M., Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2020). Characterization of kinematic hardening with a hydraulic bulge test . In Procedia Manufacturing (Eds.), Procedia Manufacturing, Special Issue (pp. 696-701).
Wiesenmayer, S., Frey, P., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Determination of the properties of semi-finished parts in blanking processes . In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 012009). Busan, KR.
Rigas, N., & Merklein, M. (2020). Experimental investigation of distortion behavior of laser heat treated blanks . In M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 557-560). Elsevier B.V..
Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2020). Influence of a drawbead passage in deep drawing processes on surface values and the tribological system . In Proceedings of the International Deep-Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2020) . Seoul Korea.
Kappe, F., Wituschek, S., Lechner, M., Bobbert, M., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2020). Investigation of influencing parameters on the joint formation of the self-piercing riveting process . In Proceedings of the Material Science and Engineering Congress - MSE 2020 . Darmstadt.
Hetz, P., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2020). Investigation of the Springback Behaviour of High-strength Aluminium Alloys Based on Cross Profile Deep Drawing Tests . In Markus Bambach (Eds.), Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 1223-1229). Cottbus, DE: Elsevier B.V..
Henneberg, J., Beyer, F., Willner, K., & Merklein, M. (2020). Konstitutives Reibgesetz zur Beschreibung und Optimierung von Tailored Surfaces . Poster presentation at 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik, Hannover.
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2020). Localized dispersing of TiB2 and TiN particles via pulsed laser radiation for improving the tribological performance of hot stamping tools . In M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 901-904). Elsevier B.V..
Hetzel, A., & Lechner, M. (2020). Lokale Kurzzeitwärmebehandlung zur Erweiterung der Formgebungsgrenzen prozessangepasster Halbzeuge der Aluminiumlegierung AA6016 . In Behrens B.-A. (Hrg.), Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik - 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover (S. 86-93). Hannover: Hannover: TEWISS.
Papke, T., & Merklein, M. (2020). Processing of 316L hybrid parts consisting of sheet metal and additively manufactured element by Powder Bed Fusion using a laser beam . In M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 35-40). Elsevier B.V..
Vogel, M., Schulte, R.K., Hetzel, A., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2020). Verfahrenskombination zur umformtechnischen Herstellung von verzahnten, dünnwandigen Funktionselementen aus prozessoptimierten Halbzeugen . In Behrens B.-A. (Hrg.), Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik - 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover (S. 178). Hannover: TEWISS.
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Verschleißmodellierung am Beispiel einer Polyamid-Stahl-Getriebepaarung für das prozessorientierte Toleranzmanagement . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Beiträge zur 4. Summer School (pp. 107-116). Erlangen, DE. Thesis 2019 2019 Authored Books Journal Articles
Niederhofer, P., Eger, K., Schwingenschlögl, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Properties of Tool Steels for Application in Hot Stamping . Steel Research International .
Henneberg, J., Rothammer, B., Zhao, R., Vorndran, M., Tenner, J., Krachenfels, K.,... Merklein, M. (2019). Analysis of tribological behavior of surface modifications for a dry deep drawing process . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 5 , 13-24.
Tremmel, S., Marian, M., Zahner, M., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2019). Friction reduction in EHL contacts by surface microtexturing – tribological performance, manufacturing and tailored design . Industrial Lubrication and Tribology , 71 (8), 986-990.
Schwingenschlögl, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Tribological challenges in press hardening . Stahl und Eisen , 139 (10), 18-23.
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2019). Effect of Surface Structure on Run-in Wear in Steel-Polyamide Gear Sets . Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik , 15 (5), 370-391.
Wiesenmayer, S., Han, D., Müller, M., Hoerhold, R., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2019). Fundamental mechanisms and their interactions in shear‐clinching technology and investigation of the process robustness . Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik .
Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Schubert, D.W., Hagenah, H., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2019). Gezielte Beeinflussung der einsatzrelevanten Bauteileigenschaften kaltfließgepresster Zahnräder . Konstruktion , 07-08 , 94-98.
Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Schubert, D., Hagenah, H., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2019). Targeted influencing of the mission-relevant component properties of cold-forged gearwheels . Konstruktion , 2019 (7-8), 94-98.
Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Influence of tribological conditions on application relevant component properties of cold forged gears . Production Engineering .
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation of diffusion behavior of carburized sheet metal in hot stamping . Manufacturing Review , 6 .
Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Study of the mechanical properties of sheet metals drawn through drawbeads . Manufacturing Review , 6 .
Krachenfels, K., Rothammer, B., Zhao, R., Tremmel, S., & Merklein, M. (2019). Influence of varying sheet material properties on dry deep drawing process . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 651 , 1-8.
Kiener, C., & Merklein, M. (2019). Researching of commonalities and differences in cold forging of spur and helical gears . Production Engineering , 13 (3-4), 391-397.
Merklein, M., Löffler, M., Gröbel, D., & Henneberg, J. (2019). Investigation on blasted tool surfaces as a measure for material flow control in sheet-bulk metal forming . Manufacturing Review , 6 .
Schwingenschlögl, P., Niederhofer, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation on basic friction and wear mechanisms within hot stamping considering the influence of tool steel and hardness . Wear , 426 , 378-389.
Jaremenko, C., Ravikumar, N., Affronti, E., Merklein, M., & Maier, A. (2019). Determination of Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming Using Deep Learning . Materials , 12 (7).
Krachenfels, K., Rothammer, B., Tremmel, S., & Merklein, M. (2019). Experimental investigation of tool-sided surface modifications for dry deep drawing processes at the tool radii area . Procedia Manufacturing , 29 , 201-208.
Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Einsatz numerischer Analysetools bei der Auslegung und Herstellung kaltfließgepresster Stahlzahnräder . Konstruktion , 4 , 85-90.
Landkammer, P., Jobst, A., Kiener, C., Steinmann, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigations on residual stress generation in full-forward-extrusion . Production Engineering .
Kraus, M., Hufnagel, T., & Merklein, M. (2019). Accuracy of Conventional Finite Element Models in Bulk-Forming of Micropins from Sheet Metal . Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing , 7 (1).
Neubauer, F., & Merklein, M. (2019). Tribological and thermal investigation of modified hot stamping tools . Tribology in Industry , 41 (1), 76-89.
Freiburg, D., Assmuth, R., Carballo, R.G., Biermann, D., Henneberg, J., & Merklein, M. (2019). Adaption of tool surface for sheet-bulk metal forming by means of pressurized air wet abrasive jet machining . Production Engineering , 13 (1), 71-77.
Graser, M., Wiesenmayer, S., Müller, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Application of Tailor Heat Treated Blanks technology in a joining by forming process . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 264 , 259-272.
Löffler, M., Schulte, R.K., Freiburg, D., Biermann, D., Stangier, D., Tillmann, W., & Merklein, M. (2019). Control of the material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming using modifications of the tool surface . International Journal of Material Forming , 12 (1), 17-26.
Kraus, M., Hufnagel, T., & Merklein, M. (2019). Accuracy of conventional FE-Models in Bulk-Forming of Micropins from Sheet Metal . Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing .
Kleffel, T., Frey, P., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2019). Analysis of the formation of gap-based leakages in polymer-metal electronic systems with labyrinth seals . Journal of Polymer Engineering .
Pilz, F., & Merklein, M. (2019). Comparison of extrusion processes in sheet-bulk metal forming for production of filigree functional elements . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology .
Huber, F., Papke, T., Kerkien, M., Tost, F., Geyer, G., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2019). Customized exposure strategies for manufacturing hybrid parts by combining laser beam melting and sheet metal forming . Journal of Laser Applications .
Ruther, F., Zimmermann, A., Engel, F., & Boccaccini, A.R. (2019). Improvement of the Layer Adhesion of Composite Cardiac Patches . Advanced Engineering Materials .
Pilz, F., & Merklein, M. (2019). Influence of component design on extrusion processes in sheet-bulk metal forming . International Journal of Material Forming .
Spranger, F., Schirdewahn, S., de Oliveira Lopes, M., Merklein, M., & Hilgenberg, K. (2019). Investigations on TaC Localized Dispersed X38CrMoV5-3 Surfaces with Regard to the Manufacturing of Wear Resistant Protruded Surface Textures . Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing .
Cao, J., Brinksmeier, E., Fu, M., Gao, R.X., Liang, B., Merklein, M.,... Yanagimoto, J. (2019). Manufacturing of advanced smart tooling for metal forming . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology .
Vogel, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Manufacturing of tailored blanks by orbital forming with a two-sided material thickening . Journal of Materials Processing Technology .
Hetzel, A., Schulte, R.K., Vogel, M., Degner, J., & Merklein, M. (2019). Maßgeschneiderte Halbzeuge - Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen zur Realisierung von Leichtbaukomponenten . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 109 (10), 745-749.
Landkammer, P., Jobst, A., Kiener, C., Steinmann, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Mechanisms of residual stress generation in full-forward-extrusion . Production Engineering .
Spranger, F., de Oliveira Lopes, M., Schirdewahn, S., Degner, J., Merklein, M., & Hilgenberg, K. (2019). Microstructural evolution and geometrical properties of TiB2 metal matrix composite protrusions on hot work tool steel surfaces manufactured by laser implantation . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .
Graser, M., Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). On the inverse identification of Lankford coefficients using geometrical changes under quasi-biaxial loading . International Journal of Material Forming .
Kiener, C., & Merklein, M. (2019). Research of Adapted Tool Design in Cold Forging of Gears . International Journal of Material Forming . Edited Volumes Conference Contributions
Papke, T., Huber, F., Hafenecker, J., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Hybride Bauteile, Werkzeuge und Prozessketten – Anwendungen der Kombination aus Additiver Fertigung und Umformtechnik . In Dietmar Drummer (Hrg.), Tagungsband 7. Industriekolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 814 - Additive Fertigung (S. 51-70). Nürnberg: Print Line.
Lechner, M., Schulte, R.K., & Merklein, M. (2019). Augmented Reality for Forming Technology - Visualisation of Simulation Results and Component Measurement . In Ton van den Boogaard, Javad Hazrati, Nico Langerak (Eds.), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering . Enschede, NL: Institute of Physics Publishing.
Hansen, B., Hoebler, M., Purr, S., Meinhardt, J., & Merklein, M. (2019). Basics for inline measurement of tribological conditions in series production of car body parts . In Ton van den Boogaard, Javad Hazrati, Nico Langerak (Eds.), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering . Enschede, NL: Institute of Physics Publishing.
Frey, P., Lechner, M., Bauer, T., Shubina, T., Yassin, A., Wituschek, S.,... Merklein, M. (2019). Blockchain for forming technology - Tamper-proof exchange of production data . In Ton van den Boogaard, Javad Hazrati, Nico Langerak (Eds.), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering . Enschede, NL: Institute of Physics Publishing.
Prakash, V., Kumar, D.R., Merklein, M., & Hagenah, H. (2019). Numerical simulation of hydraulic bulging using uniaxial and biaxial flow curves and different yield criteria . In Ton van den Boogaard, Javad Hazrati, Nico Langerak (Eds.), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering . Enschede, NL: Institute of Physics Publishing.
Rigas, N., Junker, F., Berendt, E., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation of dry lubrication systems for lightweight materials in hot forming processes. In Wulfsberg J, Hintze W, Behrens BA (Eds.), Produktion im Grenzbereich – Vorsprung
halten, Zukunft sichern (pp. 43-51). Hamburg: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg,.
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2019). Untersuchung des tribologischen Einsatzverhaltens von lokal dispergierten Presshärtewerkzeugoberflächen . In M. Merklein (Hrg.), 14. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (S. 169-178). Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH, 90762 Fürth, DE.
Kraus, M., & Merklein, M. (2019, October). Potential of Joining Dissimilar Materials by Cold Formed Pin-Structures . Paper presentation at 1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes 2019 - AJP 2019, Ponta Delgada, Azores, PT.
Rothammer, B., Zhao, R., Krachenfels, K., Merklein, M., & Tremmel, S. (2019). Investigation of the tribological performance of a-C:H coating systems by modifying adhesive layer for application in dry deep drawing . In Proceedings of the International Tribology Conference Sendai 2019 . Sendai, JP.
Rohrmoser, A., Heling, B., Schleich, B., Kiener, C., Hagenah, H., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2019). A methodology for the application of virtual evaluation methods within the design process of cold forged steel pinions . In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19) (pp. 3451-3460). Delft, The Netherlands.
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Hertle, S., Wartzack, S., Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2019). New Approach on the Allocation of Wear Allowances - a Case Study . In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19) . Delft, NL.
Heling, B., Oberleiter, T., Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Schleich, B., Hagenah, H.,... Wartzack, S. (2019). A concept for process-oriented interdisciplinary tolerance management considering production-specific deviations . In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19) (pp. 3441 - 3450). Delft, NL: Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Han, D., Wiesenmayer, S., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2019). Geometric and corrosive influences on load-bearing capacity of multi-element shear-clinching specimen . In Pedro Arrazola, Eneko Saenz de Argandona, Nagore Otegi, Joseba Mendiguren, Mikel Saez de Buruaga, Aitor Madariaga, Lander Galdos (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES: American Institute of Physics Inc..
Kuball, C.-M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Heating effect on the forming behaviour of high nitrogen steel in bulk forming . In Pedro Arrazola, Eneko Saenz de Argandona, Nagore Otegi, Joseba Mendiguren, Mikel Saez de Buruaga, Aitor Madariaga, Lander Galdos (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES: American Institute of Physics Inc..
Wiesenmayer, S., Han, D., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation of the tool wear behaviour in shear-clinching processes during the running-in phase . In Pedro Arrazola, Eneko Saenz de Argandona, Nagore Otegi, Joseba Mendiguren, Mikel Saez de Buruaga, Aitor Madariaga, Lander Galdos (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES: American Institute of Physics Inc..
Henneberg, J., Lucas, H., Denkena, B., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation on the Tribological Behavior of Tool-sided Tailored Surfaces for Controlling the Material Flow in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Pedro Arrazola, Eneko Saenz de Argandona, Nagore Otegi, Joseba Mendiguren, Mikel Saez de Buruaga, Aitor Madariaga, Lander Galdos (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES: American Institute of Physics Inc..
Jäckisch, M., Michalski, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Residual effects of ultrasonic-assisted compression testing on pure copper . In Pedro Arrazola, Eneko Saenz de Argandona, Nagore Otegi, Joseba Mendiguren, Mikel Saez de Buruaga, Aitor Madariaga, Lander Galdos (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES: American Institute of Physics Inc..
Schirdewahn, S., Spranger, F., Hilgenberg, K., & Merklein, M. (2019). Tribological performance of localized dispersed X38CrMoV5-3 surfaces for hot stamping of Al-Si coated 22MnB5 sheets . In Oldenburg M, Hardell J, Casellas D (Eds.), Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel CHS² (pp. 357-365). Luleå, SE: Wissenschaftliche Skripten.
Metzner, S., Reuter, T., Wirthmann, E., & Hausotte, T. (2019). Bestimmung des Brechungsindex des Schmiermittels Beruforge 152DL unter Verwendung eines dafür entwickelten Dünnschichtnormals . In AMA Service GmbH (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019 (pp. 406 - 411). Nürnberg, DE.
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation of the Quenching Behavior of Carburized Sheet Metal in Hot Stamping . In Oldenurg M, Hardell J, Casellas D (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of high-performance steel - CHS2 (pp. 275-282). Luleå.
Metzner, S., Reuter, T., & Hausotte, T. (2019). Evaluation on influences of thin lubricant on fringe projection measurements . In SPIE (Eds.), Optical Technology and Measurement for Industrial Applications (pp. 106 - 109). Yokohama, JP: Proceedings of SPIE.
Vorndran, M., Häfner, T., Rothammer, B., Krachenfels, K., Merklein, M., Tremmel, S., & Schmidt, M. (2019, March). Laser based techniques to adapt the tribological conditions in dry deep drawing . Poster presentation at International Conference on Advanced Optical Technologies, Erlangen.
Vogel, M., Schulte, R., Freiburg, D., Lechner, M., Biermann, D., & Merklein, M. (2019). Maßgeschneiderter Werkzeugoberflächen in einem flexiblen Walzprozess . In Merklein M, Behrens B.-A., Tekkaya A. E. (Hrg.), . Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Berücksichtigung funktionsrelevanter Gestaltabweichungen bei der Auslegung von Umformprozessen zur Herstellung von Stirnrädern mit Sonderverzahung durch Fließpressen . In S. Wartzack (Hrg.), Industriekolloquium der Forschungsgruppe FOR 2271 (S. 26-29). Stamsried: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Hagenah, H., Schulte, R.K., Vogel, M., Hermann, J., Scharrer, H., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). 4.0 in metal forming - Questions and challenges . In Roberto Teti (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 649-654). Naples, IT: Elsevier B.V..
Meinhardt, M., Endres, M., Graf, M., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Analysing resistance element welding with upset auxiliary joining steel-elements under shear load . In Joost R. Duflou, Yannick Carette, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah (Eds.), Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 329-336). Leuven, BE: Elsevier B.V..
Heling, B., Oberleiter, T., Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Schleich, B., Hagenah, H.,... Wartzack, S. (2019). Berücksichtigung von produktionsspezifischen Abweichungen im interdisziplinären Toleranzmanagement . In Wartzack (Hrg.), Industriekolloquium der Forschergruppe FOR 2271 (S. 36-45). Erlangen: Stamsried: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Rigas, N., Degner, J., Berendt, E., Junker, F., & Merklein, M. (2019). Characterisation of new lubrication systems for hot forming of high strength aluminum alloys . In OP Conference Series, Materials Science and Engineering .
Papke, T., Huber, F., Geyer, G., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Characterisation of the Tensile Bonding Strength of Ti-6Al-4V Hybrid Parts Made by Sheet Metal Forming and Laser Beam Melting . In Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) (pp. 361-370). Aachen: Heidelberg: Springer.
Hetz, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Characterization of temperature-dependent tension-compression asymmetry for high-strength aluminium alloys . In Jens P. Wulfsberg; Wolfgang Hintze; Bernd-Arno Behrens (Eds.), Production at the leading edge of technology. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) (pp. 103-110). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH.
Papke, T., & Merklein, M. (2019). Characterization of Work Hardening Behavior of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel 316L (1.4404) Using Bulk Metal Forming at Elevated Temperature. In U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zaeh, M. Rethmeier (Hrg.), Tagungsband Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 . München.
Papke, T., Huber, F., Heimes, M., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Charakterisierung der Umformbarkeit und mechanischen Eigenschaften von additiv gefertigtem Ti6Al4V . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Martin Stockinger (Eds.), XXXVIII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 101-106).
Gutknecht, F., Vogel, M., Schulte, R.K., Merklein, M., Rosenbusch, D., Koch, S.,... Clausmeyer, T. (2019). Comparison of Strain-path Indicators for Analysis of Processes in Sheet-bulk Metal Forming . In Korkolis Y, Kinsey B, Knezevic M, Padhye N (Eds.), Proceedings of the The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes .
Suttner, S., Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Cross-profile deep drawing of magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet metal for springback analysis under various temperatures . In 18th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SHEMET 2019 .
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Determination of strain dependent anisotropy in layer compression tests and resulting influence on the yield locus modelling . In NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (Eds.), .
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2019). Einfluss der fertigungsbedingten Gestalt und Struktur auf das Einlaufverhalten von Stahl-Kunststoff-Getriebepaarungen . In Industriekolloquium der Forschergruppe FOR 2271 . Erlangen.
Schmid, H., Hetz, P., & Merklein, M. (2019). Failure behavior of different sheet metals after passing a drawbead . In 47th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference, NAMRC 47, Pennsylvania, USA .
Vogel, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Flexible rolling of rotational symmetric tailored blanks with a two-sided thickness profile . In Livan Fratini, Ihab Ragai, Lihui Wang (Eds.), Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 139-146). Erie, PA, US: Elsevier B.V..
Wiesenmayer, S., Graser, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Influence of the Material Combination on the Load-bearing Capacity of Shear-clinched Joints . Paper presentation at 1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2019, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, PT.
Kuball, C.-M., Jung, R., Uhe, B., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2019). Influence of the process temperature on the tribological behaviour during bulk forming of high nitrogen steel . In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2019 .
Schödel, S., Herrmann, J., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation of different surface treatment parameters in the context of roll bonding processes . In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SHEMET 2019 (pp. 600-607). Procedia Manufacturing.
Hansen, B., Purr, S., Meinhardt, J., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigation of the tribological behavior of car body parts in series production . In 6th ICAFT – International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology 25th SFU – Saxon Conference on Forming Technology 6th AutoMetForm – International Lower Silesia – Saxony Conference on Advanced Metal Forming Processes in the Automotive Industry (pp. 51-56). Chemnitz, DE: AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Jobst, A., Kiener, C., & Merklein, M. (2019). Investigations on Residual Stress Generation in Extruded Steel Components . In Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) (pp. 83-92). Hamburg, DE.
Degner, J., Bohm, W., Herrmann, J., Kohler, M., & Merklein, M. (2019). Manufacturing and Characterization of Multilayered 7000-Series Aluminum with Improved Corrosion Behavior Processed via Accumulative Roll Bonding . In MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS (pp. 368-375). Verona, IT: AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Kraus, M., Frey, P., Kleffel, T., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2019). Mechanical joining without auxiliary element by cold formed pins for multi-material-systems . In Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2019) . Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES.
Wiesenmayer, S., Han, D., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2019). Untersuchung der Werkzeugbeanspruchung und des Verschleißes beim Schneidclinchen . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Martin Stockinger (Eds.), XXXVIII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 63-68).
Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Untersuchung des Einsatzverhaltens kaltfließgepresster Zahnräder . In VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Hrg.), 34. Jahrestreffen der Kaltmassivumformer (S. 149-158). Düsseldorf.
Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2019). Versagensanalyse nach Vorbelastung in einer Ziehsicke . In EFB-Kolloquium Blechverarbeitung: Wirtschaftliche Verarbeitung hochfester Werkstoffe für Leicht- und Funktionsbau . Thesis
Vipavc, D. (2019). Eine Simulationsmethode für das 3-Rollen-Schubbiegen (Dissertation).
Hildenbrand, P. (2019). Development of a methodology for manufac-turing tailored blanks with defined proper-ties by an orbital forming process (Dissertation).
Lutz, S. (2019). Erarbeitung einer Methodik zur semiempirischen Ermittlung der Umwandlungskinetik durchhärtender Wälzlagerstähle für die Wärmebehandlungssimulation (Dissertation).
Schaub, A. (2019). Fundamental scientific research on the combined process chain of forming and additive manufacturing (Dissertation).
Zimmermann, A. (2019). Grundlegende Untersuchungen zum Einfluss fertigungsbedingter Eigenschaften auf die Ermüdungsfestigkeit kaltmassivumgeformter Bauteile (Dissertation).
Landkammer, S. (2019). Grundsatzuntersuchungen, mathematische Modellierung und Ableitung einer Auslegungsrichtlinie für Gelenkantriebe nach dem Spinnenbeinprinzip (Dissertation).
Gröbel, D. (2019). Herstellung von Nebenformelementen unterschiedlicher Geometrie an Blechen mittels Fließpressverfahren der Blechmassivumformung (Dissertation).
Gnibl, T. (2019). Modellbasierte Prozesskettenabbildung rührreibgeschweißter Aluminiumhalbzeuge zur umformtechnischen Herstellung höchstfester Leichtbaustrukturteile (Dissertation).
Tenner, J. (2019). Realisierung schmierstofffreier Tiefziehprozesse durch maßgeschneiderte Werkzeugoberflächen (Dissertation).
Dietrich, S. (2019). Sensoriken zur Schwerpunktslagebestimmung der optischen Prozessemissionen beim Laserstrahltiefschweißen (Dissertation).
Konrad, T. (2019). Simulative Auslegung der Spann- und Fixierkonzepte im Karosserierohbau: Bewertung der Baugruppenmaßhaltigkeit unter Berücksichtigung schwankender Einflussgrößen (Dissertation).
Amann, C. (2019). Virtually predicting the geometry of wet moulded car body parts made of multi-layered unidirectional non-crimp fabrics (Dissertation).
Löffler, M. (2019). Steuerung von Blechmassivumformprozessen durch maßgeschneiderte tribologische Systeme (Dissertation).
Müller, M. (2019). Untersuchung des kombinierten Trenn- und Umformprozesses beim Fügen artungleicher Werkstoffe mittels Schneidclinchverfahren (Dissertation).
Böhm, W. (2019). Verbesserung des Umformverhaltens von mehrlagigen Aluminiumblechwerkstoffen mit ultrafeinkörnigem Gefüge (Dissertation). Miscellaneous 2018 2018 Authored Books Journal Articles
Junker, D., Hentschel, O., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Investigation of heat treatment strategies for additively-manufactured tools of X37CrMoV5-1 . Metals , 8 (10).
Häfner, T., Rothammer, B., Tenner, J., Krachenfels, K., Merklein, M., Tremmel, S.,... Schmidt, M. (2018). Adaption of tribological behavior of a-C:H coatings for application in dry deep drawing . MATEC Web of Conferences , 190 , 1 - 10.
Tenner, J., Zhao, R., Tremmel, S., Häfner, T., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Tribological Behavior of Carbon Based Coatings Adapted to Lubricant-Free Forming Conditions . International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology , 5 (3), 361-367.
Löffler, M., Engel, U., Willner, K., Beyer, F., & Merklein, M. (2018). Investigation of the tribological behaviour of microstructures for controlling the material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology .
Lorenz, R., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2018). Experimental Evaluation of Cold Forging Lubricants Using Double-Cup-Extrusion-Tests . Materials Science Forum , 918 , 65-70.
Degner, J., Herrmann, J., Junker, F., Berendt, E., & Merklein, M. (2018). Leichtbauwerkstoffe für den modernen Automobilbau . Konstruktion , 3 , 50-54.
Tenner, J., Häfner, T., Rothammer, B., Krachenfels, K., Zhao, R., Schmidt, M.,... Merklein, M. (2018). Influence of laser generated micro textured coated tool surfaces on dry deep drawing processes . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 4 , 35 - 46.
Stichel, T., Frick, T., Laumer, T., Tenner, F., Hausotte, T., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2018). A Round Robin study for selective laser sintering of polymers: Back tracing of the pore morphology to the process parameters . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 252 , 537-545.
Zahner, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Analysis of combined extrusion micro coining process to manufacture microstructured tappets . Procedia Manufacturing , 15 , 272-279.
Affronti, E., Jaremenko, C., Merklein, M., & Maier, A. (2018). Analysis of Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming with Pattern Recognition Methods. Part 1: Characterization of Onset of Necking and Expert Evaluation . Materials , 11 (9, 1495).
Jaremenko, C., Affronti, E., Maier, A., & Merklein, M. (2018). Analysis of Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming with Pattern Recognition Methods. Part 2: Unsupervised Methodology and Application . Materials , 11 (10), 1892.
Affronti, E., & Merklein, M. (2018). Analysis of the bending effects and the biaxial pre-straining in sheet metal stretch forming processes for the determination of the forming limits . International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , 138-139 , 295-309.
Heinle, M., Frey, P., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2018). Einfluss mikrogeformter Kanten an Metalleinlegern auf die Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit mediendichter Kunststoff-Metall-Hybriden . Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik , 14 (3), 211-232.
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2018). Identification of a process window for tailored carburization of sheet metals in hot stamping . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1960 .
Herrmann, J., & Merklein, M. (2018). Improvement of deep drawability of ultra-fine grained 6000 series aluminum alloy by tailored heat treatment . Procedia Manufacturing , 15 , 976-983.
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Improvement of numerical modelling considering plane strain material characterization with an elliptic hydraulic bulge test . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 2 , 1-20.
Graser, M., Pflaum, N., & Merklein, M. (2018). Influence of a local laser heat treatment on the bending properties of aluminium extrusion profiles . Procedia CIRP , 74 , 780-784.
Kiener, C., Neher, R., & Merklein, M. (2018). Influence of tribological conditions on cold forging of gears . Production Engineering , 12 (3-4), 367-375.
Michalski, M., Lechner, M., Gruber, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Influence of ultrasonic vibration on the shear formability of metallic materials . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 67 (1), 277-280.
Huber, F., Papke, T., Scheitler, C.J., Hanrieder, L., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2018). In Situ Formation of a Metastable β-Ti Alloy by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) of Vanadium and Iron Modified Ti-6Al-4V . Metals , 8 (12).
Han, D., Hörhold, R., Wiesenmayer, S., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2018). Investigation of the influence of tool-sided parameters on deformation and occurring tool loads in shear-clinching processes . Procedia Manufacturing , 15 , 1346-1353.
Vogel, M., & Lechner, M. (2018). Manufacturing of process adapted tailored blanks by a flexible rolling process using the aluminum alloy AA6016 . Key Engineering Materials , 15 , 1224-1231.
Affronti, E., Weidinger, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Metallographic analysis of failure mechanisms during Nakajima tests for the evaluation of forming limits on a dual-phase steel . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 418 (012047).
Krachenfels, K., Tenner, J., & Merklein, M. (2018). Nachhaltige Blechumformung durch Trockentiefziehen . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 108 , 652-656.
Brosius, A., Kuesters, N., & Lenzen, M. (2018). New method for stress determination based on digital image correlation data . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 67 (1), 269-272.
Wiesenmayer, S., Müller, M., Dornberger, P., Han, D., Hörhold, R., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2018). Numerical Investigation of the Tool Load in Joining by Forming of Dissimilar Materials Using Shear-Clinching Technology . Key Engineering Materials , 767 , 397-404.
Hildenbrand, P., Lechner, M., Vogel, M., Herrmann, H., & Merklein, M. (2018). Orbital forming of tailored blanks with two-sided local material thickening . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 97 , 1-10.
Hentschel, O., Siegel, L., Scheitler, C.J., Huber, F., Junker, D., Gorunow, A., & Schmidt, M. (2018). Processing of AISI H11 Tool Steel Powder Modified with Carbon Black Nanoparticles for the Additive Manufacturing of Forging Tools with Tailored Mechanical Properties by Means of Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) . Metals .
Han, D., Hörhold, R., Müller, M., Wiesenmayer, S., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2018). Shear-Clinching of Multi-Element Specimens of Aluminium Alloy and Ultra-High-Strength Steel . Key Engineering Materials , 767 , 389-396. Conference Contributions
Huber, F., Papke, T., Kerkien, M., Tost, F., Geyer, G., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2018). Customized Exposure Strategies for Manufacturing Hybrid Parts by Combining Laser Beam Melting and Sheet Metal Forming . International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO), US.
Rosenschon, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Analysis of the stress and directional dependent Bauschinger-effect of sheet metals . In Cliff Butcher, Michael Worswick, Alexander Bardelcik (Eds.), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering . Waterloo, ON, CAN: Institute of Physics Publishing.
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2018). Investigation of diffusion behavior of carburized sheet metal in hot stamping . In F. Vollertsen, T.A. Dean, Y. Qin, S.J. Yuan (Eds.), MATEC Web Conf . Bremen, DE.
Papke, T., Junker, D., Schmidt, M., Kolb, T., & Merklein, M. (2018). Bulk Metal Forming of Additively Manufactured Elements . In 190 .
Schmid, H., & Merklein, M. (2018). Effect on the mechanical properties of sheet metals after the use of drawbeads in deep drawing . In 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology ICNFT Bremen 2018 . EDP Sciences.
Schwingenschlögl, P., & Merklein, M. (2018). Einfluss der Werkzeugeigenschaften auf die tribologischen Bedingungen beim Presshärten . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Bruno Buchmayr (Eds.), XXXVII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 65-70).
Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2018). Fertigung funktionsoptimierter Bauteile beim Presshärten . In M. Merklein (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 13. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 157-170). Erlangen.
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Improvement of the drawing ratio of the anisotropic material behaviour under near plane strain conditions for DP600 characterized in elliptic hydraulic bulge test . In NUMISHEET Conference (Eds.), (pp. 1-6). Institute of Physics Publishing.
Neubauer, F., Reil, T., Hofmann, K., & Merklein, M. (2018). Increasing the Adhesive Wear Resistance of Hot Stamping Tools By Modifiying the Surfaces . In Key Engineering Material, 767 (pp. 61-68).
Papke, T., Dubjella, P., Butzhammer, L., Huber, F., Petrunenko, O., Klose, D.,... Merklein, M. (2018). Influence of a bending operation on the bonding strength for hybrid parts made of Ti-6Al-4V. In Procedia CIRP (pp. 290-294). Fürth.
Lorenz, R., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2018). Influence of the coating process on the tribological conditions during cold forging with a MoS2 based lubricant . In AIP Conference Proceedings .
Pilz, F., Gröbel, D., & Merklein, M. (2018). Investigation of Fatigue Strength of Tool Steels in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In AIP Conference Proceedings 1960:1 . American Institute of Physics Inc..
Merklein, M., Löffler, M., Gröbel, D., & Henneberg, J. (2018). Material flow control in sheet-bulk metal forming processes using blasted tool surfaces . In Qin, Y.; Dean, T.A.; Lin, J.; Yuan, S. J.; Vollertsen, F (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology . MATEC Web of Conferences.
Papke, T., Graser, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Numerical modelling approach for the temperature dependent forming behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V . In Qin, Y.; Dean, T.A.; Lin, J.; Yuan, S. J.; Vollertsen, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology, MATEC Web of Conferences . EDP Sciences.
Degner, J., Merten, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Numerische Auslegung eines kombinierten Umform- und Abschreckprozesses zur Herstellung hochfester Aluminiumbauteile . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 13. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung 2018 (pp. 95-104). Druck Inform GmbH.
Vogel, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Oberflächenanalyse von Tailored Blanks hergestellt durch ein Taumelverfahren . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Bruno Buchmayr (Eds.), XXXVII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 91-96).
Papke, T., Huber, F., Hagenah, H., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Potentiale der Kombination von Umformtechnik und additiver Fertigung in hybriden Prozessketten . In Drummer, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6. Industriekolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 814 - Additive Fertigung (pp. 59-76). Print Line.
Schwingenschlögl, P., Tenner, J., & Merklein, M. (2018). Tribological Behavior of Different Tool Steels and Surface Properties under Hot Stamping Conditions . In Key Engineering Material, 767 (pp. 212-219). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Kraus, M., Hufnagel, T., & Merklein, M. (2018). Verification of the Accuracy of FE-Models in Bulk-Forming of Micropins from Sheet Metal . In WCMNM 2018 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, doi: 10.3850/978-981-11-2728-1_02 (pp. 185-188).
Kraus, M., Hufnagel, T., & Merklein, M. (2018). Verification of the Accuracy of FE-Models in Bulk-Forming of Micropins from Sheet Metal . In Joško Valentinčič, Martin Byung-Guk Jun, Kuniaki Dohda, and Stefan Dimov (Eds.), Proceedings of the World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing - WCMNM 2018 (pp. 185-188). Portorož, SI.
Papke, T., Junker, D., Huber, F., Hentschel, O., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2018). Verknüpfung additiver Fertigung und Umformtechnik in Form hybrider Bauteile und Werkzeuge. In Witt G (Eds.), Tagungsband Fachtagung Werkstoffe und Additive Fertigung (pp. 64-69). Potsdam. 2017 2017 Journal Articles
Kiener, C., & Merklein, M. (2017). Virtuelle Analysetools – Eine smarte Methode zur effizienten Erforschung von Kaltfließpressprozessen . Konstruktion , 69 (11-12), 78-82.
Graser, M., Degner, J., Böhm, W., & Merklein, M. (2017). Verbesserung der Umformbarkeit von Aluminium . Konstruktion , 69 (6), IW14-IW16.
Satish, D.R., Kumar, D.R., & Merklein, M. (2017). Effect of temperature and punch speed on forming limit strains of AA5182 alloy in warm forming and improvement in failure prediction in finite element analysis . Journal of Strain Analysis For Engineering Design , 52 (4), 258-273.
Hentschel, O., Scheitler, C.J., Fedorov, A., Junker, D., Gorunov, A., Haimerl, A.,... Schmidt, M. (2017). Experimental investigations of processing the high carbon cold-work tool steel 1.2358 by laser metal deposition for the additive manufacturing of cold forging tools . Journal of Laser Applications , 29 (2).
Stichel, T., Frick, T., Laumer, T., Tenner, F., Hausotte, T., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2017). A Round Robin study for Selective Laser Sintering of polyamide 12: Microstructural origin of the mechanical properties . Optics and Laser Technology , 89 , 31-40.
Hörhold, R., Müller, M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2017). Proprietà meccaniche di una tecnologia di giunzione innovativa tipo shear-clinching per strutture leggere automobilistiche in acciaio ad altissima resistenza e leghe di alluminio . Rivista Italiana della Saldatura , 69 (2), 171-184.
Steiner, J., Häfner, T., Zhao, R., Andreas, K., Schmidt, M., Tremmel, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). Analysis of tool-sided surface modifications for dry deep drawing of deep drawing steel and aluminum alloys in a model process . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 3 , 30-40.
Graser, M., Degner, J., Böhm, W., & Merklein, M. (2017). Aluminiumlösungen aus maßgeschneidert wärmebehandelten Halbzeugen . Konstruktion , 06 .
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). A new approach for the determination of the linear elastic modulus from uniaxial tensile tests of sheet metals . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 241 , 64-72.
Michalski, M., Piott, F., & Merklein, M. (2017). Compression testing of martensitic stainless steel with superimposed ultrasonic vibration . Procedia Engineering , 207 , 1970-1975.
Michalski, M., Leicht, U., Heath, A., & Merklein, M. (2017). Dynamic correction of oscillatory forces during ultrasonic-assisted metal forming . Production Engineering , 11 (4-5), 455-465.
Häfner, T., Heberle, J., Hautmann, H., Zhao, R., Tenner, J., Tremmel, S.,... Schmidt, M. (2017). Effect of picosecond laser based modifications of amorphous carbon coatings on lubricant-free tribological systems . Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering , 12 (2), 132-140.
Herrmann, J., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of the Bond Shear Strength of Multi-layered 6000 Series Aluminum Alloys . Procedia Engineering , 183 , 283-290.
Hentschel, O., Scheitler, C.J., Fedorov, A., Junker, D., Gorunow, A., Haimerl, A.,... Schmidt, M. (2017). Experimental investigations of processing the high carbon cold-work tool steel 1.2358 by LMD for the additive Manufacturing of cold forging tools . Journal of Laser Applications , 29 (2), 022307.
Wegener, K., Mayr, J., Merklein, M., Behrens, B.-A., Aoyama, T., Sulitka, M.,... Moehring, H.-C. (2017). Fluid elements in machine tools . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 66 (2), 611-634.
Mori, K.-I., Bariani, P.F., Behrens, B.-A., Brosius, A., Bruschi, S., Maeno, T.,... Yanagimoto, J. (2017). Hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 66 (2), 755-777.
Tenner, J., Almohallami, A., Arghavani, M., Böhermann, F., Freiße, H., Herrmann, M.,... Teller, M. (2017). How dry is dry? - A critical analysis of surface conditions used in dry metal forming . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 3 , 90-94.
Karthaus, J., Steentjes, S., Gröbel, D., Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Hameyer, K. (2017). Influence of the mechanical fatigue progress on the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets . Archives of Electrical Engineering , 66 (2), 351-360.
Dubjella, P., & Merklein, M. (2017). Influence of Warm Bending on the Surface Topography of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V . Procedia Engineering , 183 , 23-30.
Zahner, M., Lentz, L., Steinlein, F., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of Production Limits in Manufacturing Microstructured Surfaces Using Micro Coining . Micromachines , 8 (322), None.
Zhao, R., Steiner, J., Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Tremmel, S. (2017). Investigation of tribological behaviour of a-C:H coatings for dry deep drawing of aluminium alloys . Tribology International .
Schmidt, M., Merklein, M., Bourell, D., Dimitrov, D., Hausotte, T., Wegener, K.,... Levy, G.N. (2017). Laser based additive manufacturing in industry and academia . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 66 (2), 561-583.
Hörhold, R., Müller, M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2017). Specimen´s Geometry Related Influences on Load-Bearing Capacity of Joining Aluminium and UHSS by Innovative Shear-Clinching . Journal of Materials Science Research , 6 (4).
Leicht, U., Michalski, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Ultraschallunterstütztes Umformen und Verstemmen - Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem Verbundprojekt "UltraCaulk" . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 107 (1/2), 52-58. Conference Contributions
Chekhova, M., Cavanna, A., Taheri, M., Okoth, C., Jiang, X., Joly, N., & Russell, P.S.J. (2017). Photonic crystal fibers for generating three-photon states . In 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2017 - Proceedings (pp. 1-2). San Jose, CA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Klos, A., Kellner, S., Wortberg, D., Walter, P., Bassi, C., & Merklein, M. (2017). Forming characteristics of artificial aging Al-Mg-Si-Cu sheet alloys . In Dermot Brabazon, Inam Ul Ahad, Sumsun Naher (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . Dublin, IRL: American Institute of Physics Inc..
Tremmel, S., Marian, M., Zahner, M., Weschta, M., Engel, U., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). Reibungsreduzierung in EHD-Kontakten durch mikrostrukturierte Bauteiloberflächen - Auslegung, Gestaltung und umformtechnische Herstellung . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V. (Hrg.), 58. Tribologie-Fachtagung. 2017, Son-derband Abschlusskolloquium „Ressourceneffiziente Konstruktionselemente“ SPP 1551 der DFG (S. 149 - 166). Göttingen.
Marian, M., Zahner, M., Tremmel, S., Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Wartzack, S. (2017). Design, Manufacturing and Tribological Performance of Microtextured Bucket Tappets for Friction Reduction in the Valve Train . In Proceedings of the 6th World Tribology Congress . Beijing/China.
Butzhammer, L., Dubjella, P., Huber, F., Schaub, A., Aumüller, M., Baum, A.,... Schmidt, M. (2017). Experimental investigation of a process chain combining sheet metal bending and laser beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V . In Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Lasers in Manufacturing LIM 2017 . München, DE.
Schulte, R.K., Hildenbrand, P., Vogel, M., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Analysis of fundamental dependencies between manufacturing and processing Tailored Blanks in sheet-bulk metal forming processes . In International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom (pp. 305-310). Elsevier Ltd.
Zahner, M., Andreas, K., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2017). Analysis of Production Limits in Manufacturing of Micro Coined Structures . In ASPEN/ASPE 2017 Spring Topical Meeting - Manufacture and Metrology of Structured and Freeform Surfaces for Functional Applications (pp. 82-85). Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN)/American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE).
Lenzen, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Analysis of the Lankford Coefficient Evolution at Different Strain Rates for AA6016-T4, DP800 and DC06 . In Dermot Brabazon, Sumsun Naher and Inam Ul Ahad (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings 1896(2017)160001 (pp. 1-6). American Institute of Physics Inc..
Rosenschon, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Analysis of the Young’s modulus reduction and cyclic hardening of HCT780X . In Gese, H. (Eds.), Proc. of MATFEM Conference 2017 .
Schmid, H., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). An incremental analysis of a deep drawing steel’s material behaviour undergoing the predeformation using drawbeads . In 36th IDDRG Conference – Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming (Eds.), IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 896 (2017) 011001 .
Lechner, M., Schulte, R.K., Meckler, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). Augmented Reality Technology for the Purpose of Sheet Metal Forming Simulation Evaluation . In van den Boogaard, T. (Eds.), 10th Forming Technology Forum 2017 - Model Based Control for Smart Forming Processes (pp. 71-74). Enschede.
Lenzen, M., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). Characterisation of strain rate dependency of sheet metals under biaxial loading with a strain rate controlled hydraulic bulge test . In R. H. Schmitt, G. Schuh (Eds.), 7. WGP-Jahreskongress Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017 (pp. 535-540). Aachen: Apprimus.
Schulte, R.K., Frey, P., Hildenbrand, P., Vogel, M., Betz, C., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Data-Based Control of A Multi-Step Forming Process . In Proc. International Deep Drawing Research Group Conf. IDDRG 2017 . Institute of Physics Publishing.
Kirchen, I., Vogel-Heuser, B., Hildenbrand, P., Schulte, R.K., Vogel, M., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Data-driven Model Development for Quality Prediction in Forming Technology . In 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) (pp. 775-780). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Schulte, R.K., Hildenbrand, P., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Designing, manufacturing and processing of Tailored Blanks in a sheet-bulk metal forming process . In 45th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference, NAMRC 45, LA, USA (pp. 286-297). Elsevier B.V..
Merklein, M., Andreas, K., Kraus, M., Löffler, M., & Pilz, F. (2017). Development and launching of an application-oriented test rig for wear investigations in sheet-bulk metal forming . In THE"A" Coatings (pp. 31-40).
Degner, J., & Merklein, M. (2017). Efficient Aluminium - Anwendung hochfester Aluminiumlegierungen im modernen Karosseriebau . In Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung (Eds.), Tagungsband des 37. EFB-Kolloquiums Blechverarbeitung 2017 .
Klos, A., Kahrimanidis, A., Wortberg, D., & Merklein, M. (2017). Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Forming Behavior of High Strain Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) Sheet Alloys . In Livan Fratini (Eds.), Procedia Engineering (pp. 95-100). Palermo, ITA: Elsevier Ltd.
Degner, J., Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2017). Experimental study on the flow behavior during hot forming and quenching of the high-strength aluminum alloy AA6111 . In Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Bruno Buchmayr (Eds.), XXXVI. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 166-171).
Degner, J., Horn, A., & Merklein, M. (2017). Experimental study on the warm forming and quenching behaviour for hot stamping of high-strength aluminum alloys . In IDDRG 2017 (Eds.), Journal of Physics: Conference Series . Institute of Physics Publishing.
Herrmann, J., & Merklein, M. (2017). Herstellung und Umformeigenschaften hochfester mehrlagiger Aluminiumlegierungen der 6000er-Serie . In Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung (Eds.), Energie / Effiziente Verarbeitung zukunftsweisender Leichtbauwerkstoffe (pp. 263-271).
Löffler, M., Engel, U., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Identification of tribological mechanisms of shot peened steel surfaces for an application in sheet-bulk metal forming . In Martin Levesque (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Shot Peening (pp. 67-72).
Kiener, C., Dohmstreich, J., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Influence of tribological conditions on cold forging processes . In Proceedings THE"A" Coatings (pp. 129-138).
Beck, J., Friedrichsen, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Influences of indentation forming on surface characteristics and metallographic properties of bright finishing alloys . In R. H. Schmitt, G. Schuh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7. WGP-Jahreskongress Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017 (pp. 459-464). Aachen: Apprimus.
Bauer, F., Werber, A., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of a process simulation method for flexible clamping of sheet metal parts . In Julian Allwood (Eds.), Procedia Engineering (pp. 1599-1604). Hucisko, GBR: Elsevier Ltd.
Schmid, H., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of process induced changes of material behaviour using a drawbead in forming operations . In R. H. Schmitt, G. Schuh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7. WGP-Jahreskongress Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2017 (pp. 37-42). Aachen: Apprimus.
Neubauer, F., Tenner, J., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of the Adhesive Wear Behavior of Alloyed and Not Alloyed Hot Stamping Tools in Contact with 22MnB5 . In Steinhoff, K.; Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B. (Hrsg.): (Eds.), Hot Sheet Metal Forming of high-Performance Steel - CHS2, Wissenschaftliche Skripten, 2017 (pp. 443-452).
Schwingenschlögl, P., Weldi, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of the influence of process parameters on adhesive wear under hot stamping conditions . In Journal of Physics: Conference Series . Institute of Physics Publishing.
Neubauer, F., Rupprecht, P., Hofmann, K., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of the tribological behaviour of alloyed hot stamping tools in contact with AlSi coated 22MnB5 . In THe "A" Coatings (Eds.), (pp. 81-90).
Schwingenschlögl, P., Steiner, J., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Investigation of Tribological Conditions within Partial Hot Stamping . In Steinhoff, K.; Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B. (Eds.), Hot Sheet Metal Forming of high-Performance Steel - CHS2 (pp. 233-240). Wissenschaftliche Skripten.
Froeck, H., Graser, M., Reich, M., Lechner, M., Merklein, M., & Kessler, O. (2017). Linked heat treatment and bending simulation of aluminium tailored heat treated profiles . In Paul Mason, Georg J. Schmitz, Amarendra K. Singh, Charles R. Fisher, Alejandro Strachan, Ryan Glamm, Michele V. Manuel (Eds.), Minerals, Metals and Materials Series (pp. 237-248). Ypsilanti, MI, USA: Springer International Publishing.
Vogel, M., Lechner, M., Hildenbrand, P., Schulte, R.K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Manufacturing of tailored blanks by flexible rolling and its application in a sheet-bulk metal forming process . In Wieland, H. (Eds.), Proceedings SCT2017 . Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Affronti, E., & Merklein, M. (2017). Metallographic Analysis of Nakajima Tests for the Evaluation of the Failure Developments . In Livan Fratini (Eds.), Procedia Engineering (pp. 83-88). Elsevier Ltd.
Kraus, M., Andreas, K., Stellin, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2017). Modification of Tribological Conditions for Influencing the Material Flow in Bulk Forming of Microparts from Sheet Metal . In AIP Conference Proceedings 1896 (pp. 1-6). AIP Conference Proceedings.
Tenner, J., Andreas, K., Radius, A., & Merklein, M. (2017). Numerical and experimental investigation of dry deep drawing of aluminum alloys with conventional and coated tool surfaces . In International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) (pp. 2245-2250). Elsevier Ltd.
Junker, D., Hentschel, O., Schramme, R., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Perfomance of Hot Forging Tools built by Laser Metal Deposition of Hot Work Tool Steel X37CrMoV5-1 . In Proceedings of the Laser in Manufacturing Conference 2017 .
Fröck, H., Graser, M., Milkereit, B., Reich, M., Lechner, M., Merklein, M., & Kessler, O. (2017). Precipitation behaviour and mechanical properties during short‑term heat treatment for tailor heat treated profiles (THTP) of aluminium alloy 6060 T4 . In Qing Liu, Robert Sanders, Zhihong Jia, Lingfei Cao, Jian-Feng Nie, Jian-Feng Nie (Eds.), Materials Science Forum (pp. 400-406). Chongqing, CN: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Rosenschon, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Process-oriented validation of hardening models in a cyclic bending test . In International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom (pp. 1904-1909). Elsevier Ltd.
Jaremenko, C., Huang, X., Affronti, E., Merklein, M., & Maier, A. (2017). Sheet metal forming limits as classification problem . In Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (pp. 100-103). Nagoya, JP: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Freiburg, D., Löffler, M., Merklein, M., & Biermann, D. (2017). Surface structuring of forming tool surfaces by high feed milling . In WGP Jahreskongress (Eds.), .
Bambach, M., Buhl, J., Hart-Rawung, T., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2017). Towards virtual deformation dilatometry for the design of hot stamping process . In Julian Allwood (Eds.), Procedia Engineering (pp. 1821-1826). Hucisko, GBR: Elsevier Ltd.
