SheMet 2015
16th International Conference on Sheet Metal 
The 16th International Conference on Sheet Metal took place March 16th – March 18th, 2015 in Erlangen. An impression of the covered topics can be gained from the table of content of the proceedings. If you would like to take a look at the abstracts, these and further information regarding that conference can be found here.
Table of Content
The proceedings have been published by TTP. The volume of KEM can be found here. A limited number of prints may be purchased at 80,00 € plus shipping and handling. Your contact in case of interest is Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Inf. Hinnerk Hagenah.
Title | Author | Pages |
Keynotes | ||
Optical 3D Metrology for Optimization of Sheet Metal Forming Processes | K. Galanulis, S. Adolf and H. Friebe | 3 |
Use of FE Simulation and Servo Press Capabilities in Forming of AHSS and Aluminum Alloys | A. Fallahiarezoodar, L. Ju and T. Altan | 13 |
Stamping Plant 4.0 – Basics for the Application of Data Mining Methods in Manufacturing Car Body Parts | S. Purr, J. Meinhardt, A. Lipp, A. Werner, M. Ostermair and B. Glück | 21 |
Forming | ||
Evaluation of Drawing Force and Thickness Distribution in the Deep-Drawing Process with Variable Blank-Holding | L. Lăzărescu, I. Nicodim and D. Banabic | 33 |
Flexible Manufacturing of Double-Curved Sheet Metal Panels for the Realization of Self-Supporting Freeform Structures | D. Bailly, M. Bambach, G. Hirt, T. Pofahl, G. Della Puppa and M. Trautz | 41 |
Formability of AA6060 Tubes in Hot Metal Gas Forming at High Temperatures | F. Michieletto, A. Ghiotti and S. Bruschi | 49 |
Friction Adjustment within Dry Deep Drawing by Locally Laser Textured Tool Surfaces | T. Häfner, J. Heberle, M. Dobler, M. Gränitz, I. Alexeev and M. Schmidt | 57 |
Internal Flow-Turning – An Innovative Technology for the Manufacture of Tailored Tubes | W. Homberg, T. Rostek and E. Wiens | 65 |
Laser Forming of Steel Dome-Shaped Parts Using a Flower Pattern | M. Loh-Mousavi, M. Rostami and M. Farzin | 71 |
Lightweight Design in Architecture – Forming of Stainless Steel Composites for Modern Facades | M. Tulke, J. Watzke, A. Brosius and M. Schomäcker | 77 |
On the Friction Effect on the Characteristics of Hydroformed Tube in a Square Section Die: Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Approaches | A. Abdelkefi, N. Boudeau, P. Malécot, G. Michel and N. Guermazi | 83 |
Study of Earing Defect during Deep Drawing Process with Finite Element Simulation | R. Patel, H. Dave and H. Raval | 91 |
Embossing of Metal Inserts for Subsequent Assembly Injection Moulding of Media Tight Electronic Systems | P. Frey, M. Heinle, C. Leisen, D. Drummer and M. Merklein | 99 |
The Influence of Strain Rate on the Springback of Commercially Pure Titanium in a Stretch Forming Operation | A.G. Leacock, S. Quinn, G. Volk, D. McCracken and D. Brown | 107 |
Goal Driven Optimization of Process Parameters for Maximum Efficiency in Laser Bending of Advanced High Strength Steels | J. Griffiths, M.J.W. Riley, G. Sheikholeslami, S.P. Edwardson and G. Dearden | 115 |
Investigation of the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect in AlMgSi-Tailored Heat Treated Blanks | A. Kahrimanidis, D. Wortberg and M. Merklein | 123 |
Development of a New Method for Producing Plane Expanded Metal by Laser Cutting and Forming of Metal Plates under Uniaxial Tension | M. Merklein, D. Junker, A. Schaub, A. Kretschmer and M. Lechner | 131 |
Bending | ||
The Effect of Punch Radius on the Deformation of Ultra-High Strength Steel in Bending | A.M. Arola, V. Kesti and R. Ruoppa | 139 |
Experimental and Numerical Determination of the Required Initial Sheet Width in Die Bending | T. Traub and P. Groche | 147 |
On the Identification of a Loading Scheme in Large Radius Air Bending | V. Vorkov, R. Aerens, D. Vandepitte and J.R. Duflou | 155 |
Simulative Winding of Roll Formed Profile in Carcass Production for Flexible Pipes | P.S. Nielsen, C.A. Ormstrup, B.A.K. Hartz, M.S. Nielsen and N. Bay | 163 |
