Relevance analysis considering the kinematic hardening in deep drawing processes of closed profiles
Funding period:
Start: 1. June 2018
Ende: 31. May 2020
Verlängerung: 30. November 2020
The aim of the research project is the analyzation of the relevance of the kinematic hardening in the numerical design of sheet metal forming operations with closed profiles. By using standardized tests, such as the uniaxial tensile test or the tension-compression test with extended evaluation, as well as an influence analysis of different tool geometries, the kinematic hardening is quantified on both the material and the workpiece side. With the creation of a stress based indicator for predicting the load directional material behavior, a parameter for the post-processing of the numerical simulation should be further developed to identify critical points in the computer aided component design.
This project is in cooperation with Chair of Forming Processes of TU Dresden.

Research groups
Relevance analysis considering the kinematic hardening in deep drawing processes of closed profiles
Hannover: Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e.V., 2021
ISBN: 978-3-86776-610-4 , , , , , :
Characterization of kinematic hardening with a hydraulic bulge test
18th International Conference on Metal Forming 2020
In: Procedia Manufacturing (ed.): Procedia Manufacturing, Special Issue 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.08.125 , , :