Schwingenschlögl, P., Tenner, J., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2017). Tribological behavior of Zn coated 22MnB5 in hot stamping . In Steels in Cars and Trucks .
Schulte, R.K., Lechner, M., Vogel, M., Hildenbrand, P., & Merklein, M. (2017). Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen aus Tailored Blanks durch Blechmassivumformverfahren . In 22. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover – Innovationspotentiale in der Umformtechnik. 15./16.03.2017 .
Schwingenschlögl, P., Hauser, D., Tenner, J., & Merklein, M. (2017). Werkzeugseitige Beeinflussung der tribologischen Bedingungen beim Presshärten . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 12. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 169-180). Meisenbach Bamberg. 2016 2016 Journal Articles
Schaub, A., Ahuja, B., Butzhammer, L., Osterziel, J., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Additive Manufacturing of Functional Elements on Sheet Metal . Physics Procedia , 83 , 797-807.
Ahuja, B., Schaub, A., Junker, D., Karg, M., Tenner, F., Plettke, R.,... Schmidt, M. (2016). A ROUND ROBIN STUDY FOR LASER BEAM MELTING IN METAL POWDER BED . South African Journal of Industrial Engineering , 27 (2), 30-42.
Löffler, M., Andreas, K., Engel, U., Schulte, R.K., Gröbel, D., Krebs, E.,... Merklein, M. (2016). Tribological measures for controlling material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming . Production Engineering , 10 (4), 459 - 470.
Beyer, F., Löffler, M., Willner, K., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2016). Enhancement of a Constitutive Friction Law by Considering Plastic Smoothing of Rough Surfaces in Dependency on the Bulk Stresses . Tribology in Industry , 38 (2), 163-175.
Merklein, M., Schmidt, M., Tremmel, S., Andreas, K., Häfner, T., Zhao, R., & Steiner, J. (2016). Tailored modifications of amorphous carbon based coatings for dry deep drawing . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 2 , 25-39.
Stein, S., Heberle, J., Suchy, M., Tenner, F., Hugger, F., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2016). High Temperature Laser Based Drop on Demand Micro Joining of Thin Metallic Layers or Foils using Bronze Braze Preforms . Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering , 11 (1), 111-116.
Landkammer, P., Schneider, T., Schulte, R.K., Steinmann, P., & Merklein, M. (2016). A non-invasive form finding approach with application to metal forming . Production Engineering , 10 (10-1), 93-102.
Kersting, P., Gröbel, D., Merklein, M., Peter, S., Wernicke, S., Tekkaya, A.E.,... Willner, K. (2016). Experimental and numerical analysis of tribological effective surfaces for forming tools in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . Production Engineering , 10 (1), 37-50.
Hildenbrand, P., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). A new strategy for manufacturing tailored blanks by a flexible rolling process . Materials Science Forum , 854 , 99-105.
Löffler, M., Andreas, K., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2016). Applicability of blasted blanks for adaption of tribological conditions in sheet-bulk metal forming . Procedia CIRP , 45 , 239-242.
Kiener, C., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Basic numerical analysis of a “Samanta” based forward extrusion process . Advanced Materials Research , 1140 , 27-34.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Cyclic tension test of AZ31 magnesium alloy at elevated temperature realized in a miniaturized uniaxial tensile test setup . Materials Science Forum , 854 , 112-117.
Purr, S., Wendt, A., Meinhardt, J., Moelzl, K., Werner, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2016). Data-driven inline optimization of the manufacturing process of car body parts . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 159 (1), 012002.
Besserer, H.-B., Hildenbrand, P., Gerstein, G., Rodman, D., Nuernberger, F., Merklein, M., & Maier, H.J. (2016). Ductile Damage and Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Finished Tailored Blanks for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes . Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance , 25 (3), 1136-1142.
Tsoupis, I., & Merklein, M. (2016). Edge crack sensitivity of lightweight materials under different load conditions . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 159 (1), 1-8.
Merklein, M., & Herrmann, J. (2016). Effect of a Local Laser Heat Treatment on the Formability of Multi-layered 6000 Series Aluminum Alloys . Physics Procedia , 83 , 560-567.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Experimental and numerical investigation of a strain rate controlled hydraulic bulge test of sheet metal . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 235 , 121-133.
Hoerhold, R., Müller, M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2016). Fundamental Studies on a Novel Die Concept for Round-Point Shear-Clinching . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1769 (100003), 1-6.
Merklein, M., Wieland, M., Lechner, M., Bruschi, S., & Ghiotti, A. (2016). Hot Stamping of Boron Steel Sheets with Tailored Properties: a Review . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 228 , 11-24.
Merklein, M., Junker, D., Schaub, A., & Neubauer, F. (2016). Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Technologies - An Analysis regarding Potentials and Applications . Physics Procedia , 83 , 549-559.
Besserer, H.-B., Dalinger, A., Rodman, D., Nuernberger, F., Hildenbrand, P., Merklein, M., & Maier, H.J. (2016). Induction heat treatment of sheet-bulk metal-formed parts assisted by water-air spray cooling . Steel Research International , 87 (9), 1220-1227.
Merklein, M., Gnibl, T., Tsoupis, I., Friedrichsen, M., & Beck, J. (2016). Influence of Cutting Processes on Edge Cracking Sensitivity of Bright Finishing Alloys . Key Engineering Materials , 716 , 443-450.
Fröck, H., Graser, M., Reich, M., Lechner, M., Merklein, M., & Keßler, O. (2016). Influence of short-term heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of EN AW 6060 T4 extrusion profiles - Part A . Production Engineering , 10 (4-5), 383–389.
Graser, M., Fröck, H., Lechner, M., Reich, M., Keßler, O., & Merklein, M. (2016). Influence of short-term heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of EN AW‑6060 T4 extrusion profiles – Part B . Production Engineering , 10 (4-5), 391–398.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Influence of specimen size and sheet thickness on the material behavior of AZ31B under uniaxial tension . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 159 , 1-8.
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., Gröbel, D., Löffler, M., Schneider, T., Schulte, R.K., & Hildenbrand, P. (2016). Innovative approaches for controlling the material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming processes . Manufacturing Review , 3 (2), 1-17.
Merklein, M., & Hagenah, H. (2016). Introduction to sheet-bulk metal forming . Production Engineering , 10 (1), 1-3.
Steiner, J., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigation of surface finishing of carbon based coated tools for dry deep drawing of aluminium alloys . IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 159 (1), 12022_1-10.
Lenzen, M., Affronti, E., Rosenschon, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigation of the Anisotropic Strain Rate Dependency of AA5182-O and DC04 for Different Stress States . Advanced Materials Research , 1140 , 35-42.
Degner, J., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigation of the Unloading Yield Effect in Aluminum and Magnesium Sheet Metal Alloys at Room Temperature . Key Engineering Materials , 716 , 331-336.
Isik, K., Gerstein, G., Schneider, T., Schulte, R.K., Rosenbusch, D., Clausmeyer, T.,... Merklein, M. (2016). Investigations of ductile damage during the process chains of toothed functional components manufactured by sheet-bulk metal forming . Production Engineering , 10 (1), 5-15.
Andreas, K., Henneberg, J., Koch, J.P.K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Local adjustment of surface integrity of forming tools by adaptation of tool making process . Procedia CIRP , 45 , 339-342.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Magnesium - Leichtbauwerkstoff der Blechumformung: Relevanz einer exakten Werkstoffcharakterisierung und -modellierung . Konstruktion , 9 , IW8-IW10.
Gröbel, D., Schulte, R.K., Hildenbrand, P., Lechner, M., Engel, U., Sieczkarek, P.,... Merklein, M. (2016). Manufacturing of functional elements by sheet-bulk metal forming processes . Production Engineering , 10 (1), 63-80.
Gnibl, T., & Merklein, M. (2016). Material flow control in tailor welded blanks by a combination of heat treatment and warm forming . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 65 (1), 305-308.
Hoerhold, R., Müller, M., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2016). Mechanical properties of an innovative shear-clinching technology for ultra-high-strength steel and aluminium in lightweight car body structures . Welding in the World , 60 (3), 613-620.
Stellin, T., Van Tijum, R., & Engel, U. (2016). Modelling and experimental study of a microforging process from metal strip for the reduction of defects in mass production . Production Engineering , 10 (2), 103-112.
Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Strahlbearbeitung von Fließpresswerkzeugen - Integration von Strahloperationen in den Werkzeugherstellungsprozess . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 11/12 , 835-840.
Nguyen, H., Boehm, W., Tsoupis, I., Göken, M., Höppel, H.W., Schmidt, C.,... Merklein, M. (2016). Tailored heat treated accumulative roll bonded aluminum blanks: failure under bending stresses . Production Engineering , 10 , 399-407.
Hildering, S., Michalski, M., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2016). Tool Load Sensitivity against Multidimensional Process Influences in Microblanking of Thin Metal Foils with Silicon Punches . Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering , 138 (9).
Michalski, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Ultrasonic-Assisted Upsetting of Steel with 15 kHz Oscillation Frequency . Key Engineering Materials , 716 , 544-551. Conference Contributions
Karg, M., Hentschel, O., Ahuja, B., Junker, D., Haßler, U., Schäperkötter, C.,... Schmidt, M. (2016). Comparison of process characteristics and resulting microstructures of maraging steel 1.2709 in Additive Manufacturing via Laser Metal Deposition and Laser Beam Melting in Powder Bed . In Igor Drstvenšek, Dietmar Drummer, Michael Schmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies (pp. 39-50). Nürnberg, DE: Ljubljana: Interesansa - zavod.
Merklein, M., Dubjella, P., Schaub, A., Butzhammer, L., & Schmidt, M. (2016). Interaction of Additive Manufacturing and Forming . In Igor Drstvenšek, Dietmar Drummer, Michael Schmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies (pp. 309 - 316). Nürnberg, DE.
Zhao, R., Steiner, J., Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Tremmel, S. (2016, June). Investigation of Tribological Behaviour of a-C:H Coatings for Dry Deep Drawing of Aluminium Alloys . Paper presentation at The 17th Nordic Symposium on Tribology - NORDTRIB 2016, Hämeenlinna, FI.
Steiner, J., Zhao, R., Tremmel, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigation of Tribological Behavior of Carbon Coatings in Dry Sheet Metal Forming . In Proceedings 12th International Conference THE "A" Coatings 2016 (pp. 153-160). Hannover, DE: Hannover: PZH Verlag.
Löffler, M., Andreas, K., Engel, U., Weikert, T., Tremmel, S., Wartzack, S.,... Merklein, M. (2016). Surface modifications for adaption of tribological conditions in sheet-bulk metal forming processes . In Bobzin, K.; Bouzakis, K.-D.; Denkena, B.; Maier, H.J.; Merklein, M. (Eds.), Proceedings THE "A" Coatings (pp. 13-20). Hannover, DE: Garbsen: PZH Verlag.
Merklein, M., & Herrmann, J. (2016). Accumulative Roll Bonding of precipitation-hardenable aluminum alloys of the 6000 series in a warm rolling process . In Proc. ROLLING Conference (pp. 699-708).
Rosenschon, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Analyse der Abbildbarkeit des dehnungsabhängigen Bauschinger-Effekts mithilfe istrop-kinematischer Modelle . In B. Buchmayr (Eds.), Tagungsband XXXV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 172-177).
Junker, D., Fedorov, A., Hentschel, O., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Connection strength of additive manufactured tool elements to the substrate . In Key Eng. Mater. 716 (Eds.), (pp. 389-394). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Hofmann, K., Neubauer, F., Holzer, M., Mann, V., Hugger, F., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2016). Effect of laser beam alloying strategies on the metallurgical and mechanical properties of hot forming tool steels . In Physics Procedia 83 (Eds.), LANE 2016 - 9. International Conference on Photonic Technologies (pp. 264-276). Elsevier B.V..
Frey, P., Höhler, C., & Merklein, M. (2016). Effect of Residual Stress on the Distortion of Microembossed Metal Inserts for Assembly Injection Moulding . In Tosello, G.; Nørgaard Hansen, H.; Ehmann, K.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), 4M/IWMF2016 Conference: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 691).
Beck, J., Merklein, M., & Friedrichsen, M. (2016). Einfluss anisotropen Materialverhaltens von Aluminium-Glänzwerkstoffen auf die Rissausbildung beim Lochaufweitversuch . In H.-J. Christ (Eds.), Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2016 (pp. 263-268). Stahleisen.
Lenzen, M., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Einfluss der Auflösung des Dehnungsfeldes auf die Kennwertermittlung im Scherzugversuch von Aluminium- und Magnesiumlegierungen . In H.-J. Christ (Eds.), Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2016 (pp. 143-148). Stahleisen.
Schwingenschlögl, P., Tenner, J., Gauglitz, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Einfluss der Werkzeugtemperatur auf die tribologischen Bedingungen beim Presshärten . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), 11. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 45-62). Meisenbach Bamberg.
Löffler, M., & Andreas, K. (2016). Einfluss des Schmierstoffs auf die Werkstückqualität in der Blechmassivumformung . In Bruno Buchmayr (Eds.), Tagungsband XXXV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 111-116).
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., & Graser, M. (2016). Improvement of the Formability of Aluminum Extrusion Profiles by a Tailored, Local Short-Term Heat Treatment . In Dimitrov Dimiter, Oosthuizen Tiaan (Eds.), Proceedings COMA16 (pp. 155-160).
Hofmann, B., Masuch, M., Frey, P., Franke, J., & Merklein, M. (2016). In-Line strategies and methods to reduce balancing efforts within rotor production for electric drives . In Proceedings of the 6th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC) . Nürnberg, DE.
Schulte, R.K., Schneider, T., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Interaction of various functional elements in thin-walled cups formed by a sheet-bulk metal forming process . In K. Saanouni (Eds.), NUMIFORM 2016: The 12th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (pp. 07003). MATEC Web Conf..
Schwingenschlögl, P., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigation of Friction Conditions at Elevated Temperatures for Hot Stamping . In Thai Tribology Association (TTA) (Eds.), Proceedings 7th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (pp. 217-228).
Neubauer, F., Hofmann, K., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigation of the wear behavior for not alloyed and alloyed hot forming tools . In Wulfsberg, J.P; Fette, M.; Montag, T. (Eds.), WGP Congress 2016 (pp. 99-106). Trans Tech Publications.
Wieland, M., Neubauer, F., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Investigations on load spectrum and adhesive wear development in hot stamping operations . In K. Bobzin; K.-D. Bouzakis; B. Denkena; H.J. Maier; M. Merklein (Eds.), The "A" Coatings Conference Proceedings (pp. 227-234). PZH Verlag.
Schaub, A., Degner, J., Ahuja, B., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2016). Numerical Investigation for Superplastic Forming Tool Development Within the Combined Process Chain of Forming and Additive Manufacturing . In Dimitrov, D; Oosthuizen, T. (Eds.), Int. Conf. Competitive Manufacturing (pp. 173-179). Stellenbosch, Südafrika.
Müller, M., Hörhold, R., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2016). Numerische Untersuchung des Werkstoffflusses beim Fügen artungleicher Werkstoffe mittels Schneidclinchen . In Brosius, A. (Eds.), Tagungsband SFU 2016 (pp. 158-165).
Neubauer, F., Hofmann, K., Tenner, J., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2016). Oberflächenmodifizierung von Presshärtewerkzeugen durch einen drahtbasierten Laserstrahllegierungsprozess . In M. Merklein (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 163-176). Meisenbach GmbH Verlag.
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., Böhm, W., & Degner, J. (2016). Scale-up of Innovative Forming Solutions from Scientific Fundamentals to Industrial Applications . In Materials Science and Technology 2016 (Eds.), .
Frey, P., Hildering, S., Tsoupis, I., Stellin, T., & Merklein, M. (2016). Simulationsbasierte Untersuchung eines neuartigen Fügekonzepts für Rotoren elektrischer Maschinen . In simufact engineering GmbH (Eds.), Tagungsband 17. RoundTable - Simulating Manufacturing (pp. 70-79).
Merklein, M., Graser, M., Degner, J., Lechner, M., & Herrmann, J. (2016). Tailoring material properties in forming technology by a local heat treatment . In Gronostajski, Z. (Eds.), Advanced Metal Forming Processes in Automotive Industry (pp. 45-52). 2015 2015 Authored Books
Merklein, M., Duflou, J.R., Leacock, A.G., Micari, F., & Hagenah, H. (2015). Sheet Metal 2015 . FAU University Press. Journal Articles
Schneider, M., Zahner, M., & Franke, J. (2015). Kräfte-und Belastungsermittlung: Bei der Handhabung von Statorblechpaketen in der Fertigung von Elektromotoren . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 110 (12), 771-774.
Merklein, M., Schmidt, M., Tremmel, S., Wartzack, S., Andreas, K., Häfner, T.,... Steiner, J. (2015). Investigation of Tribological Systems for Dry Deep Drawing by Tailored Surfaces . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 1 , 42-56.
Löffler, M., Gröbel, D., Engel, U., Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2015). Analysis of Effectiveness of Locally Adapted Tribological Conditions for Improving Product Quality in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . Applied Mechanics and Materials , 794 , 81-88.
Merklein, M., Maier, A., Kinnstätter, D., Jaremenko, C., & Affronti, E. (2015). A new approach to the evaluation of forming limits in sheet metal forming . Key Engineering Materials , 639 (0), 333-338.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Characterization of the shear stress state under non-proportional strain paths realized by biaxial stretching in the Marciniak Test . Materials Today: Proceedings , 2S , S98-S106.
Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., Lechner, M., Schaub, A., & Lutz, S. (2015). Determination of the mechanical properties of hot stamped parts from numerical simulations . Procedia CIRP , 33 , 167-172.
Merklein, M., Schmidt, M., Wartzack, S., Tremmel, S., Andreas, K., Häfner, T.,... Steiner, J. (2015). Development and Evaluation of Tool Sided Surface Modifications for Dry Deep Drawing of Steel and Aluminum Alloys . Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal , 1 , 113-120.
Merklein, M., Junker, D., Schaub, A., Kretschmer, A., & Lechner, M. (2015). Development of a New Method for Producing Plane Expanded Metal by Laser Cutting and Forming of Metal Plates under Uniaxial Tension . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 131-136.
Müller, M., Vierzigmann, U., Hörhold, R., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2015). Development of a testing method for the identification of friction coefficients for numerical modeling of the shear-clinching process . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 469-476.
Kahrimanidis, A., Lechner, M., Wortberg, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). Effiziente maßgeschneiderte Wärmebehandlung von Blechhalbzeugen in der Serienfertigung . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 4 , 246-250.
Kahrimanidis, A., Lechner, M., Wortberg, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). Effiziente maßgeschneiderte Wärmebehandlung von Blechhalbzeugen in der Serienfertigung . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 105 (4), 246-250.
Andreas, K. (2015). Einsatz des Hochleistungswerkstoffes Hartmetall in der Umformtechnik - Hartmetall als Werkzeugwerkstoff . Konstruktion , 5/12 , IW5-7.
Frey, P., Heinle, M., Leisen, C., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). Embossing of Metal Inserts for Subsequent Assembly Injection Moulding of Media Tight . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 99-106.
Frey, P., Heinle, M., Leisen, C., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). Embossing of metal inserts for subsequent assembly injection moulding of media tight electronic systems . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 99-106.
Merklein, M., Graser, M., & Lechner, M. (2015). Experimental investigation of heat-treated aluminum profiles . Key Engineering Materials , 651-653 , 59-64.
Müller, M., Hörhold, R., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2015). FE-based study of the cutting operation within joining by forming of dissimilar materials using shear-clinching technology . Advanced Materials Research , 794 , 304-311.
Hildenbrand, P., Schneider, T., & Merklein, M. (2015). Flexible Rolling of Process Adapted Semi-finished Parts and its Application in a Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Process . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 259-266.
Hense, R., Wels, C., Kersting, P., Vierzigmann, U., Löffler, M., Biermann, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). High-Feed Milling of Tailored Surfaces for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Tools . Production Engineering , 9 (2), 215-223.
Merklein, M., & Degner, J. (2015). Influence of Pre-Strain and Simulated Paint-Bake on Mechanical Properties of High Strength Aluminium Alloy AA7020 . Applied Mechanics and Materials , 805 , 115-122.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Influence of stress relaxation after uniaxial pre-straining on subsequent plastic yielding in the uniaxial tensile test of sheet metal . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 377-384.
Merklein, M., Andreas, K., & Steiner, J. (2015). Influence of Tool Surface on Tribological Conditions in Conventional and Dry Sheet Metal Forming . International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology , 2 (2), 131-137.
Böhm, W., Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2015). Innovative Aluminium Lightweight Design by the Combination of Accumulative Roll Bonding and Local Intermediate Heat Treatment . Materials Today , 2 (10), 4992-4997.
Tenner, J., & Merklein, M. (2015). Investigation of Influencing Parameters for Tribological Conditions in Dry Forming Processes . Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) , 28 (12), 1435-1441.
Löffler, M., Schneider, T., Vierzigmann, U., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2015). Locally Adapted Tribological Conditions as a Method for Influencing the Material Flow in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 267-274.
Loderer, A., Timmermann, M., Matthias, S., Kästner, M., Schneider, T., Hausotte, T., & Reithmeier, E. (2015). Measuring systems for sheet-bulk metal forming . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 291-298.
Merklein, M., Plettke, R., Junker, D., Schaub, A., & Ahuja, B. (2015). Mechanical Testing of Additive Manufactured Metal Parts . Key Engineering Materials , 651-653 , 713-718.
Pellegrino, S., Fratini, L., Merklein, M., Böhm, W., & Hung Nguyen, . (2015). Modeling of the Plastic Characteristics of AA6082 for the Friction Stir Welding Process . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 309-316.
Hippchen, P., Lipp, A., Grass, H., Craighero, P., Fleischer, M., & Merklein, M. (2015). Modelling kinetics of phase transformation for the indirect hot stamping process to focus on car body parts with tailored properties . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 228 , 59-67.
Hildenbrand, P., Schulte, R.K., & Merklein, M. (2015). New process strategies to manufacture tailored blanks out of DP600 by orbital forming . Applied Mechanics and Materials , 794 , 144-151.
Merklein, M., Kiener, C., & Zimmermann, A. (2015). Numerical investigations on the influence of process parameters on the forming of gears in forward extrusion . Applied Mechanics and Materials , 805 , 154-161.
Tsoupis, I., & Merklein, M. (2015). Numerical Prediction of Failure within Small Curvature Bending of Advanced High Strength Steels . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 419-426.
Merklein, M., Löffler, M., & Schneider, T. (2015). Plastic flow and its control in sheet-bulk metal forming of thin-walled functional components . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 64 (1), 245-248.
Kahrimanidis, A., Lechner, M., Degner, J., Wortberg, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). Process Design of Aluminum Tailor Heat Treated Blanks . Materials , 8 (12), 8524-8538.
Michalski, M., Leicht, U., Engler, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Tool System for Ultrasonic-Assisted Forming and Material Characterisation with 15 kHz Oscillation Frequency . Applied Mechanics and Materials , 794 , 427-434.
Michalski, M., & Merklein, M. (2015). Ultraschallunterstützte Umformung von Metallen - Entwicklung eines Prüfstands zur Werkstoffcharakterisierung mit 15 kHz Schwingungsüberlagerung . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 105 (10), 715-721.
Rosenschon, M., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Validation of kinematic hardening parameters from different stress states and levels of plastic strain with the use of the cyclic bending test . Key Engineering Materials , 639 , 385-392. Conference Contributions
Karg, M., Ahuja, B., Schaub, A., Schmidt, J., Sachs, M., Mahr, A.,... Schmidt, M. (2015). Effect of process conditions on mechanical behavior of aluminium wrought alloy EN AW-2618 additively manufactured by Laser Beam Melting in powder bed . In Proceedings of Laser in Manfacturing Conference 2015 (pp. 1-9). Messe München, DE.
Loderer, A., Hausotte, T., Steinmann, P., Merklein, M., Landkammer, P., Hildenbrand, P., & Schneider, T. (2015). Development of a feature adapted measurement evaluation strategy . In Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Eds.), Proceedings of the MacroScale 2014 - Recent developments in traceable dimensional measurements (pp. 13). Wien, AT: PTB open access repository.
Ahuja, B., Schaub, A., Karg, M., Schmidt, R., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2015). High Power Laser Beam Melting of Ti-6Al-4V on Formed Sheet Metal to achieve Hybrid structures . In Henry Helvajian, Alberto Piqué, Martin Wegener, Bo Gu (Eds.), Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9353, 93530X (pp. 1-10). The Moscone Center San Francisco California, US.
Reitelshöfer, S., Landgraf, M., Gräf, D., Bugert, L., & Franke, J. (2015). A new production process for soft actuators and sensors based on dielectric elastomers intended for safe human robot interaction . In 2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII) (pp. 51-56). Nagoya, JP.
Andreas, K. (2015). Beeinflussung der Werkzeuglebensdauer durch werkzeugseitige Anpassungen . In Buchmayr, B. (Eds.), Tagungsband XXXIII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 158-163). Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben.
Schwingenschlögl, P., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Characterization and Description of Friction Conditions for Hot Stamping and Partial Hot Stamping of Ultra High Strength Steel . In Stahl-Institut VDEh (Eds.), Proceedings METEC & 2nd ESTAD (pp. 1-6).
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Charakterisierung des Verfestigungsverhaltens der Magnesiumlegierung AZ31 im Scherspannungszustand bei erhöhter Temperatur . In Stahlinstitut VDEh (Eds.), Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2015 (pp. 101-106).
Rosenschon, M., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Evaluation of kinematic hardening models for multiple stress reversals under continuous cyclic shearing and multi - step bending. In LS-DYNA Forum 2015 . published online.
Zöller, F., Vera, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Experimental and numerical investigations on a pressure dependent friction model . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 403-410). Trans Tech Publications.
Scheitler, C.J., Hugger, F., Hofmann, K., Hentschel, O., Bätzler, T., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2015). Experimental investigation of direct diamond laser cladding in combination with high speed camera based process monitoring .
Stellin, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2015). Experimental Study of a Microforging Process of Parallel Ribs from Metal Strip . In Annoni, M.; Fassi, I.; Wiens, G.J.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proc. 4M/ICOMM2015 Conf. (pp. 218-221). Research Publ..
Hildering, S., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2015). Improved Tool Performance in Microblanking of Thin Metal Foils Through Defined Cutting Edge Modification of Silicon Punches . In Annoni, M.; Fassi, I.; Wiens, G.J.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proc. 4M/ICOMM2015 Conf. (pp. 238-241). Research Publ..
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., & Graser, M. (2015). Influence of a short-term heat treatment on the formability and ageing characteristics of aluminum profiles . In WLT e.V. (Eds.), Lasers in Manufacturing Conference .
Frey, P., Heinle, M., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2015). Influence of metal inserts with microformed edges on subsequent injection assembly moulding for media tight electronic systems . In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology, ICNFT 2015 . EDP Sciences.
Gröbel, D., Hildenbrand, P., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2015). Influence of tailored blanks on forming of cold forged functional elements in a sheet bulk metal forming process . In Stahl-Institut VDEh (Eds.), Proceedings METEC & 2nd ESTAT .
Hildenbrand, P., Sieczkarek, P., Matthias, S., Löffler, M., & Besserer, H. (2015). Inkrementelles Umformen dünnwandiger Funktionsbauteile unter Einsatz prozessangepasster Halbzeuge durch Verfahren der Blechmassivumformung . In Tekkaya, A. E.; Liewald, M.; Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung 2015 - DFG Transregio 73 (pp. 149-170). Shaker Verlag Aachen.
Merklein, M., Tsoupis, I., Gnibl, T., & Lechner, M. (2015). Innovative manufacturing solutions for the efficient production of car bodies . In Schmeing, K. (Eds.), Forming in Car Body Engineering 2015 (pp. 67-86). Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG, Hannover.
Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2015). Laser Adjustment Using Actuators . In A. Erman Tekkaya, Werner Homberg, Alexander Brosius (Eds.), 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming (pp. 167-172). Springer.
Degner, J., Suttner, S., Tsoupis, I., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2015). Manufacturing of Innovative Aluminum Components by Combining Shear Cutting Operation and Tailor Heat Treated Blank Technique . In Landgrebe, D.; Drossel, W.-G.; Putz, M. (Eds.), 5th International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology (pp. 193-208). Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Loderer, A., Timmermann, M., Matthias, S., Kästner, M., Schneider, T., Hausotte, T., & Reithmeier, E. (2015). Measuring systems for sheet-bulk metal forming . In Merklein M; Duflou J, Leacock A, Micari F, Hagenah H (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 291-298). Erlangen, DE: Pfaffikon: Trans Tech Publications.
Merklein, M., Affronti, E., & Steiner, J. (2015). Numerical investigation of dry and lubricated sheet metal forming processes . In Aldo Ofenheimer, Cecilia Poletti, Daniela Schalk-Kitting, Christof Sommitsch (Eds.), Key Engineering Materials (pp. 1029-1035). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2015). Parameters Influencing Adhesive Wear Behavior within Hot Stamping Operations . In Steinhoff, K; Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B. (Eds.), Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 111-119). Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Junker, D., Hentschel, O., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2015). Qualification of Laser Based Additive Production for Manufacturing of Forging Tools . In EDP Sciences (Eds.), Journal of Manufacturing Review . EDP Sciences.
Gröbel, D., Schneider, T., & Merklein, M. (2015). Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Tekkaya, A.E.; Homberg, W.; Brosius, A. (Eds.), 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming (pp. 101-106). Springer.
Merklein, M., Gröbel, D., Löffler, M., Schneider, T., & Hildenbrand, P. (2015). Sheet-bulk metal forming – forming of functional components from sheet metals . In Y. Qin, T.A. Dean, J. Lin, S.J. Yuan, F. Vollertsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology (pp. 010011-12). MATEC Web of Conferences.
Schneider, T., & Merklein, M. (2015). Sheet-bulk metal forming - potential and challenges of a new class of forming processes . In Khan, A.; Yu, H.Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of PLASTICITY ’15: The Twenty First International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications (pp. 169-171).
Junker, D., Hentschel, O., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2015). Tailor-Made Forging Tools by Laser Metal Deposition . In Key Engineering Materials(2015) (pp. 707-712). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Schwingenschlögl, P., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2015). Untersuchung der Reibbedingungen beim Presshärten mittels Streifenziehversuchen bei erhöhten Temperaturen . In M. Merklein (Eds.), 10. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 177-194). Erlangen: Meisenbach.
Löffler, M., Freiburg, D., Gröbel, D., Loderer, A., Matthias, S., Stangier, D., & Weikert, T. (2015). Untersuchung von Tailored Surfaces hinsichtlich ihres tribologischen Einflusses auf Prozesse der Blechmassivumformung . In Tekkaya A E, Liewald M, Merklein M, Behrens B-A (Hrg.), Tagungsband 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium des SFB/TR73 (S. 131 - 146). Dortmund, DE: Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Schlick, S., Eigner, I., & Fechner, A. (2015). Using Collective Intelligence to Generate Trend-based Travel Recommendations . In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 177-185). Marriott Lisbon Hotel, Lissabon, PT. 2014 2014 Authored Books
Merklein, M., Franke, J., & Hagenah, H. (2014). WGP Congress 2014 . Trans Tech Publications. Journal Articles
Ahuja, B., Schaub, A., Karg, M., Lechner, M., Merklein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2014). Developing LBM process parameters for Ti-6Al-4V thin wall structures and determining the corresponding mechanical characteristics . Physics Procedia , 56 , 90-98.
Stein, S., Heberle, J., Gürtler, F.-J., Cvecek, K., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2014). Influences of Nozzle Material on Laser Droplet Brazing Joints with Cu89Sn11 Preforms . Physics Procedia , 56 , 709-719.
Merklein, M., & Böhm, W. (2014). Accumulative Roll Bonding: Forming Behavior, Tailored Properties and Upscaling Approach . Advanced Materials Research , 907 (907), 3-16.
Müller, M., Hörhold, R., Merklein, M., & Meschut, G. (2014). Analysis of material behaviour in experimental and simulative setup of joining by forming of aluminium alloy and high strength steel with shear-clinching technology . Advanced Materials Research , 966-967 , 549-556.
Schneider, T., Vierzigmann, U., & Merklein, M. (2014). Analysis of Varying Properties of Semi-finished Products in Sheet-bulk Metal Forming of Functional Components . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1567 (1), 930-933.
Plettke, R., Schaub, A., Gröschel, C., Scheitler, C.J., Vetter, M., Hentschel, O.,... Drummer, D. (2014). A new process chain for joining sheet metal to fibre composite sheets . Key Engineering Materials , 611-612 , 1468-1475.
Yin, Q., Zillmann, B., Suttner, S., Gerstein, G., Biasutti, M., Tekkaya, A.E.,... Brosius, A. (2014). An experimental and numerical investigation of different shear test configurations for sheet metal characterization . International Journal of Solids and Structures , 51 (5), 1066-1074.
Merklein, M., Johannes, M., Lechner, M., & Kuppert, A. (2014). A Review on Tailored Blanks - Production, Applications and Evaluation . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 214 (2), 151-164.
Merklein, M., Meschut, G., Müller, M., & Hoerhold, R. (2014). Basic Investigations of Non-Pre-Punched Joining by Forming of Aluminium Alloy and High Strength Steel with Shear-Clinching Technology . Key Engineering Materials , 611-612 , 1413-1420.
Tsoupis, I., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2014). Bending of high-strength low-alloyed steel with respect to edge crack sensitivity caused by shearing operations . Procedia Engineering , 81 , 712-717.
Grüner, M., Gnibl, T., & Merklein, M. (2014). Blank hydroforming using granular material as medium - investigations on leakage . Procedia Engineering , 81 , 1035-1042.
Merklein, M., Suttner, S., & Brosius, A. (2014). Characterisation of kinematic hardening and yield surface evolution from uniaxial to biaxial tension with continuous strain path change . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 63 (1), 297-300.
Schaub, A., Jüchter, V., Singer, R., & Merklein, M. (2014). Characterization of hybrid components consisting of SEBM additive structures and sheet metal of alloy Ti-6Al-4V . Key Engineering Materials , 611-612 , 609-614.
Gnibl, T., & Merklein, M. (2014). Characterization of mechanical properties in processed friction stir welded high-strength aluminum alloy blanks . Procedia Engineering , 81 , 2098-2103.
Plettke, R., & Vatter, P. (2014). Comparison of new analytical an numerical approaches to model the three-roll-push-bending process . International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems , 7 (4/5/6), 279-295.
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2014). Determination of friction coefficients in deep drawing by modification of Siebel's formula for calculation of ideal drawing force . Production Engineering , 8 (5), 577-584.
Merklein, M., Suttner, S., & Schaub, A. (2014). Experimental investigation of Ti-6Al-4V with a biaxial tensile test setup at elevated temperature . Key Engineering Materials , 622-623 , 273-278.
Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2014). Improvement of surface integrity of cold forging tools by adaption of tool making process . Production Engineering , 8 (1-2), 131-141.
Reiß, A., & Engel, U. (2014). Influence of manufacturing process on the fatigue strength of gears . Advanced Materials Research , 1018 , 269-276.
Lechner, M., Johannes, M., Kuppert, A., & Merklein, M. (2014). Influence of Pre-straining and Heat Treatment on the Yield Surface of Precipitation Hardenable Aluminum Alloys . Physics Procedia , 56 , 1400-1409.
Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2014). Influence of surface integrity on the tribological performance of cold forging tools . Procedia CIRP , 13 , 61-66.
Gnibl, T., & Merklein, M. (2014). Innovative Prozesskette für Strukturleichtbauteile - Verarbeitung von Aluminium Tailored Blanks bei erhöhten Temperaturen . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 10 , 631-636.
Gröbel, D., Koch, J.P.K., Vierzigmann, U., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2014). Investigations and approaches on material flow of non-uniform arranged cavities in sheet bulk metal forming processes . Procedia Engineering , 81 , 401-406.
Merklein, M., & Wieland, M. (2014). Investigations on austenitization parameters influencing wear behavior within hot stamping . Procedia Engineering , 81 , 1695-1700.
Böhm, W., & Merklein, M. (2014). Laser-assisted Property Gradients in Multi-layered Aluminum . Physics Procedia , 56 , 1419-1426.
Weschta, M., Schrader, T., Tremmel, S., Merklein, M., Wartzack, S., & Engel, U. (2014). Mikrostrukturierung von Tassenstößeln zur Reibungsreduzierung im Ventiltrieb – Herstellung, Simulation und tribologische Charakterisierung . Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik , 61 (1), 21-28.
Andreas, K., Kiener, C., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2014). Smart FE-based tool design in cold forging . Advanced Materials Research , 1018 , 309-316.
Plettke, R., Vipavc, D., Grüner, M., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2014). The influence of the annealing process in the fabrication of helical needles for the suture in deep wound cavities . International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing , 27 (10), 960-967.
Austen, M., Noneder, J., & Merklein, M. (2014). Use of FEM and DoE to reduce the forming force during cold extrusion of prismatic cell housings . Key Engineering Materials , 611-612 , 989-996. Conference Contributions
Stein, S., Heberle, J., Hugger, F., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2014). Düsenbasiertes Laserstrahl-Löten mit Formteilen zur hochtemperaturfesten Kontaktierung piezokeramischer Substrate . In M. Schmidt, S. Roth (Hrg.), Tagungsband des 17. Seminars Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik (S. 75–86). Fürth, DE: Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Schaub, A., Ahuja, B., Karg, M., Schmidt, M., & Merklein, M. (2014). Fabrication and Characterization of Laser Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V Geometries on Sheet Metal . In Axel Demmer (Eds.), Proceedings DDMC 2014 Fraunhofer direct digital Manufacturing conference (pp. 1-5). Grand Hotel Esplanade Berlin, DE.
Müller, M., Vierzigmann, U., Hörhold, R., Meschut, G., & Merklein, M. (2014). Adaption des Ringstauchversuchs für die Untersuchung der tribologischen Bedingungen beim Fügen warmumgeformter Stähle mittels Schneidclinchen . In M. Merklein (Eds.), 9. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 163-174). Erlangen: Meisenbach.
Plettke, R., Schaub, A., Gröschel, C., Scheitler, C.J., Heinle, M., Ranft, F.,... Drummer, D. (2014). A new process chain for joining sheet metal to fibre composite sheets . In Key Engineering Materials (Volumes 611 - 612) (pp. 1468-1475). Finnland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Tsoupis, I., & Merklein, M. (2014). A New Way for the Adaption of Inverse Identified GTN-Parameters to Bending Processes . In Cathie Walton (Eds.), 13th International LS-DYNA Users Conference 2014 (pp. 1-14). Dearborn, Michigan USA.
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., & Affronti, E. (2014). An improvement of the time dependent method based on the coefficient of correlation for the determination of the forming limit curve . In Marion Merklein, Jörg Franke, Hinnerk Hagenah (Eds.), Advanced Materials Research (pp. 215-222). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Merklein, M., Hildenbrand, P., & Schneider, T. (2014). Application of Process adapted semi-finished Parts for the Production of Thin-walled Components via Sheet-Bulk Forming . In Kawalla, R. (Eds.), AutoMetForm / SFU 2014 (pp. 58-66). ACATRAIN e.V..
Ahuja, B., Schaub, A., Junker, D., Karg, M., Tenner, F., Plettke, R.,... Schmidt, M. (2014). A round robin study for Laser Beam Melting in Metal Powder Bed: Comparing mechanical characteristics with system technology variation . In Proc. 15th Annual Conference of RAPDASA 2014 .
Merklein, M., Schneider, T., Gröbel, D., & Nürnberger, F. (2014). Blechmassivumformung – vom Halbzeug zum Funktionsbauteil . In Behrens, B. A. (Eds.), 21. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover, Industrie und Wissenschaft – Gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten (pp. 265-280). Hannover.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2014). Characterization of the Bauschinger effect and identification of the kinematic Chaboche model by tension-compression tests and cyclic shear tests . In Sfar, H.; Maillard, A. (Eds.), Proc. International Deep Drawing Research Group Conf. IDDRG 2014 (pp. 125-130). France.
Lechner, M., Zimmermann, A., Graser, M., & Merklein, M. (2014). Efficient Aluminum - Qualifizierung des Einsatzes höchstfester Aluminiumlegierungen im Karosseriebau . In Franke, J.; Kreitlein, S.; Hoeft, A. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 1. Green Factory Bavaria Kolloquium 2014 - Engergieeffiziente Produktion (pp. 200-205). FAPS.
Lutz, S., Weninger, J., Helldörfer, B., & Merklein, M. (2014). Evaluierung von Modellen zur Beschreibung der Umwandlungsplastizität durch experimentelle Untersuchungen an einem Wälzlagerstahl . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), 9. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 77-88). Meisenbach.
Merklein, M., Zöller, F., & Sturm, V. (2014). Experimental and numerical investigations of the tribological conditions in a cup drawing process . In Sfar, H. (Eds.), Proc. Int. Deep Drawing Research Group Conf. 2014 (IDDRG 2014) (pp. 28-37). Technical center for the mechanical industry, CETIM France.
Merklein, M., Zöller, F., & Sturm, V. (2014). Experimental and numerical investigations on frictional behaviour under consideration of varying tribological conditions . In Groche, P. (Eds.), Advanced Materials Research (pp. 270-278). Trans Tech Publications.
Böhm, W., & Merklein, M. (2014). Herstellung hochfester Aluminiumblechwerkstoffe mittels Accumulative Roll Bonding . In Proceedings of the Internationale Konferenz "Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung" (pp. 293-302). Fellbach, DE: Hamburg: MAT INFO Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft mbH.
Hildering, S., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2014). Influence of Process Errors on the Tool Load in Microblanking of Thin Metal Foils with Silicon Punches . In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2014) . Singapore, SG.
Andreas, K., Tenner, J., Vierzigmann, U., Merklein, M., Tremmel, S., & Zhao, R. (2014). Innovative Tribological Systems in Sheet Metal Forming - Revolution in the Press Shop? In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Bobzin, K.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M. (Eds.), Proc. 11th Int. Conf. THE "A" Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 87-96).
Böhm, W., & Merklein, M. (2014). Manufacturing of high-strength aluminum sheet metal in the Accumulative Roll Bonding process . In Liewald, M. (Eds.), New Developments in Sheet Metal Forming (pp. 293-302). Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft.
Suttner, S., Rosenschon, M., & Merklein, M. (2014). Methodik zur Parameteridentifikation des kinematischen Verfestigungsmodells nach Chaboche und Rousselier . In W. Grellmann, H. Frenz (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 205-210). DVM e.V..
Lutz, S., Weninger, J., Helldoerfer, B., & Merklein, M. (2014). Numerical investigation of temperature and phase development of (deformation-) dilatometer specimens . In Larkiola, J. (Eds.), Material Forming - ESAFORM 2014 (pp. 1539-1544). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Lutz, S., Weninger, J., Helldörfer, B., & Merklein, M. (2014). Numerische Untersuchungen der Temperatur- und Phasenentwicklung in (Umform-) Dilatometerproben . In Brand, M.; Hildebrand, J.; Loose, T.; Sakkietibutra, J. (Eds.), Tagungsband "Simulationsforum Schweißen und Wärmebehandlung 2013" .
Andreas, K., & Merklein, M. (2014). On the tribological influence of coatings in cold forging . In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Bobzin, K.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M. (Eds.), Proc. 11th Int. Conf. THE "A" Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 23-32).
Hildering, S., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2014). Performance of Silicon Punches for Microblanking of Thin Metal Foils . In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan) .
Merklein, M., Andreas, K., Gröbel, D., Hildenbrand, P., Müller, M., Noneder, J.,... Vierzigmann, U. (2014). Potenziale und Grenzen der Simulation in der Fertigungstechnik . In simufact engineering GmbH (Eds.), Tagungsband 15. RoundTable - Simulating Manufacturing (pp. 1-38).
Hohmann, M., Devrient, M., Klämpfl, F., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2014). Simulation of Light Propagation within Glass Fiber Filled Thermoplastics for Laser Transmission Welding .
Stellin, T., Van Tijum, R., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2014). Study of Microforging of Parallel Ribs from Metal Strip . In Larkiola, J. (Eds.), Material Forming - ESAFORM 2014 (pp. 565-572). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Merklein, M., Affronti, E., Kuppert, A., Maier, A.-K., & Lechner, M. (2014). The correlation coefficient method: from the beginning to the development . In Institut für Virtuelle Produktion, ETH Zürich (Eds.), Workshop Time-dependent Methods for the Evaluation of FLC (pp. 115-122).
Juechter, V., Schaub, A., Merklein, M., & Singer R., F. (2014). Titanium metal sheet structures of various wall thicknesses with additional functional elements prepared by selective electron beam melting in a powder bed . In Drstvensek, I. (Eds.), 5th International Conference on Additive Technologies - iCAT2014 (pp. 119-122). Interesansa - zavod.
Schrader, T., Weschta, M., Merklein, M., Tremmel, S., Engel, U., & Wartzack, S. (2014). Tribological aspects in manufacturing processes of microstructured components and their tribological behavior in operation . In Groche, P. (Eds.), Proc. 6th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes and Joining by Plastic Deformation (pp. 323-335). Darmstadt, DE: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Merklein, M., Wieland, M., & Zöller, F. (2014). Tribological conditions within hot stamping process . In Prof.Dr. Ton van den Boogaard (Eds.), Proc. of 7th Forming Technology Forum - Warm and Hot Forming (pp. 33-40). Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands.
Lutz, S., Weninger, J., Helldörfer, B., & Merklein, M. (2014). Untersuchung des Einflusses von Chargenschwankungen auf das Umwandlungsverhalten übereutektoider Stähle . In W. Grellmann, H. Frenz (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 169-174). DVM e.V..
Luft, T., Klein, F., & Wartzack, S. (2014). Weight and cost reduction of the thermal management for traction batteries by using the DSM methodology . In Marjanovic Dorian, Storga Mario, Pavkovic Neven, Bojcetic Nenad (Eds.), Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 (pp. 293-302). Dubrovnik, HR: Glasgow: Design Society.
Tsoupis, I., Hildering, S., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2014). Werkstoffschädigung in der Prozesskette Schneiden - Biegen . In Liewald, M.; Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), 17. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik (pp. 73-89). Institut für Umformtechnik, Universität Stuttgart. 2013 2013 Authored Books
Merklein, M., Franke, J., & Hagenah, H. (2013). WGP Congress 2013 . FAU University Press.
Leacock, A.G., Duflou, J.R., Merklein, M., & Micari, F. (2013). Sheet Metal 2013 . Trans Tech Publication. Journal Articles
Amend, P., Hentschel, O., Scheitler, C.J., Baum, M., Heberle, J., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2013). Fast and Flexible Generation of Conductive Circuits . Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering , 8 (3), 276-286.
Lechner, M., Böhm, W., & Merklein, M. (2013). Fertigungsmethoden . Konstruktion , 65 (11-12), IW11-IW17.
Schrader, T., Weschta, M., Engel, U., Tremmel, S., Merklein, M., & Wartzack, S. (2013). Microstructured surfaces in highly loaded elastohydrodynamic (EHD)-contacts - manufacturing and tribological performance . Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik , 44 (8), 723-729.
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., Kaupper, M., & Schaub, A. (2013). Analysis of the deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V at elevated temperatures . Key Engineering Materials , 554-557 , 29-32.
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2013). Basic experimental and numerical investigations on chip pressing . Key Engineering Materials , 554-557 , 630-637.
Lechner, M., Kuppert, A., & Merklein, M. (2013). Comprehensive material characterization for an intermediate heat treatment . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 39-44.
Merklein, M., & Biasutti, M. (2013). Development of a Biaxial Tensile Machine for Characterization of Sheet Metals . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 213 (213), 939-946.
Vatter, P., Hildering, S., Tsoupis, I., & Merklein, M. (2013). Development of a damage prediction system for bending and cutting of high strength steels . Key Engineering Materials , 554-557 , 2479-2486.
Kuppert, A., Merklein, M., Friebe, H., Möller, T., Hotz, W., & Volk, W. (2013). Einfluss der Auswertestrategie auf die Grenzformänderungskurve . Materials Testing , 55 (9), 668-672.
Merklein, M., & Suttner, S. (2013). Evolution of yield loci for aluminum alloy AA6016 and deep drawing steel DC06 under the influence of non-linear strain paths . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 21-28.
Vatter, P., & Plettke, R. (2013). Geometrical variations of tubes and their impact on freeform bending processes . Advanced Materials Research , 769 , 181-188.
Lechner, M., Böhm, W., Nguyen, M.H., & Merklein, M. (2013). Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Aluminiumwerkstoffe . Konstruktion , 11/12 , 11-13.
Merklein, M., & Svec, T. (2013). Hot Stamping – Manufacturing functional optimized components . Production Engineering , 7 (2), 141-151.
Ruppert, M., Böhm, W., Nguyen, H., Höppel, H.W., Merklein, M., & Göken, M. (2013). Influence of upscaling accumulative roll bonding on the homogeneity and mechanical properties of AA1050A . Journal of Materials Science , 48 (24), 8377-8385.
Suttner, S., & Kuppert, A. (2013). Investigation of the beginning of plastic yielding and the hardening behaviour under biaxial tension . Advanced Materials Research , 769 , 197-204.
Reiss, A., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2013). Investigation on the influence of manufacturing parameters on the fatigue strength of components . Key Engineering Materials , 554-557 , 280-286.
Plettke, R., & Opel, S. (2013). Investigations on orbital forming of sheet metals to manufacture tailored blanks with a defined sheet thickness variation . Advanced Materials Research , 769 , 157-164.
Opel, S., Schneider, T., & Merklein, M. (2013). Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components using flexible rolled tailored blanks . Key Engineering Materials , 554-557 , 1459-1470.
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., Kaupper, M., & Schaub, A. (2013). Mechanical response of Ti-6Al-4V alloy on deformation at moderate temperatures . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 311-316.
Gnibl, T., Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2013). Mechanical Weld Zone Characterization for the Numerical Simulation of Forming Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Blanks . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1567 (1), 684-687.
Fratini, L., Merklein, M., Böhm, W., & Campanella, D. (2013). Modelling Aspects in Accumulative Roll Bonding Process by Explicit Finite Element Analysis . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 452-459.
Hippchen, P., Merklein, M., Lipp, A., Fleischer, M., Grass, H., & Philipp, C. (2013). Modelling kinetics of phase transformation for the indirect hot stamping process . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 108-116.
Merklein, M., Hofmann, M., Biasutti, M., & Lechner, M. (2013). Numerical optimisation of a shear specimen geometry according to ASTM . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 317-324.
Hagenah, H., Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2013). Numerical simulation to improve robustness in sheet metal forming process chains . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1532 , 683-688.