Incremental Forming | ||
Negative Bulge Formation in High Speed Incremental Forming | H. Vanhove and J.R. Duflou | 173 |
Accuracy and Material Properties in Incremental Forming for a Multi-Step Expanding Approach | J. Brüninghaus, A. Oster and B. Kuhlenkötter | 179 |
Experimental Testing of an Analytical Model for Membrane Strains in Single Point Incremental Forming | D. Adams, T. McAnulty and M. Doolan | 187 |
Formability Enhancement in Incremental Forming for an Automotive Aluminium Alloy Using Laser Assisted Incremental Forming | A. Mohammadi, H. Vanhove, A. van Bael, D. Weise and J.R. Duflou | 195 |
Hot Stamping | ||
Local Prevention of Hardening for Punching of Hot-Stamped Parts | K. Mori, T. Maeno and T. Suganami | 205 |
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of the Thermo-Mechanical Flow Behaviour of the Hot Stamping Steel MBW® 1500 | B. Potdar, S. Graff and B. Kiefer | 213 |
Tribological Behaviour of Lubricants in Hot Stamping of AA6016 | F. Medea, A. Ghiotti and S. Bruschi | 221 |
Design of Press Tools to Investigate the Hot Stamping Behaviour of Alternative Coatings for Press-Hardened Steel Parts | D. Close, P. Feuser and R. Lallement | 227 |
Investigation of Weld Seam Structures of Tailor Welded Blanks for Hot Stamping | R. Kolleck, R. Vollmer, C. Both and A. Breuer | 235 |
Improvement of the Ductility of Press-Hardened Plane Sheets through a Modified Heat Treatment | T. Konrad and P. Feuser | 243 |
Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming | ||
Experimental Verification of a Benchmark Forming Simulation | P. Landkammer, A. Loderer, E. Krebs, B. Söhngen, P. Steinmann, T. Hausotte, P. Kersting, D. Biermann and K. Willner | 251 |
Flexible Rolling of Process Adapted Semi-Finished Parts and its Application in a Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Process | P. Hildenbrand, T. Schneider and M. Merklein | 259 |
Locally Adapted Tribological Conditions as a Method for Influencing the Material Flow in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes | M. Loeffler, T. Schneider, U. Vierzigmann, U. Engel and M. Merklein | 267 |
Influence of Surface Modifications on Friction, Using High-Feed Milling and Wear Resistant PVD-Coating for Sheet-Metal Forming Tools | D. Biermann, D. Freiburg, R. Hense, W. Tillmann and D. Stangier | 275 |
Experimental and Simulative Investigations of Tribology in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming | F. Beyer, H. Blum, D. Kumor, A. Rademacher, K. Willner and T. Schneider | 283 |
Measuring Systems for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming | A. Loderer, M. Timmermann, S. Matthias, M. Kästner, T. Schneider, T. Hausotte and E. Reithmeier | 291 |
Materials Testing | ||
Formability Characteristics of Hot Stamped Ti6Al4V Sheets Electro-Chemically Modified on Surface for Biomedical Applications | B. Valoppi, S. Bruschi and A. Ghiotti | 301 |
Modeling of the Plastic Characteristics of AA6082 for the Friction Stir Welding Process | S. Pellegrino, L. Fratini, M. Merklein, W. Böhm and H. Nguyen | 309 |
Novel Punch Design for Nonlinear Strain Path Generation and Evaluation Methods | M. Liewald and K. Drotleff | 317 |
Structural and Frictional Performance of Fused Deposition Modelled Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (P430) with a View to Use as Rapid Tooling Material in Sheet Metal Forming | A.G. Leacock, G. Cowan, M. Cosby, G. Volk, D. McCracken and D. Brown | 325 |
A New Approach to the Evaluation of Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming | M. Merklein, A. Maier, D. Kinnstätter, C. Jaremenko and E. Affronti | 333 |
Analysis of Tensile Test of Titanium EBW Sheet | J. Adamus and M. Motyka | 339 |
Effect of Pre-Compressive Strain on Work-Hardening Behavior upon Two-Step Loading in a Magnesium Alloy Sheet | T. Hama, Y. Tanaka, M. Uratani, T. Tanaka, H. Fujimoto and H. Takuda | 347 |
Cold Formability of Automotive Sheet Metals: Anisotropy, Localization, Damage and Ductile Fracture | J.H. Lian, D.C. Ahn, D.C. Chae, S. Münstermann and W. Bleck | 353 |