Lechner, M., Kuppert, A., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2013). Optimization of the heat treatment layout and blank outline of THTB . Key Engineering Materials , 554-557 , 2465-2471.
Tsoupis, I., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2013). Prediction of Damage in Small Curvature Bending Processes of High Strength Steels Using Continuum Damage Mechanics Model in 3D Simulation . Production Engineering , 7 (2-3), 239-249.
Vatter, P., & Plettke, R. (2013). Process model for the design of bent 3-dimensional free-form geometries for the three-roll-push-bending process . Procedia CIRP , 7 , 240-245.
Hotz, W., Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., Friebe, H., & Klein, M. (2013). Time dependent FLC determination - Comparison of different algorithms to detect the onset of unstable necking before fracture . Key Engineering Materials , 549 , 397-404.
Austen, M., Klonczynski, A., Derenthal, M.-J., Noneder, J., & Merklein, M. (2013). Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der Eignung von EN AW 1050 für die Herstellung prismatischer Bauteile mittels Napf-Rückwärts-Fließpressen . UTF-Science , II , 1-8. Edited Volumes
Merklein, M., Behrens, B.-A., & Tekkaya, A.E. (Hrg.) (2013). 2. Workshop Blechmassivumformung . Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Merklein, M., Bach, F.-W., & Tekkaya, A.E. (Hrg.) (2013). 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung . Bamberg: Meisenbach. Conference Contributions
Weschta, M., Schrader, T., Tremmel, S., Merklein, M., Wartzack, S., & Engel, U. (2013). Mikrostrukturierung von Tassenstößeln zur Reibungsreduzierung im Ventiltrieb - Herstellung, Simulation und tribologische Charakterisierung . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Hrg.), 54. Tribologie-Fachtagung. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Band II (S. 62/1-62/11). Göttingen, DE.
Schrader, T., Weschta, M., Engel, U., Tremmel, S., Merklein, M., & Wartzack, S. (2013). Microstructured surfaces in highly loaded EHD-contacts - manufacturing and tribological performance . In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Bobzin, K.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M. (Eds.), Proc. 10th International Conference THE "A" Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 99-109). Aachen, DE: Aachen: Shaker.
Andreas, K., Noneder, J., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2013). Application of cemented carbide based forming tools in cold forging . In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Bobzin, K.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M. (Eds.), Proc. 10th Int. Conf. THE "A" Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 159-169). Aachen: Shaker.
Völkl, R., Werner, N., Neher, R., Engel, U., & Zimmermann, A. (2013). Beanspruchungsangepasste Bauteileigenschaften durch effiziente, optimierte Kaltumformprozesse . In Liewald, M. (Eds.), Neuere Entwicklungen in der Massivumformung (pp. 165-180). MAT INFO Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft.
Kaupper, M., & Merklein, M. (2013). Bendability of advanced high strength steels - A new evaluation procedure . In CIRP ANNALS - Manufacturing Technology (pp. 247-250). Elsevier.
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., & Schneider, T. (2013). Blechmassivumformung - Stand der Technik und Ausblick . In Merklein, M.; Behrens, B. A., Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), 2. Workshop Blechmassivumformung (pp. 1-10). Meisenbach.
Koch, J.P.K., & Merklein, M. (2013). Cold forging of closely-tolerated functional components out of blanks – possibilities of the new process class sheet-bulk metal forming . In Ishikawa, T. (Eds.), Proc. 6th JSTP Int. Seminar Precision Forging (pp. 109-112). Kyoto, JP.
Schaub, A., Lechner, M., & Merklein, M. (2013). Druckversuch bei erhöhten Temperaturen . In H.J. Christ (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung DGM (pp. 85-90). Stahleisen.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2013). Einfluss thermomechanischer Prozessparameter auf die tribologischen Eigenschaften beim Presshärten . In M. Merklein (Eds.), 8. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 127-146). Erlangen, DE: Meisenbach.
Suttner, S., & Merklein, M. (2013). Experimentelle Untersuchung des zweiachsigen Spannungszustands im Kreuzzugversuch zur Identifikation von Werkstoffmodellen für die Finite-Elemente Simulation . In H.-J. Christ (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 59-64). Stahleisen.
Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2013). Fatigue Behavior of Cemented Carbide Based Forming Tools . In Sigl, L.; Kestler, H.; Wagner, J (Eds.), Proc. 18th Plansee Seminar (pp. 1797-1808). Reutte: Plansee SE.
Gnibl, T., & Merklein, M. (2013). Forming Process Parameter Dependent Recrystallization Phenomena in Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Sheets . In Akkök, M.; Budak, E.; Firat, M.; Kaftanoglu, B. (Eds.), 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Mold (pp. 45-50). Atilim University Publications.
Merklein, M., Grüner, M., Müller, M., & Wieland, M. (2013). Fügen durch Umformen - Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Umform- und Fügetechnik . In Freundeskreis LWF Universität Paderborn e.V. (Eds.), Effiziente Fertigung von Hochleistungsverbundsystemen - Proc. 18. Paderborner Symposium Fügetechnik . Paderborn.
Schaub, A., Merklein, M., Jüchter, V., Singer, R., & Körner, C. (2013). Funktionsintegration durch die Kombination additiver Fertigungsprozesse mit der Blechumformung . In Drummer, D. (Eds.), 2. Industriekolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 814 - Additive Fertigung (pp. 87-101). Print Line.
Merklein, M., Meschut, G., Müller, M., & Hörhold, R. (2013). Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Verbindung von pressgehärtetem Stahl und Aluminium mittels Schneidclinchen . In A. Brosius (Eds.), Tagungsband - 20. Sächsiche Fachtagung Umformtechnik (pp. 63-72).
Brela, M., Michalski, M., Gebhardt, H.J., & Franke, J. (2013). Hall measurement method for the detection of material defects in plastic-embedded permanent magnets of rotors . In IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) (pp. 3928-3934). AUT.
Svec, T., & Merklein, M. (2013). Hot Stamping - Process Window for the Austenitization of a Dualphase Steel . In Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B.; Steinhoff, M. (Eds.), 4th International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 275-282). Auerbach: Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Hildering, S., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2013). Influence of the Cutting Edge Geometry on the Tool Stress Distribution in Monocrystalline Silicon Punches for Microblanking of Thin Metal Foils . In Azcárate, S.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 85-88). Research Publ..
Stellin, T., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2013). Investigation on a Microextrusion Process of Parallel Protrusions from Metal Strip . In M. Jun, S. Park (Eds.), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Micro Manufacturing (pp. 169-174). Victoria, CA, US.
Bachmann, M., Zöller, F., & Ademaj, A. (2013). Investigations on Surface and Process Parameters Influencing the Friction Behavior in Hot Sheet Metal Forming . In Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B.; Steinhoff, M. (Eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 507-516). Auerbach: Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Miehling, J., Geißler, B., & Wartzack, S. (2013). Konzeption biomechanischer digitaler Senioren-Menschmodelle zur Anwendung in der altersgerechten Produktentwicklung . In Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP) 2013 . Stuttgart, DE.
Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2013). Manufacturing flexibilisation of metal forming components by tailored blanks . In D. Dimitrov; C. Schutte (Eds.), Proc. Conf. Competitive Manufacturing (pp. 165-170). Stellenbosch, ZA.
Schneider, T., & Merklein, M. (2013). Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components by a single-stage Sheet-bulk metal forming process . In Dimitrov, D.; Schutte, C. (Eds.), Proc. Conf. Competitive Manufacturing (pp. 177-182). Stellenbosch, ZA.
Vatter, P., Plettke, R., & Merklein, M. (2013). New approaches to determine the bending contour of the 3-roll-push-bending process . In Kaftanoglu, B. (Eds.), 7th Int. Conf. on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds (pp. 71-76). Antalya, TR: MATIM.
Tsoupis, I., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2013). Numerical investigation of small curvature bendability of high strength low alloyed steel in air and die bending processes . In Hora, P. (Eds.), Proc. IDDRG 2013 (pp. 183-188). Zürich: Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich.
Gröbel, D., Rösel, S., Merklein, M., & Butz, A. (2013). Praxisnahe Versagensbeschreibung in der Blechumformung - Vergleich zwischen dem mikromechanischen Schädigungsmodell nach Gurson-Tveergard-Needleman und dem Grenzformänderungsschaubild . In EFB, Hannover (Eds.), Umformen, Schneiden, Verbinden im Leichtbau - Machbarkeit - Produktivität - Qualität - Tagungsband T36 des 33. EFB-Kolloquiums Blechverarbeitung am 16. und 17. April 2013 in Fellbach (pp. 371-384). Fellbach.
Hildering, S., Tsoupis, I., & Merklein, M. (2013). Process and Damage Behaviour of High Strength Steels in Shearing Operations . In Buchmayr, B. (Eds.), Tagungsband XXXII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 89-94). Leoben: Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben.
Zimmermann, A., Engel, U., Merklein, M., & Neher, R. (2013). Production of gears by cold forging . In VDI Wissensforum (Eds.), Int. Conf. on Gears, VDI-Berichte 2199.2 (pp. 1005-1016). VDI.
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., & Schneider, T. (2013). Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes - State of the Art and its Perspectives . In Kolleck, R. (Eds.), TTP 2013 - Tools and Technologies for Processing Ultra High Strength Materials (pp. 197-204). Verlag der TU Graz.
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., Lechner, M., & Kuppert, A. (2013). Simulationsgestützte Auslegung maßgeschneiderter wärmebehandelter Aluminiumhalbzeuge . In Tekkaya A. E.; Liewald M. (Eds.), 16. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik (pp. 90-101). Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau, Technische Universität Dortmund.
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., & Kuppert, A. (2013). Tailor Quenched Blanks . In Proceedings of the Danish-German Aerospace Collaboration Kick-Off .
Miehling, J., Geißler, B., & Wartzack, S. (2013). Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Development . In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2013 International Annual Meeting (pp. 813-817). San Diego, US: SAGE.
Wieland, M., Kaupper, M., & Merklein, M. (2013). Umform- und Rückfederungssimulation von Leichtbauwerkstoffen - Vergleichende Betrachtung von Zug-Druck- und Wechselbiegeversuchen zur Berücksichtigung des Bauschinger-Effekts . In EFB (Eds.), Tagungsband des 33. EFB-Kolloquiums Blechverarbeitung (pp. 347-357). EFB.
Vierzigmann, U., Schneider, T., Koch, J.P.K., Gröbel, D., Merklein, M., Engel, U.,... Kersting, P. (2013). Untersuchungen von Tailored Surfaces für die Blechmassivumformung mittels angepasstem Ringstauchversuch . In Merklein, M.; Behrens, B. A., Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), 2. Workshop Blechmassivumformung (pp. 137-162). Meisenbach.
Merklein, M., & Suttner, S. (2013). Werkstoffcharakterisierung mit Blick auf die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart und die Zukunft . In A. Brosius (Eds.), Tagungsband - 20. Sächsiche Fachtagung Umformtechnik (pp. 1-12).
Ravenswaaij, R., van Tijum, R., Hora, P., van den Boogaard, T., & Engel, U. (2013). Towards Zero-Defect Manufacturing of Small High-Precision Metal Parts . In Hora, P. (Eds.), Towards Zero Failure Production Methods by Advanced Modeling Techniques and a Process Integrated Virtual Control (pp. 87-92). 2012 2012 Authored Books Journal Articles
Li, H.-Z., Dong, X.-H., Shen, Y., Zhou, R., Diehl, A., Hagenah, H.,... Cao, J. (2012). Analysis of microbending of CuZn37 brass foils based on strain gradient hardening models . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 212 (3), 653-661.
Rösel, S., Merklein, M., & Grüner, M. (2012). Analytical and numerical approaches to predict the flow characteristics of a magnetorheological fluid in rotational symmetric cross sections . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 399-404.
Plettke, R., Vatter, P., & Vipavc, D. (2012). Basics of process design for 3d freeform-bending . Steel Research International , SPL. ISSUE , 307-310.
Merklein, M., Allwood, J., Behrens, B.-A., Brosius, A., Hagenah, H., Kuzman, K.,... Weckenmann, A. (2012). Bulk forming of sheet metal . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 61 (2), 725-745.
Kroiss, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2012). Comprehensive approach for process modeling and optimization in cold forging considering interactions between process, tool and press . Journal of Materials Processing Technology .
Merklein, M., Vatter, P., Plettke, R., & Grüner, M. (2012). Einfluss der Fließkurve auf den Rohrbiegeradius . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 10 , 689-695.
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., & Kuppert, A. (2012). Enhancement of formability of aluminum alloys in multi-stage forming operations by a local intermediate heat treatment . Production Engineering , 6 (6), 541-549.
Merklein, M., Stellin, T., & Engel, U. (2012). Experimental Study of a Full Forward Extrusion Process from Metal Strip . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 587-592.
Van Opdenbosch, D., Johannes, M., Wu, X., Fabritius, H., & Zollfrank, C. (2012). Fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystals with tunable photonic properties by biotemplating . Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications , 10 , 516-522.
Hausöl, T., Schmidt, C., Maier, V., Böhm, W., Nguyen, M.H., Merklein, M.,... Göken, M. (2012). Formability of ultrafine-grained AA6016 sheets processed by accumulative roll bonding . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 575-580.
Noneder, J., Merklein, M., Engel, U., Frank, M., Frank, J., Ritzenhoff, R., & Egerer, E. (2012). Hochleistungsbauteile durch Kaltmassivumformung hochfester, druckaufgestickter Stähle . UTF-Science , III .
Hezler, C., Merklein, M., Hecht, J., & Griesbach, B. (2012). Identification of Process-Based Limit Stress States Applying a Stretch-Bending-Test . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 47-52.
Nguyen Hung, ., & Merklein, M. (2012). Improved Formability of Aluminum Alloys using Laser Induced Hardening of Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . Physics Procedia , 39 , 318-326.
Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2012). Influence of Combined Hard and Fine Machining on the Surface Properties of Cemented Carbides. Tribology in Industry , 34 (3), 119-127.
Andreas, K., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2012). Influence of Grinding on the Surface Properties of Cemented Carbides . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 1353-1358.
Gnibl, T. (2012). Innovative Fertigungstechnologien für Strukturbauteile . Technik in Bayern , 02 , 39.
Noneder, H., & Merklein, M. (2012). Manufacturing of complex high strength components out of high nitrogen steels at industrial level . Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 2012 (22), 512-513.
Merklein, M., Plettke, R., Schneider, T., Opel, S., & Vipavc, D. (2012). Manufacturing of sheet metal components with variants using process adapted semi-finished products . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 1023-1028.
Vierzigmann, U., Koch, J.P.K., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2012). Material Flow in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 1035-1040.
Li Hezong, ., Dong Xianghuai, ., Huang Suxia, ., Diehl, A., & Hagenah, H. (2012). Material Intrinsic Length in Plastic Strain Gradient Theory and Microbending Process of Metal Foils . Advanced Materials Research , 403-408 , 685-690.
Weckenmann, A., Reithmeier, E., Merklein, M., Behrens, B.-A., Wartzack, S., Kästner, M.,... Salfeld, V. (2012). Methodengestützte Referenzvorgehensweise für neue Umformverfahren . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 01-02 , 43-47.
Tsoupis, I., Hildering, S., & Merklein, M. (2012). Methodology for the analysis of the process behaviour of advanced high strength steels in bending and shearing operations . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 895-900.
Buffa, G., Fratini, L., Gnibl, T., Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2012). On The Friction Stir Welding of Titanium Alloys: Experimental Measurements and FEM Model Fine Tuning . Steel Research International , SPL. ISSUE , 591-594.
Merklein, M., Plettke, R., & Opel, S. (2012). Orbital forming of tailored blanks from sheet metal . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 61 (1), 263-266.
Schmid, D., Neudel, C., Zäh, M., & Merklein, M. (2012). Pressschweißen von Aluminium-Stahl-Mischverbindungen . Lightweight Design , 1/12 , 14-19.
Buffa, G., Fratini, L., Gnibl, T., Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2012). Process Mechanics in Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloys: Experimental and Numerical Analysis . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 735-740.
Maier, V., Hausöl, T., Schmidt, C., Böhm, W., Hung Nguyen, ., Merklein, M.,... Göken, M. (2012). Tailored heat treated accumulative roll bonded aluminum blanks: Microstructure and mechanical behavior . Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science , 43 (9), 3097-3107.
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., Schneider, T., & Plettke, R. (2012). Tailored Heat Treated Profiles - Enhancement of the Forming Limit of Aluminum Profiles under Bending Load . Key Engineering Materials , 504-506 , 375-380.
Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2012). Tailored solutions in mechanical engineering . Public Service Review , 35-37.
Svec, T., & Merklein, M. (2012). Tailored tempering – FE-Simulation of manufacturing components with local adjusted mechanical properties . Steel Research International , 283-286.
Merklein, M., Böhm, W., & Lechner, M. (2012). Tailoring Material Properties of Aluminum by Local Laser Heat Treatment . Physics Procedia , 39 , 232-239.
Odenberger, E.-L., Hertzman, J., Thilderkvist, P., Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., Stöhr, T.,... Oldenburg, M. (2012). Thermo-mechanical sheet metal forming of aero engine components in Ti-6Al-4V–PART 1: Material characterisation . International Journal of Material Forming .
Hildering, S., Becsi, L., Merklein, M., & Mescheder, U. (2012). Tranciatura ad alta precisione di fogli di rame mediante punzoni in silicio monocristallino rivestiti e non . Lamiera , 2 , 44-48.
Merklein, M., Opel, S., Schneider, T., & Koch, J.P.K. (2012). Überblick der Blechmassivumformung . Metal Forming , 1 (3), 42-43.
Merklein, M., Schrader, T., & Engel, U. (2012). Wear behavior of PVD-Coatings . Tribology in Industry , 34 (2), 51-56.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2012). Wear Behavior of Uncoated and Coated Tools under Complex Loading Conditions . Tribology in Industry , 34 (1), 11-17.
Andreas, K., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2012). Werkzeugherstellung in der Kaltmassivumformung - Einfluss der Werkzeugoberfläche auf die tribologischen Bedingungen . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 10 , 672-677. Book Contributions
Merklein, M., Tsoupis, I., & Hildering, S. (2012). Fertigung innovativer Bauteile aus hochfesten Stählen: Biegen und Schneiden – Risse vermeiden . In Zukunftstechnologien in Bayern - Neue Materialien, Verfahren und Produkte. (pp. 28-31).
Kroiss, T., & Engel, U. (2012). Optimization of tool and process design for the cold forging of net-shape parts by simulation . In Berend Denkena, Ferdinand Hollmann (Eds.), Process Machine Interactions. (pp. 419-438). Conference Contributions
Kuppert, A., Friebe, H., Hotz, W., Merklein, M., Möller, T., & Volk, W. (2012). Einfluss der Auswertestrategie auf die Grenzformänderungskurve . In Borsutzki, M.; Moninger, G. (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2012 (pp. 127-132).
Merklein, M., Grüner, M., & Rösel, S. (2012). Enhancing Process Limits of Blank Hydroforming . In Institut für Umformtechnik (IFU) Universität Stuttgart (Eds.), Internationale Konferenz „Hydroumformung von Blechen, Rohren und Profilen“ (pp. 61-80). Frankfurt am Main: MAT INFO Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft mbH.
Stellin, T., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2012). Experimental and Numerical Investigation on a Full Forward Extrusion Process from Metal Strip . In Humbert Noll, Nadja Adamovic and Stefan Dimov (Eds.), Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 163-166). Singapore, SG: Research Publ..
Hezler, C., Tsoupis, I., Merklein, M., & Kasparbauer, M. (2012). Experimental determination of stress limit curves - comparison of applied technological tests and stamped components by fractographic examinations . In Hora, P. (Eds.), Proc. 5th Forming Technology Forum (pp. 87-92). Zürich: Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich.
Hildering, S., Becsi, L., Engel, U., Merklein, M., & Mescheder, U. (2012). Experimental investigations on high-precision microcutting of copper foils with microfabricated silicon punches . In Shore, P.; Spaan, H.; Burke, T. (Eds.), Proc. 12th Int. Conf. European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (pp. 177-180). Cranfield: euspen.
Merklein, M., Engel, U., Noneder, J., & Zimmermann, A. (2012). FE-basierte Prozess- und Werkzeugauslegung zur Herstellung von Hochleistungsbauteilen mit dem Ziel einer gezielten Einstellung von Bauteileigenschaften . In Schafstall, H.; Wohlmuth, M.; simufact engineering GmbH (Eds.), Tagungsband 13. RoundTable - Simulation in der Umformtechnik (pp. 291-302). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Merklein, M., & Lechner, M. (2012). Flexibilisierung der Fertigung umformtechnisch erzeugter Bauteile durch prozessangepasste Halbzeuge . In P. Groche (Eds.), 11. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Darmstadt (pp. 87-99). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Schrader, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2012). Influences on wear load in cup extrusion processes . In Yoshida, Y. (Eds.), 7th ICFG Workshop on Process Simulation in Metalforming . Gifu, Japan.
Wieland, M., Biasutti, M., Kaupper, M., & Merklein, M. (2012). Inverse Parameteridentifikation mittels Wechselbiegeversuch zur Ermittlung der nicht isotropen Verfestigung von Blechwerkstoffen . In LS-DYNA Forum 2012 .
Hezler, C., Kaupper, M., Merklein, M., & Kasparbauer, M. (2012). Investigation of influencing parameters on the shape of experimentally determined stress limit curves . In Tewari, A; Narasimhan, K.; Date, P. (Eds.), Proceedings IDDRG2012 (pp. 566-573). Mumbai, IN: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Gnibl, T., & Merklein, M. (2012). Laserunterstützes Rührreibschweißen von Magnesium Tailored Welded Blanks . In Buchmayr, B. (Eds.), XXXI. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (pp. 19-22). Leoben: Lehrst. für Umformtechnik, Montanuniv. Leoben.
Schrader, T., Engel, U., Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2012). Mehrlagenbeschichtungen für den beanspruchungsgerechten Einsatz bei Kaltmassivumformwerkzeugen . In Faulstich, M.; Geiger, M.; Kukla, H.; Wolf, G. (Eds.), Moderne Beschichtungen zum Verschleißschutz von Werkzeugen (pp. 181-208). Sulzbach-Rosenberg: DORNER PrintConcept.
Hagenah, H., Böhm, W., Breitsprecher, T., Merklein, M., & Wartzack, S. (2012). Modelling, Construction and Manufacture of a Lightweight Robot Arm . In Proceedings of the 8th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering . Mailand, IT.
Plettke, R., Vipavc, D., Grüner, M., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2012). Prototype Manufacturing of Helical Needles for Suture in Deep Wound Cavities . In E. Ceretti, A. Fiorentino, L. Giorleo, C. Giardini (Eds.), Proc. 1st Int.Conf. Design and Processes for medical devices PROMED (pp. 191-194). Rivolti (TO): NEOS EDIZIONI srl.
Merklein, M., & Svec, T. (2012). Prozessfenster zur Verarbeitung alternativer Stahlgüten im Presshärtprozess . In M. Merklein (Eds.), 7. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 55-70). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Merklein, M., Lechner, M., & Kuppert, A. (2012). Trends in der Aluminiumumformung . In Tagungsband zum Cluster-Forum Innovationen in der Aluminium-Umformtechnik .
Merklein, M., Suttner, S., Hofmann, M., & Kuppert, A. (2012). Über die Blechprüfung von heute . In M. Borsutzki, G. Moninger (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 1-6). Düsseldorf: Stahleisen.
Wieland, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2012). Werkzeug- und Halbzeugbeschichtungen für das direkte Presshärten . In Faulstich, M.; Geiger, M.; Kukla, H.; Wolf, G. (Eds.), Moderne Beschichtungen zum Verschleißschutz von Werkzeugen (pp. 147-174). Sulzbach-Rosenberg: DORNER PrintConcept. 2011 2011 Authored Books
Duflou, J.R., Merklein, M., Micari, F., & Shirvani, B. (2011). Sheet Metal 2011 . Trans Tech Publications. Journal Articles
Hetzner, H., Koch, J.P.K., Tremmel, S., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2011). Improved Sheet Bulk Metal Forming Processes by Local Adjustment of Tribological Properties . Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering , 133 (6).
Merklein, M., & Hung Nguyen, . (2011). Adjusting Optimized Material Properties for Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 420-427.
Tofall, M., Merklein, M., & Plettke, R. (2011). Application of the Finite element methods on the staking process of staking fasteners . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 273-280.
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2011). Consideration of elastic tool deformation in numerical simulation of hydrofroming with granular material used as a medium . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 707-714.
Li Hezong, ., Dong Xianghuai, ., Wang Qian, ., Shen Yu, ., Diehl, A., Hagenah, H.,... Merklein, M. (2011). Determination of material intrinsic length and strain gradient hardening in microbending process . International Journal of Solids and Structures , 48 (1), 163-174.
Svec, T., Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2011). FE-Simulation of the heat transfer by defined cooling conditions during the hot stamping process . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 699-706.
Rösel, S., & Merklein, M. (2011). Flow behaviour of magnetorheological fluids, considering the challenge of sealing in blank hydroforming in the flange area with rectangular leakage area cross-sections . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 121-129.
Merklein, M., & Schneider, T. (2011). Functional Integration of Sheet Metal Parts by Deep Drawing . Steel Research International , None , 1036-1041.
Merklein, M., Koch, J.P.K., Opel, S., & Schneider, T. (2011). Fundamental investigations on the material flow at combined sheet and bulk metal forming processes . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 60 (1), 283-286.
Zubeil, M., Roll, K., & Merklein, M. (2011). Improved Roller Hemming System for High Volume Part Production . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 168-175.
Merklein, M., Andreas, K., & Engel, U. (2011). Influence of machining process on residual stresses in the surface of cemented carbides . Procedia Engineering , 19 , 252-257.
Kaupper, M., Merklein, M., & Weidinger, P. (2011). Innovative Sitzbauteile durch Umformen von Mehrphasenstählen . Maschinenmarkt , 18 , 22-25.
Merklein, M., Ndzomssi, F., & Engel, U. (2011). Investigation of the Influence of Tool Geometry on Effective Strain Distribution in Full Forward Extrusion . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1353 (419), 419-424.
Merklein, M., Stöhr, T., Svec, T., & Wieland, M. (2011). Investigations on Parameters Influencing Thermal and Frictional Properties within Hot Stamping . Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials , 66 (6), 335-341.
Lamsa, J., Mantyjarvi, K., Jarvenpaa, A., Grüner, M., Merklein, M., & Karjalainen, J.A. (2011). Methods for Determination of Residual Stress of a Formed Plate using Laser Ablation, Wire EDM and Milling . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 368-375.
Kleeh, T., Merklein, M., & Roll, K. (2011). Modeling Laser Heating for Roller Hemming Applications . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 501-508.
Schaper, M., Lizunkova, Y., Vucetic, M., Cahyono, T., Hetzner, H., Opel, S.,... Plugge, B. (2011). Sheet-bulk Metal Forming a New Process for the Production of Sheet Metal Parts with Functional Components . Metallurgical and Mining Industry , 3 (7), 53-58.
Schneider, T., & Merklein, M. (2011). Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming of Preformed Sheet Metal Parts . Key Engineering Materials , 473 , 83-90.
Merklein, M., Stellin, T., & Engel, U. (2011). Simulation of a Full Forward Extrusion Process from Metal Strip . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1353 , 493-498.
Li, H.Z., Dong, X.H., Wang, Q., Shen, Y., Diehl, A., Hagenah, H.,... Merklein, M. (2011). Size effects of CuZn37 brass foil in microforming . Cailiao Kexue yu Gongyi/Material Science and Technology , 19 (4), 15-19.
Odenberger, E.-L., Oldenburg, M., Thilderkvist, P., Stöhr, T., Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2011). Tool development based on modelling and simulation of hot sheet metal forming of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 211 , 1324-1335.
Engel, U., Groenbaek, J., Hinsel, C., Kroiss, T., Meidert, M., Neher, R.,... Schrader, T. (2011). Tooling Solutions for Challenges in Cold Forging . UTF-Science , 3 , 1-24.
Hildering, S., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2011). Use of Monocrystalline Silicon as Tool Material for Highly Accurate Blanking of Thin Metal Foils . AIP Conference Proceedings , 1353 , 481-486.
Sturm, V., & Merklein, M. (2011). Variation of deep drawing steel grades’ properties in dependency of the stress state and its impact on FEA . International Journal of Material Forming . Conference Contributions
Schrader, T., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2011). Application based PVD-coatings for cold forging tools . In Akkök, M.; Budak, E.; Firat, M.; Kaftanoglu, B. (Eds.), Proc. 6th Int. Conf. and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies / Molds (pp. 227-234). Ankara, TR: MATIM.
Hezler, C., Kopp, C., Bader, M., Griesbach, B., Merklein, M., & Russ, F. (2011). Characterisation of the transition area at partial hot stamped car body components by the 3-point bending test . In Wieland, H. (Eds.), Proceedings SCT2011 (pp. 280-287). Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Kaupper, M., Tsoupis, I., Merklein, M., & Weidinger, P. (2011). Characterization of damage and fracture of high strength steels within air bending. In Akkök, M.; Budak, E.; Firat, M.; Kaftanoglu, B. (Eds.), Proc. 6th Int. Conf. and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds (pp. 71-76). Ankara, TR: MATIM.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2011). Dickblechumformen und Formhärten - Potentiale und Grenzen bei der Herstellung hochbelasteter Funktionsbauteile . In M. Merklein (Eds.), 6. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 95-108). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Rösel, S., & Merklein, M. (2011). Enhancing Forming Limits by Using a Magnetorheological Fluid as Active Fluid Medium for Hydroforming . In Gerhard Hirt, A. Erman Tekkaya (Eds.), Steel research international: Special Edition: 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (pp. 453-458). Weinheim, DE: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA..
Svec, T., & Merklein, M. (2011). Finite-Element basierte Auslegung funktionsoptimierter Bauteile im Tailored Tempering Prozess . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), 6. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 59-70). Meisenbach.
Merklein, M., Biasutti, M., Hung Nguyen, ., & Böhm, W. (2011). Flow Behaviour of Advanced Aluminium Materials . In Hirt, G.; Tekkaya, E.A. (Eds.), Steel research international: Special Edition: 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (pp. 1066-1071). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA.
Merklein, M., & Biasutti, M. (2011). Forward and Reverse Simple Shear Test Experiments for Material Modeling in Forming Simulations . In Tekkaya, E.A. (Eds.), Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) (pp. 702-707). Berlin: Springer.
Vierzigmann, U., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2011). Friction Conditions in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Procedia Engineering (pp. 377–382). Elsevier.
Hildering, S., Becsi, L., Engel, U., Merklein, M., & Mescheder, U. (2011). High-precision blanking of thin copper foils using uncoated and coated monocrystalline silicon punches . In Kück, H.; Reinecke, H.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 191-195). Research Publ..
Plettke, R., Vipavc, D., & Vatter, P. (2011). Influence factors of three-roll-push-bending . In Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), Proc. 1st Int. Tube and Profile Bending Conf. (pp. 131-135).
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2011). Influences on the Molding in Hydroforming Using Granular Material as a Medium . In Chung, K.; Han, H. N.; Huh, H. Barlat, F.; Lee, M.-G. (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1383 - The 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2011) (pp. 645-652). American Institute of Physics.
Merklein, M., Behrens, B.-A., Plettke, R., Krimm, R., Opel, S., Schneider, T.,... Salfeld, V. (2011). Integrierte Fertigung von tiefgezogenen Blechbauteilen mit Verzahnungselementen unter Einsatz von prozessangepassten Halbzeugen . In Merklein, M.; Bach, Fr.-W.; Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 1. Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011 (pp. 159-180). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Siefert, K., Merklein, M., Töpperwien, A., Nester, W., & Gruenbaum, M. (2011). Intermediate Heat Treatment - A New Proceeding for Aluminium Alloys Using Forming Limit Diagrams . In Key Engineering 473 (pp. 428-435).
Stöhr, T., & Merklein, M. (2011). Investigations on the Flow Behavior of Boron-Manganese Steels at elevated strain rates . In Steinhoff, K.; Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B. (Eds.), Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 115-122). Auerbach, DE: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Merklein, M., Tekkaya, A.E., Brosius, A., Opel, S., Kwiatkowski, L., Plugge, B., & Schunck, S. (2011). Machines and Tools for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Key Engineering Materials (pp. 91-98). Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications.
Jarvenpaa, A., Mantyjarvi, K., Merklein, M., Maatta, A., Hietala, M., & Karjalainen, J. (2011). Mechanical Properties of Laser Heat Treated 6 mm Thick UHSS-Steel . In Menary, G. (Eds.), The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (pp. 1319-1324). AIP Conference Proceedings.
Becsi, L., Hildering, S., Mescheder, U., & Engel, U. (2011). Mikrostanzen - Einsatz von einkristallinem Silizium als Werkzeugwerkstoff für Schneidprozesse von dünnen Folien . In BMBF ; VDE ; GMM ; VDI/VDE-IT (Eds.), Tagungsband 4. Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress Darmstadt (pp. 531-534). Berlin: VDE GmbH.
Hauer, F., Vierzigmann, U., Willner, K., & Engel, U. (2011). Numerical simulation of friction in metal forming using a halfspace model . In AIP Conf. Proc. 1536 (pp. 1741-1746). Belfast, UK, GB: American Institute of Physics.
Weiss, M., Merklein, M., & Plettke, R. (2011). Numerical simulation of the staking process of clinching fasteners . In Wieland, H. (Eds.), Proceedings SCT2011 (pp. 646-655). Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Svec, T., & Merklein, M. (2011). Numerische Abbildung des Tailored Tempering Prozess: Wärmeübergang, FE-Simulation und Ableitung des resultierenden Gefüges . In Tekkaya, A. E.; Liewald, M. (Eds.), 14. Workshop - Simulation in der Umformtechnik (pp. 147-154).
Noneder, J., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2011). On the evaluation of strength of cold forged components made of high nitrogen steel . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks (pp. 58-65). Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Kopp, C., Griesbach, B., Bader, K.-M., Freudenberg, P., Hezler, C., & Russ, F. (2011). Optimization on Hot-Forming Technologies - New Tool Designs and Alternative Heating Technologies for Tailored Properties . In Kollek, R. (Eds.), Proceedings Tools and Forming (pp. 181-189). Graz, AT: Verlag der TU Graz.
Merklein, M., Tekkaya, A.E., Brosius, A., Opel, S., & Koch, J.P.K. (2011). Overview on sheet-bulk metal forming processes . In G. Hirt, A.E. Tekkaya (Eds.), Proceedings ICTP 2011 (pp. 1109-1114). Aachen.
Kroiss, T. (2011). Process Modeling in Cold Forging Considering Process Machine Interactions and Scatter of Influencing Factors . In Hora, P. (Eds.), Proc. 4th Form. Technol. Forum (pp. 129-134). Zürich: Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich.
Noneder, J., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2011). Tool design for cold forging of high nitrogen steels . In Liewald, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Cold Forging Congress (pp. 9-13). Stuttgart: Institute for Metal Forming Technology.
Vierzigmann, U., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2011). Tribological Conditions in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture .
Biermann, D., Merklein, M., Engel, U., Tillmann, W., Surmann, T., Hense, R.,... Vierzigmann, U. (2011). Umformwerkzeuge in der Blechmassivumformung . In Merklein, M.; Bach, Fr.-W.; Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung (pp. 119-138). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2011). Wear Behavior of Uncoated and Coated Tools Used for Direct Hot Stamping . In 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture .
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2011). Wear Behavior of Uncoated and Coated Tools With Respect to Different Loading Conditions . In Oldenburg, M.; Steinhoff, K.; Prakash, B. (Eds.), Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel (pp. 361-368). Auerbach: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten. 2010 2010 Journal Articles
Nguyen, M.H., & Merklein, M. (2010). Advanced laser heat treatment with respect to the application for Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . Physics Procedia , 5 (2), 233-242.
Merklein, M., Wieland, M., Stöhr, T., Lechler, J., & Grüner, M. (2010). Analytic Methods for the Calculation of the Heat Transfer Coefficient . International Review of Mechanical Engineering , 4 (4), 208-215.
Plettke, R. (2010). Application of a genetic algorithm for the assessment of the capabilities of actuator systems for laser micro adjustment . International Journal of Material Forming , 3 (0), 17-20.
Lechler, J., Stöhr, T., Kuppert, A., & Merklein, M. (2010). Basic Investigations on Hot Stamping of Tailor Welded Blanks Regarding the Manufacturing of Lightweight Components with Functionally Optimized Mechanical Properties . Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME , 38 , 593-600.
Rösel, S., & Merklein, M. (2010). Characterization of a Magnetorheological Fluid with Respect to its Suitability for Hydroforming . International Journal of Material Forming , 3 , 283-286.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2010). Characterization of Heat Transfer Coefficients of Tool Materials and Tool Coatings for Hot Stamping of Boron-Manganese Steels . Key Engineering Materials , 438 , 81-88.
Merklein, M., Opel, S., & Schneider, T. (2010). Herstellung funktionaler Blechkomponenten . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 11/12 , 910-915.
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., Stöhr, T., & Svec, T. (2010). Herstellung von funktionsoptimierten Bauteilen im Presshärtprozess . Stahl und Eisen , 6 , 51-57.
Diehl, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2010). Influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties and the forming behaviour of very thin metal foils . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 47 (1-4), 53-61.
Sturm, V., Merklein, M., & Bernhard, O. (2010). Influence of the Variation of Material Properties on the Risk of Failure in Dependency of the Materials Flow Condition during Forming Processes . International Journal of Material Forming , 3 , 101-104.
Borsetto, F., Ghiotti, A., Bruschi, S., Stöhr, T., Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2010). Interlaboratory Comparison of Friction Conditions in Hot Stamping Operations . Key Engineering Materials , 438 , 97-105.
Merklein, M., Koch, J.P.K., Schneider, T., Opel, S., & Vierzigmann, U. (2010). Manufacturing of Complex Functional Components with Variants by Using a new Metal Forming Process – Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . International Journal of Material Forming , 3 , 347-350.
Merklein, M., Svec, T., Stöhr, T., & Wieland, M. (2010). Maßgeschneidert – Funktionsoptimierte Strukturbauteile im Presshärtprozess . Lightweight Design , 5 , 52-57.
Eichenhüller, B., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2010). Microforming and investigation of parameter interactions . Production Engineering , 4 (2-3), 135-140.
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2010). Numerical Simulation of Hydroforming at Elevated Temperatures with Granular Material Used as Medium Compared to the Real Part Geometry . International Journal of Material Forming , 3 (1), 279-282.
Kroiß, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2010). Simulation-Based Determination of Deflection Characteristic of Tooling System and its Modeling in FE Simulation of Cold Forging Process . Steel Research International , 9 , 318-321.
Li, H., Dong, X., Shen, Y., Diehl, A., Hagenah, H., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2010). Size effects on springback behaviors due to plastic strain gradient hardening in microbending process of pure aluminum foils . Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing , 257 (16-17), 4497-4504.
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., & Geiger, M. (2010). Time dependent determination of forming limit diagrams . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 59-1 , 295-298.
Schrader, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2010). Tribological characterization of PVD-coatings . Key Engineering Materials , 438 , 179-186. Conference Contributions
Hildering, S., & Engel, U. (2010). A novel approach for high-precision blanking of thin metal foils using monocrystalline silicon as tool material . In Fillon, B.; Khan-Malek, C.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 216-219). Research Publ..
Svec, T., & Merklein, M. (2010). Auswirkungen spezifischer Abkühlbedingungen auf den Wärmeübergang bei Presshärtprozessen . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), 5. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 121-140). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Stöhr, T., & Merklein, M. (2010). Beschreibung des mechanischen Werkstoffverhaltens beim Warmumformen höchstfester Stähle . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband 5. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 39-62). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Rösel, S., & Merklein, M. (2010). Characterization of a magnetorheological fluid and simulative design of a magnetic field with respect to its suitability for hydroforming . In Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION ENGINEERING (pp. 409-417). Radom: Publishing and Printing House of the Institute for Sustainable Technologies.
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2010). Comparison of numerical simulation and measurement of shear test and uniaxial compression test to verify material model for granular material used as medium for hydroforming . In Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering 2010 (Eds.), Proc. 5th International Conference on Advances in Production Engineering (pp. 418-426). Radom: Publishing and Printing House of the Institute for Suitainable Technologies.
Hagenah, H., Vipavc, D., Vatter, P., Cojutti, M., & Plettke, R. (2010). Creation of the Data Base for the Process Design of the Three-Roll-Push Bending Process . In Teti, R. (Eds.), 7th CIRP Int. Conf. Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 259-264).
Merklein, M., Sturm, V., & Wahl, M. (2010). Effiziente Bewertung von Blechumformprozessen durch die Reduzierung kritischer Einflussgrößen in der stochastischen Simulation . In EFB, Hannover (Eds.), Bauteile der Zukunft - Methoden und Prozesse - Tagungsband T31 des 30. EFB-Kolloquiums Blechverarbeitung am 2. und 3. März 2010 in Bad Boll (pp. 151-161). Bad Boll.
Kuppert, A., & Merklein, M. (2010). Enhanced Investigation of Flow and Necking Behavior of Sheet Metal within Layer Compression and Tensile Tests . In DIMITROV, D. (Eds.), Proc. of COMA 10 (pp. 147-152). Stellenbosch, ZA.
Bay, N.O., Azushima, A., Groche, P., Ishibashi, I., Merklein, M., Morishita, M.,... Yoshida, M. (2010). Environmentally benign tribo-systems for metal forming . In CIRP ANNALS - Manufacturing Technology (pp. 760-780). Elsevier.
Kuppert, A., Merklein, M., & Mütze, S. (2010). Experimental and Analytic Determination of Forming Limit Curves Applied to a Bainitic Steel . In Gese, H. (Eds.), Proc. of MATFEM Conference 2010 (pp. 4).
Merklein, M., Noneder, J., & Engel, U. (2010). Fließkurvenermittlung für die Kaltmassivumformung druckaufgestickter Stähle . In Pohl, M. (Eds.), Proceedings Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 353-358). Düsseldorf: Stahleisen GmbH.
Kaupper, M., & Merklein, M. (2010). Identifikation von Modellparametern zur Bestimmung des Fließ- und Verfestigungsverhaltens unter Berücksichtigung einer Belastungsumkehr . In EFB, Hannover (Eds.), Bauteile der Zukunft - Methoden und Prozesse - Tagungsband T31 des 30. EFB-Kolloquiums Blechverarbeitung am 2. und 3. März 2010 in Bad Boll (pp. 419-430). Bad Boll.
Merklein, M., & Wieland, M. (2010). Impact of Coating Systems on the Tribological and Wear Behavior of Hot Stamping Tools . In Felder, E.; Montmitonnet, P. (Eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP) (pp. 261-270). Paris, FR: Transvalor - Presses des MINES.
Bosetti, P., Bruschi, S., Stöhr, T., Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2010). Interlaboratory comparison for heat transfer coefficient identification in hot stamping of high strength steels . In UNIVERSITY OF BRESCIA (Eds.), Proceedings of Esaform 2010 (pp. 817-820). Paris: Springer.
Doig, M., Kaupper, M., Kraska, M., Eßer, G., Merklein, M., Roll, K., & Keßler, L. (2010). Inverse Identification of Kinematic Hardening Parameters with Bending Tests . In Kolleck, R. (Eds.), Proc. 50th Conference of IDDRG 2010 (pp. 555-564). Graz, AT: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Merklein, M., & Opel, S. (2010). Investigation of Tailored Blank Production by the Process Class Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Francisco Chinesta, Yvan Chastel, Mohamed El Mansori (Eds.), International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2010) (pp. 395-400). Melville, US: AIP Conference Proceedings.
Plettke, R., Vatter, P., Vipavc, D., Cojutti, M., & Hagenah, H. (2010). Investigation on the Process Parameters and Process Window of "Three-Roll-Push-Bending" . In Hinduja, S.; Li, L. (Eds.), Proc. 36th Matador Conf. (pp. 25-28). Springer.
Merklein, M., Hezler, C., Kopp, C., Hecht, J., & Schaller, L. (2010). Kennwertermittlung für Streck-Biege-Beanspruchungen . In M. Pohl (Eds.), Proceedings Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 253-258). Düsseldorf: Stahleisen GmbH.
Li, H., Dong, X., Huang, S., Diehl, A., & Hagenah, H. (2010). Material intrinsic length in plastic strain gradient theory and microbending process of metal foils . In 6th International conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems (ICMENS 2010) (pp. 218-211).
Sturm, V., Annen, C., & Merklein, M. (2010). Material Modelling for Stochastic Simulation . In Kolleck, R. (Eds.), Proc. 50th Conference of IDDRG 2010 (pp. 687-696). Graz, AT: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Kroiss, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2010). Modeling of the Behavior of a Cold Forging Process Considering the Deflection of Tooling System and Press . In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Process Machine Interactions (PMI) .
Merklein, M., Biasutti, M., Lupino, R., & Kuppert, A. (2010). Modellierung des Verfestigungsverhaltens von Blechwerkstoffen . In Liewald, M.; Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), 13. Workshop - Simulation in der Umformtechnik (19.03.2010) (pp. 70-77). IFU-Stuttgart; IUL-Dortmund.
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., Mütze, S., & Geffert, A. (2010). New Time Dependent Method for Determination of Forming Limit Curves Applied to SZBS800 . In Kolleck, R. (Eds.), Proc. 50th Conference of IDDRG 2010 (pp. 489-498). Graz, AT: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Hagenah, H., Vipavc, D., Plettke, R., & Merklein, M. (2010). Numerical Model of Tube Freeform Bending by Three-Roll-Push-Bending . In Associacao Portuguesa de Mecanica Teória, Aplicada e Computacional (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization . Lissabon, PT.
Kroiss, T., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2010). Process Modeling In Cold Forging Considering The Process-Tool-Machine Interactions . In Barlat, F.; Moon, Y. H.; Lee, M.-G. (Eds.), Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes; AIP Conference Proceedings 1252 (pp. 312-319). Melville: American Institute of Physics.
Schrader, T., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2010). Qualification of a new test for wear investigation on coated tools . In Felder, E.; Montmitonnet, P. (Eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP) (pp. 303-312). Paris, FR: Transvalor - Presses des MINES.
Vierzigmann, U., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2010). Tailored Surfaces in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In Felder, E.; Montmitonnet, P. (Eds.), Proc. 4th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP) (pp. 541-550). Paris, FR: Transvalor - Presses des MINES.
Lamprecht, K., Deinzer, G., Stich, A., Lechler, J., Stöhr, T., & Merklein, M. (2010). Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Tailor Welded Blanks in Hot Sheet Metal Forming Processes . In Kolleck, R. (Eds.), Proc. 50th Conference of IDDRG 2010 (pp. 37-48). Graz, AT: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Merklein, M., & Svec, T. (2010). Transformation kinetics of the hot stamping steel 22MnB5 in dependency of the applied deformation on the austenitic microstructure . In Kolleck, R. (Eds.), Proc. 50th Conference of IDDRG 2010 (pp. 71-80). Graz, AT: Verlag der technischen Universität Graz.
Noneder, J., Merklein, M., & Engel, U. (2010). Vergleich verschiedener Verfahren zur Fließkurvenaufnahme im Hinblick auf die Prozess- und Werkzeugauslegung bei der Kaltmassivumformung druckaufgestickter Stähle . In R. Kawalla (Eds.), Proceedings AutoMetFORM / SFU 2010 (pp. 333-345). Freiberg.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2010). Verschleißeigenschaften unbeschichteter und beschichteter Werkzeuge in Abhängigkeit unterschiedlicher Werkzeugbeanspruchungen . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), 5. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 185-198). Bamberg: Meisenbach. 2009 2009 Authored Books
Shirvani, B., Duflou, J.R., Merklein, M., Micari, F., & Griffiths, B.J. (2009). Sheet Metal 2009 . Trans Tech Publications. Journal Articles
Merklein, M., & Biasutti, M. (2009). A Contribution to the Optimisation of a Simple Shear Test . Key Engineering Materials , 410-411 (410-411), 467-472.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2009). Aluminum tailored heat treated blanks . Production Engineering , 3 (4-5), 401-410.
Plettke, R., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2009). Application of genetic algorithms for the optimisation of actuator systems for laser micro adjustment. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties , 4 (6), 615-625.
Weidel, S., Engel, U., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2009). Basic investigations on boundary lubrication in metla forming processes by in situ observation of the real contact area . Production Engineering , 10 (100).
Weidel, S. (2009). Basic Study on the Influence of Liquid Lubricant on Contact State in Cold Forging Processes . UTF-Science , 4 , 1-6.
Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2009). Characterisation of the flattening behaviour of modelled asperities . Wear , 266 (5-6), 596-599.
Merklein, M., & Sturm, V. (2009). Characterisation of the flow behavior of deep drawing steel grades in dependency of the stress state and its impact on FEA . International Journal of Material Forming , 2 , 415-418.
Diehl, A., Vierzigmann, U., & Engel, U. (2009). Characterisation of the mechanical behaviour and the forming limits of metal foils using a pneumatic bulge test . International Journal of Material Forming , 2 (1), 605-608.
Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2009). Enhanced Formability of Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum Blanks by Local Heat Treatments . Key Engineering Materials , 410-411 , 169-176.
Merklein, M., Wieland, M., & Staud, D. (2009). Friction Stir Welds Made Out of Precipitation Hardenable Aluminum Alloys - Experimental Investigations of Formability Potential . International Journal of Material Forming , 2 (1), 323-236.
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Stöhr, T. (2009). Investigations on the thermal behavior of ultra high strength boron manganese steels within hot stamping . International Journal of Material Forming , 259-262.
Merklein, M., Hagenah, H., & Cojutti, M. (2009). Investigations on Three-Roll Bending of Plain Tubular Components . Key Engineering Materials , 410-411 , 325-334.
Merklein, M., & Kaupper, M. (2009). Manufacturing of Innovative Car Seat Components by Forming of Advanced High Strength Steels - Fundamental Research and Application . Key Engineering Materials , 410-411 , 3-11.
Grüner, M., & Merklein, M. (2009). Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramic Beads Used as Medium for Hydroforming at Elevated Temperatures . Key Engineering Materials , 410-411 (410-411), 61-68.
Banabic, D., & Hußnätter, W. (2009). Modeling of the Material Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 Using Different Yield Criteria . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 44 (44), 969-976.
Geiger, M., Plettke, R., & Hagenah, H. (2009). Multi-Objective Optimization of Actuator System Design for Laser Micro Adjustment . Production Engineering , 3 (2), 181-188.
Engel, U., Völkl, R., Arbak, M., & Wagner, K. (2009). New materials and surface finishing methods for cold forging tools . International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties , 4 (5-6), 534-546.
Merklein, M., Engel, U., & Vierzigmann, U. (2009). Novel setup for the investigation of tribological behavior of sheet metal surfaces . International Journal of Material Forming , 2 (1), 233-236.
Pöhl, C., Gamsjäger, E., Leitner, H., & Clemens, H. (2009). Thermisches ätzen zur Bestimmung der Austenitkorngröße in sehr kohlenstoffarmen Stählen . Praktische Metallographie , 1 , 9-23.
Geiger, M., Frick, T., & Schmidt, M. (2009). Optical properties of plastics and their role for the modelling of the laser transmission welding process . Production Engineering , 3 (1), 49-55. Book Contributions
Merklein, M., Trägler, H., & Blankl, A. (2009). Erfassung von Kontaktspannungen im Flansch während wirkmedienbasierter Blechumformprozesse . In Automobiltechnik in Bayern. (pp. 70-73).
Staud, D., & Merklein, M. (2009). Zug-Druck-Versuche an Miniaturproben zur Erfassung von Parametern für kinematische Verfestigungsmodelle . In M. Borsutzki, G. Geiger (Eds.), Werkstoffprüfung 2009: Fortschritte der Kennwertermittlung in Forschung und Praxis. (pp. 211-218). Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen. Conference Contributions
Dimov, S.S., Matthews, C.W., Brousseau, E., Bigot, S., De Grave, A., Fillon, B.,... Schoth, A. (2009). 4M Network of Excellence, Progress Report 2009 . In Saile, V.; Ehmann, K.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), 4M/ICOMM 2009, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Micro Manufacture (pp. 1-10). Wakefield, GB: The Charlesworth Group.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2009). Aluminium Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . In Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering WGP . Berlin, DE: Springer Verlag.
Merklein, M., & Kuppert, A. (2009). A Method for the Layer Compression Test Considering the Anisotropic Material Behavior . In International Journal of Material Forming (pp. 483-486). Paris, FR: Springer.
Cojutti, M., Vipavc, D., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2009). An innovative approach for the process design for three-roll bending of plain tubular components . In Angeles Gutierrez, M.; Sedlmaier, A.; Galdós, L. (Eds.), Proc. 1st Int. Congress on Roll Forming (pp. 133-139). Bilbao, ES.
Wieland, M., & Merklein, M. (2009). Beschichtungssysteme auf AlCrN-Basis für das Presshärten - thermische Kennwertermittlung für Werkzeug und Werkstoff . In Merklein, M.; Lechler, J. (Eds.), 4. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 217-234). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Kopp C.; Schaller L.; Jessen, B., Merklein, M., & Hezler, C. (2009). Charakterisierung des Formänderungsvermögens von hoch- und höchstfesten Karosseriestählen mit dem 3-Punkt Biegeversuch - Einfluss der Probenpräparation . In Borsutzki, M.; Geisler, S. (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2009 (pp. 87-92). Düsseldorf: Stahleisen GmbH.
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Lupino, R. (2009). Charakterisierung des Versagens von hochfesten, mehrphasigen Stahlwerkstoffen in Abhängigkeit der Dehnungshistorie . In Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung (pp. 15-20). Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen.
Onyancha, R.M., Kinsey, B.L., & Engel, U. (2009). Development of a new analytical model for plane strain microbending . In Ehmann, K.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), 4M/ICOMM 2009, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Micro Manufacture (pp. 305-308). Wakefield, UK: The Charlesworth Group.
Glatzer, M., Stöhr, T., Merklein, M., & Sikora, S. (2009). Einfluß unterschiedlicher Wärmebehandlungsrouten auf die Robustheit und Höhe der mechanischen Eigenschaften des Stahls 22MnB5 . In Merklein, M.; Lechler, J. (Eds.), Tagungsband 4. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 85-105). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., & Biasutti, M. (2009). Experimentelle Ermittlung der Formgebungsgrenzen metallischer Werkstoffe unter reiner Scherung . In Tekkaya, A. E. (Eds.), 12. Workshop - Simulation in der Umformtechnik (26.03.2009) (pp. 70-74).
Kroiss, T., & Engel, U. (2009). FE-Based Modeling of Interactions Between Cold Forging Process, Tooling System and Force Controlled Press . In Gantar, G. (Eds.), ICIT&MPT 2009, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies, Oktober 4-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia (pp. 293-300). Celje: TECOS.
Li, H.Z., Dong, X.H., Shen, Y., Diehl, A., Hagenah, H., Engel, U., & Merklein, M. (2009). Influence of the plasticity strain gradient on springback in micro-bending process of metal foils . In Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering (Eds.), Proceedings of The 2nd Asia Conference on micro/nano sized technology (AWMFT-2009) (pp. 602-606). Changsha, CN.
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., Biasutti, M., & Lupino, R. (2009). Innovative Methoden zur Charakterisierung des Fließverhaltens und des Werkstoffversagens von Blechwerkstoffen . In Zwick (Eds.), testXpo - 18. Fachmesse für Prüftechnik (pp. 141-146).
Celeghini, M., Pohl, T., Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Hecht, J., Meerkamm, H., & Stockinger, A. (2009). Innovatives Konstruktions- und Fertigungskonzept für Straßenbahn-Rohbau . In SLV (Eds.), 8. Fachtagung Fügen und Konstruieren im Schnienfahrzeugbau .
Pellegrini, D., Lechler, J., Ghiotti, A., Bruschi, S., & Merklein, M. (2009). Interlaboratory Comparison of Forming Limit Curves for Hot Stamping of High Strength Steels . In Micari, F.; Geiger, M.; Duflou, J.; Shirvani, B.; Clarke, R.; DiLorenzo, R.; Fratini, L. (Eds.), SheMet'09, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 297-304). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Doig, M., Kraska, M., Eßer, G., Kaupper, M., Merklein, M., Keßler, L., & Gerlach, J. (2009). Inverse Parameteridentifikation mittels Biegeversuchen . In DGM (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2009 (pp. 110-115). Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Eichenhüller, B., & Engel, U. (2009). Investigation of effects and parameter interactions in metal microforming processes . In SAILE, V.; EHMANN, K.; DIMOV, S. (Eds.), 4M/ICOMM 2009, Proc. Global Conf on Micro Manufacture (incorp. 5th Int. Conf. on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture 4M and 4th Int. Conf. on Micro Manufacturing ICOMM) (pp. 245-248). Wakefield, GB: The Charlesworth Group.
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., & Biasutti, M. (2009). Investigation of failure under shear-tension conditions with optical metrology . In GOM mbH (Eds.), Proc. of GOM Conference .
Kolleck, R., Veit, R., Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Geiger, M. (2009). Investigation on heating strategies for hot stamping of boron alloyed steels . In CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (pp. 275-278). Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier Verlag.
Stöhr, T., Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2009). Investigations on different strategies for influencing the microstructural properties with respect to partial hot stamping . In Steinhoff, K.; Oldenburg, M.; Prakash, B. (Eds.), Proceedings 2nd International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel - CHS² (pp. 273-281). Auerbach: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Merklein, M. (2009). Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process . In Ruan, X.Y. (Eds.), ICFG 2009, Proceedings of the 42nd Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (pp. 143-155). Shanghai, CN: JSTP.
Geißdörfer, S. (2009). Mesoskopisches Modell zur Abbildung von Größeneffekten mit Methoden der FE-Simulation für die Klatmassivumformung . In Vollertsen, F. (Eds.), Größeneinflüsse bei Fertigungsprozessen, Beiträge zum Abschlußkolloquium des DFG-SPP 1138 (pp. 155-180). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Weidel, S. (2009). Physical modeling of surface asperities for basic investigation on tribology in cold forging . In JSTP (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Seminar on Precision Forging (pp. 147-152).
Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2009). Principles for the Heart Treatment Layout of Ultrafine-Grain Aluminium Blanks with Locally Adapted Mechanical Properties . In Proceedings of the COMA 2010 (pp. 135-140).
Merklein, M., Kuppert, A., Biasutti, M., & Lupino, R. (2009). Research activities in field of materials forming behaviour and failure mechanisms . In ZWICK (Eds.), testXpo - 18. International Forum for Materials Testing (19.10.2009) (pp. 60-65).
Nedelcu, D., Stöhr, T., Ciofu, C., & Mindru, D. (2009). Some aspects concerning the physical models obtained using high performance composite material . In Nedelcu, Slatineanu, Mazuru (Eds.), Proceedings 13th International Conference ModTech (pp. 455-458). Iasi: Editura Acreditata CNCSIS.
Mäntyjärvi, K., Merklein, M., & Karjalainen, J.A. (2009). UHS Steel Formability in Flexible Roll Forming . In Shirvani, B.; Clarke, R.; Duflou, J.; Merklein, M.; Micari, F.; Griffiths, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the SheMet2009 (pp. 661-668). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Svec, T. (2009). Verformungsabhängiges Umwandlungsverhalten von presshärtbaren Bor-Mangan-Stählen . In Merklein, M. (Eds.), 4. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 143-161). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Stöhr, T., & Merklein, M. (2009). Weiterführende Untersuchungen zum Fließverhalten presshärtbarer Stähle . In Merklein, M.; Lechler, J. (Eds.), Tagungsband 4. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 71-84). Bamberg: Meisenbach. 2008 2008 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Staud, D., & Kaupper, M. (2008). An inverse approach to the numerical design of the process sequence of tailored heat treated blanks . Production Engineering , 2 (1), 15-20.
Geiger, M., Klämpfl, F., & Hagenah, H. (2008). Automated online planning of localized laser process parameters using simulated annealing . Production Engineering , 2 (2), 171-178.
Lechler, J., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2008). Determination of thermal and mechanical material properties if ultra high strength steels for hot stamping . Steel Research International , 79 (2), 98-104.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2008). Determination of tribological conditions within hot stamping . Production Engineering , 2 (3), 269-276.
Menschig, A., Fröhlich, T., Ludwig, J., Paasche, N., Weber, M., & Zimmermann, M. (2008). Die Zukunft der Fertigung liegt auf dem Tisch . Mikroproduktion , 1 .
Koch, J.P.K., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2008). Effective Stochastic Simulation for the Optimization of Time, Costs and Quality in Cold Forging . International Journal of Material Forming , 1 (1), 9-12.
Dal Bò, P., & Geiger, M. (2008). Effects of viscous dissipation in flow-inflluenced tube hydroforming . International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties , 1 , 100-112.
Kuppert, A., & Merklein, M. (2008). Ermittlung temperaturabhängiger Werkstoffkennwerte für die Auslegung von Halbwarm- und Warmumformprozessen . Metall , 05.2008 (05), 22-25.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Hußnätter, W., & Grüner, M. (2008). Experimental Determination of Yield Loci for Magnesium Alloy AZ31 under Biaxial Tensile Stress Conditions at Elevated Temperatures . Production Engineering , 2 (3), 303-310.
Al-Sheyyab, A., Cojutti, M., Kägeler, C., & Staud, D. (2008). Flächige Leichtbauteile: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Automobilbau . Konstruktion , 60 , 78-82.
Topic, I., Höppel, H.W., Staud, D., Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Göken, M. (2008). Formability of accumulative roll bonded aluminum AA1050 and AA6016 investigated using bulge tests . Advanced Engineering Materials , 10 (12), 1101-1109.
Geiger, M., Micari, F., Merklein, M., Fratini, L., Contorno, D., Giera, A., & Staud, D. (2008). Friction stir knead welding of steel aluminium butt joints . International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture , 48 (5), 515-521.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Blankl, A. (2008). Influence of Media on Process Stability in Sheet Metal Hydroforming . International Journal of Materials & Product Technology , 32 (4), 363-373.
Staud, D., & Merklein, M. (2008). Inverse Approach to the Forming Simulation of Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . International Journal of Material Forming , 1 , 1-4.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Kaupper, M. (2008). Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of advanced high strength steels under various loading conditions . International Journal of Material Forming , 1 (1), 225-228.
Geiger, M., Arbak, M., & Engel, U. (2008). Investigations on Forming Limits within Hot Stamping . Production Engineering , 4 (2), 409-415.
Tangermann-Gerk, K., Schmidt, M., Roth, S., & Klämpfl, F. (2008). Laserstrahlung als helfende Hand des Arztes . Laser-Magazin , 8 , 4-6.
Diehl, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2008). Mechanical Properties and bending behaviour of metal foils . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 222 (1), 83-91.
Jeswiet, J., Geiger, M., Engel, U., Kleiner, M., Schikorra, M., Duflou, J.,... Bruschi, S. (2008). Metal forming progress since 2000 . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology , 1 (1), 2-17.
Eichenhüller, B., & Engel, U. (2008). Microforming of titanium - forming behaviour at elevated temperature . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 222 (1), 77-82.
Bechtold, P., Roth, S., & Schmidt, M. (2008). Precise Positional Adjustments with Laser-Induced Shock Waves . Photonics Spectra , 42 , 58-63.
Merklein, M., Staud, D., & Vogt, U. (2008). Tailored Heat Treated Blanks applied on car body parts under quasi-series conditions . International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties .
Tolazzi, M., Lamprecht, K., Blankl, A., & Cojutti, M. (2008). Tailor Welded Blanks und Patwork Blanks mit Hochdruck in Form bringen . Maschinenmarkt , 114 , 22-25.
Engel, U., Geißdörfer, S., Weidel, S., & Eichenhüller, B. (2008). Ursache und Wechselwirkung in der Mikroumformtechnik . Mikroproduktion , 2 , 39-43.
Klämpfl, F. (2008). Blockade aufgehoben . Toolbox , 3 , 24-31.
Geiger, M., Kägeler, C., & Schmidt, M. (2008). High-power laser welding of contaminated steel sheets . Production Engineering , 2 (3), 235-240.
Grimm, A., & Zimmermann, M. (2008). Innovative Lasermaterialbearbeitung mit neuen, hoch brillanten Laserstrahlquellen . Neue Materialien, Verfahren und Produkte in Bayern , 42-44.
Häusler, G., Richter, C., Leitz, K.-H., & Knauer, M.C. (2008). Microdeflectometry - a novel tool to acquire three-dimensional microtopography with nanometer height resolution . Optics Letters , 33 (4), 449-451. Book Contributions
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., Hagenah, H., & Cojutti, M. (2008). 3-Rollen-Schubbiegen zur flexiblen Herstellung freiformgebogener Rohrleitungen . In Zukunftstechnologien in Bayern. (pp. 24-26).
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Geiger, M. (2008). Charakterisierung und Modellierung des Fließverhaltens höchstfester Vergütungsstähle bei erhöhten Temperaturen . In Umformtechnik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Plastomechanik und Werkstofftechnik. (pp. 71-81).
Merklein, M., & Kaupper, M. (2008). Methodik zur Analyse und Charakterisierung von Biegeprozessen . In Zukunftstechnologien in Bayern - Neue Materialien, Verfahren und Produkte. (pp. 46-47). Conference Contributions
Klämpfl, F., & Hagenah, H. (2008). Algorithmen zum simulationsbasierten, pulsgenauen Planen von Laserbestrahlungen . In Schulze, T.; Preim, B. (Eds.), Simulation und Visualisierung 2008. Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Simulation and Visualization (SimVis) (pp. 41-52). Magdeburg, DE: SCS Publishing House e.V..
Hagenah, H., Plettke, R., & Geiger, M. (2008). Algorithms for Planning and Control of Laser Forming . In Vollertsen, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IWOTE 08 (pp. 191-203). Bremen, DE: BIAS Verlag.
Geißdörfer, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2008). A Novel Approach for In-Situ Observation of Local Deformation Behaviour at Micro Scale . In Yang, D.Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (pp. 199-204). Hanrimwon Publishing Co..
Merklein, M., Hußnätter, W., & Geiger, M. (2008). Characterisation of Yielding BEhvior of Sheet Metal under Biaxial Stress Condition at Elevated Temperatures . In Annals of the CIRP (pp. 269-274). Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier Verlag.
Hußnätter, W., & Merklein, M. (2008). Characterization of material behaviour under pure shear condition . In ESAFORM (Eds.), Proceedings of ESAFORM 2008 (pp. 233-236).
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Stöhr, T. (2008). Characterization of tribological and thermal properties of metallic coatings for hot stamping boron-manganese steels . In Bouzakis, K.-D. (Eds.), Tagungsband The Coatings (pp. 219-228). Thessaloniki, GR: Ziti.
Hußnätter, W., Banabic, D., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2008). Characterization of Yielding Magnesium Alloy AZ31 with BBC2005 . In ICTP (Eds.), Proceedings of ICTP2008 (pp. 782). Hanrimwon Publishing Co..
Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2008). Design Principles of Tailored Heat Treated Blanks for the manufacturing of complex car body parts . In Asnafi, N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IDDRG 2008 (pp. 557-569). Olofström, Sweden.
Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2008). Determination of forming limit diagrams at elevated temperatures for failure prediction within hot stamping of quenchenable ultra high strength steels . In Tagungsband International Conference on Plasticity (pp. 1842-1847). Gyeongju, KR: Hanrimwon Publishing Co..
Stöhr, T., Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2008). Determination of frictional and thermal characteristics for hot stamping with respect to a numerical process design . In Steinhoff, K.; Oldenburg, M. (Eds.), Proceedings 1st International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel - CHS2 (pp. 293-300). Bad Harzburg: Grips Media.
Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2008). Determination of Material and Process Characteristics for Hot Stamping Processes of Quenchenable Ultra High Strength Steels with Respect of a Numerical Process Design . In Sae World Congress 2008 .
Plettke, R., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2008). Developing a computer aided design system for actuator design for laser micro adjustment . In Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Design Seminar (March 2008) (pp. 1-5).
Hagenah, H., Plettke, R., & Klämpfl, F. (2008). Fast, problem specific approaches for the evaluation of laser beam propagation in process planning . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 413-418). Naples, IT: Edizioni Zino.
Koch, J.P.K., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2008). FE-analysis based optimization of time, costs and quality with the consideration of stochastic process characteristics . In AKADEMIA GóRNICZO-HUTNICZA (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Metal Forming (pp. 633-641).
Staud, D., & Merklein, M. (2008). Formability Improvement with Tailored Heat Treated Blanks through an Inverse Simulation Approach . In Hora, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (pp. 611-614).
Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2008). Hot stamping of ultra high strength steels as a key technology for lightweight construction . In Tagungsband Material Science & Technology Conference MS&T’08 (pp. 1698-1709). Pittsburgh, US.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Cojutti, M. (2008). Hydroforming of Inhomogeneous Sheet Pairs with Counterpressure . In Proceedings of the Production Engineering Research and Development (pp. 17-22).
Klämpfl, F., Schmidt, M., & Hagenah, H. (2008). Intelligent irradiation planning for new laser applications . In De Vin, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2008) (pp. 924-930). Skövde, SE: Runit AB.
Eichenhüller, B., & Engel, U. (2008). Investigation of Parameter Interactions in Microforming . In OZDOGANLAR, B. (Eds.), Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Micromanufacturing (pp. 207-210). Pittsburgh, PA, US.
Diehl, A., Staud, D., & Engel, U. (2008). Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of thin metal sheets using the hydraulic bulge test . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 195-198). Dunbeath, Scotland, GB: Whittles Publishing.
Merklein, M., & Giera, A. (2008). Laser assisted Friction Stir Welding of drawable steel-aluminium tailored hybrids . In The 11th International conference on Material Forming (pp. 1299-1302).
Diehl, A., Staud, D., & Engel, U. (2008). Mechanical Characterisation of Metal Foils by Hydraulic Bulge Test . In steel research international 79, Special Edition Metal Forming Conference 2008 (pp. 332-339). Düsseldorf, Deutschland: Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Geißdörfer, S., Rosochowski, A., Olejnik, L., & Engel, U. (2008). Micro-extrusion of an ultrafine grained copper can . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 191-194). Dunbeath, Scotland, GB: Whittles Publishing.
Geißdörfer, S., Rosochowski, A., Olejnik, L., Engel, U., & Richert, M.M. (2008). Micro-extrusion of ultrafine grained copper . In Boisse, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming (pp. 455-458). Springer Verlag.
Kroiß, T., Völkl, R., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2008). Modeling of Process-Tool-Machine Interactions in Cold Forging . In Denkena, B. (Eds.), Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Process Machine Interactions (PMI) (pp. 175-182). Garbsen: PZH.
Karbasian, H., Brosius, A., Tekkaya, A.E., Lechler, J., & Merklein, M. (2008). Numerical process design of hot stamping processes based on verified thermo mechanical characteristics . In Technology Conference MS&T’08 (pp. 1733-1743). Pittsburgh.
Weidel, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2008). Physical modeling of surface asperities - the impact of liquid lubricant on the real contact area . In Yang, D.Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity ICTP (pp. 429-434). Hanrimwon Publishing Co..
Hagenah, H., Schmidt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2008). Planning the use of high-power excimer laser for psoriasis treatment . In Mitsuishi, M.; Ueda, K.; Kimura, F. (Eds.), Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier - The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (pp. 349-354). London, GB: Springer.
Deinzer, G., Stich, A., Lamprecht, K., Schmid, G., Rauscher, M., Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2008). Presshärten von Tailor Welded Blanks: Werkstoffauswahl, Eigenschaften und Verbindungstechnik . In Proceedings of the 3. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 1-22).
Kroiß, T., Völkl, R., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2008). Process-machine interactions in cold forging – calculation of press / tooling stiffness and its integration into FE process simulation . In Yang, D.Y. (Eds.), Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) (pp. 1735-40). Gyeongju: Hanrimwon Publishing Co..
Eichenhüller, B., Engel, U., & Geißdörfer, S. (2008). Process parameter interaction in microforming . In BOISSE, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th ESAFORM2008 conference on material forming (pp. 451-454).
Springer, R., Lechler, J., Stöhr, T., Karbasian, H., Schaper, M., Merklein, M.,... Tekkaya, A. (2008). Prognose der mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften bei Presshärtprozessen anhand mikrostruktureller und umformtechnischer Zusammenhänge . In MERKLEIN, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband 3. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 87-106). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Geißdörfer, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2008). Simulation of Microforming Processes by Applying a Mesoscopic Model . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 295-298). Dunbeath, Scotland, GB: Whittles Publishing.
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Kaupper, M. (2008). Tribology and influence of tool coatings on frictional conditions within forming of advanced high strength steels . In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Bach, Fr.-W.; Denkena, B.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings, 7th International Conference THE Coatings (pp. 39-46).
Hußnätter, W. (2008). Yielding of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 . In ICTP (Eds.), Proceedings of ICTP2008 (pp. 109). Hanrimwon Publishing Co..
Bechtold, P., & Wenzel, D. (2008). Adaptives optisches System zur 3D-Mikromaterialbearbeitung mittels Ultrakurzpulslaser . In Geiger, M.; Schmidt, M.; Kägeler, C. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 11. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2008 (pp. 225-234). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Leitz, K.-H., & Otto, A. (2008). Forming of AFS-Tailored Blanks at Elevated Temperatures . In ESAFORM (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming (pp. 153-156). Paris, FR: Springer Verlag.
Schmidt, M., Kägeler, C., & Heider, J. (2008). Kurze Pulse in der Industrie - Trends in Markt und Technologie . In Geiger, M.; Schmidt, M.; Kägeler, C. (Eds.), 11. Seminar LEF 2008, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 4-25). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Schmidt, M., & Bechtold, P. (2008). Laser Micro Adjustment Technology - Possibilities and Challenges for Novel Applications . In LIA (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific International Conference on Application of Lasers and Optics 2008 (pp. 830-835).
Pitz, I., & Otto, A. (2008). Modelle zur beschleunigten Simulatin des Laserstrahlumformens im Makrobereich . In Hauser, H.; Strassburger, S.; Theisel, H. (Eds.), Simulation and Visualization 2008 - Proceedins of the 2008 Simulation and Visualization Conference (pp. 53-60). Magdeburg, DE: SCS Publishing House.
Bich, A., Rieck, J., Dumouchel, C., Roth, S., Weible, K.J., Eisner, M.,... De Rooij, N. (2008). Multifunctional micro-optical elements for laser beam homogenizing and beam shaping . In Proc SPIE . San Jose, CA, US: SPIE.
Geiger, M., & Hohenstein, R. (2008). Near-Field 3D Position Sensing using Optical Fibers . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering Research and Development - Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering .
Pitz, I., & Otto, A. (2008). Simulation of Laser Beam Formng of Large Aluminium Plates . In Sakkiettibutra, J. (Eds.), Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion - Proceedings of the IWOTE 2008: International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (pp. 297-304). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Grimm, A. (2008). Temperaturgeregeltes Laserstrahlhartlöten mit Hochleistungsdiodenlasern . In DVS (Eds.), DVS-Berichtsband - Tagungsband zur 6. Jenaer Lasertagung 2008 . Jena, DE: DVS-Verlag. 2007 2007 Authored Books
Micari, F., Geiger, M., Duflou, J.R., Shirvani, B., & Fratini, L. (2007). Sheet Metal 2007 . Trans Tech Publications. Journal Articles
Weidel, S. (2007). 40th Plenary Meeting of the Cold Forging Group . Wire , 6 , 18-19.
Hußnätter, W., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2007). Characterization of yielding of sheet metal at elevated temperatures . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 191 (1-3), 20-23.
Plettke, R., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2007). Computer assisted design of actuator systems for laser micro adjustment . Key Engineering Materials , 344 , 807-814.
Laumann, T., Pfestorf, M., Beil, A., Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2007). Crash behviour of various modern steels exposed to high deformation . Key Engineering Materials , 344 , 151-158.
Hußnätter, W. (2007). Detection of the real plastification in a biaxial tension test . Key Engineering Materials , 344 , 105-112.
Tang, B., Zhao, Z., Hagenah, H., & Lu, X. (2007). Energy based algorithms to solve initial solution in one-step finite element method of sheet metal stamping . Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 196 , 2187-2196.
Dietrich, S., Trägler, H., & Otto, A. (2007). Es werde Strom . Design & Elektronik , 3 , 73-75.
Tolazzi, M., & Merklein, M. (2007). Influence of Pre-forming on the Forming Limit Diagram . Key Engineering Materials , 344 , 113-118.
Arbak, M., & Wagner, K. (2007). Innovative Werkzeugtechnik für die Kaltmassivumformung . Der Schnitt- & Stanzwerkzeugbau , 1 , 37-40.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Cojutti, M. (2007). Integrated Tube and Double Sheet Hydroforming Technology - Optimised Process for the Production of a Complex Part . Key Engineering Materials , 344 , 477-484.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Blankl, A., & Cojutti, M. (2007). Lightweight construction by means of innovative process strategies in hydroforming technology . Steel Grips , 2 , 141-146.
Geiger, M., & Geißdörfer, S. (2007). Mesoscopic Model - Advanced Simulation of Microforming Processes . AIP Conference Proceedings , 907 (1), 79-84.
Eichenhüller, B., Egerer, E., & Engel, U. (2007). Microforming at elevated temperature - forming and material behaviour . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 33 (1-2), 119-124.
Ziegler, C., Stockinger, A., Stoll, T., Wittmann, S., Weickmann, J., Schmidt, J.,... Al-Sheyyab, A. (2007). Produktionsmanagement als effizientes Werkzeug zur Vernetzung von Forschungsprojekten . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 110 (11), 765-770.
Wagner, K., Hagemann, F., & Tomic, D. (2007). Projektübergreifende Zusammenarbeit im Arbeitskreis 1 des Forschungsverbunds ForWerkzeug . Der Schnitt- & Stanzwerkzeugbau , 6 , 28-32.
Al-Sheyyab, A., Blankl, A., Leitz, K.-H., Vogt, U., Weickmann, J., & Wittmann, S. (2007). Qualitätsmanagement komplexer Verbundforschungsprojekte . QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit , 1 , 46-47.
Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2007). Sheet metal forming - a new kind of forge for the future . Key Engineering Materials , 344 , 9-20.
Arbak, M., Wagner, K., & Ersoy, K. (2007). Simulationstechniken: Kostengünstig Optimieren . FORM + Werkzeug , 5 .
Wagner, K., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2007). Tool Life Enhancement on Cold Forging by Locally Optimized Surfaces . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 201 , 2-8.
Merklein, M., & Hußnätter, W. (2007). Umformen von Magnesiumblechen im Doppelpack . Maschinenmarkt , 22 , 48-51.
Völkl, R., Wagner, K., & Arbak, M. (2007). Verbesserungspotentiale zur Steigerung der Lebensdauer bei Umformwerkzeugen . Maschinenmarkt , 18 , 26-29.
von Wilmowsky, C., Vairaktaris, E., Pohle, D., Rechtenwald, T., Lutz, R., Münstedt, H.,... Nkenke, E. (2007). Effects of Bioglass and ß-TCP containing three-dimensional laser sintered polyetheretherketone composites on osteoblasts in vitro . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A .
Kreis, O. (2007). Erlanger Technikgespräch: China auf dem Weg zum Innovationsstandort . Technik in Bayern , 2 , 20.
Geiger, M., Brandmayer, O., & Frick, T. (2007). Hybridschweißen von Kunststoffen - Durch den kombinierten Einsatz von Laserstrahlung und Heizstrahlung beim Schweißprozess eröffnen sich völlig neue Anwendungsfelder . Joining Plastics - Fügen von Kunststoffen , 2 , 144-152.
Otto, A., & Hohenstein, R. (2007). Laserstrahlschweißen - Trends und aktuelle Entwicklungen . Laser Technik Journal , 4 , 27-31.
Kreis, O. (2007). Maschinenbau an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg . Technik in Bayern , 1 , 44-45.
Pohle, D., Rechtenwald, T., von Wilmowsky, C., Neukam, F.W., & Münstedt, H. (2007). Materialspezifische Vorraussetzung für das Lasersintern von Polyetheretherketonen als Knochenersatz für den Schädelbereich . BIOmaterialien , 2 (8), 106-107.
Bechtold, P., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Non-thermal Micro Adjustment Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses . Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering , 2 (3), 183-188.
Zimmermann, M., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Singlemode-Faserlaser brilliert beim Feinschneiden . Mikroproduktion , 3 , 35-39.
Seidel, S. (2007). Technologieintegration zur Herstellung von Serienwerkzeugen mittels Metallfolien - LOM . RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie , 4 . Book Contributions
Merklein, M., Blankl, A., & Cojutti, M. (2007). Integrierte Fertigung durch Umformen, Fügen und Trennen . In Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht des DFG SFB 396. (pp. 315-356).
Hußnätter, W., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2007). Specimen for a Novel Concept of Biaxial Tension Test? Design and Optimisation . In Dorel Banabic (Eds.), Advanced Methods in Material Forming. (pp. 119-129). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2007). Stahl heiß in Form gebracht . In Automobiltechnik in Bayern. . Conference Contributions
Geißdörfer, S. (2007). Advanced Approach to Evaluate Local Deformation Behaviour at Microscale . In BIAS-Verlag (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology (pp. 639-644). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Klämpfl, F., & Hagenah, H. (2007). Algorithms for pulsewise irradiation planning . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 877-886). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Herrero, A., Esmoris, J., Azcarate, S., Geißdörfer, S., & Engel, U. (2007). Application of EDM to the production of micro tooling . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S., Toshev, Y. (Eds.), 4M 2007, Third International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 115-118). Dunbeath, Scotland, GB: Whittles Publishing.
Plettke, R., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2007). Application of genetic algorithms for the optimization of actuator systems for laser micro adjustment . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies 2007 (ICIT&MPT 2007) (pp. 297-302).
Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2007). Application of Tailored Heat Treated Blanks under quasi series conditions . In Micari, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet) (pp. 383-390). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Lechler, J., Bach, F., Springer, R., Kleiner, M.,... Karbasian, H. (2007). Basic investigations on hot sheet metal forming of quenchable high strength steels . In Vollertsen, F.; Yuan, S. (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology (pp. 327-336).
Kroiß, T., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2007). Berechnung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Umformmaschine und -prozess auf Basis der Integration eines Pressenmodells in die FE-Fließpresssimulation . In DWM (Eds.), Proc.12th Dresdner Werkzeugmaschinen-Fachseminar . Dresden, DE.
Arbak, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2007). Ceramic Adapted Tool Design in Cold Forging - Consideration of Thermal Effects on Prestressing System . In Akkök, M.; Busak, E.; Firat, M.; Katanoglu, B. (Eds.), 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds (pp. 60). Ankara, TR: Mechanical Design and Production Society.
Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2007). Characterisation of the flattening behaviour of idealised asperities . In Blunt, L.; Rosen, G.; Thomas, T.R.; Jiang, X.; Whitehouse, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces (pp. 217-222). Huddersfield, GB: University of Huddersfield.
Merklein, M., Hußnätter, W., Staud, D., & Kuppert, A. (2007). Charakterisierung der Umformeigenschaften von Blechwerkstoffen - Trends und Möglichkeiten der Prüftechnik . In Pohl, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2007 (pp. 201-210). Düsseldorf, DE: Stahleisen GmbH.
Otto, A., Hohenstein, R., & Dietrich, S. (2007). Closed Loop Control of Laser Beam Welding . In SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Eds.), Proceedings of the XIV. International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Laser Conference (pp. 1-8).
Merklein, M., & Vogt, U. (2007). Einsatz prozessangepasster Aluminiumplatinen für die Herstellung von Karosserieziehteilen . In Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht des DFG SFB 396 (pp. 477-502).
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Vogt, U. (2007). Enhanced formability of aluminium blanks by local laser heat treatment . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th LANE Conference (pp. 1279-1288). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Staud, D., Giera, A., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2007). Enhanced numerical results on friction stir welded aluminium butt joints . In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet) (pp. 759-766).
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Lechler, J. (2007). Ermittlung vin thermischen und mechanischen Werkstoffeigenschaften höchstfester Vergütungsstähle für das Presshärten . In Steinhoff, K. (Eds.), Tagungsband VDEh-Workshop: Moderne thermomechanische Prozessstrategien in der Stahlumformung (pp. 24-36).
Engel, U., & Weidel, S. (2007). Evolution of surface topography in microforming . In Azushima, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes ICTMP .
Hußnätter, W., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2007). Experimental Determination of Yielding of the Aluminium Wrought Alloy AA6016 for Biaxial Loading . In Dimitrov, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of COMA 2007 (pp. 243-248).
Zimmermann, M., Schaefer, L., Rank, M., Schmidt, M., & Roth, S. (2007). Fabrication of highly precise fiber optical array products by use of laser based micro alignment . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S., Toshev, Y. (Eds.), 4M 2007, Third International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 111-114). Scotland, GB: Whittles Publishing.
Contorno, D., Fonti, V., Giera, A., Fratini, L., & Merklein, M. (2007). Fundamental Investigations on Friction Stir Knead Welding . In Vollertsen, F.; Yuan, S. (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology (pp. 431-440). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Eßer, G., Gigengack, T., Jäckel, T., & Löffler, K. (2007). High Power Solid State Lasers in Automotive Production: History and Challenges . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th LANE (pp. 111-120). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Tolazzi, M., Lamprecht, K., & Geiger, M. (2007). Hydroforming of Laser Welded Tailored and Patchwork Blanks . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), LANE (pp. 1295-1302). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2007). Impact of liquid lubricant on the flattening behaviour of single asperities . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S., Toshev, Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 161-164). Dunbeath, GB: Whittles Publishing.
Tolazzi, M., & Merklein, M. (2007). Influence of Pre-forming on the Forming Limit Diagram of Aluminium and Steel Sheets . In Micari, F.; Geiger, M.; Duflou, J.; Shirvani, B.; Clarke, R.; DiLorenzo, R.; Fratini, L. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2007, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sheet Metal; Advanced Materials Research (pp. 113-118).
Hußnätter, W. (2007). Influence of Temperature on Yield Loci of Magnesium Alloy . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of LANE 2007 (pp. 519-532). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Eßer, G. (2007). Innovationen in der Automobilproduktion als Schlüssel zu nachhaltiger Wettbewerbsfähigkeit . In PTK (Eds.), Proceedings XII. Internationales Produktionstechnisches Kolloquium PTK 2007 .
Diehl, A., Geißdörfer, S., & Engel, U. (2007). Investigation of Size Dependent Mechanical Properties of Metal Foils in Micro Sheet Metal Forming Processes . In Clemson University (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Micromanufacturing, 10.-13. September 2007, Greenville, USA (pp. 156-161). Greenville, US.
Cojutti, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2007). Investigations on Double Sheet Hydroforming with Counterpressure . In Vollertsen, F.; Yuan, S. (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology (pp. 431-440).
Staud, D., Merklein, M., Fratini, L., & Buffa, G. (2007). Investigations on the Mechanical Properties and Formability of Friction Stir Welded and Laser Welded Aluminium Tailored Blanks . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), 5th Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE (pp. 1301-1313). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Buffa, G., Fratini, L., Merklein, M., & Staud, D. (2007). Investigations on the Mechanical Properties and Formability of Friction Stir Welded Tailored Blanks . In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet) (pp. 143-150). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Grimm, A., Schmidt, M., Dietrich, S., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (2007). Investigations towards extended stability in laser brazing . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 5 - Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 1033-1041). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Giera, A., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2007). Joining of DC04 and AA5182 in a butt joint configuration by laser assisted friction stir welding . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), 5th Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE (pp. 1239-1247). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Giera, A., Merklein, M., & Baumeister, P. (2007). Laser-assisted Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Steel and Aluminium Alloys . In Vollertsen, F.; Yuan, S. (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology ICNFT (pp. 421-430). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Blankl, A., & Merklein, M. (2007). Laser Heat Treatment of Laser Welded Joints in Dual Phase Steel Sheets . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 1259-1270). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Otto, A., Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2007). Laser in metal forming - benefits for tribology . In Bach, F.W.; Bouzakis, K.D.; Denkena, B.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), 6th International Conference THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 13-22). Garbsen, DE: PZH Produktionstechnisches Zentrum GmbH.
Vollertsen, F., Emmelmann, M., Schmidt, M., & Otto, A. (2007). Lasers in Manufacturing 2007 . In WLT Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing . München, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Wagner, K., Völkl, R., Engel, U., Geiger, M., & Meyer-Pittroff, F. (2007). Locally Optimized Tool Surfaces by Laser Treatment in Cold Forging . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 859-870). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Wagner, K., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2007). Lokal optimierte Oberflächen an Umformwerkzeugen . In Proceedings of the 3D-Erfahrungsforum Innovation im Werkzeug- und Formenbau (pp. 1-19).
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Geiger, M. (2007). Mathematical Modelling of the Flow Behaviour of Hot Stamping Steels for a FE-based Process Design . In Dimitrov, D. (Eds.), Tagungsband COMA'07, Südafrika (pp. 191-196).
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., Sturm, V., Bruschi, S., Ghiotti, A., & Truetta, A. (2007). Mechanical properties and plastic anisotropy of the quenchable high strengt steel 22MnB5 at elevated temperatures . In Micari, F.; Geiger, M.; Duflou, J.; Shirvani, B.; DiLorenzo, R.; Fratini, L. (Eds.), Tagungsband SheMet'07 (pp. 79-87). Palermo, IT.
Zimmermann, M., Lindlein, N., Völkl, R., & Weible, K. (2007). Microlens laser beam homogenizer - From theory to application . In Proceedings of the Laser Beam Shaping VIII . San Diego, CA, US.
Völkl, R., Bich, A., Eisner, M., Weible, K., Zimmermann, M., & Rank, M. (2007). Microoptics for Laser Beam Homogenizing and Beam Shaping . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 791-803). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., & Geißdörfer, S. (2007). Mikroproduktion? Chancen und Herausforderung . In Hirt, G. (Eds.), 22. ASK, Aachener Stahlkolloquium (pp. 79-84). Aachen, DE.
Brosius, A., Karbasian, H., Tekkaya, A., Lechler, J., Merklein, M., Geiger, M.,... Hoffmann, H. (2007). Modellierung und Simulation der Warmblechumformung: Aktueller Stand und zukünftiger Forschungsbedarf . In Geiger, M.; Merklein, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband 2. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung (pp. 37-58). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Weidel, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2007). Nanotopography characterisation in microforming . In Thornett, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology Euspen, Bremen (pp. 361-364). Bedford, GB: Euspen Verlag.
Schmidt, M., Dirscherl, M., & Bechtold, P. (2007). New Approaches in Laser-Based Micro Adjustment as a Key Technology for ultra Precision Assembly . In European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Euspen International Conference (pp. 164-168). Wien, AT: Verlag Copy & Druck.
Engel, U., Arbak, M., Wagner, K., & Völkl, R. (2007). New Materials and Surface Finishing Methods for Cold Forging Tools . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings, ICIT&MPT 2007, 6th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies (pp. 13-20). Sempeter: Marginalija.
Bechtold, P., & Dirscherl, M. (2007). Nichtthermische Mikrojustiertechnik mit Ultrakurzpulslasern . In Geiger, M.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des Erlanger Seminars LEF 2007 (pp. 175-185). Bremen, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hora, P., Merklein, M., Tong, L., & Lechler, J. (2007). Numerical and Experimental evaluation of thermal dependent flc . In Tisza, M. (Eds.), Tagungsband IDDRG Conference 2007, Györ, Ungarn (pp. 23-30).
Hohenstein, R., Dietrich, S., & Otto, A. (2007). Optical In-Process Sensor for Laser Beam Welding . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 939-955). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Plettke, R., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2007). Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Aktorsystemen für die lasergebundene Mikrojustage . In Schulze, T.; Preim, B.; Schumann, H. (Eds.), Simulation und Visualisierung 2007. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Simulation and Visualization (SimVis) (pp. 43-54). Magdeburg, DE: SCS Publishing House e.V..
Dietrich, S., Otto, A., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Suitability of the plasma plume position as a feedback signal for closed-loop process control in laser welding applications . In Vollertsen, F.; Emmelmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 489-493). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Arbak, M. (2007). Technische Keramik in der Kaltmassivumformung - Werkzeugauslegung mit Berücksichtigung der thermischen Effekte . In Proceedings of the 3D-Erfahrungsforum Innovation im Werkzeug- und Formenbau (pp. 1-13).
Grimm, A., Schmidt, M., & Hoffmann, P. (2007). Temperature-based online quality control for laser brazing with high-power diode lasers . In Vollertsen, F.; Emmelmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Lasers in Manufacturing 2007 Proceedings of the Fourth International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing Munich, Germany, June 18th-22nd (pp. 495-499). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Hecht, J., Lamprecht, K., Merklein, M., Galanulis, K., & Steinbeck, J. (2007). Triangulation based digitizing of tooling and sheet metal part surfaces? measuring technique, analysis of deviation to CAD and remarks on use of 3D-coordinate fields for the finite element analysis . In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet), 01.-04.04., Palermo, Italy (pp. 847-853).
Frick, T. (2007). Computation of temperature fields for laser transmission welding of plastics . In Congress Proceedings ICALEO 2007, 26th International Congress on Application of Laser & Electro-optics (pp. 277-284). Orlando, FL, US.
Seidel, S., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2007). Contour generation and surface Quality of parts manufactured by automated Metal Foil LOM - Technology . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Seidel, S., & Otto, A. (2007). Contour generation in the automated stacking process for the Metal Foil LOM - Technology . In Vollertsen, F.; Emmelmann, C.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing . Stuttgart, Deutschland: AT-Fachverlag.
Hoffmann, P., Grimm, A., & Schwab, J. (2007). Diagnosing Laser Processes: Research into Temperature Controlled Laser Beam Brazing . In Ebert, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th EALA European Automotive Laser Application 2007, 30.-31.01.2007, Bad Nauheim/Frankfurt (pp. 280-310). Berlin, DE: tci - Technik und Kommunikation Verlags GmbH.
Rechtenwald, T., Pohle, D., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Dimensional accuracy and surface finish of laser sintered polyetheretherketone parts . In Proceedings of International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 237-242). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Schaefer, L., Zimmermann, M., & Rank, M. (2007). Entwicklung einer modularen Fertigungseinrichtung zur präzisen Justierung von faseroptischen Komponenten . In VDE (Eds.), Mikro.System.Technik Kongress (pp. 1037-1040). Berlin, Offenbach, DE: VDE-Verlag GmbH.
Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2007). From basic research to industrial application - new developments for laser beam welding . In Vollertsen, F.; Emmelmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 5-12). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Rechtenwald, T., Pohle, D., Schmidt, M., & Frick, T. (2007). Generation of implants by lasr sintering of PEEK? Process development and qualification of parts . In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Seidel, S. (2007). Herstellung von Serienwerkzeugen mittels Metallfolien-LOM . In Proceedings of the 3D-Erfahrungsforum Innovation im Werkzeug- und Formenbau .
Kägeler, C., Klämpfl, F., Otto, A., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Investigating a laser welding process with methods of non-linear dynamics . In Vollertsen, F.; Emmelmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 155-160). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Albert, F., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Laser based rework in electronics production . In Belligham (Eds.), Laser-based Micropackaging, Proceedings of SPIE (pp. 6549). San Jose (CA), US.
Albert, F., Grimm, A., Kägeler, C., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Laser Based Welding and Brazing in Automotive Production . In E.O. Paton Welding Institute (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing LTWMP . Kiev, UA.
Zimmermann, M., Schmidt, M., Rank, M., & Schaefer, L. (2007). Laser Micro Adjustment of Fiber Collimator Arrays . In Vollertsen, F.; Emmelmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 763-768). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Zimmermann, M., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Micro Cutting of Thin Sheets with Single Mode Fiber Lasers . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 219-232). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Pitz, I., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2007). Modelling of Laser BEam Forming of Large Sheet Metal Parts . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 609-617). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Grimm, A., Schmidt, M., & Hoffmann, P. (2007). Neue systemtechnische Entwicklungen im Bereich Laserstrahlhartlöten . In Proceedings of the Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionsschweißen (LÖT 2007) (pp. 195-200).
Bechtold, P., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Non-thermical micro adjustment usind ultrashort laser pulses . In JLPS - Japan Laser Processing Society (Eds.), Proceedings of LPM2007 - The 8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (pp. 1-5).
Kägeler, C., Albert, F., Mys, I., Grimm, A., & Urmoneit, U. (2007). Observation of process oscillations during high power laser welding . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 123-135). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Schmidt, M., Albert, F., Frick, T., Grimm, A., Kägeler, C., Rank, M., & Tangermann-Gerk, K. (2007). Process control in laser manufacturing - Dream or reality . In LIA (Eds.), ICALEO 2007 - Laser Materials Processing Conference (pp. 1081-1096).
Pohle, D., Ponader, S., Rechtenwald, T., Schmidt, M., Schlegel, K., Münstedt, H.,... von Wilmowsky, C. (2007). Processing of Three-Dimensional Laser Sintered Polyetheretherketone Composites and Testing of Osteoblast Proliferation in vitro . In Macromolecular Symposia (pp. 65-70).
Otto, A., & Hohenstein, R. (2007). Process Sensing and Control . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 99-108). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Schmidt, M., Pohle, D., & Rechtenwald, T. (2007). Selective Laser Sintering of PEEK . In Annals of the CIRP (pp. 205-208). Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier Verlag.
Rechtenwald, T., Krauß, H., Pohle, D., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Small scale and micro featured functional prototypes generated by laser sintering of polyetheretherketone . In Proceedings of the XII. Conference on Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology, San Jose (USA), 22.-24. .
Frick, T. (2007). Temperaturfeldberechnungen beim Laserstrahlschweißen von Kunststoffen . In Geiger, M.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik 2007, Tagungsband LEF 2007 (pp. 93-103). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Koch, H.M., Leitz, K.-H., & Otto, A. (2007). Three Dimensional Simulation of Laser Beam Welding . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2007 (pp. 251-260). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Kunz, T., Burkert, I., & Zimmermann, M. (2007). Towards Extended Free-Standng Crystalline Silicon Thin-Films by Laser Joining . In Eu Pvsec (Eds.), 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference . Mailand, IT. Miscellaneous 2006 2006 Journal Articles
Dal Bò, P., & Geiger, M. (2006). Effects of viscous dissipation in the flow influenced tube hydroforming . International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties .
Diehl, A., Summerauer, I., Heimann, T., Franke, V., Engel, U., Schulze-Niehoff, H., & Vollertsen, F. (2006). Erst umdenken, dann umformen . Mikroproduktion , 3 , 46-50.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Giera, A., & Staud, D. (2006). Experimental and analytical investigations on friction stir welding of steel aluminium tailored hybrids . Production Engineering , 8 , 81-86.
Rechtenwald, T., Roth, S., & Pohle, D. (2006). Funktionsprototypen aus PEEK . Kunststoffe , 96 (11), 62-68.
Völkl, R., & Zimmermann, M. (2006). Homogenisierung von Laserstrahlen . Photonik , 3 .
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Dal Bò, P. (2006). Improvement of Formability in Tube Hydroforming by Reduction of Friction with a High Viscous Fluid Flow . Production Engineering , 1 (8), 53-56.
Wagner, K., Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2006). Improvement of Tool Life in cold Forging by Locally Optimized Surfaces . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 177 (1-3), 206-209.
Eßer, G., & Klettke, O. (2006). Ist die LED ein Laser? Eine kritische Betrachtung der europäischen Regelungen zum Laserschutz . Europäischer Laser-Markt , 1 , 62-66.
Arbak, M., Putz, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2006). Keramik als Werkzeugstoff in der Kaltmassivumformung . Technik in Bayern , 28.
Arbak, M., & Wagner, K. (2006). Langes Leben für Werkzeuge . Zukunft im Brennpunkt , 5 , 73-76.
Schmidt, M., Roth, S., Dirscherl, M., Albert, F., Mys, I., & Grimm, A. (2006). Laser in der Materialbearbeitung - alter Hut oder High Tech mit Potential? Technik in Bayern , 6 , 8-9.
Komlodi, A., & Otto, A. (2006). Methodology for detecting laser parameter sets for reduced hot crack propensity using finite element simulation . Welding in the World , 50 (11-12), 35-45.
Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2006). Micro Texturing of Cold Forging Tools - Influence on Tool Life . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 220 (1), 27-33.
Zimmermann, M., & Dirscherl, M. (2006). Mikrojustierung mit Licht . Mikroproduktion , 2 .
Putz, A. (2006). Montagequalität von armierten Werkzeugen . Produktion , 6 (36), 20.
Tolazzi, M., & Lamprecht, K. (2006). On the Determination of the Friction Behaviour of Tailor Welded Blanks by Means of a Cylindrical Cup Drawing Test . Steel Grips , 3 (4), 201-206.
Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2006). Surface characterisation in forming processes by functional 3D parameters . International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology .
Arbak, M., Putz, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2006). Technische Keramik in der Kaltmassivumformung? Verbesserung der Oberflächenqualität und Maßhaltigkeit . Maschinenbau in Bayern .
Putz, A. (2006). Ultrasonic Inspection of Prestressed Cold Forging Tools - Development of a Theoretical Model and Relevance for Industry . Wire , 1 , 23-27.
Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2006). Umformung von Tailored Heat Treated Blanks aus Aluminium . Metall , 60 (1-2), 25-26.
Frick, T., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Der Laser in der Verpackungsindustrie . Technik in Bayern , 4 , 18.
Kreis, O. (2006). Diplom-, Bachelor- und Masterstudium im Erlanger Maschinenbau an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg . Technik in Bayern , 6 , 30-31.