Investigation on the Strain Behaviour of a Precipitation-Hardenable Aluminium Alloy through a Temperature Gradient Based Heat Treatment | G. di Michele, P. Guglielmi, G. Palumbo and D. Sorgente | 361 |
Identification of Plasticity Model Parameters of the Heat-Affected Zone in Resistance Spot Welded Martensitic Boron Steel | T. Eller, L. Greve, M. Andres, M. Medricky, T. Meinders and T. van den Boogaard | 369 |
Influence of Stress Relaxation after Uniaxial Pre-Straining on Subsequent Plastic Yielding in the Uniaxial Tensile Test of Sheet Metal | S. Suttner and M. Merklein | 377 |
Validation of Kinematic Hardening Parameters from Different Stress States and Levels of Plastic Strain with the Use of the Cyclic Bending Test | M. Rosenschon, S. Suttner and M. Merklein | 385 |
Modelling | ||
Analysis and Optimization for the Production Process of an Automotive Alternator Using FEM and Experiments | A. D’Annibale, A. di Ilio, M. Trozzi and L. Bonaventura | 395 |
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on a Pressure Dependent Friction Model | F. Zöller, V. Sturm and M. Merklein | 403 |
A Constitutive Model for the Simulation of the Deformation Behavior of TWIP Steels | A. Haufe, A. Erhart and A. Butz | 411 |
Numerical Prediction of Failure within Small Curvature Bending of Advanced High Strength Steels | I. Tsoupis and M. Merklein | 419 |
Enhancement of Lemaitre Model to Predict Cracks at Low and Negative Triaxialities in Sheet Metal Forming | K. Isik, M. Doig, H. Richter, T. Clausmeyer and A.E. Tekkaya | 427 |
A Modified Shell Element Model Combined with Yld91 Yield Function in Simulating Aluminum Alloy Applied Hydroforming | F.F. Zhang, J. Chen, J.S. Chen, X.H. Zhu and S.J. Yuan | 435 |
Creep Behaviour of AA6016 during Automotive Paint Drying Processes | J. Regensburger, L. Mendes de Lima, C. Albiez, P. Weigel and W.G. Drossel | 443 |
Design of Numerical Simulations of Linear Friction Welding Processes: Issues and Difficulties | A. Ducato, D. Campanella, G. Buffa and L. Fratini | 451 |
New Approach for Wrinkle Prediction in Deep Drawing Process | F. Han and R. Radonjic | 459 |
Cutting and Joining | ||
Development of a Testing Method for the Identification of Friction Coefficients for Numerical Modeling of the Shear-Clinching Process | M. Müller, U. Vierzigmann, R. Hörhold, G. Meschut and M. Merklein | 469 |
Notch Shear Cutting of Press Hardened Steels | M. Feistle, M. Krinninger, R. Golle and W. Volk | 477 |
On the Solid Bonding Phenomena in Linear Friction Welding and Accumulative Roll Bonding Processes: Numerical Simulation Insights | D. Campanella, G. Buffa, L. Fratini and M. Merklein | 485 |
Solid State Recycling of Aluminium Sheet Scrap by Means of Spark Plasma Sintering | D. Paraskevas, K. Vanmeensel, J. Vleugels, W. Dewulf and J.R. Duflou | 493 |
Planning | ||
Selection, Modeling and Prediction of Life of Stripper of Compound Die | S. Kashid, S. Kumar and H.M. Hussein | 501 |
New Diagnostic Techniques for an Automated Hemming Validation of Hang-On Parts | C. Kaiser, M. Zubeil, K. Roll and W. Volk | 509 |
Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Tool Path Generation: Dealing with Overlooked Problem Aspects | R. Dewil, P. Vansteenwegen and D. Cattrysse | 517 |
Minimization of Energy Consumptions by Means of an Intelligent Production Scheduling | E. Mariano, F. Nucci, A. del Prete and A. Grieco | 525 |
MatProFuture | ||
Cranial Reconstruction Using Double Side Incremental Forming | B. Lu, D.K. Xu, R.Z. Liu, H.A. Ou, H. Long and J. Chen | 535 |
Fracture Prediction in Sheet Metal Stamping Based on a Modified Ductile Fracture Criterion | R. Zeng, L. Huang and J.J. Li | 543 |
Finite Element Analysis on Plastic Deformation Behaviors of Ti-3Al-2.5V Tubes under Axial Compression | T. Huang, M. Zhan, J.Q. Tan, J. Guo and H. Yang | 551 |
Numerical Study on the Comparison of Deformation Characteristics during the Fine Blanking Process of Spur Gears and Helical Gear | W.T. Xia, H.J. Mao, L. Hua and Y.X. Liu | 559 |