Petrovic, L., Pohle, D., Münstedt, H., Rechtenwald, T., Schlegel, K., & Rupprecht, S. (2006). Effect of ßTCP filled polyetheretherketone on osteoblast cell proliferation in vitro . Journal of Biomedical Science , 13 , 41-46.
Schuler, C., & Kreis, O. (2006). Exkursion zu FAUN am 03.07.2006 . Technik in Bayern , 6 , 20.
Teichmann, D., & Kreis, O. (2006). Firmenkontaktmesse Contact 2006 . Technik in Bayern , 65 (64), 19.
Schmidt, M., Rechtenwald, T., & Pohle, D. (2006). Individuelle, laserstrahlgesinterte Kunststoffimplantate aus Polyetheretherketon . Medizintechnik in Bayern , 26-28.
Schmidt, M., Grimm, A., & Kägeler, C. (2006). Remote-Schweißen im Automobilbau . Technik in Bayern , 6 , 32-33.
Neugebauer, S., Altan, T., Geiger, M., Kleiner, M., & Sterzing, A. (2006). Sheet Metal Forming at Elevated Temperatures . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 55 , 793-816.
Engel, U. (2006). Tribology in Microforming. Wear , 260 (3), 265-273.
Dirscherl, M., Eßer, G., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Ultrashort Pulse Laser Bending . Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering , 1 (1), 54-60. Book Contributions
Merklein, M., Hecht, J., Hußnätter, W., & Geiger, M. (2006). Innenhochdruck-Umformen von Magnesiumblechen . In Karosserie II. (pp. 1-21).
Frick, T., Schmidt, M., & Hofmann, T. (2006). Hybridschweißen von Kunststoffen - eine neue Technologie zum Fügen von Makrobauteilen . In Automobiltechnik in Bayern. (pp. 64-65). Conference Contributions
Klämpfl, F., Schmidt, M., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2006). Algorithms for Irradiation Planning in Medical Laser Applications . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 101-106). Naples, IT: University of Naples.
Hagenah, H., & Kohlbauer, R. (2006). Apllication of fuzzy logic for process design in sheet metal hydroforming . In Govekar, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations (pp. 335-342). Ljubljana, SI: University of Ljubljana.
Dal Bò, P., & Geiger, M. (2006). Applicability of a magnetorheological fluid to the flow influenced hydroforming process . In Juster, N.; Rosochowski,A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (pp. 391-394). Krakau, PL: Publishing House Akapit.
Dietrich, S., & Otto, A. (2006). Applicable Sensor for a Multivariate Process Controller . In Laser Institute of America (Eds.), Congress Proceedings ICALEO 2006, 25th International Congress on Application of Laser & Electro-optics (pp. 396-402).
Dal Bò, P., & Geiger, M. (2006). Behaviour of a High Viscous Fluid and its Effect on the Flow Influenced Hydroformnig Process . In FEMLAB GmbH (Eds.), Tagungsband der Femlab Konferenz: Neue Wege der Multiphysik-Simulation (pp. 102-105).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2006). Beschreibung des mechanischen Werkstoffverhaltens beim Warumumformen höchstfester Vergütungsstähle . In 1. Erlanger Workshop Warmblechumformung, Tagungsband zum Berichts- und Industriekolloquium der FOR552, Erlangen, 7. November 2006 (pp. 13-30). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., & Geiger, M. (2006). Characterisation of the flow properties of the quenchable ultra high strength steel 22MnB5 . In Annals of the CIRP (pp. 229-236).
Hußnätter, W., & Merklein, M. (2006). Characterization of yielding and hardening of AA6016 . In Santos, A.D.; Da Rocha, A.B. (Eds.), Proceedings of IDDRG Conference (pp. 105-112).
Geiger, M., & Hagenah, H. (2006). Der SFB 396 im Überblick- Beiträge zum Berichts- und Industriekolloquium . In Geiger, M.; Singer, R. F: (Eds.), Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile: Tagungsband zum Industriekolloquium (pp. 1-6). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hoff, C. (2006). Determination of Data for the Hot Stamping Process . In Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 5-8).
Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2006). Determination of Influencing Parameters of the Hot Stamping Process . In Tagungsband AsiaSteel 06 conference, Fukuoba, Japan (pp. 912-917). Fukuoba, JP.
Hußnätter, W., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2006). Determination of Yield Loci of Sheet Metal at Elevated Temperatures by the Integration of a Diode Laser Source . In AMPT (Eds.), Proceedings of AMPT 2006 .
Otto, A., Hohenstein, R., & Dietrich, S. (2006). Diagnostik und Regelung beim Laserstrahlschweißen . In Vollertsen, F.; Seefeld, T. (Eds.), Strahltechnik Band 28, Tagungsband zum 5. Laser-Anwendeforum (pp. 167-176). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Otto, A., & Blankl, A. (2006). Dual beam Nd:YAG laser welding: Influence of lubricants to lap joint welding of steel sheets . In Schuöcker, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVI. International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Laser Conference, Gmunden, Austria (pp. 171-176). Gmunden, AT.
Tolazzi, M., Lamprecht, K., & Merklein, M. (2006). Ermittlung des Reibverhaltens von Tailor Welded Blanks im Näpfchenziehversuch . In Buchmayr, B. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum XXV. Verformungskundlichen Kolloquium 04.-07.03. (pp. 89-100).
Merklein, M., Hußnätter, W., & Hecht, J. (2006). Ermittlung prozessrelevanter Werkstoffkenngrößen für die Blechumformung bei erhöhten Temperaturen . In Borsutzki, M.; Geisler, S. (Eds.), Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2006 (pp. 227-232).
Hußnätter, W., & Geiger, M. (2006). Experimental Setup for Determination of Yield Loci - Demands of Accuracy . In JSTP (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (pp. 215-218).
Schmidt, M., Otto, A., Albert, F., Dörfler, S.M., Grimm, A., & Kägeler, C. (2006). Fehlertolerante Fügeprozesse im automobilen Umfeld . In Geiger, M.; Singer, R.F. (Eds.), Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile. Tagungsband zum Industriekolloquium des SFB 396 (pp. 121-132). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Hecht, J., & Stich, A. (2006). Fertigungsaspekte zur umformtechnischen Herstellung von Bauteilen aus Magnesiumblech für den Fahrzeugbau . In Tagungsband EFB-Kolloquium 2006 "Konstruktionskonzepte der Gegenwart und Zukunft - Herausforderungen an die Blechbearbeitung" (pp. 149-160).
Merklein, M., & Beccari, S. (2006). Formability of the magnesium alloy AZ31 at elevated temperatures . In Juster, N.; Rosochowski,A. (Eds.), The 9th International Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom, April 26-28 (pp. 295-298). Glasgow, GB.
Schmidt, M., Mys, I., Albert, F., Merklein, M., Giera, A., & Staud, D. (2006). Fortschritte in der Fügetechnik für Aluminium . In Proceedings Euroform-Konferenz, Aluminium, Anwendungen, Märkte, Produktion .
Merklein, M., & Giera, A. (2006). Friction stir welding of thin steel aluminium hybrid blanks . In Juster, N.; Rosochowski,A. (Eds.), The 9th International Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2006 (pp. 859-862).
Kitamura, K., Matsumoto, R., & Putz, A. (2006). Future Challenges in Precision Forging Technology? A Report of Discussion Hour at the 4th ISPF . In ICFG (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG), Changwon, Korea . Changwon, KR.
Geiger, M., & Krauß, H.-J. (2006). Generation of Functional Coatings and Structures by Laser Pyrolysis of Preceramic Polymers . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 29-32).
Merklein, M., Hoff, C., & Lechler, J. (2006). Grundlagenuntersuchungen zum Presshärten höchstfester Vergütungsstähle . In 6. Stahl-Symposium 2006 - Werkstoffe, Anwendung, Forschung, 06. April . Düsseldorf, DE.
Geiger, M., & Lamprecht, K. (2006). Hydroforming of Deep-Drawn Preforms? A Novel Approach Towards Innovative Sheet Metal Components . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 121-124).
Arbak, M., Putz, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2006). Industrial Ceramics in Cold Forging: Increasing Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Quality . In Proceedings of the 4th JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging, Nara, Japan (pp. 83-86). Nara, JP: JSTP.
Geiger, M., Neugebauer, S., Merklein, M., Lamprecht, K., Tolazzi, M., & Bahn, V. (2006). Innenhochdruck-Umformen von Doppelblechen . In Kleiner, M. (Eds.), Wirkmedienbasierte Fertigungstechniken zur Blechumformung, Abschlussbereicht zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1098, 28.-29.09., Dortmund (pp. 27-44). Dortmund, DE.
Geiger, M., & Cojutti, M. (2006). Integration of Double Sheet and Tube Hydroforming Processes: Numerical Investigation of the Feasibility of a complex Part . In The 23rd International Manufacturing Conference 30th August - 1st September 2006, University of Ulster (pp. 249-256). Ulster.
Merklein, M., & Lechler, J. (2006). Investigation of the thermo-mechanical properties of hot stamping steels . In Tagungsband Metal Forming Conference 2006, Birmingham, England (pp. 452-455). Birmingham, GB.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Hecht, J., & Stich, A. (2006). Investigations on Formability and Tribology of Magnesium Sheets with Regard to Warm Forming processes . In Kainer, K.U. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, Nov 6-9, Dresden, Germany (pp. 386-392). Dresden, DE.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hecht, J. (2006). Investigations on Formability and Tribology with Regard to Warm Forming of Magnesium Sheets . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 101-104).
Klämpfl, F., Schmidt, M., Hagenah, H., Görtler, A., Wolfsgruber, F., Lampalzer, R., & Kaudewitz, P. (2006). Irradiation planning for automated treatment of psoriasis with a high-power excimer laser . In SPIE (Eds.), Photonics West 2006: Integrated Optoelectronic Devices .
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Vogt, U. (2006). Material suited part and process design in sheet forming . In Liewald, M. (Eds.), Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung: Tagungsband, Stuttgart: Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 417-430).
Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2006). Measurement and characterisation of the microtopography in the contact area between workpiece and tool in microforming . In 4M 2006, 2nd International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, 20.-22.09.2006, Grenoble, France (pp. 157-160). Grenoble, FR.
Diehl, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2006). Mechanical Propteries and bending behaviour of metal foils . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S.; Fillon, B. (Eds.), 4M 2006, 2nd International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, 20.-22.09.2006, Grenoble, France (pp. 297-300). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Verlag.
Geißdörfer, S., Diehl, A., Eichenhüller, B., & Engel, U. (2006). Microforming - Application and 3D Simulation . In TETI, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 521-526). Naples, IT: University of Naples.
Engel, U., & Geißdörfer, S. (2006). Microforming - on the way to industrial application? In American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Micromanufacturing (pp. 21-30).
Engel, U., & Geißdörfer, S. (2006). Microforming Technology - History and Future . In Juster, N.; Rosochowski,A. (Eds.), The 9th International Conference on Metal Forming ESAFORM (pp. 11-12). Polen, PL: Publishing House Akapit.
Schmidt, M., & Dirscherl, M. (2006). Mikro-Schockwellen durch Ultrakurzpuls-Interaktion als neuartiger Mechanismus für ein hochgenaues Laserstrahljustierverfahren . In Physikalische Gesellschaft (Eds.), Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung .
Rechtenwald, T., Roth, S., & Pohle, D. (2006). Mittels Laserstrahljustiersintern von PEEK zu echten Funktionsprototypen . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), Tagungsband der Tagung Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 99-111). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Zhu, M., Kirby, P., Richter, M., Congar, Y., Diehl, A., & Völkl, R. (2006). Modelling and Simulation of Piezoelectric Actuation and Reliability of Micropumps . In 4M 2006, 2nd International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, 20.-22.09.2006, Grenoble, France (pp. 263-266). Grenoble, FR.
Otto, A., & Dietrich, S. (2006). Optische Prozess-Sensorik für die Onlinediagnostik und -regelung in der Lasermaterialbearbeitung . In WLT Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (Eds.), Tagungsband zur WLT Laser Summerschool (pp. 114-115).
Hagenah, H., Plettke, R., & Geiger, M. (2006). Planning and Control of Laser Forming Applications . In Butala, P.; Hlebanja, G (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems (pp. 359-367). Ljubljana: Dept. of Control and Manufacturing Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Ljubljana.
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., Blankl, A., Cojutti, M., & Vogt, U. (2006). Prozesskettenverkürzung in der Blechumformung . In Geiger, M.; Singer, R.F. (Eds.), Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile. Tagungsband zum Industriekolloquium des SFB 396 (pp. 183-196). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Urmoneit, U., Dirscherl, M., & Guggenmos, M. (2006). Scannerspiegel trifft Adaptive Optik - Neue Systemtechnik zur schnellen 3D-Strahlablenkung . In Geiger, M.; et al. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 9. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2006 . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Merklein, M. (2006). Sonderverfahren zur Magnesiumverarbeitung . In Kawalla, R. (Eds.), Tagungsband MEFORM 2006, 29.-31. März 2006, Freiberg (pp. 220-235). Freiberg.
Hagenah, H., & Geißdörfer, S. (2006). System for the automatic correction of sheet metal bending angles by means of laser beam forming . In Juster, N.; Rosochowski, A (Eds.), The 9th International Conference on Metal Forming ESAFORM (pp. 235-238). Krakow, PL: Publishing House Akapit.
Geiger, M., Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2006). Ultrasonic Inspection of Cold Forging Tools . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 161-164).
Merklein, M., Lechler, J., Geiger, M., Kleiner, M., Karbasian, H., & Homberg, W. (2006). Untersuchung der thermo-mechanischen Fließeigenschaften presshärtbarer Stähle . In Neugebauer, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology ICAFT 2006, in Verbindung mit 13. sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik SFU 2006 (pp. 215-234).
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Vogt, U. (2006). Werkstoffgerechte Bauteil- und Prozessauslegung in der Blechumformung . In Liewald, M. (Eds.), Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung: Tagungsband, Stuttgart: Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 417-430).
Tolazzi, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2006). Wirkmedienbasierte Umformng von Tailor Welded Blanks . In Kleiner, M. (Eds.), Wirkmedienbasierte Fertigungstechniken zur Blechumformung, Abschlussbereicht zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1098, 28.-29.09., Dortmund (pp. 275-288). Dortmund, DE.
Geiger, M., & Lamprecht, K. (2006). Wirkmedienbasierte Umformung tiefgezogener Vorformen ausgehend von Platinen mit lokal unterschiedlichen Fließeigenschaften . In Kleiner, M. (Eds.), Wirkmedienbasierte Fertigungstechniken zur Blechumformung, Abschlussbereicht zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1098, 28.-29.09., Dortmund (pp. 257-274). Dortmund, DE.
Schmidt, M., Otto, A., Grimm, A., & Kägeler, C. (2006). Fault-tolerant laser welding in automotive industries . In LIA (Eds.), Congress Proceedings ICALEO 2006, 25th International Congress on Application of Laser & Electro-optics (pp. 277-284).
Frick, T., Schmidt, M., & Hofmann, T. (2006). Halogen Beam Assisted Welding of 3D Shaped Polymers in Automotive Applications . In LAMP 2006, Proceedings of the 4th International Congerss on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Mai 2006, Kyotot, Japan . Kyoto, JP.
Rank, M., & Stark, M. (2006). Herausforderungen beim Systemdesign optischer Datenübertragungssysteme für hohe Datenraten . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), LEF 2006, Laser in der Elektronik- & Feinwerkproduktion . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hofmann, A., Frick, T., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Hybridschweißen - Chancen für die Fertigung von 3D-Makroschweißungen . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des Erlanger Seminars LEF 2006 (pp. 113-122). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hohenstein, R. (2006). In-Prozesserfassung der axialen Fokuslage bei beliebigen Laserprozessen . In BLZ & Bayern Photonics (Eds.), Tagungsband zum Workshop Inline-Qualitätssicherung beim Laserstrahlfügen (pp. 123-131).
Schmidt, M. (2006). Karosseriefügetechnik heute - Herausforderung und Lösungen . In Tagungsband 4. Fachtagung Fortschritte im Automobil-Rohbau .
Zimmermann, M., Weber, M., Wolf, W., Junker, S., & Menschig, A. (2006). Kleinst-Produktionslinie zur Fertigung hochpräziser faseroptischer Mikroteile . In LEF 2006, Laser in der Elektronik- & Feinwerkproduktion . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Albert, F., Niemeier, J., & Herenz, A. (2006). Laserbearbeitung in der Elektronikproduktion für die Automobilindustrie . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), Tagungsband LEF 2006 (pp. 135-148). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Laser micro welding of copper and aluminium . In SPIE (Eds.), Laser-based Micropackaging, Proceedings of SPIE .
Schmidt, M., & Geiger, M. (2006). Lasers in electronics and optics manufacturing - Research at the Bavarian Laser Center . In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Beam Technologies and Laser Applications, St. Petersburg, Russland (pp. 47-48). St. Petersburg, RU.
Schmidt, M. (2006). Laser Trimming of Fibre Arrays . In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Laser-Micromachining .
Pohle, D., Rechtenwald, T., & Damm, C. (2006). Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Laser Sintered Bone Substitutes of Polyetheretherketone . In Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Biomaterials, Nantes, France . Nantes, FR.
Seidel, S., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Mikro-LOM-Lasergestützter Schichtaufbau in der Feinwerktechnik . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), LEF 2006, Laser in der Elektronik- & Feinwerkproduktion (pp. 149-157). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag. 2005 2005 Authored Books Journal Articles
Putz, A. (2005). 38th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group . Wire , 5 , 20-21.
Lamprecht, K., & Geiger, M. (2005). Characterisation of the Forming Behaviour of Patwork Blanks . Steel Research International , 76 (12), 910-915.
Merklein, M., Giera, A., & Geiger, M. (2005). Deep drawing of friction stir welded thin sheet aluminium-steel tailored hybrids . Steel Research International , 76 (2/3), 250-256.
Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2005). Fertigungsplanung in der Umformtechnik - Montagequalität von Werkzeugen . Uni-Kurier-Magazin , 106 (31), 73.
Geiger, M., & Tolazzi, M. (2005). Idroformatura di lamiera per strutture complesse . Lamiera , 7 , 32-35.
Albert, F., Jahrsdörfer, B., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2005). Innovative laser based micro joining techniques in electronics production . The Laser User , 7 , 28-31.
Mys, I., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Schmidt, M. (2005). Laserstrahlbasiertes Fügen in der Hochleistungselektronik . Maschinenbau in Bayern , 3 , 48-53.
Prechtl, M., & Schmidt, M. (2005). Laserstrahl-Kurzpulsschweißen von Metallfolien . Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik , 36 (5), 226-231.
Geißdörfer, S., Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2005). Microforming - Current State and Future Demands . Journal of Mechanical Engineering , 52 , 492-505.
Geiger, M., van der Heyd, G., Merklein, M., & Hußnätter, W. (2005). Novel concept of experimental setup for characterisation of plastic yielding of sheet metal at elevated temperatures . Advanced Materials Research , 6-8 , 657-664.
Tolazzi, M., & Merklein, M. (2005). Precise Material Properties as a Prerequisite for FE-Analysis of the Hydroforming of Tailored Welded Blanks . Steel Research International , 76 (12), 901-905.
Hagenah, H., & Wurm, T. (2005). Problem specific design of actuators for micro adjustment . Advanced Materials Research , 6-8 , 271-278.
Diehl, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2005). Randerscheinungen rücken ins Zentrum . Mikroproduktion , 4 , 50-52.
Prechtl, M., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2005). Rapid Tooling by Laminated Object Manufacturing of Metal Foil . Advanced Materials Research , 6-8 , 303-310.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Giera, A. (2005). Reibrührschweißen - Innovativ in der festen Phase verbinden . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 564-568.
Geiger, M., Hußnätter, W., & Merklein, M. (2005). Specimen for a novel concept of the biaxial tension test . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 167 (2-3), 177-183.
Geiger, M., Hagenah, H., & Hutterer, A. (2005). Task Specific Registration Algorithmy within the Closed Loop Control of Laser Forming Processes . Production Engineering , 2 (7), 125-130.
Kreis, O., & Gerlach, H. (2005). Contact 2004 fand mit großem Erfolg am 24.11.2004 in Erlangen statt . Technik in Bayern , 2 , 27.
Kreis, O., Schuler, C., & Teichmann, D. (2005). Firmenkontaktmesse Contact 2005 am 30.11.2005 in Erlangen . Technik in Bayern , 6 , 19.
Kreis, O., & Keller, M. (2005). Forschung zwischen Wahrheit und Nutzen. 5. Erlanger Technikgespräch mit Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittelstraß . Technik in Bayern , 3 , 28.
Geiger, M., & Albert, F. (2005). Integriertes Bestück- und Laserstrahl-Lötsystem mit prozessbegleitender Qualitätssicherung . Produktionssysteme in der Elektronik , 289-322.
Kreis, O., & Heuler, A. (2005). Sommerfest der Technischen Fakultät . Technik in Bayern , 6 , 22. Book Contributions
Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2005). Ermittlung des Vorspannungszustandes von Matrizenverbänden mittels Ultraschall . In Neuere Entwicklungen in der Massivumformung. (pp. 265-276).
Dörfler, S.M., & Otto, A. (2005). Investigations on foaming AFS-tailored blanks . In R.F. Singer, C. Körner, V. Altstädt; H. Münstedt (Eds.), Cellular Metals and Polymers. (pp. 189-194).
Merklein, M., Pitz, M., Hoff, C., & Lechler, J. (2005). Neuere Entwicklungen zur Umformung höchstfester Stahlwerkstoffe . In Multifunktionale Bauteile und Verfahren zur Erhöhung der Wertschöpfung in der Blechbearbeitung. (pp. 117-133). Edited Volumes
Geiger, M., Duflou, J.R., Kals, H., Shirvani, B., & Singh, U. (Eds.) (2005). Sheet Metal 2005 . Baech: Trans Tech Publications Ltd. Conference Contributions
Komlodi, A., & Otto, A. (2005). Acceleration of the Simulation of Laser Beam bending - Challenges and Possibilities . In Vollertsen, F.; Seefeld, T. (Eds.), Thermal Forming, Proceedings of the IWOTE'05, Strahltechnik (pp. 211-220). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Lamprecht, K., & Geiger, M. (2005). Advanced Numerical Modelling of Patchwork Blank Forming Processes . In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), 09.-13.10., Verona, Italy . Verona, IT.
Geißdörfer, S. (2005). An advanced approach in simulation of microforming processes . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference 4M (pp. 139-142). Oxford: Elsevier Verlag.
Cser, A.O., & Otto, A. (2005). Analysis and Modeling of Laser Beam Melt Ablation . In Kuljanic, E. (Eds.), AMST 05: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (pp. 397-402). Wien, österreich; New York, USA: Springer Verlag.
Prechtl, M., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2005). Automated Metal Foil LOM - A Novel Technology for Rapid Tooling . In Beyer, E.; Dausinger, F.; Ostendorf, A.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LIM 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, Munich (pp. 275-280). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hoff, C. (2005). Basic investigations on the hot stamping steel 22MnB5 . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 795-804). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hußnätter, W. (2005). Charakterisierung der Fließeigenschaften von Aluminium- und Magnesiumblechwerkstoffen . In GWT-TUD MBH (Eds.), Tagungsband 12. Sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik (SFU) - Leichtbau durch Umformtechnik (pp. 245-256).
Hecht, J., & Merklein, M. (2005). Charakterisierung des Umformverhaltens von Magnesiumblechen bei erhöhter Temperatur . In Tagungsband XXIV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium . Leoben, AT.
Dal Bò, P., Blankl, A., & Geiger, M. (2005). Charakterisierung einer magnetorheologischen Flüssigkeit für die Innenhochdruck-Umformung von Rohren . In FEMLAB (Eds.), Tagungsband der Femlab Konferenz: Neue Wege der Multiphysik-Simulation (pp. 237-243). Frankfurt, DE.
Popp, U., Weidel, S., & Engel, U. (2005). Charakterisierung von lasererzeugten Mikrostrukturen . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), LEF 2003, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 8. Erlanger Seminars LEF (2003) . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Merklein, M., Geiger, M., & Celeghini, M. (2005). Combined tube and double sheet hydroforming for the manufacturing of complex parts . In Annals of the CIRP 2005 (pp. 199-204). Wabern, CH: A Division of Edition Colibri Publishers.
Rechtenwald, T., Eßer, G., Schmidt, M., & Pohle, D. (2005). Comparison between Laser Sintering of PEEK and PA using Design of Experiment Methods . In Beyer, E.; Dausinger, F.; Ostendorf, A.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International WLT-conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 263-267). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Hagenah, H., Wurm, T., & Geiger, M. (2005). Computer assisted design of actuators for high precision adjustment in micro technology . In Bramley, A.; Brissaud, D.; Coutellier, D.; Mcmahon, C (Eds.), Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 403-416). Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Trägler, H., & Nock, M. (2005). Determination of contact stresses in the boundary area considering elastomere-pad bending as example . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 53-56).
Tolazzi, M., & Merklein, M. (2005). Determination of Friction Coefficients for the FE Analysis of Sheet Forming of Tailored Welded Blanks . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P.; Duflou, J. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal; Advanced Materials Research (pp. 313-320). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Hecht, J., Pinto, S., & Geiger, M. (2005). Determination of Mechanical Properties for the Hydroforming of Magnesium Sheets at Elevated Temperature . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 779-786). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hoff, C. (2005). Determination of the heat transfer during hot stamping . In Steel-Future for the Automotive Industry (pp. 179-186). Wiesbaden, Düsseldorf, DE: Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.
Tolazzi, M. (2005). Determination of the tensile properties for the weld line of tailored welded blanks . In Banabic, D. (Eds.), ESAFORM 2005, Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference, Trondheim, Norway (pp. 281-284). Bucharest: The Romanian Academy Publishing.
Geiger, M., Cser, A.O., & Otto, A. (2005). Development of a Process Model for Laser Beam Melt Ablation . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 45-48).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Giera, A., & Staud, D. (2005). Eigenschaften reibrührgeschweißter Aluminium-Stahl-Verbindungen . In DFG (Eds.), Berichtskolloquium der DFG-Forschergruppe 505 (pp. 30-39).
Eichenhüller, B., Egerer, E., & Engel, U. (2005). Einfluss erhöhter Prozesstemperatur auf die Formänderungsgrenzen beim Mikrofließpressen . In Kopp, R. (Eds.), Erweiterung der Formgebungsgrenzen bei Umformprozessen. Abschlussbericht DFG Schwerpunkt (pp. 103-110). Aachen, DE: Verlagshaus Mainz.
Merklein, M., Hoff, C., & Lechler, J. (2005). Einflussgrößen im Presshärtprozess . In CBC (Eds.), Car Body Colloquium (pp. 137-153).
Geißdörfer, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2005). Erweitertes Mesoskoisches Modell zur FE-Berechnung komplexer Mikroumformprozesse . In Vollertsen, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Colloquium of DFG Priority Program Process Scaling (pp. 11-20). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Lamprecht, K., & Geiger, M. (2005). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Formability of Laser Welded Patchwork Blanks . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal; Advanced Materials Research (pp. 689-696). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Völkl, R. (2005). FE-Analysis Based Prediction of Tool Life in Cold Forging With the Consideration of Stochastic Process Characteristics . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 111-114).
Pitz, M., & Merklein, M. (2005). FE Simulation of Laser Assisted Bending . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 745-752). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Offenheimer, A., Buchmayr, B., Kolleck, R., & Merklein, M. (2005). Forming limits in sheet metal forming for non-proportional loading conditions? experimental and theoretical approach . In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet forming Processes (NumiSheet), 15.-19.08., Detroit, USA (pp. 460-465). American Institute of Physics Inc..
Merklein, M., Giera, A., & Staud, D. (2005). Friction stir welding and cup deep drawing of aluminium tailored blanks . In Banabic, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on material forming (pp. 273-276). Bucharest, RO: The Romanian Academy Publishing.
Geiger, M., Dörfler, S.M., & Otto, A. (2005). Friction stir welding of aluminium foam sandwich . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering Research and Development - Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 55-58). Braunschweig, DE: WGP.
Dörfler, S.M., & Otto, A. (2005). Friction Stir Welding of Light Weight Sandwich Materials . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal; Advanced Materials Research (pp. 607-612). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Dirscherl, M., & Schmidt, M. (2005). Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete von Ultrakurzpulslasern - eine übersicht . In Geiger, M.; et al. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik; Tagungsband des 8. Erlanger Seminars LEF . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Lamprecht, K., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2005). Hydroforming in Patchwork Blanks - Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation . In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet forming Processes (NumiSheet), 15.-19.08., Detroit, USA (pp. 526-531). Detroit, US.
Geiger, M., & Dal Bò, P. (2005). Improvement of axial sliding in the tube hydroforming process of long components due the reduction of friction by high viscous fluid flow . In Banabic, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on material forming, 27.-29. April 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (pp. 455-458). Bucharest, RO: The Romanian Academy Publishing.
Arbak, M., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2005). Improvement of Tool Life and Working Accuracy in Cold Forging by Numerical Process Simulation . In JSTP (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) .
Merklein, M., & Beccari, S. (2005). Influence of predeformation on the formability of aluminium alloys . In Bariani, P.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), 09.-13.10., Verona, Italy (pp. 543-544). Padova, IT: Edizioni Progretto.
Albert, F., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Mys, I. (2005). Innovative Lösungen zu selektiven Fügeaufgaben in der Elektronikproduktion . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Tagungsband des 7. Erlanger Seminars Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik (pp. 155-172). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Blankl, A. (2005). Innovative Manufactring Chain for Complex Hydroforming Parts - Special Solutions for Process and Systems Technology . In Vickery, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Manufacturing Conference (IMC) (pp. 211-216). Dublin, IE: Gemini International Limited.
Mys, I., Albert, F., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Schmidt, M. (2005). Innovative solutions for selective laser micro joining in electronic production . In WLT (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International WLT-conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 651-656). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Kreis, O., Celeghini, M., & Merklein, M. (2005). Integrated manufacturing by hydroforming, laser welding and cutting . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 393-400). Erlangen: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Blankl, A., & Geiger, M. (2005). Investigations on Seam Quality in Laser Beam Welding of Contaminated, Zinc Coated Sheets . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 187-194). Trans Tech Publications.
Prechtl, M., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2005). Laminated Object Manufacturing of Metal Foil - Process Chain and System Technology . In Kuljanic, E. (Eds.), Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (pp. 597-606). Wien, österreich; New York, USA: Springer Verlag.
Albert, F., Jahrsdörfer, B., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2005). Laser based micro joining techniques in electronic production . In E.O. Paton Welding Institute (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing LTWMP (pp. 19-23). Kiev, UA: Esse.
Schmidt, M., Dirscherl, M., Rank, M., & Zimmermann, M. (2005). Laser Micro Adjustment - From new basic Process Knowledge to the Application . In Congress Proceedings ICALEO 2005, 24th International Congress on Application of Laser & Electro-optics (pp. 96-105).
Lamprecht, K., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2005). Manufacturing complex Sheet Metal Components by Hydroforming of Deep-Drawn Preforms . In Proceedings of the 24th IDDRG Congress, 20.-26.06., Besancon, France . Besancon, FR.
Meyer, L., Herzig, N., van Putten, K., Hirt, G., Justinger, H., Korthäuer, M.,... Geißdörfer, S. (2005). Messtechnik in der Umformtechnik - die Ergebnisse des Ringversuches der Umformer im Rahmen des SPP 1138 . In Proceedings of the 2nd Colloquium of DFG Priority Program Process Scaling (pp. 309-320). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Tolazzi, M. (2005). Metal forming ensures innovation and future in Europe . In Bariani, P.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on TEchnology of Plasticity (ICTP) (pp. 25-54). Padova, IT: Edizioni Progretto.
Prechtl, M., Seidel, S., Otto, A., & Roth, S. (2005). Microfluid Devices Made by Automated Metal Foil LOM . In Menz, W.; Dimov, S. (Eds.), 4M 2005, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 389-392). Amerstam, Boston, Heidelberg: Elsevier Verlag.
Schmidt, M., Rank, M., Stark, M., & Eßer, G. (2005). Micro-optical rotary joint for multichannel communication via rotaring interface . In Proceedings of the Photonics West 2005, 22.-27.01., San Jose, Kaliforniern, USA . San Jose, US.
Popp, U., Stark, M., Rank, M., & Poisel, H. (2005). Mikrooptischer Drehübertrager . In IFM (Eds.), Tagungsband des Internationales Forum Mechatronik, Augsburg, Juni . Augsburg, DE.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hußnätter, W. (2005). Optimisation of Specimen's Geometry for Characerisation of Plastic Yielding . In Banabic, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on material forming (pp. 249-252). Bucharest, RO: The Romanian Academy Publishing.
Blankl, A., Kreis, O., & Merklein, M. (2005). Optimized Process Control Strategy for the Laser Cutting and Welding of Complex Hydroforming Parts . In Beyer, E.; Dausinger, F.; Ostendorf, A.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 127-132).
Kerausch, M., & Merklein, M. (2005). Process analysis for deep drawing of tailored heat treated blanks . In Bariani, P.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), 09.-13.10., Verona, Italy (pp. 655-656). Padova, IT: Edizioni Progretto.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Kerausch, M., & Celeghini, M. (2005). Robust, shortened process sequences for sheet light weight parts . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Tools, 2005, Velenje, Slowenien (pp. 3-6). Velenje, SI.
Frick, T., & Komlodi, A. (2005). Schweißen von Kunststoffen mittels Laserstrahlung . In Werner, F.; Hildebrand, J.; Porzner, H. (Eds.), Tagungsband des SYSWELD Forums 2005 (pp. 47-56). Weimar, DE: ESI Group.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Tolazzi, M. (2005). Sheet Hydroforming: Analytical Modeling and Experimental Verification of Complex Structures . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 69-72).
Engel, U., & Geißdörfer, S. (2005). Simulation in Microforming . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Tools (pp. 17-26).
Komlodi, A., & Otto, A. (2005). Simulation of laser beam forming of large work pieces . In Beyer, E.; Dausinger, F.; Ostendorf, A.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LIM 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 431-436). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Geißdörfer, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2005). Simulation of Microforming Processes - An Advanced Approach Apllying a Mesoscopic Model . In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) .
Putz, A., & Kühnicke, E. (2005). Simulationsbasierte Optimierung eines Ultraschallmessverfahrens zur Bewertung der Montagequalität armierter Werkzeuge für die Kaltmassivumformung . In Tagungsband der DACH-Jahrestagung (pp. 1-9).
Diehl, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2005). Spring-back behaviour of thing metal foils in free bending processes . In 4M 2005, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (pp. 147-150).
Giera, A., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2005). Statistical Investigations on Friction Stir Welded . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 599-606). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Stark, M., Völkl, R., & Zimmermann, M. (2005). Strahlhomogenisierung auf der Basis von Mikrolinsenarrays . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LEF 2005, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., & Dal Bò, P. (2005). Strömungsbeeinflusstes Innenhochdruckumformen . In DFG (Eds.), Abschlusskolloquium des DFG Schwerpunktprogramms 1074, 2.-3. Mai 2005, Aachen (pp. 176-183). Aachen, DE.
Tolazzi, M., Merklein, M., & Meiler, M. (2005). Tribological Investigations on Coated Steel Sheets using the Dry Film Lubricant Drylube E1 . In Duflou, J.R.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2005, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sheet Metal; Advanced Materials Research (pp. 565-572). Zurich, CH: Trans Tech Publications Ltd..
Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2005). Ultrasonic inspection of the real prestressing conditions of cold forging tools . In Proceedings of the New developments in forging technology (pp. 257-268).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Staud, D., & Giera, A. (2005). Verfahren und Simulation zur umformtechnischen Charakterisierung von Tailored Hybrid Blanks . In Berichtskolloquium der DFG-Forschergruppe 505 (pp. 40-48).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Hecht, J. (2005). warm hydroforming of magnesium sheets? results and microstructural changes . In Bariani, P.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), 09.-13.10., Verona, Italy (pp. 651-652). Verona, IT.
Geiger, M., & Hohenstein, R. (2005). An Architecture for Multivariate laser Process Control . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 77-80).
Wolfsgruber, F., Rühl, C., Kaminiski, J., Kraus, L., Häusler, G., Lampalzer, R.,... Görtler, A. (2005). A simple and efficient optical 3D-Sensor based on "Photometric Stereo" ("UV-Laser-Therapy") . In Fringe 2005, The 5th International Workshop on Automatic Processing of Fringe Patterns (pp. 702-706). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag.
Krauß, H., Geiger, M., Otto, A., & Motz, G. (2005). Characterisation of ceramic coatings generated by laser pyroloysis of SiCN-polymers . In Proceedings of THE coatings .
Otto, A. (2005). Fundamentals of laser beam adjusting of micro systems . In Vollertsen, F.; Seefeld, T. (Eds.), Thermal Forming, Proceedings of the IWOTE'05, Strahltechnik (pp. 83-92). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Schmidt, M. (2005). Laser in der Elektronikproduktion - News und Highlights . In Geiger, M.; Polster, S. (Eds.), LEF 2005, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 13-27). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag. 2004 2004 Journal Articles
Putz, A. (2004). 37th Plenary Meeting of the ICFG, Istanbul, Turkey 2004 . Wire , 5 , 36-37.
Roth, S., Dietel, C., & Eßer, G. (2004). ADDIMID - Eine neue Variante zur Laserstrahlaktivierung von 3D-MIDs . PLUS , 12 (6), 2106-2110.
Govekar, E., Klemencic, J., Kokaja, T., Jahrsdörfer, B., Muzic, P., & Grabec, I. (2004). Characterisation of a laser droplet formation process by acoustic emission . Ultrasonics , 42 (1-9), 99-103.
Völkl, R., & Schafstall, H. (2004). FEM-gestützte Beanspruchungsanalyse - Erhöhung der Lebensdauer von Kaltmassiv-Umformwerkzeugen . Metal Forming , 1 .
Geißdörfer, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2004). FE-Simulation of Microforming Process Applying a Mesoscopic Model . International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture , 46 , 1222-1226.
Dal Bò, P. (2004). Hydroformen mit hochviskosen Medien . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 5 , 18-19.
Dück, J., Niebling, F., Neeße, T., & Otto, A. (2004). Infiltration as post-processing of laser sintered metal parts . Powder Technology , 145 (1), 62-68.
Geiger, M., Tolazzi, M., & Lamprecht, K. (2004). Innovative Kombinationen - Wirkmedienbasierte Umformung von Tailored Welded Blanks und Patchwork Blanks . Uni-Kurier-Magazin , 105 (30), 63.
Prechtl, M., Niebling, F., Otto, A., Geiger, M., Sobczyk, M., & Behm, I. (2004). Intelligente Werkzeuge für das Kokillen- und Druckgießen- Teil 1: Prozesskettezur Werkzeugfertigung und Metallfolien-LOM-Technologie . Giesserei , 5 (91), 32-37.
Behm, I., Bähr, R., Sobczyk, M., Prechtl, M., Saewert, H., & Aliyev, R. (2004). Intelligente Werkzeuge für die wirtschaftliche Erzeugung seriennaher metallischer Prototypen und Kleinserien für das Kokillen- und Druckgießen . Giesserei , 6 , 55-60.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Pitz, M. (2004). Laser and forming technology - an idea and the way of implementation . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 151 (1-3), 3-11.
Jahrsdörfer, B., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Laser Droplet Welding? eine neue Fügemöglichkeit für artungleiche Metalle . Metall , 11 .
Eßer, G., & Roth, S. (2004). Mehr als ein Licht-Skalpell . Zukunft im Brennpunkt , 71-74.
Neto, C., Bube, K., Cser, A.O., Otto, A., & Feudel, U. (2004). Multifractal spectrum of a laser beam melt ablation process . Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications , 344 (3-4), 580-586.
Egerer, E., & Engel, U. (2004). Process Characterization and Material Flow in Microforming at Elevated Temperatures . Journal of Manufacturing Processes , 6 (1), 1-6.
Putz, A., Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2004). Qualitätssicherung im Werkzeugbau: Messung der Werkzeugvorspannung mittels Ultraschall . wt Werkstattstechnik - Online , 12 (11), 659-662.
Jahrsdörfer, B., Eßer, G., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Tröpfchenschweißen - Laser Droplet Welding. Selektives Schweißverfahren mit Zusatzmaterial brigt enormes Potenzial . Euro-Laser , 4 , 42-46.
Kreis, O., & Geiger, M. (2004). Diplom-, Bachelor- und Masterstudium im Erlanger Maschinenbau . Technik in Bayern , 2 , 32-33.
Otto, A. (2004). Ein Werkzeug aus Licht - Der Laser - eine Schlüsseltechnologie für das 21. Jahrhundert . Uni-Kurier-Magazin , 30 (105), 6-8.
Kreis, O., & Gerlach, H. (2004). Firmenmesse Contact . Technik in Bayern , 6 , 19.
Albert, F., Boiger, M., Brenner, P., & Mys, R. (2004). Innovative Technologien und Prozesse - Teil 2 . PLUS , 391-394.
Albert, F., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Laserstrahlbasiertes Reparaturlöten für die automatisierte Nacharbeit an defekten elektronischen Baugruppen . GMM-Fachbericht , 44 , 373-378. Book Contributions Conference Contributions
Rechtenwald, T., Niebling, F., Pohle, D., & Eßer, G. (2004). An investigation into laser sintering of PEEK . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 485-496). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Lamprecht, K., & Merklein, M. (2004). Characterisation of mechanical properties of laser welded tailored and patchwork blanks . In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 349-358).
Geiger, M., Hagenah, H., & Kohlbauer, R. (2004). Computer assisted, knowledge based process design for sheet metal hydroforming using finite element simulation . In Monostori, L. (Eds.), Enterprises, production networks (pp. 67-72). Budapest, HU: University of Budapest.
Deventer, R., Niemann, H., & Celeghini, M. (2004). Control of a Hydroforming Press with Bayesian Networks . In De Mantaras, L.R.; Saitta, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the ECAI 2004 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 22.-27.08.2004, Valencia, Spain (pp. 251-255). Valencia, ES: Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Hutterer, A., & Hagenah, H. (2004). Correcting non circular dents by means of laser beam forming . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering 4 - Proceedings of the LANE 2004 (pp. 1071-1081). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Stark, M., Eßer, G., Lamott, A., & Poisel, H. (2004). Design and Realization for a Micro Optical Rotary Joint . In AMA (Eds.), Proceedings O.M.P. OPTO-Conference (pp. 51-56).
Cser, A.O., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2004). Development of a Control Strategy for Laser Beam Melt Ablation Based on Process Modelling . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. ICME' 2004. Sorrento, Italy (pp. 479-482). Sorrento, IT: IEEE/WIC Press.
Celeghini, M. (2004). Einfluss des Werkstoffes auf die wirkmedienbasierte Belchumformung . In Buchmayr, B. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum XXIII. Verformkundlichen Kolloquium, Planneralm, 29.02.-06.03.2004. Leoben (pp. 27-36). Leoben, AT.
Merklein, M., & Kerausch, M. (2004). Einsatz prozessangepasster Aluminiumplatinen in der Blechumformung . In Palkowski, H. (Eds.), Viertes Industriekolloquium, SFB 362 Fertigen in Feinblech, Multi-Material-Design (pp. 81-86).
Geiger, M., & Nock, M. (2004). Elastomere-Pad Bending of Tubes for Reaching High Residual Formability . In Stören, S. (Eds.), ESAFORM 2004, Proceedings of the 7th ESAFORM Conference, Trondheim, Norway (pp. 527-530). Trondheim, NO.
Krauß, H.-J., Otto, A., & Motz, G. (2004). Examinations on Laser Pyrolysis of Preceramic Polymers . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 949-960). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hopfner, M., Frick, T., Polster, S., Eßer, G., & Gebert, K. (2004). Experimental analysis of laser welding of coloured thermoplastics and thermoplastic elastomers . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2004 (pp. 309-316). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Prechtl, M., Schmidt, M., & Barth, J. (2004). Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Laserstrahl-Punktschweißen metallischer Folien mittels kurzer Laserimpulse . In Proceedings of the LEF 2004, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik (pp. 61-72).
Prechtl, M., Niebling, F., & Otto, A. (2004). Fertigung von Prototypen und Werkzeugelementen durch iteratives Paketieren und anschließendes Endfügen von Stahlfolien . In DVS (Eds.), Tagungsband der 7. Internationalen Kolloquiums Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionsschweißen (LöT) (pp. 169-174). Düsseldorf, DE: DVS-Verlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Kerausch, M. (2004). Finite Elemente Simulation of Deep Drawing of Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . In Annals of the CIRP (pp. 223-226).
Dörfler, S.M., & Otto, A. (2004). Friction stir welding of aluminium foam sandwich precursor material . In Advanced metallic materials and their joinig, 25.-27.10.2004, Bratislava, Slovakei . Bratislava, SK.
Hahn, M., & Otto, A. (2004). High-temperature-forming of aluminium foam for application in sandwich components . In Singer, R.F.; Körner, C.; Altstädt, V. (Eds.), Cellular Metals and Polymers. Proceedings of the Symposium Cellular Metals and Polymers .
Kerausch, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2004). Improved Deep Drawability of Aluminium Blanks by Local Laser Heat Treatment . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering 4. Proceedings ot the 4th LANE (pp. 1135-1146). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Kreis, O., Celeghini, M., Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2004). Integrated manufacturing by hydroforming, laser welding and cutting of complex hollow parts . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering, 21.-24.09.2004, Erlangen, Germany (pp. 1165-1174). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Sobczyk, M., Behm, I., Prechtl, M., & Saewert, H. (2004). Intelligente Werkzeuge für das Kokillen- und Druckgießen - Teil 2: Teilprozesse der Werkzeugfertigung und Versuche an Referenzteilen . In Giesserei (pp. 28-31).
Hagenah, H., Kohlbauer, R., & Geiger, M. (2004). Knowledge based automated process design using finite element intermediate states . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. ICME' 2004. Sorrento, Italy (pp. 295-300). Salerno, IT: CUES.
Eßer, G. (2004). Laser alignments as a tool for precision assembly of micro opticals products . In CIRP (Eds.), 54th CIRP General Assembly (pp. 1).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Otto, A. (2004). Laser assisted bending of complex-phase steel . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 13-16).
Eßer, G., Stark, M., Lamott, A., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Laser assisted fabrication of highly precise 2D fiber collimator arrays . In Proceedings of EUSPEN-Konferenz (pp. 1).
Stark, M., Eßer, G., Lamott, A., & Geiger, M. (2004). Laser-based microalignment for fabrication of highly precise 2D fiber collimator arrays . In Herman, P.R.; Fieret, J.; Pique, A.; Okada, ,T.; Bachmann, F.G.; Hoving, W.; Washio, K.; Xu, X.; Dubowski, J.J.; Geohegan, D.B.; Träger, F. (Eds.), Photon Processing in Microelements and Phonotonics III (pp. 144-155).
Otto, A., Dörfler, S.M., & Klausecker, R. (2004). Laser Beam Cutting of Aluminium Foam Sandwich at Different Material States . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering . Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Jahrsdörfer, B., Schmidt, M., & Geiger, M. (2004). Laser Droplet Welding and its potential for joining dissimilar materials . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 2004 (pp. 651-659). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Eßer, G., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Laser micro welding of copper and aluminium using filler materials . In SPIE (Eds.), Laser Precision Microfabrication LPM 2004, Proceedings of SPIE (pp. 337-342). Bellingham, US: SPIE.
Schmidt, M., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Mys, I. (2004). Laser Micro Welding of Dissimilar Metals . In Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics ICALEO (pp. M502).
Polster, S., Frick, T., & Wiengarten, M. (2004). Laserstrahl-Kunststoffschweißen von flexiblen Leiterstrukturen auf formgebende Trägermaterialien? eine alternative Aufbautechnik für MIDs . In Feldmann, K.; Heyer, J.; Kunze, A.; Römer, M. (Eds.), MID 2004: Molded Interconnect Devices, 6th International Congress 22.-23. September 2004, Erlangen, Germany . Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., & Nock, M. (2004). Manufacturing Science Ensures Competence and Future . In COMA 2004, Proceedings of the International Conference on Competetive Manufacturing, Stellenbisch, South Africa (pp. 95-106). Stellenbisch, ZA.
Geißdörfer, S., & Engel, U. (2004). Mesoscopic Model - Simulation of Size Effects in Microforming . In Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Metal Forming 2004 (19.-23.09.) (pp. 699-703). Krakow, PL: Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza.
Eßer, G., & Dirscherl, M. (2004). Micro adjustment by laser ablation of prestressed coating layers . In The Coatings (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th The Coatings 2004 (pp. 405-414). Erlangen, DE: Gruner Druck.
Geiger, M., & Eßer, G. (2004). Micro Production - Chances and Challenges . In ISPF (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd ISPF-Seminar (pp. 7-14).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Kerausch, M. (2004). Microstructural Investigations of Aluminium Tailored Heat Treated Blanks . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering WGP (pp. 47-50).
Nock, M., & Geiger, M. (2004). Modelling of a Flexbile Tube Bending Technology Using an Elastomere Tool . In Dimitrov, D. (Eds.), COMA 2004, Proceedings of the International Conference on Competetive Manufacturing, Stellenbisch, South Africa (pp. 295-300). Stellenbisch, ZA.
Pfestorf, M., Meiler, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2004). New Tribological Aspects of Dry Film Lubricated Aluminium Sheet Metal . In Geiger, M.; Bouzakis, K.D.; Denkena, B.; Toenshoff, H.K.; Bach, F.W. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference THE coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 497-506). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Dirscherl, M. (2004). Nichtthermische Mikrojustiertechnik mittel Ultrakurzpulslaser . In Geiger, M. et al. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik; Tagungsband des 7. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2004 . Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Cser, A.O., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2004). Nonlinear and Stochastic Analysis and Modelling of Laser Beam Melt Ablation as an Approach to Online Process Diagnostics and Control Strategy . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th LANE 2004 (pp. 969-978). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Komlodi, A., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2004). On the Way to Real-time Simulation of Incremental Laser Beam Bending . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering 4 - Proceedings of the LANE 2004, 21.-25. September 2004, Erlangen, Germany (pp. 1059-1070). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Prechtl, M., Otto, A., Geiger, M., & Graf, D. (2004). Process Chain towards Laminated Object Manufacturing with Metal Foil . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 567-578). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Klausecker, R., Otto, A., & Dörfler, S.M. (2004). Quality determining variables at friction stir welding of the aluminium alloy EN-AW 6082 . In Bernasovsky, P. (Eds.), Advanced metallic materials and their joinig, 25.-27.10.2004, Bratislava, Slovakei (pp. -). Bratislava, SK.
Eßer, G., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2004). Requirements towards future laser systems for flexible manufacturing . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 37-46). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Nock, M. (2004). Simulative Optimization of the Rubber Pad Bending . In Ghosh, S.; Castro, J.M.; Lee, J.K. (Eds.), NUMIFORM 2004, Materials Processing and Design. Proceedings of the NUMIFORM (pp. 1095-1100). Melville: AIP.
Prechtl, M., Pursche, L., & Otto, A. (2004). System Technology and Data Preparation for Automated Laser Assisted Stacking of Metal Foil Contours . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 601-610). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Niebling, F., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2004). Temperature and stress development in the DMLS process . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2004, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 465-472). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2004). Tool Life Improvement by Surface Laser Texturing . In THE Coatings, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (pp. 57-68).
Geiger, M., Komlodi, A., & Otto, A. (2004). Towards Hot Crack Free Welding of Aluminium alloys Using FEM Simulations . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (2004) (pp. 129-134).
Meiler, M., Pfestorf, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2004). Tribiological Properties of Dry Film Lubricants in Aluminium Sheet Metal Forming. In Processing of the 2nd International conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Nyborg, Denmark, June 15-18 2004 (pp. 489-500). Nyborg, DK.
Putz, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2004). Ultrasonic Measurement of the Real Contact Area between Die and Ring in Prestressed Cold Forging Tools . In ISPF 2004, Proceedings of the 3rd JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (pp. 105-108).
Lamprecht, K., & Geiger, M. (2004). Wirkmedienbasierte Umformung tiefgezogener Tailored und Patchwork Blanks . In DFG (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 3. Kolloquium Wirkmedien-Blechumformung im Rahmen des DFG- Schwerpunktprogramms 1098 - Wirkmedienbasierte Fertigungstechniken zur Blechumformung (pp. 65-74).
Hohenstein, R. (2004). Adaptive Laser Processing . In Proceedings of the Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering (LANE) (pp. 1257-1264).
Tolazzi, M., & Geiger, M. (2004). Blank Optimization for the Sheet Hydroforming of a Frame-Shaped Structure . In NUMIFORM 2004, Materials Processing and Design. Proceedings of the NUMIFORM (pp. 1124-1129).
Geiger, M., & Kohlbauer, R. (2004). Closed Loop Control Approach in Finite Element Simulation for Efficient Process Design of Sheet Metal Hydroforming . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 73-76).
Liebertz, H., Duwel, A., Illig, R., Hotz, W., Keller, S., Koehler, A.,... Vegter, H. (2004). Guideline for the determination of forming limit curves . In Proceedings of IDDRG, 24.-26.05., Sindelfingen, Germany (pp. 216-224).
Berchtold, L., & Mys, I. (2004). Herausforderung Materialmix - neue Lösungen durch Lasertechnologie . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik LEF 2004 (pp. 21-35).
Geiger, M. (2004). Laser assisted bending and roll forming . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Proceedings og the International Conference LANE 2004 (pp. 1147-1156). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Laser micro welding of dissimilar Cu-Al materials for electronic contacts . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 2004 (pp. 623-631). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Albert, F., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Laserstrahlbasiertes Reparaturlöten in der Elektronikproduktion . In Proceedings of the LEF 2004, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik (pp. 105-115).
Pohle, D., Rupprecht, S., Rechtenwald, T., & Münstedt, H. (2004). Nonmetallic, bioactive bone replacement materials and their individual shaping by use of Selective Laser Sintering . In Proceedings of the 17th Aachen Colloquium on Biomaterials, 4.-5. March (pp. 134-135).
Pohle, D., Rechtenwald, T., Kaschta, J., & Münstedt, H. (2004). Selective Laser Sintering of Polyetheretherketone for bone substitutes . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Polymers in Medicine and Surgery, 6.-8. September, Cambridge .
Engel, U. (2004). Tribology in Microforming . In ICTMP 2004, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Nyborg, Denmark (pp. 549-560). Nyborg, DK. 2003 2003 Journal Articles
Putz, A. (2003). 36th Plenary Meeting of the ICFG in Columbus, Ohio, USA . Wire , 5 , 34-35.
Eßer, G., & Schmidt, M. (2003). Aktuelle Trends in der Laserstrahlmikrobearbeitung, Teil II: Verbindungstechnik, Feinwerktechnik, Mikromechatronik u.a. Trends . Laser , 4 , 28-31.
Eßer, G., & Schmidt, M. (2003). Aktuelle Trends in der Laserstrahlmikrobearbeitung, Teil I: Mikrotechnik, Halbleitertechnik, Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik . Laser , 3 , 58-64.
Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2003). Determination of forming limit diagrams? a new analysis method for characterization of materials' formability . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 51 (1), 213-216.
Celeghini, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Double Sheet Hydroforming of Complex Hollow Parts . Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity , 507 , 47-49.
Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2003). Improvement of Tool Life in Cold Forging by FE-Simulation with the Consideration of Stochastical Process Characteristics . Finite Elements in Analysis and Design .
Völkl, R., & Dölle, N. (2003). Lebensdaueroptimierte Werkzeugauslegung . Digital Engineering , 34-35.
Geiger, M., & Eßer, G. (2003). Mikroproduktionstechnik: Minibauteile mit Größe . Zukunft im Brennpunkt , 2 , 89-93.
Hutterer, A., & Jahn, J. (2003). On the location of antennas for treatment planning in hyperthermia . Or Spectrum , 25 , 397-412.
Öchsner, A., & Lamprecht, K. (2003). On the uniaxial compression behavoir of regular shaped cellular metal . Mechanics Research Communications , 6 (30), 573-579.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Völkl, R. (2003). Optimierte Produktqualität und Werkzeuglebensdauer durch stochastische Simulation . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 10 , 468-471.
Geiger, M., & Hahn, M. (2003). Processing of Aluminium Foam for Lightweight Construction . Production Engineering , 2 (10), 11-14.
Kohlbauer, R. (2003). Simulacao ajuda a determinar pârametros na hidroconformacao de chapas métalicas . Máquinas e Metais , 451 (39), 8-9.
Meiler, M., Pfestorf, M., Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2003). The use of dry film lubricants in aluminium sheet metal forming . Wear , 255 , 1455-1462.
Kreis, O., Schmitt, A., & Jeger, P. (2003). 10 Jahre Contact - Zeit für einen Rückblick . Technik in Bayern , 6 .
Kreis, O., Christoph, F., Schmitt, A., & Strunz, A. (2003). Firmenkontaktmesse Contact 2003 . Technik in Bayern , 1 , 39.
Geiger, M., Kach, A., Hohenstein, R., & Maros, Z. (2003). Fuzzy-Logic knowledge representation for water jet cutting of lightweight composites . Machining Science and Technology , 7 (3), 349-360.
Novotny, S., & Geiger, M. (2003). Process Design for Hydroforming of Lightweight Metal Sheets at Elevated Temperatures . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 138 (1-3), 594-599.
Geiger, M., & Kreis, O. (2003). Process Integration by Hydroforming, Cutting and Laser Beam Welding in One Single Tool . Production Engineering , 2 (5), 47-50. Book Contributions
Klausecker, R., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2003). Laser beam processing of aluminium foam sandwich . In Cellular Metals: Manufacture, Properties, Applications. (pp. 515-520).
Eßer, G., & Horn, M. (2003). Lasergestützte Verbindungstechnik für räumliche, spritzgegossene Schaltungsträger (3D-MID) für Gebrauchstemperaturen über 150°C . In PLUS-Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen. (pp. 1259-1261).
Dueck, J., Niebling, F., Neeße, T., & Geiger, M. (2003). Post-Treatment of Direct Metal Laser Sintered Parts by Infiltration Process . In Space Challenge in the 21st Century. (pp. 126-127).
Dörfler, S.M., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2003). Processing of Aluminium Foam Tailored Blanks . In Cellular Metals - Manufacture, Properties, Applications. (pp. 535-538).
Niebling, F., Sindelar, R., Otto, A., Prechtl, M., Travitzky, N., Geiger, M., & Greil, P. (2003). Rapid Prototyping von keramischen Bauteilen: Der SLC-Prozess . In Keramik im Fahrzeugbau. (pp. 119-126).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Celeghini, M., Haldenwanger, H., & Prier, M. (2003). Wirkmedienbasierte Umformung von Rohren und Blechen bei erhöhten Temperaturen . In Hydroforming von Rohren, Strangpressprofilen und Blechen. (pp. 273-292).
Geiger, M., & Kreis, O. (2003). Integrierte Fertigung durch Umformen, Trennen und Fügen in einem Werkzeug . In Fritz Klocke, Günter Pritschow (Eds.), Autonome Produktion. (pp. 375-385).
Geiger, M. (2003). Metallumformung mit dem Laserstrahl - eine Innovation mit Zukunft . In Gunther Reinhart, Michael F. Zäh (Eds.), Marktchance Individualisierung. (pp. 305-321). Conference Contributions
Kerausch, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Adapted mechanical properties for improved formability of aluminium blanks by local induction heating . In Adapted mechanical properties for improved formability of aluminium blanks by local induction heating. Proceedings of the International Body Engineering Conference 2003 in Chiba, Japan (pp. 477-481).
Geiger, M., Celeghini, M., & Novotny, S. (2003). Advanced process strategies for the hydroforming of complex structures . In Jedrzejewski, H. (Eds.), XIV Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, 10-12 March 2003 (pp. 65-75).
Eßer, G., & Schmidt, M. (2003). Aktuelle Trends in der Laserstrahlmikrobearbeitung . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband LEF 2003 (pp. 29-54). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Schmidt, M., Mys, I., & Jahrsdörfer, B. (2003). Alternative Strategien zum Laserstrahl-Mikroschweißen von optisch hoch reflektierenden Werkstoffen . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik LEF (pp. 67-78).
Donner, R., Cser, A.O., Schwarz, U., Otto, A., & Feudel, U. (2003). An Approach to a Process Model of Laser Beam Melt Ablation Using Methods of Linear and Non-linear Data Analysis . In Radons, G.; Neugebauer, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Investigations of Non-Linear Dynamic Effects on Production Systems, Chemnitz, April 8-9 (pp. 453-468). Weinheim: Wiley-VHC.
Hutterer, A., Hagenah, H., & Otto, A. (2003). Application of a modified ICP-Algorithm in Manufacturing Technology . In Ertl, T.; Girod, B.; Greiner, G.; Niemann, H.; Seidel, H. (Eds.), 8th International Fall Workshop (pp. 127-134). Amsterdam, NL: IOS Press.
Tolazzi, M., Vahl, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Determination of friction coefficients for the finite element analysis of double sheet hydroforming with a modified dup test . In Proceedings of the ESAFORM (pp. 479-482).
Hutterer, A., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2003). Development of an irradiation strategy withing a closed loop control system for the laser adjustment of deformation . In The Institute of Control, Automation and Systems Engineers (ICASE) (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2003) (pp. 2313-2318).
Komlodi, A., Merklein, M., & Otto, A. (2003). Examining Hot Crack Susceptibility of Aluminium Laser Welds with Help of FE Simulation . In Proceedings of Modelling and Simulation Workshop, 20.-24.01, Igls, österreich . Igls, AT.
Nock, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Flexible spatial forming of a tube using an elastomere tool . In Neugebauer, R. (Eds.), ICAFT 2003, 10. Sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik SFU, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology (pp. 163-178). Zwickau: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.
Dörfler, S.M., & Otto, A. (2003). Herstellung von Aluminium-Foam-Sandwich Tailored Blanks . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Eds.), Berichts- und Industriekooloquium 15./16. Oktober (pp. 71-82). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hahn, M., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2003). High-temperature processing of aluminium foam . In Banhart, J.; Ashby, M.F.; Fleck, N.A. (Eds.), MetFoam 2003, Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology (pp. 539-542). Bremen: MIT-Verlag.
Kerausch, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Improved material flow for deep drawing of aluminium blanks by local laser heat treatment . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sheet Metal, She Met (pp. 73-80).
Komlodi, A., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2003). Improvements in the Aluminium Welding Process through FE-Modelling . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2003, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 89-96).
Popp, U., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2003). Increased Tool Life in Cold Forging with Micro Textured Tool Surface . In ICEM 2003, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing .
Stich, A., Celeghini, M., Novotny, S., Geiger, M., & Haldenwanger, H. (2003). Innenhochdruckumformen mit erwärmtem Medium - eine Leichtbautechnologie für die Aluminium- und Magnesium- Halbzeugumformung . In Hufenbach, W. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 7. Dresdner Leichtbausymposium "Interaktionsfeld Leichtbau - Effizienzsteigerung durch dichtere Vernetzung", 26.-28. Juni, Dresden . Dresden, DE.
Cser, A.O., Donner, R., Schwarz, U., Bube, K., Otto, A., & Feudel, U. (2003). Investigation of Nonlinear Dynamic Effects in Laser Beam Melt Ablation . In Ghorbani, A.; Marsh, S. (Eds.), COLA 2003, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Collaboration Agents: Autonomous Agents for Collaborative Environments, Halifax, Canada . USA: IEEE/WIC Press.
Schmidt, M., Dirscherl, M., & Eßer, G. (2003). Laser-adjustable actuators for high accuracy positioning of micro components . In Miyamoto, I.; Ostendorf, A.; Sugioka, K.; Helvajian, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE. Fourth International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (pp. 177-182).
Pitz, M., Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Otto, A. (2003). Laser assisted bending of martensite-phase steel . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2003, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 41-48).
Schmidt, M., Eßer, G., & Dirscherl, M. (2003). Laser assisted fabrication of micro-optical components . In ICALEO (Eds.), Congress Proceedings ICALEO 2003, 22nd International Congress on Application of Laser & Electro-optics .
Eßer, G., & Geiger, M. (2003). Laser assisted generation of electronic circuits on tailored thermoplastics . In Miyamoto, I. et al. (Eds.), First International Symposium on High-Power Laser Macroprocessing Proceedings of the SPIE (pp. 517-525).
Geiger, M., Prechtl, M., Niebling, F., & Otto, A. (2003). Laser Assisted Rapid Prototyping - Processes, Applications and Developments in the Field of Additive Processes . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT 2003) (pp. 15-24).
Geiger, M., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Schmidt, M. (2003). Laser Droplet Weld - an innovative joining technology . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 141-144).
Jahrsdörfer, B., Eßer, G., Geiger, M., & Govekar, E. (2003). Laser Droplet Weld: An Innovative Joining Technology opens new applications possibilities . In Pique, A.; Sugioka, K.; Herman, P.R.; Fieret, J.; Bachmann, F.G.; Dubowski, J.J.; Hoving, W.; Washio, K.; Geohegan, D.B.; Trägler, F.; Murakami, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Photon Processing in Microelectronics II (pp. 518-529). Bellingham, USA: SPIE.
Merklein, M. (2003). Laser forming of hardenable aluminium alloys . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sheet Metal, She Met (pp. 167-174).
Schmidt, M., & Eßer, G. (2003). Laser micro processing - facts and trends . In Miyamoto, I.; Ostendorf, A.; Sugioka, K.; Helvajian, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE. Fourth International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (pp. 163-171).
Cser, A.O., Bube, K., Donner, R., Schwarz, U., Mandelj, S., Otto, A., & Feudel, U. (2003). Linear and Nonlinear Characterization of Surface Quality in Laser Beam Melt Ablation . In Ghorbani, A.; Marsh, S. (Eds.), COLA 2003, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Collaboration Agents: Autonomous Agents for Collaborative Environments, Halifax, Canada . IEEE/WIC Press.
Egerer, E., & Engel, U. (2003). Material Behavior in Microforming at Elevated Temperature . In ASPE (Eds.), Proceedings of the ASPE Winter Topical Meeting, January 22-23 (pp. 37-42).
Geißdörfer, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2003). Mesosopic Model - Simulative Approach to the Scatter of Process Factors in Microforming . In Vollertsen, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of DFG Priority Program Process Scaling (pp. 81-88). Bremen, DE: BIAS-Verlag.
Ströhla, S., Winter, W., Kuhn, G., Brunnbauer, M., Hirschmann, M., Körner, C.,... Otto, A. (2003). Metallschaumverbundstrukturen - Prozesstechnologie und werkstoffmechanische Analyse . In Robuste verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile, Industriekolloquium 2003 des SFB 396 (S. 39-40). Erlangen: Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Geiger, M., & Eßer, G. (2003). Mikroproduktionstechnik: Chance und Herausforderung für die Lasertechnik . In Tagungsband Stuttgarter Lasertage 2003 (pp. 39-42). Stuttgart, DE.
Geiger, M., Wurm, T., & Hagenah, H. (2003). Modellierung von Aktoren für das Laserstrahljustieren in der Mikrotechnik . In Hohmann, R. (Eds.), Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik, Tagungsband des 17. Symposiums Simulationstechnik ASIM 2003 (pp. 261-266). Erlangen, DE: SCS-Europe.
Polster, S., & Wiengarten, M. (2003). Neue Möglichkeiten beim Laserstrahlkunststoffschweißen . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LEF 2003, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 6. Erlanger Seminars LEF (2003) (pp. 99-115). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Celeghini, M., Eckstein, R., & Novotny, S. (2003). New developments and perspectives of forming technology at the LFT . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SheMet 2003, 14.-16.04., Jordanstown (pp. 7-22). Jordanstown.
Dirscherl, M., & Eßer, G. (2003). New Developments in Laser Processing of Silicon Devices . In Pique, A.; Sugioka, K.; Herman, P.R.; Fieret, J.; Bachmann, F.G.; Dubowski, J.J.; Hoving, W.; Washio, K.; Geohegan, D.B.; Trägler, F.; Murakami, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4977 Photon Processing in Microelements II (pp. 59-69). Bellingham, US: SPIE.
Kohlbauer, R., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2003). Process design for hydroforming of sheet metal pairs using a closed loop controlled finite element simulation . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SheMet 2003 (pp. 219-226). University of Ulster.
Dörfler, S.M., Otto, A., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Processing of Aluminium Foam Sandwich Tailored Blanks . In Proceedings of the Advanced Metallic Materials (pp. 59-64). Bratislava, SK: SAS Verlag.
Engel, U., Egerer, E., & Geiger, M. (2003). Production of Microparts by Cold and Warm Forming . In CIRP (Eds.), Proceedings of the CIRP Seminar on Micro and Nano Technology .
Celeghini, M., Kerausch, M., Kreis, O., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Prozessangepasste Lösungen für den Einsatz von Leichtbauwerkstoffen in der Blechumformung . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Eds.), Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile. Tagungsband zum Industriekolloquium 2003 des SFB 396, Erlangen, 15.-16.10 (pp. 209-227). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Neugebauer, R., Geiger, M., Hartwig, H., & Bitter, S. (2003). Prozessgrundlagen für die Halbwarmumformung . In Siegert, K. (Eds.), Tagungsband der Konferenz Neue Entwicklung in der Massivumformung (pp. 195-212).
Kerausch, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile - Herausforderung für Forschung und Entwicklung . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Eds.), Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile. Tagungsband zum Industriekolloquium 2003 des SFB 396 (pp. 1-8). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Otto, A., & Niebling, F. (2003). Selective Laser Curing: a new approach towards ceramic prototypes . In Poprawe, R.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LIM 2003, Proceedings of the 2nd International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 259-264). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachbuchverlag.
Tolazzi, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Sheet Metal Hydroforming of Complex Components with a Ring-Shaped Geometry . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2003, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 151-158). Jordanstown, GB: University of Ulster.
Hagenah, H. (2003). Simulation based Evaluation of the Accuracy for Sheet Metal Bending caused by the Bending Stage Plan . In Weber, C.; Bley, H.; Hirt, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Progress in Virtual Manufacturing Systems (pp. 513-519). Saarland, DE.
Engel, U., Völkl, R., & Arbak, M. (2003). SVL-Concept - Current State of Progress in Predicting Performance and Reliability of Cold Forging Tools . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 4th International Conference on Industrial Tools, Bled Celje, Slovenia, April 8th-12th (pp. 43-48).
Komlodi, A., Niebling, F., Merklein, M., & Otto, A. (2003). Thermo-mechanical Laser Process Design: Virtual Reality in Use . In EuroPAM, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference and Exhibition on Digital Simulation for Virtual Prototyping, Virtual Manufacturing and Virtual Environment, 16-17. Oktober .
Dirscherl, M., Eßer, G., & Geiger, M. (2003). Time efficient Micro-Adjustment Based on a New Type of Laser-Operated Actuators . In Ama Service Gmbh (Eds.), Proceedings Sensor 2003, Vol I (pp. 261-266). Wunsdorf.
Popp, U., Neudecker, T., & Engel, U. (2003). Towars Improved Tool Life in Cold Forging by Micro Texturing of Tool Surfaces . In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT 2003) .
Kerausch, M., Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2003). Verbesserter Materialfluss beim Tiefziehen von Aluminiumblechen durch lokale Laserwärmebehandlung . In Lieb, R. (Eds.), Tagungsband zum XXII. Verformungskundlichen Kolloquium (pp. 152-160). Leoben, österreich, AT: Institut für Verformungskunde und Hüttenmaschinen.
Lamprecht, K., & Geiger, M. (2003). Wirkmedienumformung inhomogener Platinen auf Basis von tiefgezogenen Vorformen . In Tagungsband zum 2. Kolloquium Wirkmedien-Blechumformung im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1098 - Wirkmedienbasierte Fertigungstechniken zur Blechumformung (pp. 118-126).
Otto, A. (2003). Introduction: High Power Lasers and Systems for Manufacturing . In Poprawe, R.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LIM 2003, Proceedings of the 2nd International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (pp. 363-366). Stuttgart, DE: AT-Fachverlag.
Albert, F., & Esser, G. (2003). Laserstrahlbasiertes Reparaturlöten in der Elektronikproduktion . In VDI - TZ (Eds.), Tagungsband Fachtagung Optische Technologien für die Mikroproduktion (pp. 187-194). Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag.
Mys, R., & Geiger, M. (2003). Use of pre-pulse in laser spot welding of materials with high optical reflection . In SPIE (Eds.), Laser Precision Microfabrication LPM 203, Proceedings of SPIE (pp. 314-318). Bellingham, US: SPIE.
Deventer, R., Denzler, J., Niemann, H., & Kreis, O. (2003). Using test plans for bayesian modeling . In Perner P.; Rosenfeld A. (Eds.), Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (pp. 307-316). Leipzig, DE: Berlin: Springer. 2002 2002 Journal Articles
Kuzman, K., & Putz, A. (2002). 35th ICFG Plenary Meeting Helsinki . Wire , 6 , 34-35.
Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2002). Adaptive Design of Aluminium Sheets for Deep Drawing Processes . Production Engineering , IX (1), 59-62.
Engel, U., & Egerer, E. (2002). Basic research on cold and warm forging of microparts . Key Engineering Materials , 233-236 , 449-455.
Geiger, M., Egerer, E., & Engel, U. (2002). Cross Transport in a Multi-Station Former for Microparts . Production Engineering , 9 (1), 101-104.
Christoph, F., Collisi, T., Kohlbauer, R., Völkl, R., Effert, C., Oertli, T., & Siggenauer, T. (2002). Durchgängiger Einsatz der Simulationstechnik . VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion , 144 (3), 30-33.
Geiger, M., Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2002). Excimer Laser Micro Texturing of Cold Forging Tool Surfaces - Influence on Tool Life . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 51 (1), 231-234.
Geiger, M., Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2002). Improved Tribological Behavior of Cold Forging Tool Surfaces by Excimer Laser Micro Texturing . Production Engineering , IX (1), 1-4.
Tekkaya, A., & Putz, A. (2002). Know-how for better Cold Forming: New Documents of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) . Wire , 3 , 34.
Engel, U., & Eckstein, R. (2002). Microforming - from basic research to its realisation . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 125-126 , 35-44.
Tiesler, N. (2002). Microforming - size effects in friction and their influence on extrusion processes . Wire , 1 , 34-38.
Kreis, O., Christoph, F., Lippert, C., & Schönbude, H. (2002). Personalmarketing durch Firmenkontaktmessen . Technik in Bayern , 1 , 48.
Geiger, M., & Kreis, O. (2002). Starker Anstieg an Bewerberzahlen an der Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg . t&m - Technologie & Management , 3-4 , 56.
Kreis, O. (2002). STING - aktiv für Studenten und Jungingenieure (Interview) . Siemens-Welt , 4 , 21. Book Contributions
Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2002). Laserstrahlumformen von Aluminiumwerkstoffen . In Strahltechnik. (pp. 97-108).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., Celeghini, M., Novotny, S., & Vahl, M. (2002). Neue Entwicklungen bei IHU von Blechen und deren Einsatzpotenziale für Leichtbauteile . In Innenhochdruck-Umformen für Karosseriekomponenten. (pp. 225-241). Conference Contributions
Hutterer, A., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2002). 3D Sensor based Closed Loop Control System for Flexible Forming Processes . In Girod, B.; Greiner, G.; Niemann, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Fall Workshop, Vision, Modelling and Visualisation (pp. 355-362).
Niebling, F., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2002). Analysing the DMLS-Process by a Macroscopic FE-Model . In Solid Freedom Fabrication Symposium (pp. 384-392). Austin, Texas, US.
Geiger, M., & Kach, A. (2002). Data Flow for the Development of Laser Manufactured Products . In CIRP (Eds.), 35th CIRP-International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems ISMS (pp. 72-79).
Geiger, M., Meiler, M., Pfestorf, M., & Merklein, M. (2002). Dry Film Lubricants in Aluminium Sheet Metal Forming . In Bouzakis, K.D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering .
Merklein, M., Kerausch, M., Hußnätter, W., & Geiger, M. (2002). Enlargement of deep drawability of aluminium blanks . In Kiuchi, M.; Nishimura, H.; Yanagimoto, J. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 1153-1158).
Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2002). Erhöhung der Lebensdauer von Werkzeugen durch Oberflächenstrukturierung . In 17.Jahrestreffen der Kaltmassivumformer .
Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2002). Examination of the Real Prestressing Conditions of Tooling Systems . In ITC 2002, Proceedings of the 6th International Tooling Conference (pp. 1047-1056). Karlstad, SE.
Popp, U., Neudecker, T., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2002). Excimer Laser Texturing of Hard Coated Cold Forging Tools - Investigations on Tool Life . In Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 1633-1638).
Vahl, M., Celeghini, M., & Geiger, M. (2002). FE-Analysis for the Double Blank Hydroforming of Complex Structures . In Proceedings of the Numsheet 2002 (pp. 243-248). Jeju Island, KR.
Fleckenstein, M., & Komlodi, A. (2002). FE-Reliability Simulation of Laser Joined Contacts in Electronics Production . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Benefiting from Thermal and Mechanical Simulations in (Micro)-Electronics . Maastrich, NL: Shaker Publishing.
Nock, M., & Geiger, M. (2002). Flexible Kinematic 3D-bending of Tubes and Profiles . In Kiuchi, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (pp. 643-648). Yokohama, JP.
Otto, A., Klausecker, R., & Hahn, M. (2002). Fügen von Schaum . In Metallschäume? Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen. DGM-Fortbildungsseminar . Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffkunde und Technologie der Metalle.
Merklein, M. (2002). Fundamental investigations concerning forming limit diagrams . In Kiuchi, M.; Nishimura, H.; Yanagimoto, J. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 1543-1548).
Krauß, H.-J., & Otto, A. (2002). Generation of functional structures by laser pyrolysis of polysilazane . In Sugioka, K.; Gower, M.C.; Haglund, R.F.; Piqué, A.; Träger, F.; Dubowski, J.J.; Hoving, W. (Eds.), LASE 2002 Conference on High-Power Lasers and Application (pp. 102-110). SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
Hutterer, A., & Otto, A. (2002). Geometrical Feature Based Closed Loop Control System for the Correction of Warpage . In Selvaraj, H.; Muthukumar, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Systems Engineering(ICSE) (pp. 459-466).
Popp, U., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2002). Increasing Tool Life in Cold Forging by Laser Micro Texturing the Tool Surface . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 17-26). Thessaloniki, GR: Ziti Editions.
Tolazzi, M., Kursawe, S., & Sockel, H. (2002). Influence of Hot Isostatical Pressing on the Mechnical Behaviour of CVD-coated Hardmetals . In AMST 02: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (pp. 792-800).
Schmidt, M., Albert, F., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Mys, I. (2002). Innovative laserbasierte Fügeverfahren zur elektrisch leitfähigen Kontaktierung . In Laser Workshop, Moderne Lasertechnologien und ihre Anwendungen (pp. 104-113). DVS.
Neugebauer, R., Hartwig, H., Geiger, M., & Bitter, S. (2002). Investigation into the Process Basics of Warm Forming . In Kiuchi, M.; Nishimura, H.; Yanagimoto, J. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 211-216). Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
Cser, A.O., Geiger, M., & Celeghini, M. (2002). Knowledge Management and Environmental Aspects in Integrated Forming Process . In Kiuchi, M.; Nishimura, H.; Yanagimoto, J. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 1627-1632).
Urmoneit, U., Eßer, G., & Christiansen, S. (2002). Kristallisation amorpher SI-Schichten für die Displayherstellung . In Geiger, M.; Fleckenstein, M. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion und Feinwerktechnik LEF 2002 (pp. 67-80). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Eckstein, R. (2002). Mikroproduktionstechnik-Schlüsseltechnologie für die Produktion von morgen? In Weule, H. (Eds.), Tagungsband der Herbsttagung 2002 des Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebstechnik . Universtität Karlsruhe.
Sindelar, T., Buhler, P., Niebling, F., Otto, A., & Greil, P. (2002). Rapid Prototyping of Ceramic Parts by Selective Laser Curing . In Shaping II, Second International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics .
Geiger, M., & Vahl, M. (2002). Simulationsgestütze Analyse komplexer Strukturen beim IHU von Blechen . In Tagungsunterlagen zum Seminar Virtual Materials Processing des Kompetenzzentrums Neue Materialien Nordbayern GmbH . Bayreuth: Kompetenzzentrum Neue Materialien Nordbayern GmbH.
Sindelar, T., Buhler, P., Niebling, F., Otto, A., & Greil, P. (2002). Solid freedom fabrication of ceramics parts from filler loaded preceramic polymers . In Solid Freedom Fabrication Symposium (pp. 133-142).
Engel, U., & Völkl, R. (2002). SVL-Concept? Experiences in prediction of tool life and tool reliability in cold forging . In Kiuchi, M.; Nishimura, H.; Yanagimoto, J. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 67-72). Society for Technology of Plasticity.
Cser, A.O., Donner, R., Schwarz, U., Otto, A., Geiger, M., & Feudel, U. (2002). Towards a better understanding of laser beam melt ablation using methods of statical analysis . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2002) (pp. 203-208).
Tiesler, N., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2002). Basic research on cold forging of microparts . In Kiuchi, M.; Nishimura, H.; Yanagimoto, J. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proceedings of the 7th ICTP (pp. 379-385). Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity.
Ostendorf, A., Kulik, C., Zeadan, M., Schmidt, M., & Horn, M. (2002). Laser Spot Welding and Soldering of Micro Components to 3-Dimensional Circuit Substrates . In Feldmann, K.; Meier, R.; Römer, M.; Zippmann, V. (Eds.), 5th International Congress on Molded interconnect Devices (MID) (pp. 187-200). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Otto, A. (2002). Laserstrahlschneiden von Aluminiumschaum Sandwichmaterial . In Bach, F.W.; Versemann, R. (Eds.), ICCT 2002, Internationale Schneidtechnische Tagung, Hannover (pp. 118-124).
Otto, A., Geiger, M., & Hohenstein, R. (2002). Neue Konzepte zur überwachung und Regelung von Laserstrahlschweißprozessen . In 4. Laseranwenderforum 2002 . 2001 2001 Journal Articles
Nerding, M., Christiansen, S., Eßer, G., Urmoneit, U., Otto, A., & Strunk, H.P. (2001). (001)-Textured Laser-Crystallized Silicon thin Films on Glass Substrates . Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings , 685 (685E), 1-6.
Putz, A. (2001). Bewertung des Vorspannungszustandes von armierten Werkzeugsystemen . UTF-Science , 4 , 10-12.
Maros, Z., Polak, H., & Kach, A. (2001). Cutting of sandwich aluminium structures by laser beam and abrasive waterjet cutting . Gépgyártás .
Hierl, S., Fröhlich, T., & Eßer, G. (2001). Diodenlaser in der Praxis . Euro-Laser , 2 , 54-59.
Novotny, S., & Hein, P. (2001). Hydroforming of sheet metal pairs from aluminium alloys . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 115 (1), 65-69.
Merklein, M., Hennige, T., & Geiger, M. (2001). Laser forming of aluminium and aluminium alloys - microstructural investigations . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 115 (1), 159-165.
Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2001). Laserstrahlumformen von Aluminiumwerkstoffen unter Berücksichtigung der mechanischen Eigenschaften und der Mikrostruktur . Zeitschrift für Metallkunde , 3 (92), 226-231.
Kreis, O., & Hein, P. (2001). Manufacturing system for the inegrated hydroforming, trimming and welding of sheet metal pairs . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 115 , 49-54.
Kreis, O., & Hein, P. (2001). Mathematical modeling of laser-assisted deep drawing . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 115 (1), 104-107.
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., Schiffer, R., & Engel, U. (2001). Meßvorschrift zur Bestimmung funktionaler 3D-Oberflächenkenngrößen für die Blechumformung, Tei 1 . UTF-Science , 2 , 12-17.
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., Schiffer, R., & Engel, U. (2001). Meßvorschrift zur Bestimmung funktionaler 3D-Oberflächenkenngrößen für die Blechumformung, Teil 2 . UTF-Science , 3 , 34-38.
Geiger, M., & Falk, B. (2001). Prediction of Service Life and Failure Probability o Cold Forging Tools . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 1 (50), 173-176.
Geiger, M., Vahl, M., Novotny, S., & Bobbert, S. (2001). Process Strategies for Sheet Metal Hydroforming of Lightweight Components . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 215 (7), 967-976.
Fleckenstein, M., Bickert, M., Fröhlich, T., Abert, A., & Schneider, M. (2001). Strategien für die Elektronikfertigung - Das Laserstrahl-Mikrolöten bietet große Potenziale im Bereich der Elektronikproduktion (Teil 1) . Laser , 3 , 70-73.
Geiger, M., Eckstein, R., & Engel, U. (2001). Study of Micro Sheet Metal Working Processes . Production Engineering , 8 , 55-58.
Kuzman, K., & Tiesler, N. (2001). 34th Plenary Meeting of the ICFG . Wire , 6 , 22-23.
Kreis, O. (2001). Contact 2001 in Erlangen - wer sich bewegt - der bewegt . VDI-Berichte , 13.
Kreis, O., Christoph, F., Brehm, T., & Lippert, C. (2001). Firmenkontaktmesse Contact 2001 . Technik in Bayern , 1 , 19.
Van Canneyt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2001). GTK-Programmierung mit Free Pascal: Das GDK . Toolbox , 5 , 70-83.
Van Canneyt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2001). GTK-Programmierung mit Free Pascal: Der Aufbau eines Verzeichnisbaumes . Toolbox , 4 , 65-72.
Van Canneyt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2001). GTK-Programmierung mit Free Pascal: Zwei Wege zur Erstellung von Menüs. Toolbox , 1 , 82-86.
Otto, A. (2001). Kombinationen von Lasermaterialbearbeitung und Blechumformung . LaserOpto , 1 (33), 46-49.
Kaufmann, S., & Fleckenstein, M. (2001). Lasermaterialbearbeitung im Automobilbau . VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion , 10 (143), 31-35.
Geiger, M., Mertens, P., Kreis, O., & Barbian, D. (2001). Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Interdisziplinärer Studiengang an der Technischen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg eingeführt . Technik in Bayern , 2 , 30-31.
Kreis, O. (2001). Workshop Berufseinstieg für Ingenieure . Technik in Bayern , 3 , 32. Book Contributions
Menzel, T., Hutterer, A., & Otto, A. (2001). 3D-Sensordatenverarbeitung zur Regelung von flexiblen Formgebungsprozessen . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 359-368).
Merklein, M., & Hennige, T. (2001). Anwendungsorientiertes Laserstrahlumformen . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 377-390).
Eßer, G., Roth, S., & Krauß, H.-J. (2001). Erzeugung von Mikrostrukturen mittels Laserstrahlung . In Idee-Vision-Innovation, Festschrift anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Manfred Geiger. (pp. 143-152).
Niebling, F., & Otto, A. (2001). FEM-gestützte Prozessbetrachtung des Direkten Metalllaserstrahlsinterns . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 419-426).
Nock, M., & Arnet, H. (2001). Flexibles Biegen von Rohren und Profilen für die Innenhochdruckumformung . In Idee-Vision-Innovation, Festschrift anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Manfred Geiger. (pp. 427-436).
Eckstein, R., Tiesler, N., Egerer, E., & Engel, U. (2001). Herstellung metallischer Kleinstteile - Eine Herausforderung für die Umformtechnik . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 135-142).
Vahl, M., Novotny, S., Celeghini, M., & Kreis, O. (2001). Innenhochdruck-Umformen von Blechpaaren - Technologie für den modernen Leichtbau . In Vollertsen, F.; Kleiner, M. (Hrg.), Idee-Vision-Innovation. (S. 449-462). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Hahn, M., Schöberl, T., & Otto, A. (2001). Innovative Fertigungsverfahren für Aluminiumschaum und Aluminium-Schaum-Sandwich (AFS) . In Idee-Vision-Innovation, Festschrift anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Manfred Geiger. (pp. 213-222).
Fleckenstein, M., Fröhlich, T., Hierl, S., Kaufmann, S., & Schmidt, M. (2001). Lasereinsatz zum Fügen elektronischer Bauelemente . In Idee-Vision-Innovation, Festschrift anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Manfred Geiger. (pp. 163-178).
Huber, A., Müller, J., & Meyer-Pittroff, F. (2001). Laserstrahljustieren als Innovation für die Montage von Mikrosystemen . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 275-286).
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., Schiffer, R., & Engel, U. (2001). Meßvorschrift zur Bestimmung funktionaler 3D-Oberflächenkenngrößen für die Blechumformung . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 391-408).
Menzel, T., Wurm, T., & Müller, B. (2001). Methoden für ein Assistenzsystem zum Entwurf komplexer Aktorgeometrien für das Laserstrahljustieren in der Mikrotechnik . In Idee-Vision-Innovation, Festschrift anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Manfred Geiger. (pp. 369-376).
Hohenstein, R., & Agakov, F. (2001). Towards multi parameter control for laser beam welding . In Idee-Vision-Innovation, Festschrift anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Manfred Geiger. .
Falk, B., Völkl, R., & Engel, U. (2001). Vorhersage der Lebensdauer und Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit von Werkzeugen der Kaltmassivumformung . In Idee-Vision-Innovation. (pp. 153-162).
Schottelius, H., Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, P. (2001). Adaptive Optik für die prozeßoptminierte Fokussierung in Laserbearbeitungsmaschinen . In Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. (pp. 652-656).
Kreis, O. (2001). Wing verleiht Flügel . In Ernst (FAU). (pp. 26). Erlangen: FAU. Conference Contributions
Hutterer, A., Otto, A., & Menzel, T. (2001). 3D Sensor Data Processing for Advanced Reliabilty of flexible Forming Processes . In Proceedings of the Sheet Metal 2001 (pp. 459-466).
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Popp, U. (2001). Beanspruchungsgerechte Oberflächenstrukturierung hartstoffbeschichteter Werkzeuge der Kaltmassivumformung . In Proceedings of the Bayerischer Forschungsverbund für Oberflächentechnik (pp. 139-155).
Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2001). Comparative study of two different laser forming mechanisms regarding the mechanical properties of aluminium alloys . In Proceedings of the Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering (LANE) (pp. 537-548).
Geiger, M., Merklein, M., & Giera, A. (2001). Deep Drawing of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Tailored Blanks . In Proceedings of IDDRG, 24.-26.05. (pp. 114-123).
Christiansen, S., Nerding, M., Eßer, G., Urmoneit, U., Otto, A., & Strunk, H. (2001). Evaluation and quantification by electron back-scattering diffraction of the microsturcture of laser-crystallized silicon thin films . In Proceedings of the Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials XII Conference .
Popp, U., Neudecker, T., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2001). Excimer Laser Texturing of Tool Surfaces and its Influence on Friction in Cold Forging . In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 1-8).
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., & Engel, U. (2001). Excimer laser treatment of tool surfaces and its influence on friction in metal forming processes . In Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Progress in Innovative Manufacturing Engineering (PRIME), Sestri Levante, Italien (pp. 387-392).
Hutterer, A., Menzel, T., Otto, A., & Müller, G. (2001). Featrue Extraction for Advanced Control of Flexible Forming Processes . In Girod, B.; Greiner, G.; Niemann, H.; Seidel, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Fall Workshop, Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (pp. 43-50).
Niebling, F., & Otto, A. (2001). FE-simulation of the Selective Laser Sintering Process of Metallic Powders . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2001, Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 3 (pp. 371-382). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hennige, T. (2001). Flexible prototyping of Sheet Metal Parts by Laser Forming . In Proceedings International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (pp. 134-150).
Egerer, E., Neudecker, T., & Engel, U. (2001). Grundlagenuntersuchungen zum Halbwarmmikroumformen . In KOPP (Eds.), Tagungsband zum DFG-Kolloquium im SPP 1074 am 11.-12.09.2001 .
Egerer, E., Engel, U., & van der Heyd, G. (2001). Handling of Microparts in a Multi-Station Former . In Balsamo, A.; et al. (Eds.), 2nd International Conference euspen, May 27th -31st, Turin (pp. 836-839).
Hahn, M., & Otto, A. (2001). High-tempreature-forming of cellular aluminium . In Banhart, J.; Ashby, M.F.; Fleck, N.A. (Eds.), Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology (MetFoam2001) (pp. 505-510). Bremen: MIT-Verlag.
Celeghini, M., & Kreis, O. (2001). Integrierte Fertigung durch Umformen, Trennen und Fügen in einem IHU-Werkzeug . In TU Bergakademie (Hrg.), Geschlossene Prozessketten vom Halbzeug zum Bauteil/ 8. Sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik 04.--05.11.2001 (S. 296-313).
Geiger, M., Feldmann, K., Bickert, M., Fröhlich, T., & Zolleis, B. (2001). Integriertes Bestück- und Laserstrahl-Lötsystem mit prozessbegleitender Qualitätssicherung . In Feldmann, K.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), Produktionssysteme in der Elektronik - Sonderforschungsbereich 356 - Bericht des Forschungsverbundes 1999 - 2001 (pp. 305-348).
Menzel, T., Niebling, F., & Kach, A. (2001). Knowledge based process design for optimisation of laser sintering technique for rapid tooling . In 2nd International Conference on Production of Dies and Molds, Turkey .
Geiger, M., & Huber, A. (2001). Laser Adjustment of Pre-assembled Systems using Actuators . In Production Engineering, Annals of the WGP (pp. 119-122).
Eßer, G., Jahrsdörfer, B., & Urmoneit, U. (2001). Laser assisted fabrication of electronic circuits using the ADDIMID process . In Ower, M.C.; Helvajian, H.; Sugioka, K.; Dubowski, J.J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LASE 2001 confernce on Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing .
Geiger, M., & Meyer-Pittroff, F. (2001). Laser Beam Bending of Metallic Foils . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 35-40).
Klausecker, R., Geiger, M., Otto, A., & Haberling, C. (2001). Laser Beam Joining of Magnesium Alloys . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2001, Proceedings of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 323-332). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Klausecker, R., & Otto, A. (2001). Laser Beam Welding of Magnesium Matrix Composites . In WGP (Eds.), Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 5-8).
Hoving, W., & Jahrsdörfer, B. (2001). Laser Droplet Weld - ein innovatives Fügeverfahren . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 21-32).
Eßer, G., & Müller, J. (2001). Lasergestützte additive Leiterbilderzeugung . In Geiger, M.; Fleckenstein, M. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 4. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2001 (pp. 117-131). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Krauß, H.-J., & Motz, G. (2001). Laser Pyrolysis of Polysilazan - A New Technique for the Generation of Ceramic-like Coatings and Structures . In European Ceramic Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Ceramic Society (pp. 467-470).
Hüske, M., Kickelhain, J., Müller, J., & Eßer, G. (2001). Laser supported activation and additive metallization of thermoplastics for 3D-MIDs . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 3 - Proceedings of the LANE 2001, Erlangen 28.-31.08 (pp. 587-598). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Pitz, M., & Otto, A. (2001). Laserunterstütztes Biegen . In Kolloquium Erweiterung der Formgebungsgrenzen bei Umformprozessen (pp. 48-55).
Geiger, M., Kleiner, M., Eckstein, R., Tiesler, N., & Engel, U. (2001). Microforming . In Keynote Paper. Annals of the CIRP (pp. 445-462).
Engel, U., Tiesler, N., & Eckstein, R. (2001). Microparts - a challenge for forming technology . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings ICIT 2001 3rd International Conference on Industrial Tools, Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia, April 22nd-26th (pp. 31-39).
Voelkl, R., & Falk, B. (2001). Prediction of stochastical failure characteristics of cold forging tool systems . In Proceedings of the Simulation of materials processing: Theory, Methods and applications (pp. 415-420).
Eßer, G., & Müller, J. (2001). Produktionsentstehung eines ölstandssensors in MID-Technik: Vorteile der Laserstrukturierung . In Feldmann, K. (Eds.), Fachseminar - Innovative Produktgestaltung mit MID, 18.01. und 05.04. .
Prier, M., Engel, B., Geiger, M., & Celeghini, M. (2001). Rapid tooling beim IHU . In 7. Forum Innenhochdruckumformen. Darmstadt .
Eßer, G., Niebling, F., & Geiger, M. (2001). Rapid tooling - Current Status and Future Trend . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT 2001), 23.-26. April Slatina, Celje, Slowenien (pp. 3-12).
Sindelar, R., Niebling, F., Buhler, P., Greil, P., & Geiger, M. (2001). Selective Laser Curing of Preceramic Polymers . In Proceedings of the Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering (pp. 447-458).
Tangermann-Gerk, K., & Eßer, G. (2001). Sensorgesteuerte Laserverfahren in der medizinischen Therapie . In Proceedings of the Berichte aus der Medizintechnik - 3. Symposium: Neue Technologien für die Medizin - Forschung - Praxis - Innovation (pp. 105-128).
Bitter, S., Falk, B., & Geiger, M. (2001). Simulation of Warm Forming Processes . In Torralba, J.M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the AMPT '01 Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (pp. 669-674).
Fröhlich, T., Brickert, M., & Geiger, M. (2001). Strahlformungskomponenten für das simultane Laserstrahllöten . In Geiger, M.; Fleckenstein, M. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 189-205). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Wurm, T., Menzel, T., Müller, B., Hagenah, H., & Geiger, M. (2001). The use of kinematic chains and construction catalogues for an advanced design of complex actuator geometries in micro adjustment . In Kjellberg, T. (Eds.), Proceedings: International CIRP Design Seminar: Design in the New Economy; Design Theory, Methodology and its Intergration with the Computational Tools to support Teams of Competence (pp. 417-421). Stockholm, SE: KTH Stockholm.
Falk, B., Putz, A., & Engel, U. (2001). Ultrasonic Inspection of Tooling Systems in Cold Forging . In Kuzman, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT) (pp. 251-255).
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Eckstein, R., & Tiesler, N. (2001). Umformtechnische Herstellung metallischer Kleinstteile . In Feldmann, K.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), Sonderforschungsbereich 356 Produktionssysteme in der Elektronik (pp. 19-60). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Celeghini, M., & Geiger, M. (2001). Use of design experiments in the modeling of a hydro-forming tool . In 9th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet 2001), Leuven (Belgien) 02.-04.04.2001 (pp. 541-546).
Govekar, E., Gradisek, J., Grabec, I., Geisel, M., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2001). Analysis of the dynamics of transition from deep to shallow penetration CO2 laser welding . In Proceedings of the 6th Experimental Chaos Conference, Potsdam .
Schmidt, M., & Fleckenstein, M. (2001). Detection and Control of Misalignment during Laser Micro Welding of SMDs . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2001, Proceedings of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 3 (pp. 577-586). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M. (2001). Die Hochschule als Gesellschafter - Anmerkungen aus der Sicht eines Wissenschaftlers . In Die Hochschule als Gesellschafter (pp. 41-63). Weimar: Universitätsverlag der Bauhausuniversität Weimar.
Rahn, A., Fleckenstein, M., Fröhlich, T., & Geiger, M. (2001). Flexibles Laserstrahllöten durch indirekte Bestrahlungsstrategien . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 9-20).
Van Canneyt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2001). GTK-Programmierung mit Free Pascal: Die Bibliothek im praktischen Einsatz . In Toolbox (pp. 86-92).
Geiger, M., & Fleckenstein, M. (2001). Influence of Various Atmospheres on the Laser Micro Welding Process of Electronic Contacs . In WGP (Eds.), Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 45-48).
Schöberl, T., & Otto, A. (2001). Laser Beam Cutting of Aluminium Foam Sandwiches . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (pp. 287-296). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Kaufmann, S. (2001). Laser Beam Joining of Silicon . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 3 (pp. 577-586). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Fleckenstein, M., Schmidt, M., & Geiger, M. (2001). Lasergestützte Fertigungsverfahren - Innovationen für die Mikrotechnik von morgen . In Mayer, A.; Gruber, F.J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Laser Marketplace 2001, 21. Juni (pp. 199-210).
Otto, A. (2001). Lasermaterialbearbeitung in Erlangen - Von den Grundlagen zur Anwendung . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 135-140).
Geiger, M., Otto, A., Fleckenstein, M., Mys, I., & Schmidt, M. (2001). Prozessgeregelte Mikrobearbeitung mit Laserstrahlung in der Elektronikproduktion . In Feldmann, K.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), Produktionssysteme in der Elektronik - Sonderforschungsbereich 356 - Bericht des Forschungsverbundes 1999 - 2001 (pp. 221-265). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Schöberl, T., & Otto, A. (2001). Tailored Blankingwith AFS - Welding Unfoamed AFS Precursor Material . In Banhart, J. (Eds.), International Conference on Metal Foams and Porous Metal Structures . Bremen: MIT-Verlag.
Otto, A. (2001). Trend in laser technology for electronics production and precision mechanics . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), LANE 2001, Proceedings of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 3 (pp. 125-132). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag. 2000 2000 Journal Articles
Engel, U., Neudecker, T., & Popp, U. (2000). 3D-Oberflächenanalyse - Methoden, Kenngrößen, Anwendungen . Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik , 31 , 747-753.
Eckstein, R., & Engel, U. (2000). Behavior of the grain structure in micro sheet metal working . Metal Forming , 453-459.
Menzel, T., Geiger, M., Brandt, V., & Otto, A. (2000). Concept for a closed loop control system for laser bending of extrusions . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems , 3 (30), 223-229.
Hennige, T. (2000). Development of irradiation strategies for 3D-laser froming . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 103 , 102-108.
Niebling, F., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (2000). FE-Simulation des selektiven Laserstrahlsinterns von Metallpulver . LaserOpto , 6 (32), 68-71.
Eßer, G. (2000). Flexible Produktionsechnologien als Ziel - Technologien verzweifelt gesucht . Industrieanzeiger , 9 , 46-47.
Hahn, M., & Otto, A. (2000). Herstellung von 3D-Kernverbunden mit zellularen Kernstrukturen aus Aluminium . Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik , 6 (31), 538-540.<538::AID-MAWE538>3.0.CO;2-C
Hahn, M., & Otto, A. (2000). Hochtemperatur - Umformung von zellularem Aluminium . Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik , 6 (31), 432-435.<432::AID-MAWE432>3.0.CO;2-3
Vahl, M., Bobbert, S., & Hein, P. (2000). Hydroforming of Sheet Metal Pairs for the Production of Hollow Bodies . Revue de Métallurgie , 10 (97), 1255-1263.
Geiger, M., & Hennige, T. (2000). Lasergestützte Mikrofabrikationstechniken . VDI-Berichte , 1536 , 99-115.
Geiger, M., Neudecker, T., & Engel, U. (2000). Micro Texturing of Ceramic Tool Surfaces and its Influence on Friction in Sheet Metal Forming Processes . Production Engineering , 2 (7), 107-110.
Kals, R., & Eckstein, R. (2000). Miniaturization in sheet metal working . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 1 (103), 95-101.
Roth, S., & Geiger, M. (2000). Novel technique for high-quality microstructuring with excimer lasers . Proceedings of SPIE , 3933 , 338-346.
Eßer, G. (2000). Prototypen und Kleinserien in der Umformtechnik - Potenziale und Herausforderungen für die Zukunft . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 8 (7), 28-29.
Fröhlich, T. (2000). Selektives Laserstrahllöten in der industriellen Praxis . Laser , 3 , 12-15.
Geiger, M., & Merklein, M. (2000). Short Term Effects of Laser Forming in Aluminium Alloys . Production Engineering , 7 , 13-18.
Van Canneyt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2000). GTK-Programmierung mit Free Pascal: Fortgeschrittene Techniken . Toolbox , 6 , 88-96.
Van Canneyt, M., & Klämpfl, F. (2000). GTK-Programmierung mit Free Pascal: Systemunabhängige GUI-Entwicklung . Toolbox , 5 , 71-80.
Cser, L., & Geiger, M. (2000). Logistics from IMS towards virtual factory . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 103 , 6-13.
Tiesler, N., & Engel, U. (2000). Microforming - Effects of Miniaturization . Metal Forming , 355-360.
Braune, R., Beichert, C., & Otto, A. (2000). Tailored Blanks aus Aluminium Foam Sandwich . UTF-Science , 3 (1), 4-9.
Tiesler, N. (2000). Window on Global Technology . Fastener Technology International , 12 , 61-62. Book Contributions
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Popp, U. (2000). Beanspruchungsgerechte Oberflächenstrukturierung hartstoffbeschichteter Werkzeuge der Kaltmassivumformung . In Bayerischer Forschungsverbund für Oberflächentechnik. (pp. 147-158).
Kach, A., & Spitznagel, J. (2000). Integrierte CAD/CAM-Systemgebung für die 3D-Laserstrahlbearbeitung von Leichtbaukomponenten . In Innovationen durch Laser Engineering II. (pp. 93-112).
Geiger, M., & Hennige, T. (2000). Leichtbau erfordert neue Prozesstechnik . In Leichtbau durch Umformtechnik. (pp. 11-27).
Krauß, H.-J., Geiger, M., Motz, G., & Ziegler, G. (2000). Entwicklung keramischer Schichten durch Pyrolyse, insbesondere Laserpyrolyse metallorganischer Polymere . In Bayerischer Forschungsverbund für Oberflächentechnik. (pp. 71-98). Conference Contributions
Eßer, G., Urmoneit, U., & Ziegenhaus, M. (2000). 3-D-Fokuslagensteuerung für die Laserstrahlstrukturierung . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 3. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2000. Erlangen 8.-9.3. (pp. 197-212). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Roth, S., & Töpperwien, A. (2000). Abtragen unter Wasser - verbesserte Qualität bei der Lasermaterialbearbeitung . In Proceedings of the LEF 2000, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 85-97).
Geisel, M., & Schmidt, M. (2000). Approach in controlling laser micro spot welding process . In Govekar, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the COST-P4 Workshop Characterization of Manufacturing Process: Synergetics and Data Processing Methods (pp. 43-47).
Komlodi, A. (2000). Effect of the welding gap on heat flow welding . In Proceedings of microCAD 2000, International Computer Science Conference, University of Miskolc (pp. 51-56).
Meyer-Pittroff, F., & Otto, A. (2000). Einflussparameter beim Laserstrahlbiegen metallischer Folien . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 149-164).
Müller, B., & Huber, A. (2000). Entwurf komplexer Aktorsysteme für das Laserstrahljustieren . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 3. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2000. Erlangen 8.-9.3. (pp. 175-185).
Hinsel, C. (2000). Fatigue Dependent Design of Hard Coated Cold Forging Tools . In Kondo, K. (Eds.), 2nd JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (pp. 197-202). Osaka, Japan.
Komlodi, A. (2000). Finite Elemente Modelling of Resistance Spot Welding . In Proceedings of the 3rd GTE/MhtE/DVS International Conference on Welding (pp. 171-175). Miskolc, Hungary: Cokom Kft.
Falk, B., & Popp, U. (2000). General overview of research activities in cold forging at the LFT . In Kondo, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd JSTP International Seminar on Precision Forging (pp. 113-116).
Geiger, M., & Kach, A. (2000). Integration of Laser Material Processing into the Computer-Aided Product and Process Development . In 3rd International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 263-270). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Menzel, T., & Hagenah, H. (2000). Knowledge Based Approach for Intelligent Design of Manufacturing Processes . In Bothe, H.; Fyfe, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EIS'2000. Second ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (pp. 327-333). Millet, Canada: ICSC Academic Press.
Kaufmann, S., Otto, A., & Luz, G. (2000). Laser beam joining of optical fibers in silicon-V-grooves . In Helvajian, H. (Eds.), Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing V, Proceedings of SPIE (pp. 371-378). Bellingham, USA: SPIE.
Geiger, M., & Hennige, T. (2000). Laser Forming - An Introduction for Manufacturing Engineering . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SheMet (pp. 43-45).
Kaufmann, S., & Luz, G. (2000). Lasergestützte Montage mikrooptischer Komponenten . In Geiger, M.; Lenfert, K. (Eds.), Innovationen durch Laser Engineering - Berichtsband zum Abschlusskolloquium FORLAS II (pp. 137-159). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Fröhlich, T., Hierl, S., Schmidt, M., Lenfert, K., & Geiger, M. (2000). Laser Micro Technology - A New Approach for Joining in electronics Production . In VDE (Eds.), MICRO.tec2000 Proceedings (pp. 679-684). Berlin, Offenbach: VDE-Verlag.
Magee, J., & Hennige, T. (2000). Laser Profile Forming . In Shirvani, B.; Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SheMet (pp. 301-311). Brimingham: University of Central England.
Hierl, S. (2000). Laserstrahl - Kunststoffschweißen in der Automobilelektronik . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 53-68).
Eßer, G., & Schultheis, H. (2000). Laserstrukturieren von MIDs - Ein Anwendungsbeispiel aus der Automobilindustrie . In Geiger, M.; Otto, A. (Eds.), Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik - Tagungsband des 3. Erlanger Seminars LEF 2000. Erlangen 8.-9.3. (pp. 99-108). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Novotny, S., Celeghini, M., & Geiger, M. (2000). Measurement of material properties of aluminium sheet alloys at elevated temperatures . In Shirvani, B. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SheMet (pp. 363-370). Brimingham: University of Central England.
Merklein, M., & Geiger, M. (2000). Metallurgical Short-Term Effects in Laser Forming of Alluminium Alloys . In Fritz, H.G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (pp. 18-21). Stuttgart.
Huber, A., & Geiger, M. (2000). Micro-adjustment by thermally induced strains using laser technology . In VDE (Eds.), Proceedings of the MICRO.tec 2000, VDE World Microtechnologies Congress (pp. 73-78).
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2000). Micro Texturing of Tool Surfaces and its Influence on Friction in Deep Drawing Processes . In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 177-184).
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (2000). Micro Texturing of Tool Surfaces and its Influence on Friction in Forming Processes . In Dietzsch, M.; Trumpold, H. (Eds.), X. International Colloquium on Surfaces (pp. 211-221). Aachen: Shaker.
Vollertsen, F., & Hofmann, A. (2000). Modelling the deep drawing of process optimized blanks . In Proceedings of the 20th Biennal IDDRG Congress (pp. 67-76). Genval: IDDRG.
Eßer, G., & Schultheis, H. (2000). Product Development of an Oil Level Sensor - Advantages of Laser Technology . In Feldmann, K.; Meier, R.; Römer, M.; Zippmann, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Molded Interconnect Devices - MID 2000, September 27-28, Erlangen (pp. 95-107). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Menzel, T., & Novotny, S. (2000). Representing Process Knowledge Using a Hybrid Fuzzy Rule Approach . In Production Engineering. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (pp. 1-6).
Geiger, M., Hagenah, H., & Menzel, T. (2000). Simulation based optimisation of the accuracy of sheet metal bending parts caused by the manufacturing plan . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd CIRP International Seminar of Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering ICME 2000 (pp. 283-290).
Geiger, M., & Menzel, T. (2000). Simulationsgestütze Bewertung des Einflusses von Technologieinnovationen auf die Produktion . In DFG (Eds.), Modellierung der Produktion. Abschlusskolloquium zum DFG - Schwerpunktprogramm. Hannover, 7. und 8. März .
Roth, S., & Geiger, M. (2000). Specific surface treatment by laser irradiation under liquid films . In Christensen, P. (Eds.), ICALEO 2000, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (pp. 11ff).
Siegert, K., Frank, H., Geiger, M., Eckstein, R., Neugebauer, R., Schubert, A., & Böhm, J. (2000). Umformtechnische Herstellung kleiner Bauteile . In FTK (Eds.), FTK 2000 - Fertigungstechnisches Kolloquium. Schriftliche Fassung der Vorträge zum Fertigungstechnischen Kolloquium am 26./27. September 2000 in Stuttgart (pp. 164-182). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Geiger, M., Otto, A., Hofmann, A., Kreis, O., & Celeghini, M. (2000). Verkürzte Prozessketten in der Blechumformung . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Eds.), Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile, Tagungsband zum 1. Kolloquiumsband des SFB 396, 24-25.05.2000, Nürnberg (pp. 147-165). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Kreis, O., Geiger, M., Otto, A., & Celeghini, M. (2000). Verkürzte Prozessketten in der Blechumformung . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Hrg.), Tagungsband zum 1. Berichtskolloquium des SFB 396 Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile. (S. 147-165). Nürnberg: Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Lenfert, K., & Huber, A. (2000). Von der Forschung in die industrielle Praxis - Technologietransfer am Bayerischen Laserzentrum . In Proceedings of the Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 139-146).
Geiger, M., Otto, A., & Schöberl, T. (2000). Der Sonderforschungsbereich . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Eds.), Sonderforschungsbereich 396 - Robuste, verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile - 1. Berichtskolloquium 24./25. Mai (pp. 1-8). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Körner, C., Heinrich, F., Singer, R., Otto, A., Schöberl, T., & Geiger, M. (2000). Herstellung flächiger Verbundbauteile mit Metallschaumkernen . In Geiger, M.; Ehrenstein, G.W. (Eds.), Sonderforschungsbereich 396 - robuste verkürzte Prozessketten für flächige Leichtbauteile - 1. Berichtskolloquium 24./25.Mai (pp. 83-104). Bamberg, DE: Meisenbach Verlag.
Fleckenstein, M., & Schmidt, M. (2000). Laser Micro Soldering and Welding: Future-Oriented Joining Methods . In IPC (Eds.), Proceedings of the APEX 2000, March 12-16 (pp. 1-8).
Fleckenstein, M. (2000). Laser Micro Welding for Surface Mount Technology: High Quality for Applications in Harsh Environment . In IMAPS - Czech and Slovak Chapter (Eds.), Proceedings of the IMAPS-Europe Prague 2000, June 18-20 (pp. 90-95).
Westphäling, T., & Schmidt, M. (2000). Laserstrahl-Mikroschweißen in der Cu-Leadframe-Montage: Möglichkeiten und Restriktionen . In Proceedings of the LEF 2000, Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (pp. 41-52).
Schmidt, M., & Otto, A. (2000). Proceedings of SPIE, Solutions for a further Miniaturization . In Karam, J.-M.; Yasaitis, J. (Eds.), Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VI. Santa Clara, USA (pp. 234-243).
Otto, A., & Kickelhain, J. (2000). Simulation des Abtrags von Polyimi mit Excimerlasern . In Proceedings of the LEF 2000 (pp. 109-123).
Geiger, M., & Otto, A. (2000). Synergies of laser material processing and metal forming . In Govekar, E. (Eds.), Characterization of Manufacturing, Proceeding of the Workshop, Ljubljana 25-26. Mai, Processes: Synergetics and Data Processing Methods (pp. 109-118).
Otto, A. (2000). Tailored Blanking mit Kernverbunden aus aufschäumbaren Aluminiumhalbzeug . In Degischer, H. P. (Eds.), Symposium Metallschäume (pp. 562-565). Wien: Wiley-VHC. 1999 1999 Authored Books Journal Articles
Soerensen, C., Bech, J., Andreasen, J.-L., Bay, N., Engel, U., & Neudecker, T. (1999). A basic study of the influence of surface topography on mechanisms of liquid lubrication in metal forming . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 48 (1), 203-208.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Leopold, J., Krauß, H.-J., & Günther, H. (1999). Beurteilung des Glanzgrades an Blechen durch 3D-Oberflächenanalyse . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 46 (9), 54-59.
Falk, B., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Einsatz der numerischen Prozeßsimulation in der Werkzeugentwicklung . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 94 (9), 550-555.
Falk, B., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Fundamental aspects for the evaluation of the fatigue behavi¬our of cold forging tools . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 119 , 158-164.
Engel, U., & Falk, B. (1999). Prediction of service life of cold forging tools failing by fatigue . Production Engineering , 6 (2), 83-88. Conference Contributions
Merklein, M., Hennige, T., & Geiger, M. (1999). Laser Forming of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys - Microstructural Investigation . In M. Geiger, H.J.J. Kals, B. Shirvani, U.P. Singh (Eds.), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Sheet Metal, SheMet 1999 (pp. 285-294). Erlangen, DE: Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Falk, B., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Experimental and numerical evaluation of different powder metallurgical steels for cold forging tools . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1999, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 1 (pp. 715-716). Berlin: Springer.
Engel, U., Hinsel, C., & Geiger, M. (1999). Functional protective coatings for improved tool life in cold forging . In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Toenshoff, H.-K.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), THE Coatings, Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf., 14-15 Oct 1999 Thessaloniki, Greece (pp. 181-190). Aristoteles University Thessaloniki.
Geiger, M., Ziegler, G., Engel, U., Motz, G., & Krauß, H.-J. (1999). Generation of ceramic coatings by laser pyrolysis of organo-metallic polymers . In Bouzakis, K.-D.; Toenshoff, H.-K.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), THE Coatings, Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf., 14-15 Oct 1999 Thessaloniki, Greece (pp. 333-342). Aristoteles University Thessaloniki.
Hinsel, C., Celeghini, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Improved fatigue strength of cold forging tools by surface and coating technologies . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasti¬city 1990, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 1 (pp. 271-278). Berlin: Springer.
Kreis, O., Geiger, M., & Vahl, M. (1999). Laser assisted tooling in metal forming . In Kuzman, K.; Balic, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT) (pp. 3-14). Ljubljana/Maribor, SI: Ljubljana: TECOS - Slovenian tool and die development centre.
Kreis, O., & Hein, P. (1999). Manufacturing system for the integrated hydroforming, trimming and welding of sheet metal pairs . In Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sheet Metal (She'Met) '99 . Erlangen: Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Engel, U., & Falk, B. (1999). Prediction of tool life in cold forging . In Covas, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (pp. 287-290). Universidade do Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal.
Eckstein, R., Geiger, M., & Engel, U. (1999). Specific characteristics of micro sheet metal working . In Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), SHEET METAL 1999, Proc. Of the Int. Conf. SheMet‘99, 27-28 Sep 1999, Erlangen, Germany (pp. 529-536). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Popp, U., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Surface characterization with regard to the tribological behaviour of sheet metal in forming processes . In Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), SHEET METAL 1999, Proc. Of the Int. Conf. SheMet‘99, 27-28 Sep 1999, Erlangen, Germany (pp. 303-310). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Engel, U., & Falk, B. (1999). Tool life in cold forging . In Kuzman, K.; Balic, J. (Eds.), ICIT’99 Conference Proceedings (Int.Conf.on Industrial Tools, April 1999 Maribor, Slov) Vol. I (pp. 61-68). Celje Slovenia: Tecos.
Neudecker, T., Popp, U., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Towards optimized lubrication by micro texturing of tool surfaces . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1999, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 1 (pp. 619-626). Berlin: Springer.
Engel, U. (1999). Backtracking approach to the origin of tool life scatter . In 32nd ICFG Plenary Meeting (Proceedings of the 32nd ICFG Plenary Meeting - 12th - 15th Sept. 1999; Ljubljana, Slovenia) . C.
Tiesler, N., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1999). Forming of microparts - effects of miniaturization on friction . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), ): Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proc. Of the 6th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity ICTP 1999, Vol. II (pp. 889-894). Berlin: Springer. 1998 1998 Journal Articles
Pfestorf, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1998). 3D-Surface Parameters and their Application on Deterministically Textured Sheet Metals . International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture , 38 (5-6), 607-614.
Geiger, M., & Sprenger, A. (1998). Adaptives Streckbiegen von Aluminiumprofilen . Blech, Rohre, Profile .
Geiger, M., Knoblach, J., & Backes, F. (1998). Cost estimation for large scale production of sheet metal parts using artificial neural networks . Production Engineering , 5 (2), 81-84.
Geiger, M., & Müller, B. (1998). Coupling of analytical and numerical models for laser adjustment . Lasers in Engineering , 7 , 275-286.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Hinsel, C. (1998). Effects of PVD and CVD Coatings on Fatigue Strength of Tool Steel for Cold Forging . Production Engineering , 5 (1), 43-46.
Falk, B., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1998). Estimation of Tool Life in Bulk Metal Forming Based on Different Failure Concepts . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 80-81 (1), 602-607.
Geiger, M., Roth, S., & Becker, W. (1998). Influence of laser-produced microstructures on the tribological behaviour of ceramics . Surface & Coatings Technology , 100-101 , 17-22.
Geiger, M., Roth, S., & Eßer, G. (1998). Patterning of Circuitry on Tree-Dimensional Molded Interconnected Devices Using Focused Laser Radiation . Production Engineering , 5 (2), 35-38.
Geiger, M., Geisel, M., & Otto, A. (1998). Resonant Simulation of Laser Welding Processes . Production Engineering , 5 (1), 131-134.
Schubart, D. (1998). Spanablösung mit exakter Temperaturkontrolle . Uni-Kurier-Magazin .
Schubart, D. (1998). System- und Verfahrensoptimierung für die schnelle Herstellung von Funktionsteilen durch Laserabtragen . Werkstattstechnik .
Geiger, M., Backes, F., & Menzel, T. (1998). Technology Oriented Off-line Programming of 3D-Laser Machines . Production Engineering , 5 (1), 121-126.
Pfestorf, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1998). Three Dimensional Characterization of Surfaces for Sheet Metal Forming . Wear , 216 , 244-250.
Vollertsen, F., & Hofmann, A. (1998). Ziehen prozessoptimierter Platinen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 4 , 44-48.
Geiger, M., & Euringer, M. (1998). Lamellierte Aktiv-Werkzeugelemente in flexiblen Blechumformwerkzeugen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 1/2 , 34-37.
Engel, U., & Messner, A. (1998). Numerical Simulation of Metal Forming Processes for the Production of Microparts . Wire , 48 (2), 94-100.
Geiger, M., & Schmidt, M. (1998). Temperaturfest kontaktieren . Laser-Praxis , 98 (2), 27-30. Book Contributions
Neubauer, N., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (1998). Verfahrensgrundlagen zur Laserstrahlbearbeitung mit prozessoptimierten Optiken . In Strahl-Stoff-Wechselwirkung bei der Laserstrahlbearbeitung 2, Strahltechnik. (pp. 97-102).
Otto, A., Graumann, C., Kern, M., Martinen, D., & Voß, O. (1998). Simulation und Diagnostik beim Laserstrahlschweißen . In Strahl-Stoff-Wechselwirkung bei der Laserstrahlbearbeitung 2, Strahltechnik. (pp. 15-24).
Hohenstein, R., Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (1998). Systemanalyse des dynamischen Prozessverhaltens beim Laserstrahlschweißen . In Strahl-Stoff-Wechselwirkung bei der Laserstrahlbearbeitung 2, Strahltechnik. (pp. 125-130).
Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (1998). Transiente Prozesse beim Laserstrahlschneiden . In Strahl-Stoff-Wechselwirkung bei der Laserstrahlbearbeitung 2, Strahltechnik. (pp. 167-170). Conference Contributions
Menzel, T., & Geiger, M. (1998). A dynamic simulation scheme using Fuzzy Set Theory for the prediction of the efficiency of innovative manufacturing techniques . In Teti, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (pp. 53-59).
Coremans, A., Dierken, R., & Hoffmann, P. (1998). Aus der Forschung in die Anwendung - RP-Technologien in der Zukunft . In Hornig, C. (Eds.), Tagungsband Forum für innovative Produktentwicklung . CLAHO Engineering GmbH.
Hagenah, H., & Knoblach, J. (1998). Bewertung von Fertigungsplänen der Blechverarbeitung in Abhängigkeit von der erreichbaren Bauteilgenauigkeit . In Lehnert, W. (Eds.), Qualitätsfaktor Umformtechnik: Tagungsband der 5. Sächsischen Fachtagung Umformtechnik in Freiberg (pp. 16.1-16.15). Freiberg: Technische Universität Bergakademie.
Hagenah, H., & Backes, F. (1998). Computer aided estimation of achievable accuracy for bending parts . In Geiger, M.; Shirvani, B.; Sing, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1998: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 199-208). Twente, Netherlands: Twente University Printers.
Roth, S., Dietel, C., Eßer, G., & Geiger, M. (1998). Contact Mask Technique for Laser Structuring of 3-D MID . In Proceedings of the IEMT Europe Symposium, Electronics Manufacturing and Development for Automotives (pp. 38-43). Berlin: IEMT.
Sprenger, A. (1998). Controlled Stretchbending of Aluminium Extrusions . In Kals, H.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P.; Geiger, M. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1998 (pp. 139-148). Enschede.
Hennige, T. (1998). Development of Irradiation Strategies for 3D-Laser Forming . In Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1998: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 43-52). Enschede: Twente University Printers.
Geiger, M., König, W., & Tönshoff, H. (1998). Einsatz von Laserstrahlung zur Herstellung tribologich optimierter Oberflächentopographien . In Klocke, F.; Höhn, B.-R. (Eds.), Werkstoffe für die Fertigungstechnik (pp. 157-162). Frankfurt: Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft.
Coremans, A., Dierken, R., & Hoffmann, P. (1998). From Research to Practical Applications - Rapid Prototyping at the BLZ . In Campbell, R. I. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, Aachen . Nottingham, United Kingdom: Birch Print.
Coremans, A., Dierken, R., & Hoffmann, P. (1998). From Research to Practical Applications - Rapid Prototyping in the Future . In Proceedings of the ICALEO Europe 98 . Hannover: LIA.
Geiger, M., Breitenbach, F., Govekar, E., & Brassel, J.-O. (1998). Fully Automated Nd:YAG-Welding-System for Assembly of Electronic Components . In Proceedings of the ICARCV 1998 (pp. 25-29).
Brassel, J.-O., Breitenbach, F., & Schmidt, M. (1998). Fully Automated Quality Assurance Tools for Laser Beam Joining of SMT Devices . In Feldmann, K.; Pöhlau, F.; Römer, M.; Zippmann, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Molded Interconnected Devices MID 1998 (pp. 301-311). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Hein, P. (1998). Hydroforming of Sheet Metal Pairs . In Geiger, M.; Kals, H.J.; Shirvani, B.; Singh, U.P. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1998: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sheet Metal (pp. 37-51).
Kirk, C., Balogh, A., Komlodi, A., & Mileman, A. (1998). Improvements in CAD/CAM through modelling the weld thermal cycle . In Proceedings of microCAD, International Computer Science Conference (pp. 79-83). University of Miskolc.
Geiger, M., & Meyer-Pittroff, F. (1998). Innovative Technologien für den Blech-Leichtbau . In Hufenbach, W. (Eds.), Dresdner Leichtbausymposium .
Eßer, G., Dietel, C., Roth, S., Glasmacher, M., Renner, G., & Kickelhain, J. (1998). Laser assisted techniques for patterning of conductive tracks on molded interconnect devices . In Proceedings of the Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium (pp. 225-234). Edina, USA: SMTA.
Eßer, G., & Roth, S. (1998). Laser Exposure of Photoresists and their Application in the Manufacturing of MIDs . In Feldmann, K.; Pöhlau, F.; Römer, M.; Zippmann, V. (Eds.), 3rd International Conference on Molded Interface Devices MID 98 (pp. 217-226). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Leibelt, R., Dierken, R., & Hoffmann, P. (1998). Laser Sintering of Iron Based Powders . In Mordike, B. (Eds.), ECLAT - European Conference on Laser Treatment of Materials (pp. 431-436). Hannover: Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft.
Kugler, P., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1998). Low Cost Lasersystem for Material Processing . In Proceedings of the ICALEO Europe 98 . LIA.
Geiger, M., Pursche, L., & Backes, F. (1998). Macro and Micro Off-Line Programming . In Uhlmann, E. (Eds.), IX. Internationales Produktionstechnisches Kolloquium Tagungsband PTK 98 (pp. 255-261). Berlin.
Neuhaus, M., Götz, M., Eßer, G., Scherer, T., & Jutzi, W. (1998). Planarisierung miniaturisierter Nb-Schaltungen durch chemisch-mechanisches Polieren(CMP) . In Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft DPG (pp. 24.47). Regensburg: DPG.
Fröhlich, T., & Fleckenstein, M. (1998). Process Diagnostics for Laser Soldering of Fine-Pitch Components on MIDs . In Feldmann, K.; Pöhlau, F.; Römer, M.; Zippmann, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Molded Interconnected Devices MID 1998 (pp. 313-322). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Hierl, S., & Hirt, W. (1998). Simultaneous Laser Soldering of SMDs: A new Approach for MIDs . In Feldmann, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Molded Interconnected Devices MID 1998 (pp. 265-274). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Neudecker, T., Hinsel, C., & Engel, U. (1998). Surface Texturing of Ceramics to Reduce Friction in Forming Processes . In Dick, E.; De Baets, P.; Sierens, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Simposium on Computational an Experimental Methods in Mechanical and Thermal Engineering (pp. 79-83).
Fleckenstein, M., Schmidt, M., & Eßer, G. (1998). The Application of Lasers in Micro Electronics Manufacturing . In Chip Scale Review Magazine: Technical Proceedings and Presentations of the Chip Scale International (CSI) Europe 98 . Weinheim: CSI.
Engel, U. (1998). Basic Research in Manufacturing and its Contribution to an Eco-friendly Application of Cold Forging . In IMechE Conference Transactions-Forging and Related Technology (International Conference ICFT'98) (pp. 25-36). London: Profess. Engng. Publ. Ltd..
Pucher, H.-J., & Fleckenstein, M. (1998). Characterization and control of the laser micro soldering process for solid solder deposits using pyrometry . In Proceedings of the Microelectronic Manufacturing Symposium 98 (pp. 210-220). SPIE.
Engel, U., Messner, A., & Tiesler, N. (1998). Cold Forging of Microparts - Effects of Miniaturisation on Friction . In Chenot, J.L. et al (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st ESAFORM Conference on Materials Forming (pp. 77-80). Sophia Antipolis, France.
Engel, U. (1998). Prediction of the life of bulk forming tools . In Carsrensen, J.V.; Leffers, T.; Lorentzen, T.; Pedersen, O.B.; Sorensen, B.F.; Winther, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Riso Int. Symp. On Material Science - Modelling of Structure and Mechanics of Materials from Microscale to Product (pp. 71-90). Roskilde, Denmark, DK: Riso National Laboratory.
Breitenbach, F. (1998). Recording of Geometrical SMD-Parameters for Optimized Assembly. In Niemann, H.; Seidel, H.-P.; Girod. B. (Eds.), Image and Multidimensional Digital Image Processing (IMDSP), Proceedings (pp. 83-86). St. Augustin: infix-Verlag.
Geiger, M., & Otto, A. (1998). Robust and shortened process sequences for sheet light weight parts . In Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing - Ecology and Economy in Metal Forming and Cutting (ICEM-98) (pp. 87-96). Nara, Japan. 1997 1997 Journal Articles
Neudecker, T., Pfestorf, M., & Engel, U. (1997). Einglättung strukturierter Oberflächen . Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik , 6 (44), 261-264.
Coremans, A., Neubauer, N., Hoffmann, P., & Neugebauer, S. (1997). Laserstrahlsintern von Metallpulvern. Europäischer Laser-Markt , 3 , 28-33.
Falk, B., & Engel, U. (1997). Lebensdauervorhersage für Werkzeuge der Kaltmassivumformung auf Basis der numerischen Prozeßsimulation. Metal Forming , 31 , 37-39.
Geiger, M., Becker, W., & Vollertsen, F. (1997). Mikrobiegen und Präzisionsrichten mit gepulster UV-Laserstrahlung. Laser und Optoelektronik , 4 (29), 67-75.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Pfestorf, M. (1997). New Developments for the Qualification of Technical Surfaces in Forming Processes . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 46 (1), 171-174.
Backes, F. (1997). Offline-Programmierung für die 3D-Laserstrahlbearbeitung. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 44 , 42-45.
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., & Vollertsen, F. (1997). Path Planning for a Kinematic Section Bending Process. Production Engineering , 4 (2), 33-36.
Meßner, A., & Engel, U. (1997). Das Werkstoffverhalten beim Umformen von Kleinstteilen . Draht , 48 (1), 30-35.
Engel, U. (1997). Reliability of Cold Forging Tools. Wire , 47 (47), 30-34. Conference Contributions
Backes, F., Franke, V., & Geiger, M. (1997). Concurrent Manufacturing of Parts and Tools for Sheet Metal Industry . In MONOSTORI, L. (Eds.), The Second World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems IMP & S, Budapest, Ungarn, 10.06-13.06.1997 (pp. 485-490). Budapest, HU.
Arnet, H., & Geiger, M. (1997). Controlled Section Bending by Using a Neural Network . In CIRP (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Osaka, Japan, 11.05.-13.05.1997 (pp. 108-113).
Hinsel, C., & Engel, U. (1997). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Fatigue of PVD and CVD Coated Steels for Cold Forging Tools . In Kuzman, K.; Balic, J. (Eds.), ICIT’97 Conference Proceedings (Int.Conf.on Industrial Tools, April 21-22,1997 Maribor, Slov) Vol. I (pp. 111-116). Maribor, SI: Celje Slovenia: Tecos.
Eßer, G., Dietel, C., Geisel, M., Pursche, L., & Roth, S. (1997). Laser Imaging of Three-Dimensional Molded Interconnect Devices. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proc. of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 97 (pp. 795-798). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Brassel, J.-O., Macher, M., & Schmidt, M. (1997). Observation of Laser Micro Welding Process by Two-Colour-Pyrometry and Measurement of Backreflection. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proc. of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 1997 (pp. 339-344). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Geiger, M., Reinhart, G., Hoffmann, P., & Schultz, M. (1997). Präzisionslaserstrahlfertigungstechnik für den Maschinenbau. In Abschlußbericht zum Bayerischen Forschungsverbund Lasertechnik FORLAS. . Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Arnet, H., Geiger, M., & Vollertsen, F. (1997). Section bending between a rigid roller and an elastic pad. In SINGH, U.P.; GEIGER, M.; KALS, H.J.J.: SHIRVANI, B. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1997, Univ. of Ulster, Nordirland, 08.04.-10.04.1997 (pp. 451-461). Univ. of Ulster, GB.
Fröhlich, T., & Hierl, S. (1997). Selective Soldering of SMDs with Laser Diodes by the Use of Geometry Adapted Intensity Distributions. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proc. of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 97 (pp. 245-250). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Becker, W. (1997). Sliding properties of excimer laser modified ceramic surfaces. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 97 (pp. 673-682). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Backes, F. (1997). Technology Oriented Off-Line Programming for 3D Laser Machines. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the LANE 97 (pp. 495-502). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Backes, F. (1997). Technology Oriented Off-Line Programming for 3D Laser Processing of Sheet Metal Parts. In SINGH, U.P.; GEIGER, M.; KALS, H.J.J.; SHIRVANI, B. (Eds.), International Conference on Sheet Metal SheMet 97. Belfast, United Kingdom (pp. 29-38). Belfast, GB.
Backes, F., & Bauer, L. (1997). Werkstattorientierte Offline-Programmierung und Simulation für die 3D-Laserstrahlbearbeitung. In GEIGER, M.; REINHART, G.; HOFFMANN, P.; SCHULTZ, M. (Eds.), Präzisionslaserstrahlfertigungstechnik für den Maschinenbau. Abschlußbericht zum Bayerischen Forschungsverbund Lasertechnik FORLAS (1997) (pp. 33-51).
Breitenbach, F. (1997). A Novel Technique for Geometrical Quality Control of SMT-Devices. In IROD, B.; NIEMANN, H., SEIDEL, H.-P. (Eds.), 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis 1997. Erlangen, Germany, 17.11.-18.11.1997 . Erlangen, DE.
Braune, R., & Otto, A. (1997). Combination of Laser Beam Cutting and Welding for Light Weight Composits . In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proc. of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 1997 (pp. 789-794). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Engel, U. (1997). How Basic Research Contributes to Eco-friendly Application of Manufacturing Technologies. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop on Environmental Conscious Manufacturing - Ecology and Economy in Metal Forming and Cutting (ICEM'97), Den Bosch, Netherlands, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 (pp. 10-129). Den Bosch, NL.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1997). Laser-supported rapid tooling - Tools for the manufacture of functional Components with Net Shape Properties. In Kuzman, K.; Bali, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Tools. Maribor, Slowenien, 21. - 22.04.1997 (pp. 5-19).
Breitenbach, F., & Glasmacher, M. (1997). Optical Measurement of SMT-Leads for Optimized Assembly. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proc. of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 1997 (pp. 345-350). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Coremans, A. (1997). Optimierung der System- und Prozeßtechnik beim Laserstrahlsintern von Metallpulvern zur direkten Herstellung metallischer Prototypen. In Berichtsband zum Abschlußkolloquium "Präzisionslaserstrahlfertigungstechnik für den Maschinenbau" (pp. 223-246).
Coremans, A., & Groot, D. (1997). Residual stresses and thermal stability of laser beam sintered metal parts. In GEIGER, M.; VOLLERTSEN, F. (Eds.), Proc. of Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 1997 (1997) (pp. 577-588). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Engel, U. (1997). Strength vs Load -A General Concept to Estimate and to Improve the Reliability of Tools in Bulk Metal Forming . In Kuzman, K.; Balic, J. (Eds.), ): ICIT’97 Conference Procee¬dings (Int.Conf.on Industrial Tools, April 21-22,1997 Maribor, Slov) Vol. I, Celje Slovenia (pp. 43-50). Maribor, SI: Tecos.
Cser, L., Racz, P., & Engel, U. (1997). Tool Life and Tool Quality - A Status Report of the ICFG Subgroup . In Kuzman, K.; Balic, J. (Eds.), ICIT'97 Conference Proceedings, Int. Conf. on Indusrial Tools, 1997 Maribor, Slov, April 21-22 (pp. 51-64). Celje/Maribor, SI: Tecos.
Engel, U. (1997). Tool Life and Tool Reliability in Bulk Metal Forming. In Kaftanoglu, B. et al (Eds.), Int. Conf. and Exhibition on Design and Production of Dies and Molds (Istanbul, Turkey, June 19-21, 1997). Ankara, Turkey (pp. 321-327). Ankara, TR. 1996 1996 Journal Articles
Pfestorf, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1996). 3D-Kenngrößen zur Beschreibung von Feinblechoberflächen. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 12 (43), 689-693.
Becker, W., & Geiger, M. (1996). Biegen mit Excimerlasern. Europäischer Laser-Markt , 8-10.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Niederkorn, S., & Pfestorf, M. (1996). Experimental investigation of the contact phenomena in cold forging . Production Engineering , 2 (3), 5-10.
Geiger, M., Reinhart, G., Backes, F., & Bauer, L. (1996). Fortschrittliche Programmierung von 3D-Laseranlagen. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 6 (43), 305-308.
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Kals, R. (1996). Fundamentals on the manufacturing of sheet metal micro parts. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 1 (45), 277-282.
Geiger, M., Becker, W., Rebhan, T., Hutfless, J., & Lutz, N. (1996). Increase of Efficiency for the XeCl excimer laser ablation of ceramics . Applied Surface Science , 96 - 98 , 309-315.
Geiger, M., & Heckel, W. (1996). In-Process Measurement of Bending Angles . Production Engineering , 1 (3), 147-152.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Niederkorn, S., & Pfestorf, M. (1996). Meßtechnische Erfassung der Wirkflächenvorgänge in der Umformtechnik. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik , 3 (43), 113-119.
Geiger, M., & Hein, P. (1996). Neue Ideen zum Innenhochdruckumformen. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 1/2 (43), 63-64.
Heckel, W. (1996). Neue Regelstrategien beim freien Biegen. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 5 (43), 256-261.
Heckel, W. (1996). On-line Winkelmessung erlaubt Regelung des freien Biegens. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 3 (43), 130-133.
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., & Vollertsen, F. (1996). Profilbiegen mit Polyurethanmatrize - Prozeßführung und Formgebungsmöglichkeiten. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 3 (43), 114-118.
Geiger, M., & Becker, W. (1996). Tribological Properties of Ceramics after Machining with XeCl Excimer Laser Radiation. Production Engineering .
Geiger, M., & Otto, A. (1996). FEM Simulation of Transient Processes during Laser Beam Welding. Production Engineering .
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1996). Metal Forming at the 45th CIRP General Assembly. Wire , 46 , 43-44.
Geiger, M., Meßner, A., & Engel, U. (1996). Production of microparts - size effects in bulk metal Forming, similarity theory. Production Engineering . Conference Contributions
Geiger, M., Pfestorf, M., & Engel, U. (1996). 3D-Kennwerte zur Beschreibung technischer Oberflächen. In Tagungsbund IX. Int. Oberflächenkolloquium Chemnitz (pp. 159-170). Chemnitz, DE.
Geiger, M., Coremans, A., Neubauer, N., & Niebling, F. (1996). Advanced rapid prototyping by Laser beam sintering of metal prototypes: design and development of an optimized laser Beam delivery system. In AHLERS, R.-J., REINHART, G. (Eds.), Proc. Of the Europto Series - Rapid Prototyping (1996), Frankreich : Besancon (pp. 103-114). Besancon, FR.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Schultz, M. (1996). Ausstrahlung des Bayerischen Forschungsverbundes Lasertechnik auf den Wirtschaftsstandort Bayern. In BLZ (Eds.), Präzisionslaserstrahlfertigungstechnik für den Maschinenbau. Abschlußbericht zum Bayerischen Forschungsverbund Lasertechnik FORLAS (pp. 9-19).
Franke, V., Backes, F., & Geiger, M. (1996). Automated Construction Methods for Press Brake Tools . In KALS, H.J.J.; SHIRVANI, B.; SINGH, U.P.; GEIGER, M. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1996: Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Sheet Metal (pp. 427-434).
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., Vollertsen, F., & Müller, B. (1996). Blechbearbeitung an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert - einige Visionen aus jüngster Forschung. In 20 Jahre Umformtechnik in Darmstadt (1996) (pp. 95-128). Bamberg: Meisenbach.
Pfestorf, M., & Engel, U. (1996). Einformung der Oberflächenstruktur in umformtechnischen Prozessen . In Zum Gahr, K.-H. (Eds.), Reibung und Verschleiß (pp. 361-366). Oberursel: DGM-Informationsgesellschaft.
Neudecker, T. (1996). Einglättung strukturierter Oberflächen unter Druckbelastung mit und ohne Schmierstoffeinsatz. In 8. Deutschsprachiges ABAQUS-Anwender-Treffen. . Hannover, DE.
Geiger, M., & Hinsel, C. (1996). Fatique of PVD and CVD Coated Tool Steel. In ICFG (Eds.), Proc. of the 29th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (1996) . Györ, HU.
Vollertsen, F., Schultz, M., & Geiger, M. (1996). Formability of Tailored Blanks from Steel and Aluminium Alloys. In TISZA, M. (Eds.), Advanced Sheet Metal Forming, Proc. 19th Biennial IDDRG Congress (1996) (pp. 337-346). Miskolc, Ungarn : University of of Miskolc, HU.
Hutfless, J., & Geiger, M. (1996). Innovationsmanagement für Laserstrahltechnologien: Strategische Überlegungen und ausgewählte Technologiebeispiele. In Wildemann, H. (Eds.), Innovation und Kundennähe: Wachstumsstrategien im Wettbewerb. Tagungsband Müncher Management Koloquium .
Heckel, W. (1996). In-process measurement of spring-back in sheet metal bending. In KALS, H.J.J. ET AL. (Eds.), Sheet Metal 1996. Proc. of the 4th International Conference, Twente, NL, 1.-3. April (1996) (pp. 15-24). Twente, NL.
Neubauer, N., Hoffmann, P., & Geisel, M. (1996). Laser system technology for an improved workpiece tracking in 3D CO2 Laser beam cutting. In Proceedings of the GCL/HPL, Edinburgh . Edinburgh, GB.
Otto, A., Backes, F., & Geiger, M. (1996). Modelling of Laser Beam Welding at 3D Workpiece Contours. In DAUSINGER, F.; HACK, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Laser Treatment of Materials, ECLAT 96 . Wiesbaden: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e. V.
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Hein, P. (1996). Neue Wege der Innenhochdruckumformung. Innenhochdruckumformen, eine Alternative in der Fertigungstechnik. In EFB (Eds.), EFB Kolloquium Stuttgart . Stuttgart, DE.
Geiger, M., & Müller, B. (1996). New Technologies in sheet metal forming for light-weight construction. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Sheet Metal, Twente : University of Twente (pp. 3-14). Twente, NL.
Otto, A., Geisel, M., & Geiger, M. (1996). Nonlinear Dynamics Durin Laser Beam Welding. In LIA (Eds.), Proc. of the 15th Int. Congress on Application of Laser and Electro-Optics, ICALEO 96 .
Geiger, M., & Becker, W. (1996). Oberflächenausbildung keramischer Bauteile nach einer Endbearbeitung mit Excimerlaserstrahlung. In DE PAOLI, A. (Eds.), Tagungsband der Werkstoffwoche 96, Symposium 5, Werkstoffe für die Fertigungstechnik . DGM-Informationsgesellschaft.
Geiger, M., Becker, W., Pohl, M., & Schaus, M. (1996). Potential der Laserstrahlbearbeitung zur . In DE PAOLI, A. (Eds.), Tagungsband der Werkstoffwoche 96, Symposium 5, Werkstoffe für die Fertigungstechnik (1997) . DGM-Informationsgesellschaft.
Kals, R., Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1996). Scaling effects in sheet metal forming. In University of Twente (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Sheet Metal (pp. 65-75). Twente, NL.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Schultz, M. (1996). Schlüsseltechnologie Laser: Innovationen für den Fahrzeugleichtbau . In Proceedings of the ECLAT 1996, Laser treatment of materials .
Fröhlich, T., Geiger, M., Glasmacher, M., & Pucher, H.-J. (1996). Simultanious Laser Beam Soldering of SMT-Components on MIDs with Fibre-coupled Laser Diodes. In BüRKNER, G., ET. AL. (Eds.), Proceedings 2nd Int. Congress Molded Interconnected Devives - MID 96. Erlangen (pp. 313-324). Erlangen, DE.
Backes, F., Geiger, M., & Franke, V. (1996). Technology oriented Off-line programming for 3D Laser Processing. In SME (Eds.), Technical Papers of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution (pp. 241-246).
Engel, U., Meßner, A., & Geiger, M. (1996). Advanced Concept for the FE-Simulation of Metal Forming Processes for the Production of Microparts. In ALTAN, T. (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1996, Proc. Of the 5th ICTP (pp. 903-907).
Engel, U. (1996). 'a priori' - Analysis of Tool Reliability . In Altan, T. (Eds.), Proc. of the 5th ICTP, Oct.7-10, 1996, Columbus, Ohio USA, Vol. I (pp. 405-408). Columbus, OH, US.
Glasmacher, M., Pucher, H.-J., & Geiger, M. (1996). Improvement of the Reliability of Laser Beam Micro Welding as Interconnection Technique. In Proceedings of the OE/LASER Optoelectronics and Lasers .
Pucher, H.-J., Glasmacher, M., & Geiger, M. (1996). Laser Beam Soldering of Fine Pitch Technology Packages with Solid Solder Deposits. In Proceedings of the OE/LASER Optoelectronics and Lasers (pp. 310-321). 1995 1995 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., Pfestorf, M., & Engel, U. (1995). 3D Oberflächenanalyse bei Feinblechen . Stahl und Eisen , 115 (7), 47-53.
Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1995). Bend Better with Lasers . Forming & Fabrication , 6 , 38-42.
Geiger, M., & Franke, V. (1995). Biegewerkzeuge aus laserstrahlgeschnittenen Lamellen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (9), 509-513.
Geiger, M., Pfestorf, M., & Engel, U. (1995). Dreidimensionale Oberflächenanalyse bei Feinblechen. Stahl und Eisen , 7 (117), 47-53.
Geiger, M., Schwind, M., & Engel, U. (1995). Eddy Current Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Sheet Metal . Production Engineering , 2 (2).
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., Engel, U., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Flexibles Biegen stranggepreßter Aluminium Profile . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 42 (1), 31-34.
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., Engel, U., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Flexibles Biegen stranggepreßter Aluminium-Profile . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 1 (42), 31-34.
Franke, V., Greska, W., & Geiger, M. (1995). Laminated Tool System for Press Brakes. Manufacturing Systems , 571-575.
Gropp, A., Hutfless, J., Schuberth, S., & Geiger, M. (1995). Laser Beam Cutting. Optical and Quantum Electronics , 27 , 1257-1271.
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Laser Forming . Manufacturing Systems , 74 (24), 43-47.
Holzer, S., Arnet, H., & Geiger, M. (1995). Physical and Numerical Modelling of the Buckling Mechanism. Manufacturing Systems , 3 (24).
Geiger, M., & Vormann, B. (1995). Planning of Handling Operations for Complex Bending Parts . Production Engineering , 2 (2), 177-180.
Geiger, M., Hanebuth, H., & Hoffmann, P. (1995). Process-Oriented Adaptation of Laser Beam Brazing to Production Techniques . Production Engineering , 2 , 41-46.
Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1995). Recent Developments in Laser System Technology for Welding Applications . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 44 , 151-157.
Geiger, M., & Franke, V. (1995). Rechnergestützte Werkzeugplanung für Blechbiegeteile . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 7/8 (42), 476-480.
Geiger, M., & Franke, V. (1995). Tool Planning for Complex Bending Parts . Production Engineering .
Heckel, W., & Geiger, M. (1995). Use of Optical 3-D Sensing for In-Process Measurement of Workpiece Contours. Manufacturing Systems , 4 (24), 335-342.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1995). Metal Forming Technology at the 44th CIRP General Assembly . Wire , 2 (45), 116-117.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1995). Moderne Blechumformung - Offen für neue fachübergreifende Denkansätze . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 5 (42), 329-334.
Backes, F., Geiger, M., Lenard, J., & Cser, L. (1995). Neuronale Netze in der Blechumformung . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 42 , 274-278.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1995). Umformtechnik auf der 44. CIRP-Generalversammlung. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 1 (42), 62-63.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1995). Umformtechnik auf der 45. CIRP-Generalversammlung. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 10 (42), 641-642. Book Contributions
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., Vollertsen, F., & Coremans, A. (1995). Laseromvormen . In MB Produktietechniek. (pp. 333-338).
Coremans, A., & Geiger, M. (1995). Lasertechniek in synergie met omvormtechnik . In MB Produktietechniek. (pp. 270-277). Conference Contributions
Hanebuth, H., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1995). Automated Laser Beam Brazing for the Automobile Body Construction. In PEKLENIK, J. ET.AL. (Eds.), CIRP-Proceedings - Manufacturing Systems (pp. 121-124).
Geiger, M., Greska, W., & Franke, V. (1995). Classification Problems in Manufacturing of Sheet Metal Parts . In MONOSTORI, L. (Eds.), Reprints of the 2nd International Workshop on Learning in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (pp. 437-461).
Kauf, M., Schuberth, S., Hutfless, J., & Geiger, M. (1995). Closed-Loop-Control of the Focus-Parameters of rf-Excited CO2 High Power Lasers. In Tagungsband zu Mechanik und Optik - Hochleistungslaser im Maschinenbau (pp. 259-267).
Geiger, M., Meßner, A., Engel, U., Kals, R., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Design of Micro Forming Proces¬ses Fundamentals, Mate¬rial Data and Friction Behaviour. In Standring, P. (Eds.), Chipless 2000 Advancing Chipless Component Manufacture, Proceedings of the 9th International Cold Forging Congress (pp. 155-164).
Geiger, M., Meßner, A., Engel, U., Kals, R., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Design of Micro-Forming Processes - Fundamentals, Material Data and Friction Behaviour . In Starding, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Cold Forging Congress (pp. 155-164). Solihull, UK, GB: FMJ International Publications Ltd.
Kals, R., Pucher, H.-J., Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1995). Effects of specimen size and geo-metry in metal forming. In HASHMI, M.S.J. (Eds.), Proc. of the 2nd int. conf. on advances in materials and processing technologies (pp. 1288-1297). Dublin, UK: Gemini international limited.
Geiger, M., & Hutfless, J. (1995). Einführung neuer Produktions- und Schlüsseltechnologien am Beispiel der Laserstrahlbearbeitung. Schnell lernende Unternehmen - Quantensprünge in der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit . In Wildemann, H. (Eds.), Tagungsband Münchner Management Kolloquium (pp. 591-602). München, DE.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Vollertsen, F., & Arnet, H. (1995). Flexibles Profilbiegen mit Polyurethanmatrize . In WZL Aachen (Eds.), Flexible Umformtechnik (pp. 55101-5119). Aachen: Mainzverlag.
Hanebuth, H., & Geiger, M. (1995). Fügen von niedriglegiertem Baustahl im Dünnblechbereich durch flußmittelfreies Laserstrahlhartlöten. In Proc. der Deutsch-Französischen Tagung Mechanik und Optik - Hochleistungslaser im Maschinenbau (pp. 187-198).
Kauf, M., Hutfless, J., & Geiger, M. (1995). Improving Laser Ablation by Controlled Laser Beam Parameters. In Proc. of the EuroLaser Academy .
Geiger, M., & Hein, P. (1995). Innovationen in der Blechbearbeitung durch Integration der Lasertechnik in die Blechumformung . In Aachener Kolloquium für Lasertechnik . Aachen.
Hutfless, J., Glasmacher, M., Pucher, H.-J., & Geisel, M. (1995). Laser Beam Micro Processing of Three-Dimensional Circuit Boards. In RIETHUYSEN, J.P.; KIRITSIS, D. (Eds.), Proc. Int. Symp. for Electromachining (ISEM-XI) (pp. 721-732). Lausanne, CH: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.
Geiger, M., Glasmacher, M., Hutfless, J., & Pucher, H.-J. (1995). Laser Beam Micro Welding as a new Interconnection Technique . In COLLANDER, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of 10th European Microelectronics Conference 1995 (pp. 86-97). Kopenhagen, DK: Haugaard Grafisk.
Geiger, M., Cser, L., Lenard, J., Farkas, K., Backes, F., & Hwu, Y. (1995). Neural Networks in Metal Forming. In MONOSTORI, L. (Eds.), Preprints of the Second International Work- shop on Learning in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems LIMS (pp. 527-548).
Geiger, M., Holzer, S., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Optimizing Laser Forming by FEM-Simulation . In Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering .
Deinzer, G., Otto, A., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1995). Optimizing Systems for Laser Beam Welding. In Peklenik, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the CIRP (pp. 111-118). Aachen, Ljubljana: WISU Verlag Aachen & Faculty Press International.
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, P. (1995). Präzisionslaserstrahlfertigungstechnik für den Maschinenbau . In Berichtsband zum FORLAS-Berichtskolloquium am 28.6.1995 in Erlangen . Erlangen, DE.
Schubart, D., Vollertsen, F., Kauf, M., & Geiger, M. (1995). Process Modelling of Laser Ablation Ferrous Materials . In EUROLASER ACADEMY (Eds.), Proc. of the EuroLaser Academy . Wien, AT.
Geiger, M., Kraus, J., Hoffmann, P., & Vollertsen, F. (1995). Rapid Prototyping in Profile Forming by Means of Laser-Inducted Thermal Stresses . In SOLIMAN, ROLLER (Eds.), Rapid Prototyping in the Automative Industries, Proc. Of the 28th ISATA (pp. 467-474). Stuttgart.
Geiger, M., Hutfless, J., Becker, W., Tönshoff, H.-K., Von Alvensleben, F., & Kappel., H. (1995). Tribologische Eigenschaften von Keramikoberflächen nach einer Endbearbeitung mit Excimerlaserstrahlung . In Tagungsband zum Werkstoffkolloquium: Laserinduzierte Hochtemperatur-Werkstoffprüfung und -optimierung .
Geiger, M., Meßner, A., & Engel, U. (1995). Umformtechnische Herstellung metallischer Kleinstteile - Werkstoffverhalten und Wirkflächenreibung . In Tagungsband zur 2. Sächsischen Fachtagung Umformtechnik . Freiberg.
Geiger, M., Schultz, M., Hoffmann, P., & Hutfless, J. (1995). Welding of Aluminium Alloys with a CO2-Laser of High Beam Quality. In TAKáCS, J.; GöNDöCS, B. (Eds.), 12. International Colloquium Advanced Manufacturing and Repair Technologies in Vehicle Industry (pp. 78-84).
Geiger, M., & Backes, F. (1995). Wissensbasiertes System zur Biegestadienplanung . In WZL, RWTH AACHEN (Eds.), Flexible Umformtechnik - Abschlußkolloquium zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm (pp. 6.1-1-6.). Mainz.
Hennige, T., Holzer, S., Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1995). Working Accuracy in Laser Bending. In SCHUöCKER, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Euro Laser Academy Seminar (pp. 1-27).
Otto, A., & Geiger, M. (1995). FEM Simulation of the Laser Beam Welding Process. In KAPLAN, A.; SCHUöCKER, D. (Eds.), M4PL, Proceedings of the 11th Meeting on Mathematical Modelling of Material Processing with Lasers . Marseille, FR.
Illyefalvi-Vitez, Z., & Geiger, M. (1995). Laser Direct-Writing of AlN Substrates . In Proc. of the 10th ISHM . Kopenhagen, DK.
Engel, U. (1995). Relability Analysis of Cold Forging Tools. In Standring, P. (Eds.), Chipless 2000 Advancing Chipless Component Manufacture, Proceedings of the 9th International Cold Forging Congress (pp. 103-112).
Geiger, M. (1995). Towards Clean Forming Techniques (Keynote Paper) . In Annals of the CIRP (pp. 581-588).
Geiger, M., Meßner, A., & Engel, U. (1995). Umformtechnische Herstellung metallischer Kleinstteile - Werkstoffverhalten und Wirkflächenreibung . In Lehnert, W. (Eds.), Tagungsband 2. Sächsische Fachtagung Umformtechnik (pp. 1201-1217). Inst. f. Metallformung der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. 1994 1994 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., Kraus, J., Pohl, T., Hoffmann, P., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Analytisches Modell für das Laserstrahlbiegen von Profilen . Laser-Magazin , 6 , 18-25.
Hutfless, J., Geiger, M., Lang, A., & Frank, M. (1994). Applications of Diffractive Optical Elements for High Power Lasers . Proceedings of SPIE , 2246 (SPIE Pro), 146-155.
Geiger, M., Backes, F., Franke, V., & Greska, W. (1994). Automatische Arbeitsplanung für Blechbiegeteile . Technica , 21 , 35-42.
Geiger, M., Glasmacher, M., Pucher, H.-J., & Hutfless, J. (1994). Der Einsatz des Festkörperlasers zum Laserstrahl-Mikroschweißen in der Elektronikfertigung . Laser , 6 (12), 24-26.
Greska, W., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1994). Entwurf eines erweiterten CAD/CAP-Datenmodells . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (2), 95-99.
Hoffmann, P., Greska, W., & Geiger, M. (1994). Integrierte Konstruktion und Fertigungsvorbereitung . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (1), 56-59.
Hanebuth, H., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1994). Laserstrahlhartlöten in der Automobilindustrie . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (12), 825-828.
Geiger, M., Kraus, J., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Laserstrahlumformen räumlicher Bauteile . Bänder, Bleche, Rohre , 35 (11), 26-37.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Vollertsen, F., Kals, R., & Meßner, A. (1994). Metal Forming of Microparts for Electronics . Production Engineering , 3 (1), 15-18.
Hutfless, J., Rebhan, T., Lutz, N., Geiger, M., Frank, M., Streibl, N., & Schwinder, J. (1994). Mikrooptiken für die effiziente Materialbearbeitung mit Excimerlasern. Laser und Optoelektronik , 26 (4), 50-57.
Greska, W., Wilke, P., Geiger, M., & Berentz, J. (1994). Neuronale Netze zur Konturanalyse in CAD-Modellen . Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftliche Fertigung und Automatisierung .
Engel, U., Schwind, M., & Niederkorn, S. (1994). New Applications of Nondestructive Testing in Forming Technology. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B. Management and engineering manufacture , 208 , 259-67.
Geiger, M., & Vormann, B. (1994). Planungssystem für das Handhaben komplexer Blechbiegeteile . Bänder, Bleche, Rohre , 41 (3), 28-32.
Schwind, M., & Engel, U. (1994). Prozeßsicherung durch magnetinduktive überwachung mechanischer Blecheigenschaften. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (10), 686-693.
Geiger, M., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Rapid Prototyping für Aluminium-Bleche . VDI-Berichte , 1080 , 293-298.
Meßner, A., Engel, U., Kals, R., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Size Effect in the FE Simulation of Micro Forming Processes . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 45 (1-4), 371-376.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Pfestorf, M. (1994). Ultrasonic Inspection of Stress State of Prestressed Extrusion Dies . Production Engineering , 1/2 , 213-216.
Niederkorn, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1994). Ultrasonic Investigation of Friction Mechanism in Metal Forming . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 45 (1-4), 613-618.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1994). Umformtechnik auf der 43. CIRP-Generalversammlung . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (4), 261-262.
Geiger, M., & Kollera, H. (1994). Werkstattnahe Programmierung von Laserstrahlschneidemaschinen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 41 (3), 170-175.
Geiger, M., Kraus, J., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Werkstoffeigenschaften von Profilen nach dem Laserstrahlbiegen . Bänder, Bleche, Rohre , 35 (12), 18-21.
Kollera, H., & Geiger, M. (1994). Workshop Oriented Technology Planning for Laser Cutting Machines . Manufacturing Systems , 23 , 59-64.
Engel, U., Schwind, M., & Geiger, M. (1994). Zerstörungsfreie Überwachung von Blechkennwerten . Stahl , 5 , 34-37.
Engel, U. (1994). Prediction of Tool Failure from a Probabilistic Point of View . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 42 (1), 1-13.
Geiger, M., Glasmacher, M., & Pucher, H.-J. (1994). Quality Assurance for Laser Beam Microbonding in Electronic Production . Production Engineering , 2 (1), 209-214.
Geiger, M. (1994). Synergy of Laser Material Processing and Metal Forming . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 43 (2), 563-570. Book Contributions Conference Contributions
Geiger, M., Neubauer, N., Hoffmann, P., & Hutfless, J. (1994). Adaptive Beam Delivery for CO2 Laser Material Processing . In Mazumder, J. (Eds.), Laser Processing: Surface Treatment and Film Deposition, Proceedings of the NATO ASI . Sesimbra, PT.
Hanebuth, H., & Geiger, M. (1994). Automated Brazing of Sheet Metal Parts with Nd:YAG-Laser and 6-Axis-Robot . In DVS (Eds.), Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Laser Treatment of Materials ECLAT 94 (pp. 361-367). DVS Verlag.
Wilke, P., Geiger, H., Greska, W., & Behrendtz, J. (1994). Design and Implementation of Neural Networks for Matching Contours in CAD Models . In Marinaro Maria, Morasso Pietro G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 94) (pp. 4p). Amsterdam, NL.
Schwind, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1994). Feinblechprüfung mit magnetinduktiven Prüfverfahren . In Deutscher Verband für Materialprüfung (Eds.), DVM-Berichtsband der Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 1994 in Bad Nauheim (pp. 111-116). Berlin: DVM Verlag.
Eßer, G. (1994). Herstellung von YBCO Massivmaterialien durch reaktives Flüssigphasensintern . In Verbundtreffen Texturierte HTSL-Massivmaterialien . Mespelbrunn, Deutschland.
Geiger, M., Deinzer, G., & Hanebuth, H. (1994). High Precision Laser Beam Welding and Brazing - New Technologies and Components for Quality Assurance . In American Weldng Society (Eds.), Proc. of the 75th Annual Convention of the American Welding Society . Philadelphia, US.
Geiger, M., Neubauer, N., & Hoffmann, P. (1994). Intelligent Processing Head for CO2 Laser Material Processing . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 93-98).
Lutz, B., Engel, U., & Schwind, M. (1994). .: Is Magneto Inductive Testing a Satisfactory Substitute For Destructive Tensile Test of Steel Sheet and Plate?. In Proc.6th Europ. Conf. on Nondestructive Testing ECNDT'94, Vol. 2 (pp. 1127-1131). Nizza.
Geiger, M., Pucher, H.-J., Glasmacher, M., Hutfless, J., & Kickelhain, J. (1994). Konzepte zur laserstrahlunterstützten, strukturierten Metallisierung von 3-D . In Bürkner, G. Et. Al. (Eds.), Berichtsband zum 1. Int. Kongreß MID 94 - Molded Interconnect Devices (pp. 229-242).
Hanebuth, H., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1994). Laser Beam Brazing Using the Twin Spot Technology . In Spie (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on High Power Lasers and Laser Applications V (pp. 146-153). Wien, AT: Spie.
Geiger, M., Arnet, H., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Laserformgebung von Blechen . In SFU (Eds.), SFU-Tagungsband zur Sächsischen Fachtagung Umformtechnik .
Geiger, M., Kraus, J., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Laserstrahlumformen von räumlichen Bauteilen . In VDI (Eds.), Tagungsband zur VDI-Tagung Rapid Prototyping .
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Arnet, H. (1994). Laserumformung von Blechen . In SFU (Eds.), SFU-Tagungsband Innovationspotential Umformtechnik (pp. 1-13). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Becker, W., Hutfless, J., & Geiger, M. (1994). Modification of Ceramic Surfaces by Excimer Laser Processing . In Cleo (Eds.), Cleo/Europe 94 Conference Proceedings (pp. 21-22). IEEE.
Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1994). MoS2-Alloyed Steel for Wear-Loaded Parts . In Proc. of PM´94 World Congress, Editions de Physique I, Paris (pp. 621-624). Paris, FR.
Geiger, M., & Lutz, N. (1994). Precision Machining of Ceramics with XeCl Excimer Laser Radiation . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 73-78).
Geiger, M., & Kollera, H. (1994). Tool Path Optimization for 2D Laser Cutting . In Production Engineering - Annals of the WGP (pp. 155-158).
Geiger, M., & Vollertsen, F. (1994). Werkstoffentwicklungen für Massenbauteile . In Proceedings of the Symposium Neue Werkstoffe in Bayern (pp. C15).
Engel, U., Schwind, M., & Geiger, M. (1994). Zerstörungsfreie Überwachung umformtechnisch relevanter Blechkennwerte . In EFB-Tagungsband T13: EFB Kolloqium: Möglichkeiten der Leistungssteigerung in der Blechverarbeitung . Hannover, EFB.
Geiger, M., Glasmacher, M., & Pucher, H.-J. (1994). Laserstrahl-Mikroschweißen als alternatives Fügeverfahren zur Leadkontaktierung . In VDE (Eds.), Tagungsband SMT/ASIC/Hybrid 94 (pp. 495-504). Nürnberg.
Geiger, M., & Coremans, A. (1994). Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen bei der Laseranwendung in der Blechbearbeitung . In Blechbearbeitung, VDI Berichte (pp. 265-290). Miscellaneous 1993 1993 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., & Heckel, W. (1993). 3D-Lichtschnittsensor zur Biegewinkelerfassung . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 40 (3), 235-240.
Geiger, M., & Greska, W. (1993). Analyse und Klassifizierung von Blechteilen . Technica , 20 , 10-16.
Geiger, M., & Greska, W. (1993). Analysis and Classification of Sheet Metal Components . Production Engineering , 1 (1), 191-196.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Backes, F. (1993). Entwicklung einer Wissenserwerbskomponente für die Biegestadienplanung . Werkstattstechnik , 83 (10), 61-62.
Wilke, P., Geiger, H., Greska, W., & Behrendtz, J. (1993). Erkennung von Blechteilen mit Neuronalen Netzen . Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftliche Fertigung und Automatisierung , 11 , 526-528.
Geiger, M., Lutz, N., & Goller, M. (1993). Excimer Laser Radiation - A Promising Tool for Microstructuring Ceramics . Lasers in Engineering , 2 , 21-31.
Geiger, M., Backes, F., & Greska, W. (1993). Formklassifizierung von Blechteilen mit Fuzzy-Logic . CIM-Management , 5 , 54-59.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Vollertsen, F. (1993). In-situ-Ultraschallmessung der wahren Kontaktfläche bei Massivumformverfahren . Metal Forming , 27 (1), 19-25.
Geiger, M., & Gropp, A. (1993). Laser Fusion Cutting of Stainless Steel with a Pulsed Nd:YAG-Laser . Welding in the World , 31 (3), 167-171.
Deinzer, G., Hoffmann, P., Bär, W., & Geiger, M. (1993). Laser Power Stabilizing Control System For High Power CO2 Laser Welding . Proceedings of SPIE , 2062 .
Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1993). Laserstrahlbiegen von Eisen- und NE-Legierungen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 40 (9), 666-670.
Gropp, A., & Geiger, M. (1993). Laserstrahlschneiden in der industriellen Praxis . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 40 (11), 526-528.
Geiger, M., & Gropp, A. (1993). Laserstrahlschneiden mit dem System Industrieroboter - Festkörperlaser . Laser und Optoelektronik , 25 (2), 69-76.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Hutfless, J. (1993). Lasertechnik in Synergie zur Umformtechnik . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 40 (4), 324-330.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Vollertsen, F. (1993). Medición in situ por ultrasonidos del área real contacto en el procedimiento de conformación del macizo . Alambre , 43 (6), 288-294.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Vollertsen, F. (1993). Mesure in situ, par les ultrasons, de la surface de contact réelle dans les procédés der formage massif . Le tréfilé , 43 (4), 204-210.
Goller, M., Lutz, N., & Geiger, M. (1993). Micromachining of Ceramics with Excimer Laser Radiation . Journal of the European Ceramic Society , 12 , 315-321.
Geiger, M., Hänsel, M., Sobis, T., & Engel, U. (1993). Optimierungsstrategien zur Verbesserung der Lebensdauer von Umformwerkzeugen . Prozeßsimulation in der Umformtechnik , 4 , 104-124.
Schwind, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1993). Qualitätssicherung in der Blechberarbeitung - magnetinduktive Überwachung der mechanischen Blechkennwerte . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 40 (7/8), 595-598.
Geiger, M., & Vollertsen, F. (1993). The Mechanisms of Laser Forming . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 42 (1), 301-304.
Heckel, W. (1993). Use of laser metrology for in-process measurement of bending angles . Lasers in Engineering , 2 (1), 1-20.
Cser, L., Geiger, M., Lange, K., Kals, J., & Hänsel, M. (1993). Werkzeuglebensdauer und Werkzeugqualität in der Massivumformung . Metal Forming , 27 (2), 109-115.
Stancu-Niederkorn, S., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1993). A new method for investigating the relation between real contact and friction in bulk metal forming . Wire , 43 (6), 381-386.
Cser, L., Lange, K., Geiger, M., & Kals, J. (1993). Tool Life und Tool Quality in Bulk Metal Forming . Wire , 43 (1), 59-71.
Cser, L., Geiger, M., Lange, K., & Kals, J. (1993). Tool Quality in Bulk Metal Forming . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 207 , 223-239.
Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1993). Umformtechnik auf der 42. CIRP-Generalversammlung . Metal Forming , 27 (1), 66-68. Book Contributions
Geiger, M., & Gropp, A. (1993). Anlagen- und Prozeßdiagnostik an Bearbeitungssystemen mit Nd:YAG-Lasern . In Trennen mit Festkörperlasern. (pp. 63-69).
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., Bartl, N., & Schmidt-Hebbel, R. (1993). Reduzierung der Durchflußmengenstreuung laserstrahlerzeugter Bohrungen . In Abtragen und Bohren mit Festkörperlasern. (pp. 9-14). Conference Contributions
Greska, W., Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1993). A Feature Based Approach for Simultaneous Engineering of Sheet Metal Components . In SME Society of Manufacturing Engineers (Eds.), Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution (pp. 271-277). NAMRI/SME.
Heckel, W. (1993). Anwendung von CCD-Kameras für digitale Bildverarbeitung: Synchronisation, Auflösungsvermögen und Fehlerquellen . In Proceedings SENSOR 93, Nürnberg, Oktober (pp. 147-154). Wunstrof : ACS Organisations GmbH.
Hänsel, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1993). FEM Simulation of Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Growth in Metal Forming Tools . In Rossmanith, H.P. ; Miller, K.J. (Eds.), Mixed Mode and Fatigue Fracture ESIS 14 (pp. 3-21). London, UK, GB.
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Deinzer, G. (1993). Flexible straightening of car body shells by laser forming . In Proceedings of the North American Deep Drawing Research Group (NADDRG) (pp. 30-33). SAE International.
Geiger, M., Rebhan, T., Lutz, N., & Hutfless, J. (1993). Processing of Compounds and Silica-Layers with an Excimer-Laser-Processing Centre . In Proceedings of the EUREKA 205 International Workshop Excimer Laser Applications . Erlangen.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Schuberth, S. (1993). Prozeßinnovationen durch den Einsatz prozeßoptimierender Optiken . In Diehl GmBH (Eds.), Bericht zum Laser 93 -Fachseminar Prozeßoptimierende adaptive Optiken (pp. 38-45).
Geiger, M., Lutz, N., Rebhan, T., & Hutfless, J. (1993). Quality Control during Excimer Laser Material Processing . In International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers (Eds.), Proceedings of Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers (pp. 620-623).
Geiger, M., & Deinzer, G. (1993). Residual Stresses and Distortion due to Laser Beam Welding . In Kristensen, J.K. (Eds.), LSEN, F.O.; Proc. 4th NOLAMP Conf. on Laser Material Processing (pp. 197-202). Lyngby : ATV-SEMAPP.
Hoffmann, P., Kraus, J., & Geiger, M. (1993). Richten von Blechformteilen mittels laserinduzierten thermischen Spannungen . In Waidelich, W. (Eds.), Laser in der Technik. Vorträge des 11. Internationalen Kongresses (LASER 93) . Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Geiger, M., & Kollera, H. (1993). Werkstattnahe Programmierung von Laserstrahlschneidmaschinen . In Proc. of the MicroCAD-SYSTEM 93. Section I: Manufacturing Systems, Informatics (pp. 1-8). Miskolc, HU.
Cser, L., Geiger, M., & Hänsel, M. (1993). Werkzeuglebensdauer und Werkzeugqualität in der Massivumformung . In Tagungsband der internatinoalen Werkzeugkonferenz . Miskolc, HU.
Cser, L., & Geiger, M. (1993). Simulation of Tool Life Cycle . In Proceedings of the 26th Plenary Meeting of the ICFG . Osaka, JP. 1992 1992 Journal Articles
Sobis, T., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). An Experimental Analysis of the Onset of Buckling in Sheet Metal Forming . International Journal of Materials & Product Technology , 7 , 273-281.
Sobis, T., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). A Theoretical Study on Wear Simulation in Metal Forming Processes . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 34 , 233-240.
Hoffmann, M. (1992). Entwicklung einer CAD/CAM-Prozeßkette für die Herstellung von Blechbiegeteilen . Fertigungstechnik - Erlangen , 28 .
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, M. (1992). Entwicklung eines Datenmodells für die Fertigungsvorbereitung von Blechbiegeteilen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 39 (4), 293-297.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Vollertsen, F. (1992). In Situ Ultrasonic Measurement of the Real Contact Area in Bulk Metal Forming Processes. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 41 (1), 255-258.
Vollertsen, F., & Engel, U. (1992). Production of Cams by a P/M Route. Powder Metallurgy International , 24 (5), 284-288.
Hoffmann, P., Deinzer, G., & Geiger, M. (1992). Qualitätssicherung in der Laserstrahlschweißtechnik . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 39 (12), 1013-1018.
Engel, U., Hänsel, M., Sobis, T., & Geiger, M. (1992). Simulation der Versagensformen Verschleiß und Bruch. Werkstatt und Betrieb , 125 (489-494).
Hoffmann, P. (1992). Verfahrensfolge Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen: Prozeßführung und Systemtechnik in der 3D-Laserstrahlbearbeitung von Blechformteilen . Fertigungstechnik - Erlangen , 29 .
Geiger, M., & Greska, W. (1992). Wissensbasierte Klassifizierung von Blechformteilen . Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftliche Fertigung und Automatisierung , 87 (2), 108-111.
Cser, L., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). Expertensystem zur Vorhersage des Werkzeugversagens . Werkstatt und Betrieb , 125 (8), 637-641.
Geiger, M., Hänsel, M., & Rebhan, T. (1992). Improving the Fatigue Resistance of Cold Forging Tools by FE-Simulation and Computer Aided Die Shape Optimization . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 206 (2), 143-150.
Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1992). La técnica de conformación en la 41a Asamblea General del CIRP . Alambre , 42 (1), 84-88.
Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1992). Les techniques de formage lors de la 41ème-assemblée générale du CIRP . Le tréfilé , 42 (1), 89-92.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Schwind, M. (1992). Magnetinduktive Prüfung der Halbzeugqualität in der Blechverarbeitung. Blech, Rohre, Profile , 39 (10), 848-852.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Schwind, M. (1992). Magnetinduktive Prüfung der Halbzeugqualität in der Blechverarbeitung . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 39 (10), 848-851.
Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1992). Metal Forming at the 41st CIRP General Assembly . Wire , 42 (1), 161-162.
Engel, U., Hänsel, M., Sobis, T., & Geiger, M. (1992). Simulation der Versagensformen Verschleiß und Bruch bei Werkzeugen der Kaltmassivumformung . Werkstatt und Betrieb , 125 (6), 489-493.
Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1992). Tecnica della formatura alla 41a Assemblea Generale del CIRP . Il filo metallico , 39 (1), 81-83.
Geiger, M., vom Ende, A., & Engel, U. (1992). Untersuchungen zum Blechbiegen mit elastischem Werkzeug . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 39 (3), 191-198. Book Contributions
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, P. (1992). Das Verbundprojekt -3D-Bearbeiten mit CO2-Hochleistungslasern- im Überblick . In 3D-Bearbeiten mit CO2-Hochleistungslasern. (pp. 1-10).
Hänsel, M., Meßner, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). Local Energy Approach - an Advanced Model for FEM-Simulation of Multiaxial Fatigue . In Localized Damage II, Vol.2: Computational Methods in Fracture Mechanics. (pp. 263-282).
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Deinzer, G. (1992). Verfahrensfolge Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen . In 3D-Bearbeiten mit CO2-Hochleistungslasern. (pp. 54-60). Conference Contributions
Hoffmann, M., Geißler, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). Computer-Aided Generation of Bending Sequences for Die-Bending Machines . In Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Nr. 30 (pp. 1-12). New York, US: Elsevier Applied Sience.
Geiger, M., Lutz, N., Rebhan, T., & Goller, M. (1992). Influence of Process and Material Parameters on Ablation Phenomena and Mechanical Properties of Ceramics and Composites for Excimer Laser Treatment . In MORDIKE, B.L. (Eds.), Laser Treatment of Materials, Oberursel : DGM Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 577-584).
Heckel, W. (1992). In-process measurment of bending angles based on the principle of light sectioning . In International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Nr. 29 Part B4 (pp. 409-416).
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Deinzer, G. (1992). Laser Application in Automotive Industry . In TU Budapest (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Int. Colloquium -Advanced Manufacturing and Repair Technologies in Vehicle Industries-, Balatonfüred (1992) (pp. 21-35).
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Deinzer, G. (1992). Laser Applications in the Automotive Industry . In ISATA Düsseldorf Trade Fair (Eds.), Laser Applications in the Automotive Industries, Proc. 25th Int. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA) (1992), Croydon, England : Automotive Automation Ltd (pp. 69-83).
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Hutfless, J. (1992). Laser Material Processing in Synergy to Metal Forming . In Production Engineering (Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering) (pp. 37-40).
Sobis, T., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). Numerische Simulation der Verschleißvorgänge in der Umformtechnik . In DGM- Informationsgesellschaft (Eds.), Berichtsband der DGM zum Symposium -Reibung und Verschleiß- Bad Neuheim, 29.-30.Okt.1992 (1993), Oberursel : DGM-Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 323-330).
Geiger, M., & Hutfless, J. (1992). On-Line Diagnostic System for the Quality of High Power CO2 Laser Optics . In Proc. of GCL 92, 9th Int. Symp. on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, Heraklion, Kreta . Heraklion, GR.
Hoffmann, P., Schuberth, S., & Geiger, M. (1992). Process Optimizing Adaptive Optics for the Beam Delivery of High Power CO2 Lasers . In SPIE (Eds.), Proc. of the Conf. OE/Technology 92, Nr. 1834 .
Geiger, M., Schultz, M., & Hoffmann, P. (1992). State of the Art in Laser Material Processing . In ISEM 1992, State of the Art in Laser Material Processing. In: Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Electromachining .
Lange, K., Kals, J., Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1992). Tool Life & Tool Quality in Bulk Metal Forming . In Annals of the CIRP (pp. 667-675).
Sobis, T., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). Transfer of Contact Conditions for Failure Analysis of Metal Forming Tools . In Chenot, Wood, Zienkiewicz (Eds.), Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes - NUMIFORM 92, Rotterdam : Balkema (pp. 663-668). Rotterdam, NL.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, M., & Kluge, B. (1992). Inferenzmaschine für ein Biegestadienplanungssystem . In ZWF (1992), Nr. 87/5 (pp. 261-264).
Geiger, M., & Gropp, A. (1992). Laser Beam Cutting with Solid State Lasers and Industrial Robots . In MORDIKE, B.L. (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th European Conf.on Laser Treatment of Materials (ECLAT) (1992), Göttingen, Oberursel : DGM Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 87-92).
Buerhop, C., Lutz, N., Weißmann, R., & Geiger, M. (1992). Marking of Silicate Glasses with Excimer Lasers Radiation - Influence of Glass Properties and Laser Parameters . In MORDIKE, B.L. (Eds.), Proc. of the 4th European Conf. on Laser Treatment of Materials (ECLAT), Oberursel : DGM Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 603-608).
Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1992). Prediction of Tool Failure from a Probabilistic Point of View. In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology . In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Cold and Warm Forging Technology, Okt. 1992, Columbus, Ohio, USA . Columbus, OH, US.
Geiger, M., & Deinzer, G. (1992). Residual Stresses and Distortion during Laser Beam Welding - Measurement and Strategies to Minimize . In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Residual Stresses . Frankfurt: DGM-Informationsges..
Geiger, M., Gropp, A., & Hoffmann, P. (1992). Technological Comparison of CO2- and Nd:YAG-Laser Manufacturing Systems . In Proc. of Laser Applications in the Automotive Industries (25th ISATA) (pp. 511-518).
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, M. (1992). Wissensbasierte Biegestadienplanung von komplexen Blechbiegeteilen . In SIEGERT, K. (Eds.), Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechbearbeitung (1992), Fellbach : Informationsgesellschaft Verlag (pp. 215-234). 1991 1991 Journal Articles
Cser, L., Geiger, M., & Greska, W. (1991). Three kinds of case-based learning in sheet metal manufacturing . Computers in Industry , 17 , 195-206.
Geißler, U., Hoffmann, M., & Geiger, M. (1991). A Product Model for Sheet Metal Parts and its Applications . Journal of Manufacturing Systems , 20 (3), 257-262.
Geiger, M., & Hänsel, M. (1991). Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen an Fließpressmatrizen . Metal Forming , 25 (4), 27-33.
Wißmeier, H.-J., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1991). Critéres de rupture applicables á la conception des matrices de frappe en métal dur . Le tréfilé , 1 , 49-53.
Wißmeier, H.-J., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1991). Criteri di rottura per la progettazione di matrici in metallo duro per 10 stampaggio a freddo . Il filo metallico , 1 , 53-57.
Wißmeier, H.-J., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1991). Criterios de rotura para el dimensionado de matrices de extrusión de metal duro . Alambre , 41 (1), 37-41.
Geiger, M., Lutz, N., & Biermann, S. (1991). Excimer Laser Processing of Ceramics Assited by a Diagnostic System . Proceedings of SPIE , 1503 , 238-248.
Geiger, M., Vollertsen, F., & Amon, S. (1991). Flexible Blechumformung mit Laserstrahlung - Laserstrahlbiegen . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 38 (11), 856-861.
Cser, L., & Geiger, M. (1991). Generalized Life-Time Model for Cold Extrusion Tools . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 40 , 299-301.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Vom Ende, A. (1991). Investigations on the Sheet Bending Process with Elastic Tools . Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 27 , 265-277.
Geiger, M., Müller, R., & Foerster, A. (1991). Simulation des Laserstrahlschneidens von Kunststoffen . Werkstattstechnik , 81 (7), 431-436.
Geiger, M., & Geißler, U. (1991). Techniken in der Klein- und Mittelserienfertigung von Blechteilen . Technische Rundschau , 14-19. Book Contributions
Geiger, M., & Müller, R. (1991). Simulation des Laserstrahlschneidens von Werkstoffen mit geringer Wärmeleitfähigkeit . In Waidelich, W (Eds.), Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. (pp. 657-662).
Rief, A., Geiger, M., & Pollmann, W. (1991). Verfahrensentwicklung zum kombinierten Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen . In Strahltechnik. (pp. 87-94). Conference Contributions
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Otto, A. (1991). An Experimental Study of the Onset of Buckling in Sheet Metal Forming . In Int. J. Mater Product Technol. Nr. 7/3 (pp. 273- 281).
Hänsel, M., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1991). FE- Simulation of Mixed- Mode Fatigue Crack- Growth in Metal Forming tools . In Proc. Int. Conf. on Mixed- Mode Fracture and Fatigue, Wien . Wien, AT.
Geiger, M. (1991). Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Extrusion Dies . In Annals of the CIRP Vol 40/1991/1 (pp. 303-306).
Biermann, S., Hutfless, J., & Geiger, M. (1991). Integration of Diagnostics in High Power Laser Systems for Optimization of Laser Material Processing . In SPIE- High Power Lasers. Int. Conf. OE/Laser 91 (pp. 330-341). Publ by Int Soc for Optical Engineering.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Sobis, T., & Hänsel, M. (1991). Modell zur Vorhersage des Werkstoffversagens durch Bruch und Verschleiß . In PSU: Bericht zum Workshop des Gemeinschaftsprojekts Prozeßsimulation in der Umformtechnik PSU (pp. 71-78).
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, M. (1991). Neue Technologien in der Blechbearbeitung . In Györ, Ungarn: Miskolci Egyetem Publisher (Eds.), Tisza, M: Kardos, K: Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Metal Forming (ICMF 91) (pp. L1-L23).
Geiger, M., Hutfless, J., & Hoffmann, P. (1991). Thermoelement- Sensorik- ein Lagesensor für CO2- Hochleistungslaser . In Strahltechnik (3. Int. Konferenz Strahltechnik, Karlsruhe), DVS- Bericht (pp. 204-207). Düsseldorf: DVS.
Geiger, M., & Cser, L. (1991). Umformtechnik auf der 41. CIRP- Generalversammlung . In Umformtechnik 25/4 (pp. 4-39). 1990 1990 Journal Articles
Wissmeier, H.-J., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1990). Bruchkriterien für die Auslegung von Hartmetall-Fließpreßmatrizen . Draht , 41 (4), 505-509.
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, M. (1990). Datenorganisation in einem wissenbasierten System zur Biegestadienplanung . CIM-Management , 85 (11), 593-597.
Wissmeier, H.-J., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1990). Experimentelle Untersuchung des Bruchverhaltens von Hartmetallen für Fließpreßmatrizen . Draht , 41 (5), 563-566.
Geiger, M., & Heckel, W. (1990). Laserstrahlschneiden von Stahlblechen: In der Industrie bestens eingeführt. Tl. I-III. Schweizer Maschinenmarkt , 90 (29-31), 24-31.
Geiger, M., Heckel, W., & Biermann, S. (1990). Neue Erkenntnisse zum Laserstrahlschneiden: Durch Experimente zu höherer Flexibilität . Schweizer Maschinenmarkt , 90 (39-40), 48-55.
Geiger, M., Geißler, U., & Hoffmann, M. (1990). Rechnergestützte Fertigungsvorbereitung für komplexe Blechbiegeteile . CIM-Management , 85 (4), 198-201.
Hoffmann, P., & Geiger, M. (1990). Schneiden und Schweißen von Karosserieteilen mit CO2-Hochleistungslasern . Industrieanzeiger , 112 (57/58), 34-35. Conference Contributions
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Deinzer, G. (1990). Combination of laser beam cutting and welding for car body manufacturing: welding with wire as filler . In Bergmann, H.-W.; Kupfer, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Laser Treatment of Materials (ECLAT), Erlangen (pp. 689-699). Coburg: Sprechsaal Publ. Group.
Kauf, M., Hartmann, W., Biermann, S., Geiger, M., & Christiansen, J. (1990). Diagnostik der Werkstücktemperatur beim thermischen Abtragen mit CO2-Hochleistungslasern . In DPG (pp. K8-1). Weinheim: Physik-Verlags-GmbH.
Müller, R., & Geiger, M. (1990). Die Bedeutung der Gasführung beim Laserstrahlschneiden von kurzglasverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen . In Laser und Optoelektronik (pp. 46-53).
Engel, U., & Hänsel, M. (1990). FEM Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in Cold Forging Dies. In JSTP (Eds.), Advanced Technology of Plasti¬city 1990, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity (pp. 355-360). Jap. Soc. for Technol. of Plasticity (JSTP).
Geiger, M., & Hänsel, M. (1990). FE-Simulation des Werkzeugversagens von Fließpreßmatrizen . In VDI (Eds.), Kaltmassivumformung Cold Forging (8. Int. Kongress Kaltumformung Nürnberg) (pp. 349-376). Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag.
Müller, R., Biermann, S., & Geiger, M. (1990). Laserstrahlschneiden faserverstärkter Kunststoffe . In Waidelich, W. (Eds.), Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik (pp. 669-674). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Geiger, M., & Hoffmann, P. (1990). Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen von Blechformteilen . In Siegert, K. (Eds.), Neue Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung (pp. 137-150). Oberursel: DGM-Informationsgesellschaft.
Geiger, M., & Gropp, A. (1990). Laserstrahlschneiden von Stahlblechen . In VDW (Eds.), METAV 90: Sonderschau Laser (pp. 59-60). Bremen.
Vollertsen, F., & Geiger, M. (1990). Precision of P/M-Parts a System Property . In Powder Metallurgy Int. 22 (pp. 15-20).
Lutz, N., & Geiger, M. (1990). Proceedings of ceramics with excimer lasers . In Bergmann, H.-W.; Kupfer, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Laser Treatment of Materials (ECLAT), Erlangen (pp. 849-857). Coburg: Sprechsaal Publ. Group.
Geiger, M., Deinzer, G., Hoffmann, P., & Biermann, S. (1990). Process Control in Laser Beam Cutting and Welding of Car Body Sheets Using a Five-Axes . In ISATA Düsseldorf Trade Fair (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation : ISATA´99 : Automotive Mechatronics Design & Engineering, Croydon, England (pp. 305-312). Automotive Automation Ltd..
Hoffmann, P., Biermann, S., Geiger, M., & Nuss, R. (1990). Three Dimensional CO2-Laser Material Processing with Gantry Machine Systems . In Tagungsband Int. Congress on Optical Science & Engineering . Den Haag, NL.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., Sobis, T., & Hänsel, M. (1990). Werkzeugversagen durch Bruch und Verschleiß . In Forschungsgesellschaft Umformtechnik (Eds.), Berichtsband des Berichtskolloquiums Gemeinschaftsprojekt Prozeßsimulation in der Umformtechnik (pp. 6.1-6.48). Stuttgart.
Geiger, M. (1990). Kombiniertes Schneiden und Schweißen von Blechteilen im Automobilbau . In 2. Int. Anwenderforum Laser-Materialbearbeitung für den Automobilbau . Bremen: Bias. Thesis 1989 1989 Journal Articles
Wissmeier, H.-J., & Engel, U. (1989). Anrißerzeugung in WC Co Hartme¬tall Proben für die Messung des kritischen Spannungsintensitätsfaktors KIc. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik , 20 , 309-313.
Vollertsen, F., & Engel, U. (1989). A Quick and Simple Test for Abrasive Wear Resistance and its Practical Use. Materials Testing , 31 (9), 272-275.
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., & Biermann, S. (1989). Kombiniertes 3D-Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen - ein neues Verfahren für die Karosseriefertigung . Opto-Elektronik-Magazin , 5 (6), 543-547.
Vollertsen, F., Engel, U., Leithner, K., Geiger, M., & Geiger, R. (1989). Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung und Eigenschaften verschleißfester Bauteile . Metall , 43 , 944-951.
Nuss, R., Gropp, A., Biermann, S., & Geiger, M. (1989). Stahlbleche Laserstrahl-Schneiden . Werkstatt und Betrieb , 122 (6), 455-458.
Geiger, M., van der Heyd, G., & Müller, R. (1989). Ultraschallschneiden von kurzglasverstärkten PUR-Formteilen . Kunststoffe , 79 (6), 500-501.
vom Ende, A., Engel, U., & Geiger, M. (1989). Verbesserung der Arbeitsgenauigkeit bei der Herstellung von Blechteilen mit U-förmigen Querschnitt durch Biegen mit elastischer Matrize . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 36 (8), 612-615. Book Contributions
Geiger, M., Hoffmann, P., Biermann, S., & Nuss, R. (1989). Bearbeitung von Blechteilen mit CO2-Hochleistungslasern . In Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. Heidelberg: Springer.
Geiger, M., Engel, U., & Wissmeier, H.-J. (1989). Bruchkriterien für die Auslegung von Hartmetall-Fließpressen . In Neuere Entwicklungen in der Massivumformung. Forschungsgesellschaft Umformtechnik.
Rief, A., Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1989). Kombiniertes Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen von Blechformteilen . In Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. Heidelberg: Springer.
Müller, R., Nuss, R., Biermann, S., & Geiger, M. (1989). Laserstrahlschneiden faserverstärkter Kunststoffe . In Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. Heidelberg: Springer.
Biermann, S., Hutfless, J., Lutz, N., Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1989). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Laserstrahlüberwachung an einem CO2-Hochleistungslaser . In Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. Heidelberg: Springer.
Juckenath, B., Bergmann, H., & Geiger, M. (1989). Schneiden von Al- und Ti-Werkstoffen mit CO2-Lasern . In Laser/Optoelektronik in der Technik. Heidelberg: Springer. Conference Contributions
Müller, R., Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1989). CO2-Laser Cutting Fiber Reinforced Plastics . In Tagungsband Congress on Optical Science and Engineering (ECO2): High Power Lasers and Laser Machining Technology . SPIE.
Geiger, M., Biermann, S., Nuss, R., & Hoffmann, P. (1989). Precise Cutting of critical Contour Elements . In Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 89) (pp. 356-357). Washington, DC, US: Optical Soc. of America. 1988 1988 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., Bergmann, H., & Nuss, R. (1988). Blechbearbeitung durch Laserstrahlschneiden - Beeinflussung der Werkstoffeigenschaften durch den Schneidvorgang . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 35 (10), 812-815.
Biermann, S., Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1988). Einfluß von Strahleigenschaften auf die Bearbeitungsqualität beim Schneiden mit dem Laser . Maschinenmarkt , 94 (9), 66-71.
Geiger, M., Nuss, R., & Müller, R. (1988). Kombination der Laser-Bearbeitung mit herkömmlichen Fertigungsverfahren . Werkstatt und Betrieb , 121 (8), 667-670.
Nuss, R., Hoffmann, P., Hoffmann, M., & Geiger, M. (1988). Laserstrahlschneiden und -schweißen in der flexibel automatisierten Blechteilefertigung . Automatisierungstechnische Praxis , 25-31.
Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1988). Laserstrahlschneiden von Feinblechen, Teil 1 . Werkstattstechnik , 78 (10), 565-568.
Biermann, S., Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1988). Qualität des Laserschnitts . Maschinenmarkt , 94 (14), 62-66.
Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1988). Verfahrensgrundlagen zum Laserstrahlschneiden . Laser und Optoelektronik , 20 (2), 88-93.
Geiger, M., & Geißler, U. (1988). Flexibles Blechbearbeitungssystem im interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt PAP . Blech, Rohre, Profile , 35 (2), 85-92. Conference Contributions
Biermann, S., Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1988). Analytical studies on laser cut surfaces . In Proceedings of the 7th International GCL-Symposium, Vienna, Austria (pp. 586-591). Vienna, AT: GCL.
Wissmeier, H.-J., & Engel, U. (1988). Bruchverhalten von WC Co Hartmetallen unter wechselnder Belastung. In DVM (Eds.), DVM Berichtsband der Tagung "Werkstoffprüfung 1988" (pp. 455-461). Deutscher Verband für Materialprüfung, Berlin.
Geiger, M., & Nuss, R. (1988). Entwicklungen zum Präzisionslaserschneiden . In Neuere Entwicklung in der Blechbearbeitung - Tagungsband zum Seminar (pp. 17-30). Stuttgart: Forschungsgesellschaft Umformtechnik.
Biermann, S., Geiger, M., Hoffmann, M., & Nuss, R. (1988). Geometrieeinflüsse beim Laserstrahlschneiden . In Proc. 2nd European Conf. Laser Treatment of Materials (ECLAT 88), Bad Nauheim (pp. 20-24). Düsseldorf: DVS-Verl..
Geiger, M., Biermann, S., & Nuss, R. (1988). High quality laser cuts with the aid of on-line diagnostics . In CLEO 88 - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 25-29. April, Anaheim, Ca. (pp. 184ff). Optical Soc. of America.
Nuss, R., Müller, R., & Geiger, M. (1988). Laser cutting of RRIM-Polyurethan components in comparison with other cutting techniques . In Hügel, H. (Eds.), Lasers in Manufacturing, Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf., Berlin (pp. 47-57). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
Geiger, M., Bergmann, H., & Nuss, R. (1988). Laser cutting of steel sheets . In Laser assisted Processing - Int. Congress on Optical Science and Engineering . Hamburg: SPIE.
Geiger, M., & Geißler, U. (1988). Development of Software Modules for Flexible Manufacturing System for Sheet Metal Parts . In 16th North American Manufacturing Research Conference Proceedings, University of Illinois (pp. 316-319). Dearborn, Michigan, US: Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Geiger, M. (1988). Entwicklungstendenzen in der flexiblen Blechbearbeitung . In Proceedings CAT'88 Computer Aided Technologies in Manufacturing, 4th Int. Exhibition and Users Conf. . Stuttgart: Conradin-Verlag.
Geiger, M., Christiansen, J., Brand, H., & Bergmann, H. (1988). Materialbearbeitung mit Hochleistungslasern . In Geiger, M. (Eds.), FLE-Symposium . Erlangen. 1987 1987 Journal Articles Book Contributions
Geiger, M., & Nuss, R. (1987). Genaubearbeitung von Feinblechen durch Laserstrahlschneiden . In Laser-Materialbearbeitung für den Automobilbau. (pp. 69-73).
Geiger, M., & Nuss, R. (1987). Lasertechnik am Lehrstuhl für Fertigungstechnologie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg . In Laser in der Fertigungstechnik. (pp. 111-122).
Nuss, R., Biermann, S., & Geiger, M. (1987). Precise cutting of Sheet Metal with CO2- Laser . In Sheet metal tubes section. (pp. 40-42). 1986 1986 Journal Articles
Nuss, R., & Geiger, M. (1986). Laser: Ein flexibles Schneidwerkzeug für die Blechbearbeitung, Teile 1 und 2 . Blech, Rohre, Profile .
Geiger, M., & Nuss, R. (1986). Laser: Ein Werkzeug für die Fertigungstechnik . Schweizer Maschinenmarkt .
Engel, U., & Illschner, B. (1986). Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Kriech¬verhal¬ten thermisch inhomogen belasteter hohlzylindrischer Prüfkörper. Zeitschrift für Werkstofftechnik , 17 , 299-307. 1985 1985 Journal Articles Conference Contributions 1984 1984 Journal Articles Conference Contributions 1983 1983 Journal Articles Conference Contributions 1978 1978 Journal Articles
Leibinger, B., & Geiger, M. (1978). Ein CNC-Blechbearbeitungszentrum für die Serienfertigung . NC-Praxis , 82-86.
Hübner, H., & Engel, U. (1978). Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Bestimmung gültiger Bruchzähigkeitswerte von Hartmetallen . Zeitschrift für Werkstofftechnik , 9 , 128-132.
Widmann, M., & Geiger, M. (1978). Maximale bezogene Stempelkraft beim Hohl-Vorwärts-Fließpressen von Stahlwerkstoffen bei Raumtemperatur . Industrieanzeiger , 100 , 72-73.
Geiger, M., & Lange, K. (1978). Neuere Möglichkeiten zur Auslegung vorgespannter Fließpreßmatrizen . Draht , 29 , 442-447.
Engel, U., & Hübner, H. (1978). Strength Improvement of Cemented Carbides by Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) . Journal of Materials Science , 13 , 2003-2012. 1977 1977 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., & Raghuathi, P. (1977). Aufweittiefziehen kurzer rohrförmiger Werkstücke . Industrieanzeiger , 99 , 22-25.
Geiger, R., & Geiger, M. (1977). Neuere Entwicklungen im Bereich der Massivumformung . Draht , 29 , 251-254.
Geiger, M., & Raghuathi, P. (1977). Werkstückgeometrie beim Aufweittiefziehen . Industrieanzeiger , 99 , 420-421. Conference Contributions 1976 1976 Journal Articles
Geiger, M. (1976). 5. Internationale Tagung Kaltumformung, Brighton, Großbritannien . Draht , 52-68.
Geiger, M. (1976). 5th International Cold Forging Congress, Brighton, Great-Britain . Wire , 26 , 198-213.
Geiger, M., & Krämer, G. (1976). Betriebsbeanspruchung vorgespannter Fließpreßwerkzeuge . Industrieanzeiger , 98 , 227-231.
Geiger, R., & Geiger, M. (1976). Internationale Forschung Umformtechnik . Industrieanzeiger , 98 , 461-463. Conference Contributions 1975 1975 Journal Articles
Geiger, M. (1975). Berechnung des elastischen Verhaltens einer Kurbelpresse mit der Methode der finiten Elemente . Industrieanzeiger , 97 , 962-968.
Roll, K., Felgner, W., & Geiger, M. (1975). Untersuchungen an einem Gestellmodell . Industrieanzeiger , 97 , 16-17.
Geiger, M. (1975). Untersuchung und Berechnungen der Spannungen und Verformungen von mechanisch weggebundenen Pressen. Beitrag zur rechnerunterstützten Auslegung von Pressgestellen . VDW-Bericht . Conference Contributions 1974 1974 Journal Articles Conference Contributions 1973 1973 Journal Articles
Geiger, M., & Geiger, R. (1973). Beispiele zur Anwendung der elementaren Plastizitätstheorie . Industrieanzeiger , 95 , 784-786.
Geiger, M., & Geiger, R. (1973). Elementare Plastizitätstheorie - Ansätze nach Siebel u. a. für die Kraftberechnung bei Umformvorgängen . Industrieanzeiger , 95 , 385-389.
Geiger, M., & Geiger, R. (1973). Verallgemeinerte Ansätze der elementaren Plastizitätstheorie zur Kraftberechnung bei Umformvorgängen . Industrieanzeiger , 95 , 535-536. 1970 1970 Journal Articles
Lange, K., Geiger, M., & Müller, H. (1970). Bessere Werkstücke durch moderne Umformtechnik . Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik , 70 , 199-205.
Lange, K., & Geiger, M. (1970). Das Institut für Umformtechnik der Universität Stuttgart . Werkstattstechnik , 60 , 525-531.